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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    I'm on my second day and think I'll try the turmeric and ginger... i get the ginger candies, they're great for stomach problems, didn't think about joint pain

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Judy, you might consider waiting to see if you do have any issues with anastrozole. Then you would know what caused the problem. Unless you want to take tumeric and ginger for other problems. Just a thought.


  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Peggy, I'm sorry... I was thinking later... just two days isn't long enough to know.. but I already have arthritis and knee pain, but want to ask dr. about it too

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Judy, no apology necessary. If ginger and tumeric can help your arthritis, why not? Anything that the eases the pain.


  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    For those wanting to try turmeric for the pain...I've been on it for 3 years now and can say it definitely worked for me! But I wanted to mention that you need to make sure you take a brand that has black pepper mixed in with it. It's what makes is work. My holistic doctor has me on the Gaia brand because he said it's made in NC and he's actually been to the place that makes it and says it's "cleanly produced". I buy mine off Amazon. There are other good brands out there as well, just be sure they have the pepper mixed in.

  • bjb01
    bjb01 Member Posts: 46

    lala1....I've had significant joint and muscle pain but the last thing I want is ANOTHER mediation to combat it. everything has a SE and those I DO NOT NEED :) But the turmeric thing intrigued me and was googling like everyone does. Happen to see this on WebMD. any thoughts from anyone with hormone positive ca? what have your doctors said about this?

    Hormone-sensitive condition such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids: Turmeric contains a chemical called curcumin, which might act like the hormone estrogen. In theory, turmeric might make hormone-sensitive conditions worse. However, some research shows that turmeric reduces the effects of estrogen in some hormone-sensitive cancer cells. Therefore, turmeric might have beneficial effects on hormone-sensitive conditions. Until more is known, use cautiously if you have a condition that might be made worse by exposure to hormones.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Bjb01, well, that article sure talked out of both sides of its "mouth." Since many of us have estrogen positive BC, what to do? You've obviously had good luck with tumeric - I'm happy for you. But geez. Why can't things be black and white?


  • bjb01
    bjb01 Member Posts: 46

    peggy, I'm the one asking about it. haven't tried and only found that article while researching. at the end of the day, they all speak a bit out of both sides. NO ONE wants to give the absolute answer in case the absolute doesn't happen. I continue to use vagifem. my gyno as well as his NP are supportive as it's non systemic. onc is on the fence (as I might expect) by and large the vast majority of what I've found on that has been favorable............

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    BJ, I misunderstood. Sorry about that. (It's very windy here in the NW and it must have blown my brains out Singing). Everything about BC is confusing.


  • Crazywabbit
    Crazywabbit Member Posts: 54


    I finished the2 years of zometa every 6 months last Spring. The study showed a 30+% reduction in bone mets at 10 years after 4 doses. Since I have pretty significant osteopenia and a terrible FH of osteoporosis in my mother. I am now doing Prolia which may also reduce the risk of bone mets. I never had any SE to the Zometa and none so far a month after my first Prolia. Amgen has a great patient assistance program where the first shot is free and the rest are $25. They cover up to $3,000 a year for cancer diagnosis (BC and Being on AIs). Only $1000 for regular osteoporosis. No income limits either

    Just started the generic arimidex. Hope limited SE like the aromasin.

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    bjb01---I've read pretty much everything I can find about turmeric. My MO was very hesitant about me using it so he said he did some extensive research as well and decided that it's ok for me to take even though I'm ER+. He was more concerned with me staying away from soy (he's ok with small amounts of soy milk or tofu periodically but not all the other stuff) and grapefruit. He was pretty impressed with how well it worked for me so he's now starting recommending it to others. All I can say is to run it by your doctor and see if he/she is ok with you taking it.

  • Crazywabbit
    Crazywabbit Member Posts: 54

    lala1. Why no grapefruit? Usually that is with statins and increased blood levels.

    I ran out of my curcumin and my back and joints started to really ache. Finally realized the connection and back on it much better.

  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    Crazywabbit---He said grapefruit interferes with the mechanics of Tamoxifen. I believe it applies to AIs as well. If you google it, you'll see lots of articles that talk about the interaction between grapefruit and hormone therapy and breast cancer.

    Glad to see you get relief with turmeric. I keep telling everyone how great it is but most of my friends just poo poo the idea of a natural supplement actually giving relief!

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Crazywabbit , I can't take grapefruit.. it interferes with blood pressure medication, I'm going to ask my MO about taking turmeric.. sounds like it works pretty well

  • jpBCfree
    jpBCfree Member Posts: 72

    thanks for info Crazywabbit....couple of follow up questions.

    you did 2 years (every 6 months, i.e. for total) INFUSIONS of Zometa? and the follow up Prolia, is that pill form or shots? How often? For how long?

    Also, curious why the switch to generic Arimidex from aromasin ?

    In case you missed earlier threads, seems like some of us have less SE with brand name Arimidex and they have direct to consumer price of $30/month. I sent them paper prescription for 90 days and got 3 months worth for $90..way cheaper than going through insurance and pharmacy...see my posting history where i provided links to the program via Eagle pharmacy..all legit. Also, some have stated generic Arimidex gave bad SE with the generic made by TEVA as seemingly the least SE. I have a full unused unopened 30 day supply of generic Arimidex made by Accord that is what my online pharmacy sent originally per my MO generic prescription but I have not taken it as heard some say that one seemed to give more SE. hopefully i'll never have to try it and stick with name brand purchased direct.

    thanks for Zometa info..i have moderate to severe osteopenia and one spot osteoporosis (who knew) so likely will do it b/c i'm 52 years young and need my bones to keep up with my young daughter! ;)

  • jpBCfree
    jpBCfree Member Posts: 72

    Suz-Q here is the link to the researcher who talked about Dr. V Craig Jordan at MD Anderson and his 'estrogen purge' theory (toward end of page) adding to traditional AI or SERM (tamoxifen) therapy. She has lots of links and much of it not recent but from my discussions with MD Anderson, looks like studies are ongoing so perhaps this will be an option for us in the coming years.

    Btw if y'all haven't ready the short book BREAST CANCER SURVIVAL MANUAL by Dr John Link I highly recommend as explains the disease and plan of action in easy to understand terms thereby enabling us to be better advocates for ourselves. For me, during these next 5 years of AI treatment, I plan to ask about studies and updates at every meeting and to continue to search online as it seems like now that AIs in use for a while (and SE are real and some permanent ) they are looking ways to improve/supplement the treatment. Also hoping research starts to focus on BC stem cells (those bloody dormant cells that may be hiding out in all our systems regardless of stage, nodes or treatments) beyond estrogen blockage. Someday they will figure it out how to find/kill them and then we will be able to breathe easy that BC cure means cure!

  • Brimton
    Brimton Member Posts: 4
    Hi everyone
    I am having a lot of hip and knee pain. I was on anastrozole now I'm on exemestane. I will try turmeric. Does any one have any suggestions to help? I take it at night and wake up from the pain. This seem worse that radiation as at least there was an end to the rads. If this pain goes on and on I'm afraid I will get very depressed. Suggestions please.Thank you!
  • Crazywabbit
    Crazywabbit Member Posts: 54

    jp, Yes total of 4 zometa infusions. The Prolia is a subcutaneous injection every 6 months for unknown duration. There, is now 10 years experience with Prolia continuing to increase bone density in osteoporosis and it counteracts the one loss by the AIs.

    I had to change AIs due to cost. My generic aromasin used to cost me $20 for 3 months and now it is $660 for 3 months. The anastozoel is $13 for 3 months. My knees are starting to ache more so I hope I don't need to go back. I will pay the higher cost if I have to but would prefer not to

  • jpBCfree
    jpBCfree Member Posts: 72

    crazywabbit thanks for info

    check out the arimidex direct site because they have the $30 per month program but also a program for fixed/limited income and/or no insurance people and the brand name Armidex meds are FREE. If there is a brand name aromasin maybe they have same program

  • 1957-2057
    1957-2057 Member Posts: 8

    While doing radiation I was in a trial for a topical to help with skin SE. It was curcumin, I wouldn't think they would use it on breast cancer patients if it could do harm.???

    Anyhow I did ask my MO & Surgeon and they both said it was ok, your DR may say different so check first. It did help me and since both are a spice I am going to continue. I did make sure that it was pure and not with anything else.

    I wouldn't want anyone to just take my advice, on this forum I think we all just write our problems and what helps. I have gotten so much from this forum.

    Good luck to all, enjoy this fall weather we are having.


  • lala1
    lala1 Member Posts: 974

    Just be sure your turmeric has the black pepper in it!

  • NurseMo1981
    NurseMo1981 Member Posts: 1

    Hi All,

    Could use some input; on Arimedex for almost 2 years: the hand pain is bad as well as carpal tunnel flare-ups but I'm willing to put up with them. What really scares me is the bone loss; although I'm middle of the road osteopenic I went to the dentist and they are noticing bone loss in my jaw. the dental assistant even said that if I continue for 10 years I could lose all my teeth! needless to say I'm freaked out! what has been your experiences?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,516

    Hi NurseMo-

    We want to welcome you to BCO! We hope you find the support and advice you need here. You might be interested in our forum on Bone Health and Bone Loss; some great info there, as well as input from other members on what worked for them:

    Hope this helps!

    The Mods

  • Crazywabbit
    Crazywabbit Member Posts: 54


    The AIs will cause bone loss without a doubt. It is important if you already have thinning of your bones to proactively get on something to protect them. Aks you MO about starting somethinb like Prolia it is FDA approved to reduce the bone loss from AIs and there is some info out there in studies that is may decrease the risk of bone mets The oral bisohosphantes like alendronate(fosamax) will decrease the bone loss but have not show the bone met prevention as well as the IV form like Reclast -Zometa or the Prolia does

    Have you had a DEXA, bone density test done. I think most MOs are getting baseline ones before starting on the AIs and following them if not actively treating the osteopenia/osteoporosis .

    If your MO is not proactive in treating your bones then I suggest you follow up with your primary care MD or see an endocrinologist or rheumatologist for your bones Do not wait until frank osteoporosis to occur

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948

    Hi Sophiee, I saw my MD on Monday. He was concerned about the drop in my white count because for the last 9 years it has been between 5.6 and 6.0. He said all the corresponding results were in the normal level but barely. His plan is to retest in one month and then he will make recommendation as to what to do. I am hoping like you it was just a fluke. I will know more in November.

  • Bliss58
    Bliss58 Member Posts: 938

    Hi all. Haven't been on the boards in almost a week! Saw my onc on 10/14 and she wants me to try Letrozole because of my worsening knee pain, so we'll see how that goes. One thing I did note when I got the med is that it's made by TEVA and the cash price is twice as much as the Anastrozole I was taking, so maybe it's better? The Anastrozole I was taking was made by ZyGenerics. I also take turmeric and my onc never said I shouldn't; her nurse said, "good!" So, I guess it's okay. When I started Zometa, my onc did say that she has seen it help bone mets, too. My DEXA scan was normal. I take calcium with Vitamin D, but I get lots of calcium from food, too. Now I'll check out the Femara/Letrozole thread, but I may be back! Hugs to all.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    BJSMiller, I think the cost difference between the anastrozole and letrozole is just that - between different medications, not the generic manufacturers. Anastrozole is often given first because it is usually the least expensive. Many of us find that the fillers Teva uses are more "user-friendly" than other generic manufacturers. Good luck with the letrozole!


  • Sophiee
    Sophiee Member Posts: 10

    Brutersmom my fingers are crossed for you...let me know. I am having my dog ears removed tomorrow, I'm nervous! I hate going under!

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    I am lucky (knock wood)--the anastrozole (TEVA generic from CVS) isn't giving me difficult side effects. Maybe a month in now.

  • Megansgrandma
    Megansgrandma Member Posts: 29

    Sophiee, praying you have an easy surgery. I hate going under also..I get so nauseous no matter what they give me. Was there no problem getting insurance to pay for your procedure? I would love to have that done, but I hate the thought of another surgery of any kind.

    Reflect, glad you are doing well on the teva brand. I switched to teva a few months ago and can tell a big difference in side effects.

    God bless...