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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • celand
    celand Member Posts: 223

    Tappermom383, No, the gyn did not suggest a D&C - I have known of others who have had this procedure though. The only thing that she said to me was that if post-menopausal bleeding continues she recommends a hysterectomy - she is a young doctor and I sense that she doesn't know what else to do!

    My gut instinct is that I will give my body a couple of months to see what happens - if I continue to have episodes of very heavy bleeding, then I will need a 2nd opinion to discuss the surgery.

    Thank you for your insight.


  • celand
    celand Member Posts: 223

    Coach Vicky,

    My MO was speaking to me in an irritated tone and like I was a child - and then, my regular appointment was changed from late June to late July (including blood work) - I am wondering if insurance allows a certain amount of visits. Guess since I caused trouble he doesn't want to see me for two months!

    I only remember one time that a doctor treated me like this when I was in my early 20's and no, I never went back to him.

    I didn't realize that doctors acted like this toward patients especially when I was Simply letting him know of my bleeding episode to determine if the medication that I was on had caused it - of course he said that it didn't!

    Well, hopefully things will get better for me with the new medication.

    Thanks to all for your insight.


  • celand
    celand Member Posts: 223

    Molly50, I know it is a major surgery, that is why I am asking a lot of questions and want to be sure that it is really needed before agreeing to it. I think that doctors are too quick to jump to conclusions about patients need surgery. Celand

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    Celand, I think many doctors just jump right to hysterectomy instead of exploring alternative options. If post menopausal bleeding continues theh should be considering uterine biopsy first.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    Celand, bleeding is a possible SE. ARIMIDEX SE'S

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    Call your insurance and see if they limit time / visits. I called mine when I was not scheduled for 12 weeks to see my Oncologist but was scheduled for treatments every 21 days. I found out that was just the way he scheduled and my Case Manager was "concerned" I would go that long and not see him. Got that changed!

    BTW, when I researched the SEs of Arimidex and realized my periods could restart I scheduled a robotic hysterectomy. I had already talked to my GYN about it before my cancer diagnosis to stop pelvic pain. I just knew if I had just one SE, it would be a period. My GYN said to me and my husband, "if you were my wife, I'd have everything removed." I have been with this GYN for a decade and I trust him. My situation / relationship was different from yours.

    Coach Vicky

  • celand
    celand Member Posts: 223

    Molly50, yes, uterine biopsy was done about 3 months ago - it was negative for cancer. I just want to be sure that this is what needs to be done before consenting to having it done. Celand

  • celand
    celand Member Posts: 223

    Coach Vicky,

    Having the surgery done is what I am leaning toward - the more I research, the more that it makes me feel that this may be the best option for me. I don't want to worry about excessive bleeding and additional reproductive cancers. Celand

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    Each of us must make our own decisions. For me and like you, I know the cancer can not attack my reproductive organs because of my choice to have the robotic hysterectomy. That night in the hospital I had no pelvic pain. I felt in power with this decision at a time when so much was outside of my control.

    I wish for you the best in your decision.

    Coach Vicky

  • Gogirl007
    Gogirl007 Member Posts: 2

    Does anyone have sudden severe knee pain while using anastrozole? I can't take NSAIDS and no therapy has relived the pain. Walking and getting up from sitting position are becoming debilitating. Saw ortho doctor and have physical therapy with no relieve.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    Gogirl - I use Boiron Arnicare Gel or Cream and Arnicare pellets for pains - Homeopathic remedies that seem to work for me as I do not like taking NSAIDs.

  • Gogirl007
    Gogirl007 Member Posts: 2

    I have been on anastrozole for 2 years and 4 months. Started to have knee pain suddenly after being on it for four months. Have arthritis in both knees but it had never had caused pain. Saw several doctors to evaluate knee pain. All said arthritis should not be causing this debillitating pain. Can't take NSAIDS so have nothing for pain. Have stopped anastrozole and will wait to see if pain improves. Anyone else have severe knee pain. Did not associate knee pain with anastrozole until a new doctor mentioned it.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    been on it over 4 years. The first week of April developed pain in my foot. At the joint. Went from cane to walker with a pretty bad fall. MO says it's not arimadex. I don't believe that. Podiatrist doesn't think so either. Am currently in a walking boot. Pain is slowly getting better, I'm not taking the stuff again. It's sent me into osteoporosis too.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771 sorry you are suffering. Joint pain is one of the most common SE of aromatase inhibitors. How 2 docs can dispute that is astonishing! It's your body. Do what you think is best. Don't understand how QOL doesn't seem to matter. Good luck and keep us posted.

  • glowgene
    glowgene Member Posts: 23

    I want to share all my doctors with everyone on this thread. For all the problems I've had with the AIs, my MO and RO never questioned me or the cause. I'm so sorry for everyone who has to deal with physicians who aren't taking their patients seriously, or considering the widely-accepted side effects of the medications they prescribe. You all deserve better.

  • glowgene
    glowgene Member Posts: 23

    I want to share all my doctors with everyone on this thread. For all the problems I've had with the AIs, my MO and RO never questioned me or the cause. I'm so sorry for everyone who has to deal with physicians who aren't taking their patients seriously, or considering the widely-accepted side effects of the medications they prescribe. You all deserve better.

  • celand
    celand Member Posts: 223

    Update - I was going over my blood testing results that were used to determine my menopausal status, well, my Leut Hormone level tested at 51.3 mIU/ML (post menopausal range level = 14.2 - 52.3 IU/L), my FSH-LC level tested at 49.2 mlU/mL (post menopausal range level = 25.8 - 134.8) and my Estradiol level tested at 36.3 pg/mL (ranges pre-menopausal 30 -400 pg/mL and post-menopausal 0 - 30 pg/mL).

    So, if I am interpreting this correctly, I am not quite post-menopausal (but I am almost there). And I also have not gone one full year with no period (clinical definition).

    At my last MO appointment, he told me that I was definitely post-menopausal according to these levels!

    I do not agree with him now that I have looked over my test results. I am glad that I am switching to Tamoxifen - I will stand my ground and not switch back to Aromatase Inhibitor until I meet that clinical definition of menopause, which hopefully won't be too long. (Hopefully, I can tolerate taking Tamoxifen)


  • jls_1964
    jls_1964 Member Posts: 2

    So agree with your post. Thank you for your honesty and for being "straight forward". I too have chosen to go off my medication (Anastrozole) due to the many side-effects. I am a few months short of 5 years. I've had extensive thinning of my hair in the past couple of weeks which was the last straw. Trying to deal with the emotional and physical aftermath....

  • jls_1964
    jls_1964 Member Posts: 2

    Eraseandrewind: So agree with your post. Thank you for your honesty and for being "straight forward". I too have chosen to go off my medication (Anastrozole) due to the many side-effects. I am a few months short of 5 years. I've had extensive thinning of my hair in the past couple of weeks which was the last straw. Trying to deal with the emotional and physical aftermath....

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,514

    jls_1964 - Welcome to and thank you for posting! This is a great place to come for information and support, so we hope you're able to find what you're looking for. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us via the private message function if you have questions for us.

    Best wishes,

    From the Mods

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Celand...go with your gut. Most MOs know very little about female hormones. Maybe you can get a second opinion from either a gyn or endocrinologist. Good luck and keep us posted.

  • celand
    celand Member Posts: 223


    That is what I am thinking - a definite wake-up call to me - I do know my body best, and MO during my unscheduled appointment, did say that this was not his area of expertise, which would be correct - he said that AFTER he told me what I had was not a period!

    A second opinion from another gyn or endocrinologist would be the best move for me to make.

    Goes to show me that that patient definitely must look out for themselves (reminds me of my days when advocating for our child in the school system who needed special ed services only this pertains to medical - it's a jungle).

    Just thankful that I no longer taking what I feel is not the correct medication (although Tamoxifen does have a long list of side effects).


  • Germangirl16
    Germangirl16 Member Posts: 18

    Started arimidex in January. Already had aches and pains, including a total knee replacement in 2015. Made up my mind I would continue all my exercise and not give in to arimidex se's. Well, about 2 weeks ago I felt like I hit a wall. Pain in foot, knees, hips, and back became intolerable. Saw MO today and am on 3 week vacation from arimidex to see if pain level changes. How long did it take for you to see any improvement?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    has been almost 2 months for the pain in my ankle to settle down. Not using cane or walker now, only boot from podiatrist.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771

    Celand...I honestly think it's unethical for a doctor to prescribe a powerful anti hormone drug when they know so little about female hormones. IMO they should either bone up on it or refer us to gyn or endocrinologist!

    Germangirl16...I don't want to discourage anyone however I do think it's important to know that joint issues can be permanent. I sincerely hope yours are not! I just think we should all make informed decisions about our treatment plan. Good luck to all navigating this complicated disease.

  • margochanning
    margochanning Member Posts: 70

    Greetings all, I just returned from my semi-annual dental check up and learned that I apparently experienced periodontal bone loss while on Anastrazole 2 years ago. My gums and bone have since recovered, and since nothing else changed I have to attribute it to changing back to Letrozole just over a year ago. My dentist said she can think of no other explanation, particularly since this is more likely to be progressive with (a) poor hygiene and/or (b) aging. My hygiene is the same (daily flossing) and of course, I'm not getting younger. During the time I was on Anastrazole I also developed Episcleritis in both eyes. I don't think this is a coincidence.

    I will be glad when I am done with AI's at the end of this year, even with Letrozole.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771 sorry you are having dental issues on aromatase inhibitors. However I do think it's important to know that the bone loss that can happen on them do have the potential to cause serious dental issues. Just another thing to look out for.

  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    dtad, which AI are you taking? It is not listed in your diagnostic area. I like to pop over to see how others are doing on ai's. I am on Tamoxifen, but was going to be put on ai's prior to be diagnosed with some osteopenia in my hips. Tamoxifen has been good to me, but I want to learn as much as possible about other meds in case I ever need them. Shocked

  • puppymama09
    puppymama09 Member Posts: 5

    I have a question, I was on Tamoxifen for 2 years had a few side effects - hot flashes, weight gain. They switched me to Arimidex last August, not much changed as far as side effects. However since January I have gotten 4 colds and now a virus with fever and body ache. I have never gotten sick this often. Has anyone else had problems with low immune system from Arimidex. Thanks, I haven't used this forum in a long time, bringing back a lot of memories. I'm so thankful for this resource

  • luzeelu
    luzeelu Member Posts: 83

    Hi all,

    Any advice for someone about to switch from letrozole to anastrozole? I've been taking letrozole for just over a year and have experienced fatigue and aches and pains daily. I attribute at least some of the aches & pains to aging (I'm 67). My MO has suggested that I try switching to anastrozole to see if that makes a difference. She said her patients seem to have fewer or more manageable SEs from it. Of course, she's the one who prescribed letrozole in the first place!

    So I don't know what to expect! I have about 2 more weeks' worth of letrozole to finish up first.

    Thanks for any advice!