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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • smwusaf
    smwusaf Member Posts: 79

    MamaOz, I have osteopenia too. I need to ask my MO about Boniva. I haven't started the Arimidex yet (still finishing up radiation) but I'm definitely going to ask about that. Bone loss is a big worry of mine.

    The other big worry I have is vaginal dryness. I just started using a topical cream from my regular dr but my MO said I can't anymore. I feels like a silly thing to worry about but damnit I like sex..... so does my hubby. :) I need to investigate other lubricants I guess, I just wasn't thinking this would be something i had to worry about at 53. :( I actually was in tears when the MO mentioned it during our initial visit. I'm sure the whole discussion was awkward for my daughter who went to the appointment with me and hubby. lol

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863

    I am hitting my two year mark on Arimidex - brand via the mail program - and my TSH (thyroid) and AST (liver enzyme) blood levels are getting this just a side effect of the years of arimidex? Will it go away when I stop? or do folks add another pill or two to balance out the SE of the Arimidex??? Just had an ultrasound and there isn't something "wrong" with these body parts...


  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    Oh my gosh, Snickersmom, I thought it was just me....I've actually lost weight being busy over the holidays, I thought, but my stomach area looks huge. My legs are thinner though. Even my husband noticed when I wore leggings to yoga the other day. Smile

    dtad: I have read about d Mannose, but I also read it can wreak havoc if you have IBS, which I do, so I didn't want to even try that.

    smwusaf: I am having real issues with the vaginal dryness and apparently urethral dryness as well. I tried Replens, but I felt a burning with that. PremenoDuo has been recommended by other ladies on another BC board here. It's costly and comes from Germany, but they say they got the best relief using it. Replens has glycerin in it, which can promote yeast growth, so I'm hesitant to even try that again as I've been prone to yeast infections in the past.

    The Arimidex caused me so much muscle pain that the MO switched me to Aromasin, but now I'm having just as much muscle pain, just in different areas. And the mucous membrane dryness has increased A TON.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    I recommend you see a good endocrinologist about your thyroid. TSH is only one indicator of a thyroid problem. A good endocrinologist will test your T3 and T4. Those scores will be a better indicator of a problem, if you have one.

    I take Armor thyroid and have for many years. However, after starting Arimidex my primary care physician carefully studied my TSH, T3, and T4 for every month for about five months. I started gaining weight and feeling fatigued. He reduced my daily dosage and the weight got under control and the fatigue diminished.

    Coach Vicky

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239


    I used to use an estrogen cream for vaginal dryness and all above issues including frquent uti

    But stopped once dx last year

    I currently have done 2 mona lisa treatments which is definately helpingta vginal laertreatment which was originally developed to help cancer patients like us

    I have noticed a difference

    Ask your obgyn

  • smwusaf
    smwusaf Member Posts: 79

    Thanks, I've never heard of a mona lisa treatment but I'm going to check into it.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318

    Mona Lisa is expensive and not a permanent fix. I can buy a whole lot of vaginal moisturizers for what the ML treatments cost!

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    my ins covered it as I had met my deductible for the year but I have noticed a difference

  • smwusaf
    smwusaf Member Posts: 79

    Thanks for the info, I'll have to see if insurance will help or not.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863

    So do your MO and endicrinologist talk, does the MO take the lead?

    Dealing with a variety of docs for my 82 y.o. mother...they all only claim one or two drugs and dismiss any interconnectivity. I believe this may be connected directly to the Arimidex and the hormone issues...

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    My Primary Care navigates between the other doctors.

    Recommend that for your Mother. Otherwise, it is a pis***g contest between the specialist. Hope that is not too graphic.

    Coach Vicky

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863

    Not too graphic...just truly real.

    I see my PCP next week, she order the TSH as part of my general blood work. I see my MO the week after. Will see where this goes. Dx at 54, now 56...have a long way to go, I hope, so want to stay as healthy as I can. Best, TT

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038

    Lol Vicky! “Ain't" that the truth!

    My PCP orders blood work including thyroid TSH and T4. I had a large benign nodule removedseveral years ago. I started with synthroid and now on levothyroxin with no problems.

    Love and strength to all

  • jkl2017
    jkl2017 Member Posts: 279

    Just curious - did anyone now taking Anastrozole have arthritis prior to your BC? If so, is your joint pain worse now that you're on the AI? My MO insists that AI-related joint pain occurs first thing in the morning & improves as soon as you move around a bit. Is that your experience? (It is definitely not mine!) Also, does anything relieve your pain? I've tried NSAIDs, Claritin, Tylenol, & pretty much every pain reliever on the market with no real success. Exercise helps, but it's never a complete fix.

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336

    I just turned 48. 47 at DX. Mild arthritis to begin with. Claritin along w anti-inflammatory diet help a lot for me. Stopped Meloxicam cold turkey a few wks ago. No tylenol no painkillers. Yes I alternate Epsom Salt bath and flexitouch pump. Like my essential oil diffuser.

  • kae_md99
    kae_md99 Member Posts: 394

    castigame, what is flexitouch pump?

  • klvans
    klvans Member Posts: 199

    Does anyone who is ER-/PR-/HR2+ take hormone inhibitors?

  • thereisnodespair
    thereisnodespair Member Posts: 98

    Wondering if posters on this thread are aware of up and coming proposed changes to BC.Org site. Here's a link if you want to inform yourself.

    Are You Aware of/Concerned about proposed BCO thread changes?

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    I have been on Arimidex for 6 years, I now have osteoporosis in low back. My MO does not want me to take Arimidex anymore unless I do Reclast. I am in my 40s I’m worried about dental work and such, so I refused. She put me on evista saying it’s a 2 in 1 deal and would be best. I’m a bit worried about SE on this and thinking if I do Prolia shots and go back to the A1? Please.. any thoughts/experience

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336

    Kae md 99,

    Flexitouch pump is a lymphedema massage machine made by Tactile systems. I would like to clarify that I have no direct or indirect interest. 

    It is better than manual lymph drainage.  I had 19 nodes removed btw.  I love it.    

  • MarieBernice6234
    MarieBernice6234 Member Posts: 125

    I had been taking Evista and then I met with my new oncologist today. She took over from the previous one who moved out of state, In any event, due to my age being 55 now and my recent blood test indicating that I am post-menopausal, she wans to put me on an Aromatase inhibitor. The one she has picked is Arimidex. She says that I can continue taking the two of them for this month, until my next refill (of Evista). Then I can stop the Evista and jus stick with the Arimidex. I have heard that there can be some unpleasant side affects to his medication? She says that the side affects will show themselves almost immediately if there are going to be any. Can anyone elucidate on this? I haven't picked up themedication yet,probably will tomorrow.


  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984


    You must watch your manufacturer of the Arimidex. TEVA seems to be a good one. I, however, did not tolerate any of the two generics I tried and ended up with the brand name. I have very few side effects. Some swelling and hand pain. My hair has thinned. That is about it.

    There is a forum for users doing well. Please join it.

    Best wishes,

    Coach Vicky

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038


    I agree with Vicky. I've been taking name brand Arimidex since May. I skipped trying the genetics. I have some aches and pains and fortunately my SEs are manageable. I also take Prolia injections for osteoporosis every 6 mos. my MO also told me that SEs would show up pretty quickly IF I was going to get them. No hair thinning for me. Best wishes and gentle hugs

  • B123
    B123 Member Posts: 239

    Marie Bernice, why did she tell you to take both? Doesn’t it counteract each other? Why is she changing you over to arimidex

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336

    I am just chiming in..  

    when I  was told that I should take AI, I knew it was expensive and thanks to my sisters here  I knew it was going to be Arimidex.. I  really was going to sacrifice other stuff in my life to pay for the meds.. Now I am only paying $1 per pill which is no brainer..  It could be conspiracy by big pharma  but I am not taking any chances. To my pleasant surprise, I have very little side effects.. no hot flash no brain fog no mood swing no significant weight gain (lost 25 plus during chemo gained back about 15 and been steady since last fall. And I  eat)  light joint pain but nothing major btw it correlates w weather changes..  and the best part is AI makes me to be diet and exercise minded..   I am very curious to hear from my MO in 3 wks when I go for  6 mo check up.   I still hate AI because it reminds me daily of the bleeping disease I had..   Right now I plan to stick it out at least 7 yrs..  

  • castigame
    castigame Member Posts: 336

    I was min 90% ER positive.. read here so much about hormonal blockers..    I downloaded Arimidex direct info as well as Femara co pay card as a back up when I went to see my MO to get AI script..  I am crazy....

  • MarieBernice6234
    MarieBernice6234 Member Posts: 125

    Hi Butterfly - I am not sure what the brand name of his Arimidex is unttil I get it from the pharmacy, but I will bear that in mind. So far I don't have any osteoporosis- just osteopenia which is stable, I had a recent bone density test. I will have to post how I do with it once I start.

  • MarieBernice6234
    MarieBernice6234 Member Posts: 125

    Hi B123 -

    I see that you are from Mass as well - whereabouts? She chose the idea of using both so I would not have to waste the refill I had just gotten filled. She thought that for one month, it would be okay. That way there, if I couldn't tolerate the Arimidex, I would still have the Evista in my system.She doesn't mean for me to continually take the two together. I will let you know how it goes.

  • MarieBernice6234
    MarieBernice6234 Member Posts: 125


    I hope that I do as well with it as you appear to be doing. I never really gained any weight with either the Tamoxifen and Evista so I am lucky that .way. I will let you know how I do as it goes on.