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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Taco, It looks like I'll be stopping at 5 years too though if my MO thought it was worthwhile, I'd stay on longer. I started with osteopenia and still have it. No change and I take fosamax.

    Until this fall, I'd been using Teva but, as everyone has said, it disappeared. I used Apotex (Sweden?)) and that was fine. Last batch was Accord. My most refill is Apotex. I should have only one more refill before I stop in October.

    I've had thinning hair (happening before BC). I take claritin too. No calcium - it does not agree with me.

    I also made no lifestyle changes.

    I turn 74 in July and my MO said that with my dx, age etc he thinks 5 years is more than enough. I trust him.

    It is hard figuring out what is best, isn't it?


  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Peggy - I think mine would like me to do 5 but hasn't really pushed it yet. I know my journey has been much easier than many and I am so grateful for a good tech and RO who found my tumor very early. I would certainly like to stay cancer free but dementia runs in my family and I don't want to die like my mother did either. I appreciate that the choices we seniors make in terms of QOF may be different from those of our juniors.

    If I may ask, is it Peggy for Margaret? I go by Marge but my grandmother Margaret was "Maggie".

    Happy Holiday weekend everyone.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Taco, yup. I'm a Margaret. I feel lucky too to have had so few SEs and having my BC found early. I'm sure we seniors have a different perspective than someone 20 or 30 years younger. It must be rather scary having your mother have dementia. Definitely changes how you make your treatment choices. QOL is definitely high on my priorities.


  • Grammy4
    Grammy4 Member Posts: 22

    Hi All, thanks for your posts.

    I've been taking anastrazole and at about 2.5 years I started to experience leg and foot pain on both sides. Anyone else have a delay side effect like this and/or experience the muscle pain?


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    Hi all, Grammy4 I have had an increase in foot and hand pain, fatigue and insomnia but I think its been more so since I had to switch from Teva brand to Accord. I have 8 months to go on the 5 year plan and it's been relatively ok. My onc. Thinks 5 years is enough for me. Bloodwork (that my Rheumatologist does for an autoimmune condition) shows no other problems that would contribute. So I will uncomfortably stay the course. My understanding is side effects can crop up anytime. Good luck to you!

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    for those of you who changed to Teva for your meds, did you have any changes in your bone density? In 18 months of all 3 AIs I have lost over 10%of my bone mass and many other SEs. Trying to determine to try Tamoxifen or will Teva brand slow my rate of bone loss

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    2Fun- I don't think the brand has an effect on bone loss, Anastrozole as a whole does. The difference in brands are the buffers used and how we react to them.

    That being said, I could be wrong! I go next Friday for my bone density test. I'll try to remember to post the outcome. Last one in May 2017 showed normal bone loss associated with age; it was prior to my BC dx.

    I was on Teva for about 1 yr, now taking Accord brand.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789


    I am seriously thinking of nothing or Tamoxifen..................................................................................................................

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245

    2 fun, six months of AIs with two month of fosamax and I too experienced 10 percent bone loss in my spine!

    My MO says it was not typical, she hadn't even wanted to retest me, so I too am off the drugs. Don't know where I would have been after another year or so. I feel so much better and at least my bones aren't getting worse!

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    hi cyndi

    I havent heard of those issues. But please keep us posted!

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    bennybear, are you taking any hormonal treatment now? Tamoxifen, prolia?

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    I’m going to start Anastrozole on June 16. Very nervous about it, I am confused about whether it is as effective or will have worse SE’s than Arimidex. Without having tried either I believe I would feel safer with Arimidex- the brand. The Anastrozole I have is Teva. I will see MO in July. Can I ask him to switch me to Arimidex? Can my pharmacist do it since she already has the Anastrozole prescription? Sorry I’m so confused

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    PS. I know there is a cost difference and I know about Eagle Pharmacy.. But am more concerned about different SE’s than cost.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    My MO started me on Anastrozole, and said that he hadn't seen a way to predict which AI was tolerated better, and that the brand name hadn’t been shown to be easier to tolerate than the generics, and that most of his patients did fine on this one. I’m away from home for a few days, and can look up the brand when I get home. We can switch if we need to, he said. He guided me to hang tight for 6 months, saying that there was an “adjustment period" for our bodies. I absolutely feel more comfortable as time passes. Exercising keeps the stiffness minimal. Hot flashes are more like warm moments. Nothing terrible, and I haven't had a reason to switch.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Keywestfan, I always am baffled by people who are terrified of taking an AI to prevent their BC from returning. Not everyone has SEs. Please remember that. I haven't had. Thinning hair? Yup. But that was happening before BC. Creaky joints? Yup again, but also before BC. I'm 73.

    I'm not saying people don't have bad SEs because I know they do, but why not see what happens? Remember why you are taking it. If SEs come up, see what can be done to mitigate them. Sometimes it doesn't take much. One thing that we know is likely to happen is the effect on our bones. Make sure you are taking Fosamax, prolia or something similar to protect the bones. My dexascans have stayed the same for the 4-1/2 years I've been on anastrozole. I had slight osteopenia when I started and still do.

    If you can get Teva anastrozole, good. That's what I used for 4 years then it became unavailable. I've had Apotex and Accord's versions since and have had no issues with the fillers (which was my worry since I have loads of allergies). Go to Arimidex if the fillers in the generic are a problem otherwise, generic works just fine.

    I will be through with my 5 years in October and my MO has told me that that is enough for my DX. I would stay on longer if he thought it necessary.

    Take one day at a time. Don't anticipate problems - they may never arise and I hope they don't. Keep the goal in mind - preventing BC from returning.


  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    hi keywestfan

    I take arimidex, i get from eagle pharmacy

    Yes some joint pain but once your moving about it alleviates. Occasionally I feel foggy but not bad my main concern is the silent bone deterioration Im bordering on osteoporosis in some areas. And will not take the bisfosfomates etc and one has no idea as we can only scan every 2 yesrs The other SE are tolerable its that unknown bone thing that worries me ive benn taking 19 mo now.

    Ps Im in Islamorada

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    MamaOz, I've read that the bisphosphonates like Fosamax can prevent bone mets. I've had no trouble taking it. And it would seem it is doing what it is supposed to do. I assume I will stop taking it when I stop the anastrozole in October. But I'm checking with my MO on Wednesday. Friends have had good luck with Prolia when Fosamax wasn't an option. Lots to consider when choosing a bone protector :(


  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    I had a DEXAScan before starting my AI, and I was shown to have osteopenia. Therefore, I’m also on a bisphosphonate: Zometa. As PontiacPeggy notes, it does protect against bone metastases as well as strengthening bones. I get it in an infusion every 6 months, and I’m sleepy and have to nap the day after, but that’s it, no other side effects. I will have regular DEXAScans to watch how mybones are doing. Being on an AI is very important for reducing my recurrence risk, and I’m doing fine on mine, so I’m glad to be on it.

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245

    2 fun, just fosamax. Awaiting appointment with endocrinologist re the bone loss. The bone loss was the dealbreaker for me. I was willing to tough out the hot flashes, joint pain, hair loss but I cannot continue these drugs after losing 10% of my spine even while taking Fosamax after being stable for years. The silver lining is I feel way better. But each situation it is different, just know your risks vs benefits. For me 2 % increase in life expectancy doesn’t compensate for that much bone loss.

    I am very glad we didn’t wait two years to scan, or who knows where I would have been. I was told because of the AIs and the fosamax they could Scan earlier. So glad we did.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    Thank you HikingLady, PontiacPeggy and MamaOz,

    I was a wreck before radiation too, imagining everything awful. It’s my anxiety gene. I usually take brand names instead of generics, and, for some reason, didn’t realize arimidex was the brand and anastrozole the generic. So I will start anastrozole in middle of June and, when I see MO in July will ask for prescription for Arimidex, just for more peace for my crazy mind. You’d think, at 85, I would have learned how to relax more. PontiacPeggy you have reassured me and helped me to look on a brighter side. I have a normal Dexa Scan, so how often should bone density be checked when on an AI

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    KeyWestFan, Every 2 years plus the baseline one before I started AIs. Do give anastrozole a try. And ask about what you should do to protect your bones. Every patient is different on this. It is really tricky to figure out the right thing it seems. You shouldn't have trouble with hot flashes (I didn't, but then I hadn't had them first time around either). At least I hope not. Good luck. Glad you're so savvy and on here at 85! That's terrific. That glass is half full!!


  • Suzyshacklechick
    Suzyshacklechick Member Posts: 27

    I am on month 4 of Arimidex. I am soo tired. I take naps everyday, and now my left hip hurts and I am limping. My bone density was fine when I started. It almost feels like it is in the muscles. But I am soo tired. Is this normal? Thanks

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    PontiacPeg is right - what bothers one of us as an SE, might never show up with someone else.

    I have a friend who was starting Anastrozole, she wanted to know my SE. I told her I'd rather not plant my symptoms in her head. The old - trouble will find you, you don't have to go looking for it. We haven't spoken in over a month and I'm hoping when we do catch up she's SE free.

    KeyWestFan - best wishes to you on this AI journey.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    Thank you PontiacPeggy.I will ask about protecting my bones. In January when I found the lump, I immediately ripped off my hormone patch( I know) and did have hot flashes for several weeks. I had had cervical cancer and a radical hysterectomy and surgical menopause at 35. And the hot flashes then were so terrible. Think I still have some PTSD. Will try the Anastrozole, but still leaning to see how I can get Arimidex. And thank you, CindyNY .

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    thank you Peggy

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    key west

    85! You look fabulous!! If I didnt mention before you can get the arimidex( real deal) by astra zeneka from Eagle pharmacy in lakeland florida they do mail order and your Onc can send them a script. I usually get 3 mo at a time which is $90. They only charge a dollar a pill

    Thru my insurance it would be several hundred for 30 days!

  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    hi guys scardy cat here. I tried boniva But started to get pains in my jaw which freaked me out so I stopped

    Im due for another scan thus year I think. So Onc will reassess

    Glad its working for you gals

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    On AI since April 2017. Was able to obtain TEVA up until April 2019. No longer available, apparently. Some SEs, but not too troublesome. Now on Apotex. I take mine before bed. Hot flashes stronger and happen during the day, which was not an issue with TEVA. May talk to MO about name brand through Eagle Pharmacy. Will be retiring on 10/1/19, & going on Medicare. Thinking the $1 per pill through Eagle could be the most economical. DEXA done in Nov 2016 prior to BC diagnosis in Dec 2016 & DEXA done 2 yrs after in 2018 indicated no major changes.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    My MO gave me a GIANT packet of stuff to read re: fosamax, prolia, etc. The side effects from them look nasty! Anyone have/not have SE from those bone building meds?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    2Fun, I've been on Fosamax for nearly 5 years. I've had no issues with it other than the annoyance of not being able to eat for a half hour after taking it. I don't know if my MO will want me to continue it after I discontinue anastrozole in October. I'll find out Wednesday. Figuring out the bone-preserving med is one of the tricky things!
