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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,292

    Bella2013- I'm jealous! I already take a ton of supplements, work out a minimum of 3 days, max 5 days; 45-60 minutes of full out kick butt weight bearing exercises. Osteopenia in left hip.

    I'm doing my research now on what drugs are available for treatment so I don't go in to MO appointment winging it. I do take Omeprazole for reflux, so I think it eliminates some of them. Not looking forward to the appointment.

    I'm glad you had improvements, and I'm still jealous. HUGS

  • Rosanne7
    Rosanne7 Member Posts: 25

    Hello Ladies (as in "Charlies Angels" remake):

    Any ideas/advice as to natural/easy-to-digest brand magnesium supplement -- as well as Calcium/Vit D3?

    Previously, relied on "Dyno-Mins" (Nature's Plus brand) magnesium tabs/ recommended by hospital nutritionist.

    Recently however, no luck w/ ordering @ pharmacy. Tried MegaFood brand magnesium (VitaminShoppe) -- it's OK, but rough on GI system. Magnesium content is also much lower than Dyno-Mins (12 % DV vs. 63% DV).

    Re. "Citracal Max Plus" (calcium + Vit D3/minerals) -- I am tolerating only 1/2 tab, every other day. Full daily dose of Citracal = 2 horse pills)... so, supplementing w/ One-A-Day Multi-Vitamin 3x/week.

    Started Anastrozole May 1st. Side effects are the usual suspects... don't like "old-ladyitis".... but thankful to have a treatment option that (hope) will push back future recurrences !!

    Have a great day & weekend, All !!!


  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    Hi Roseanne, I use Natural Calm powdered magnesium in my tea every morning. I don’t swallow pills well so it works for me. I also buy chewable vitamin D for the same reason. I am not on a calcium supplement but I try to eat a yogurt every day and drink a glass of milk, both from almonds as I am lactose intolerant.
  • ItsHandled444
    ItsHandled444 Member Posts: 41

    Zupozi99, Just picked up my presciption and it is also 1mg. Oncologist said to start in 2-3 weeks a few weeks ago, I keep looking at the bottle and know I need to start in a few days.....

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Itshandled—pick a day to start, and you might consider starting every other day for a few weeks. Lots of us on the Nov/Dec/Jan thread did and seem to have done pretty well with SEs. I started every other day November 11th (Veterans Day!) and daily on December 1st—just easy to remember. (BTW—I had finished rads October 4th. Maybe you want to pick July 1st? It’s even a Monday!)

  • Rosanne7
    Rosanne7 Member Posts: 25

    Peregrinela, Lots of good ideas (here's to "modifications"! & thinking outside the box :) ) Thank you -- Roseanne

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    Trembling with fear am beginning anastrozole today. MO said every other day for a month. Then, I’ll start every day on July 13, my son’s -gasp- 59th birthday. Have read so much and, of course, am terrified of SE’s at 85, Is there any consensus on when is the best time to take this fearsome,hopefully helpful, little pill- morning, night, afternoon?§

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Keywestfan, Take a deep breath. You don't know that you will have SEs. Try to remember why you are going to take it. Think positive! It can help.

    I take mine in the morning. Before I started taking it someone said it kept them awake. I didn't want that so take it in the morning. However, I don't find it keeps me awake at any time!

    Good luck and remember you are trying to prevent a recurrence!


  • Haliday
    Haliday Member Posts: 28

    Finishing rads on Tuesday. I like the idea of starting July 1. After whatever aftereffects radiation has in store. Every other day for a month. Paying attention to my body. Then daily. . .with fingers crossed for tolerable SEs. Since i quit birth control in 2004, haven't taken a drug daily. . .i think have a plan. For the next 10 years, with any luck.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    keywestfan I was scared, too. Ridiculously fearful of the tiny white pill. I'm doing fine. Yes, think positive, as PontiacPeggy says, and for lots of us, it's just fine. I take mine in the morning. That's when I take other things that are daily, so it's easy for me to remember.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    Bella - great news!

    I think probably it is harder to get into a routine when you aren't on any other daily medication. I take mine first thing in the morning with my thyroid pill and started on a full dose right away. Hit the two year mark on my 73 birthday last month.

    Keywestfan, I think you are amazing to even be starting this AI journey. Don't get ahead of yourself. Just take it. Give it a few months and if you aren't happy with the SE's, ask to switch. I was much less "bitchy" when I switched from arimidex to femora at 7 months.

  • giggs
    giggs Member Posts: 19

    Hi Everyone! I'm new to this board and so happy I found this topic. I was another another topic, and some of the women suggested this thread. I'm finishing radiation this Thurs! The date to start Arimidex iis this Friday. I was still on the fence about taking it and this forum has helped me so much! Have read the Susan Love's Bible, the Breast Book and couldn't decide My onco score was low, so my thinking was I didn't need all the side effects, especially at 68. After reading some of the topics, I have a long list of questions and am willing to give it a try. BUT My MO just went on maternity leave and didn't assign another MO to my chart, nor did she place the order for the Arimidex. I found this out when I went into Mychart to leave a message. I'm at a major medical university in Chicago so I know this can be straightened out, but causing anxiety & delay that I don't need right now.

  • giggs
    giggs Member Posts: 19

    Zupozi99, You're not alone in your anxiety. I was experiencing the same. Reiki/heaing touch helped me trememendously with this. Pick a day to start, and know that we'll all be here for you.

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Keywestfan, I also take mine in the AM with other supplements and meds. I am one of those that have a hard time sleeping, but always have. It did seem to make it a little worse so I take melatonin at night and that helps.

    I was worried about starting AI also, been on it for almost 4 months and haven't had to many issues. A little more achy, but I exercise regularly which helps and also is good for me.

    Congrats to those who are close to completing rads....

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Here's one predictor tool that can help you see the effectiveness of various treatments in preventing recurrence:

  • AngelsGal57
    AngelsGal57 Member Posts: 103

    Hello Ladies on Arimidex,

    I am going to be going on this drug after trying 2 others and having complications from the se's. I was doing pretty well on Aromasin but found out that it is a steroid and was compromising the effects of my diabetes medications and rendering them ineffective. I have been off it for 2 weeks and am preparing to go on Arimidex and need to know how it effected hair loss, blood pressure and diabetes. I have seen that it can cause permanent hair thinning and loss. I am a working professional and my hair has grown back thicker, curilier and more healthy than ever. I know it may sound like a petty thing to be worried about, but I am concerned about it.

    this community has been such a blessing to me over the 3 years I have been a BC patient. It has made a tremendous difference in how I deal with all that comes with BC and all the side Effects.

    thanks for being there for me.


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    AngelsGal--just anecdotally, I haven't heard/read much about Anastrozole impacting hair. I've been on it six months and haven't noticed anything. I *have* read a bit more about hair impacts with Letrozole. My sense is if you have healthy, thick hair going into it, you'll be okay. (FWIW--I started taking Biotin, more for my nails, before my dx. Can't hurt. . .)

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    AngelsGal57 I've been on Anastrozole for 8 months. No hair thinning so far.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I am T2, on insulin. Was on this for 4 years, never noticed my a1c changing.

  • butterfly1234
    butterfly1234 Member Posts: 2,038

    I’ve been on Arimidex a little over two years and no hair loss. My hair is genetically thin so I’m happy about this. Pain in toes and fingers that comes and goes

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630

    giggs - I started Arimidex the week of my 71st birthday. There is someone else on this board who is 85. My MO's attitude was that I was generally healthy and had many more years if I could prevent a cancer reoccurrence. Bummer about your MO. There is also a thread "doing well on AI's." While you see that for most of us, AI's aren't SE-free but manageable. And people seem to have different side effects from the different drugs, so it's worth it to be a little patient.

  • cbk
    cbk Member Posts: 323

    The research shows Tamoxifen is the biggest culprit for hair loss followed by Femora.

    Not saying it can’t happen on Arimidex but my lid is wild. I still worry about hair loss. But I don’t see it yet. Over a year and 4 months on Arimidex. 🙏

  • Stellawt57
    Stellawt57 Member Posts: 65

    AngelsGal57, welcome! I'm diabetic and anastrozole hasn't affected by blood glucose or hemoglobin numbers they are exactly the same as they were a few months prior to starting the white pill. I did experience some hair thinning, not bad but that has changed since I started taking B12 liquid and magnesium. The mag. also helps to reduce my anxiety along with Natural Calm. I also take CoQ 10 for leg cramps, cumin form joint pain (had arthritis prior to dx) and also have weekly acupuncture treatments to manage the pain and anxiety, and melatonin for sleep. I know this might seem to be a lot, but to me it isn't. All of my SE are well managed since adding the supplements and treatment. I've been on the med 8 months. Just take one day at a time; if SEs occur keep track of the time it occurs, the duration, intensity, the activity you were doing when it occurred, and call your MO. Best wishes let us know how things go.

  • AngelsGal57
    AngelsGal57 Member Posts: 103

    Stellawt57, I am taking pretty much the same herbal products, biotin, co q 10, tumeric, melitonin, etc. Ever since starting AI treatment.

    Seeing all the positive replies helps.

    Thanks everyone


  • ItsHandled444
    ItsHandled444 Member Posts: 41

    Ingerp, I took the plunge and started the Anastrozole today. My baseline bone density test is next week and I didn't want to say I had not started yet, LOL
    My onco said to take 1 a day so I will check and see if I can start with every other day, or maybe start with 1 and see how it goes. I seriously have a hard time making decisions lately....

  • HockeyCat
    HockeyCat Member Posts: 68

    I got horrible joint pain soon after I started taking Anastrozole in Feb. It was very hard in the morning. I have a desk job, so it was hard to sitting at the desk for a long time. I had to get up and walk every hour. My MO suggested tumeric. 3 days after I started taking Glucosamine with Chondroitin, Tumeric, MSM supplement, I felt much better. I didn't feel much joint pain even in the morning. However, it didn't last very long. After 6 weeks or so, joint pain came back and now it is getting worse even with this supplement. I tried different brands but not making any difference.

    I read in this thread that Clariton may help. I'm going to try this next. Any other suggestions? Other than joint pain, I don't have any other side effects.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    ItsHandled--congrats on taking the plunge! Again, some of us cleared the slower start with our MOs and some did not. For a drug you're going to be on for at least five years a couple of weeks can't possibly matter.

    HockeyCat--movement is good! You probably know it's a good idea to get up and walk around every hour at work anyway. I haven't really noticed any joint pain--just stiff when I first get up. I'm also pretty regular at the gym. Exercise can help!

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    HockeyCat Claritin helped me not a single bit, but I've read people on this thread who found that it did help. Everyone seems to be different! What helps me is getting up and moving, and also exercising every day for 1 hour. As my strength has improved, my joints have less to complain about. I have no severe pain at this point, but I do have occasional stiffness. Sometimes I take an NSAID (OTC: Aleve, Ibuprofen, or Rx Meloxicam), as I already had arthritis, and it's slightly more noticeable on my AI.

  • toyamjj
    toyamjj Member Posts: 45

    HockeyCat I have joint pain all over, but especially in my hands and feet. Even lifting my arms up to take off a shirt makes me ache. Its especially worse in the morning, my fingers get so stiff I can barely bend them but being active helps. I workout daily and that seems to help, Ive been taking anastrozole for 49 days now and i'm just hoping that the joint pain doesn't get progressively worse because right now i'm able to deal with it. I also get a monthly lupron shot so not sure how much that drug is also contributing to the pain.

  • monicahey
    monicahey Member Posts: 3

    Hi Everyone, I found this thread because after 2 years on Anastrozole I am ready to give up. I have suffered through the stiffness, depression, dry eye, crepey skin, osteopenia, etc but now that my hair is falling out at an alarming rate it feels like the final straw. Until I read many of these posts I have felt so alone and confused. Thank you all. I just made an appointment with my MO to discuss going off AIs all together. BC was stage 1A HR+H2-, clear nodes, I've had a BLM, sentinel nodes removed, hysterectomy, and oophorectomy. At the risk of sounding extremely naive, shouldn't I be at low risk of recurrence? 3 more years on this drug feels so daunting.