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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155

    It finally happened. Nothing I planned. I picked up my refill today.... and it is TEVA! I will be interested to see if it is any different. Usually, it is Accord. There was one other one time. Been taking AI’s for 14 months. Stiff hands and knees in the morning have been my most annoying side effects. I am interested to see how they feel on TEVA

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950

    I will finish my 5 years of Anastrozole in a couple of weeks. I have only had mild side effects, and some of those could be normal aging. I’m very glad to be done with it though, and I hope it did its job!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Janett2014, I'm not far behind you. I finish in mid-October. I look forward to being done and yet it is a bit scary. Like you, I've had few problems. I turn 74 this week.


  • Haliday
    Haliday Member Posts: 28

    After a lot of research, I started taking my 1mg daily tab of Arimidex last night after dinner. We will see how it goes. Here is to the next 10 years.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    PontiacPeggy and Janett2014, am also on the 5 year plan assuming good things from October's mammogram. Will finish Arimidex February 2020 having also had "manageable" side effects. I was just thinking the other day I'd be glad to finish but it's also a little scary stopping!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178


    And many more!!

    Happy Birthday Peg.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Spookie Thank you! How are you? I've missed hearing from you!


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Don’t want to hijack this thread, but.......

    After 4 years on this pill, about 7 months on tamoxifen, was off all meds for about a year. In January this year, I started having symptoms. PET/ct lit up on the non cancer side. BS took 11 nodes, 7 were positive. Just finished rads again! last week. Started Ibrance/letrozole yesterday.

    I always knew I was high risk for reoccurrence because of my weight. Figured I’d deal with it if it came back. It did, I am.

    And while it is a bummer, I don’t want to scare anyone. If you can take the pill, handle the se, do it!! I couldn’t.

    Spookie and Kris make me go to dog park every night it’s not raining. Gets us all out of the house. 😂😂

    Thanks for asking❤️

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Spookie, I'm sorry to hear that. You are one strong person. Keep plowing ahead. Our pets are so often our saving grace, aren't they? Glad Spookie and Kris get you out. Sending you loads of love and comfort.Heart


  • egregious
    egregious Member Posts: 145

    ((((Big ol' hug for Spookie))))

    Today was my first mammogram since radiation. All clear. I may resume breathing again soon.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    I thought I should share this somewhere where Arimidex folks go, since I didn't know about this. I hope you don't mind. I am on anastrazole for the past 3 months or so and doing okay, not great, but okay. This comes from SpecialK on the triple positive board:

    For those experiencing side effects on assorted aromatase inhibitor drugs, you might find that switching manufacturers of the same generic, switching to the name brand, or switching to a different drug can alleviate some side effects. Generally, finding the fewest additives and fillers works the best, but that is not universal. Here is a tool, previously posted by coachvicky, for determining which manufacturer add what, and also a link for the name brand Arimidex, not paid for through insurance, but rather supplied directly, for $30 per month.

    I asked my MO if he agreed with this, and he did. I asked my insurance about paying for Arimidex name brand and it is $240 a month. I am going to get the $30 prescription from Eagle Pharmacy in Florida for one month, just to see if the side effects are better. Maybe this will help someone. Thank you, Lisa

  • leesad
    leesad Member Posts: 100
    Further to what Missouri posted- I started on Teva brand in Sept 2017. Was lucky enough until March of 2019 to be able to find it at various local CVS’s. I was very afraid to switch brands to another generic so I contacted Eagle and went on brand name Arimidex. So it’s been almost four months on brand name and I have to say I’m feeling better than I did on Teva. The o my side effects I had on Teva was severe joint pain and it has subsided by about half on the brand name. Even if Teva comes back I’m sticking with brand name. For $360 out of pocket per year it’s cheaper than what my pharmacy deductible was anyway and I feel so much better.
  • super52
    super52 Member Posts: 61

    I am new to this site and posted earlier today on an older discussion regarding anastrozole., so I am re-posting here. I started anastrozole on May 11, and I just began my third 30-day supply. So far, I have only received Accord brand from my pharmacy. I cannot complain (yet, anyway) about any bad side effects other than some slight dizziness the first day or so of taking it. I know some of the side effects from the AI drugs may not show up until much later on, so when pharmacies change brands, how does the patient know if a new side effect is related only to a specific brand or to the drug itself? I have read many mixed reviews about the side effects of anastrozole, so I am trying to be vigilant about my bone health and staying active to keep my joints loose and mobile. I remember a commercial from several years ago for an arthritis medication that had the tag line " a body in motion tends to stay in motion," so I'm hoping that is true lol! My bone scan showed I meet criteria for osteopenia in my spine and both hips, which was a decline from one I had four years ago, so I agreed to an infusion of zoledronic acid, with the concern of the rare yet very serious side effects ever present in the back of my mind. The plan as of now is that I will receive an infusion every 6 months for three years.

    Anyway, LeesaD, I am very interested in your comment that you feel so much better since you have started on the brand name drug. Did your MO have to specify brand name on your prescription? If I begin to feel side effects in the future from this drug, I am going to ask my MO about it. So far, I can't complain about any pain or discomfort.

    I do notice my hair has been shedding quite a bit, but I've always felt like my hair sheds more than the average person, so I'm trying not to stress about it too much yet since I know stress will only make it worse. Maybe it is from the anastrozole, and I know some women do experience significant hair thinning from this drug, but I am praying it is just from the stress of the past few months and that it will level off before it becomes noticeable. I used to have so much hair, but I noticed it thinned a lot over the past few years anyway as I was further along in menopause. I am 52 and finished going through natural menopause when I was 40, so I do worry about how much older or further into menopause this drug will make my body believe it is.

    I appreciate this thread to learn from the experiences of others regarding this AI. Of all of my treatment plan, starting this drug was what had me most worried.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    SUPer52 Just like you, I was fearful of starting the AI. There is a list of 'side effects,' and if you read them all, it's rather horrible! Naturally, I expected that I'd have every single possible problem, but NO. The truth is (says my MO), most people just get some of them, and a lot of his patients do just fine and manage what comes up. The "side effects" are mostly our body's reaction to less estrogen. Connective tissue (joints), etc. And, in some cases, some people are extra sensitive to the fillers along with the active ingredient, so maybe one brand is better than another for some people. Again, my MO says that he hasn't seen a particular magic one that's better for everyone, and most of his patients do okay on the one I'm on.

    I'm doing quite well on the Accord brand of Anastrozole. The first few weeks, I felt super creaky--joints would freeze up and it was hard to move. That's better now. Thumb joints are weak. None of this is really ruining my life. I just use jar-opening devices now. And, the creaky joints are probably still A Thing, but I'm very committed to 1 hour of daily exercise. As I've regained strength and muscles, my joints have stopped complaining. Also, my MO told me that my body would "adjust" to my AI, and perhaps that's also an explanation. I have not had hair thinning. I have very slight hot flashes, like Warm Moments. These Warm Moments are absolutely not nearly as bad as when I was on Tamoxifen (see my bio below) and also during menopause.

    If I sit still for awhile in one position, it's hard to move again. This is partly AI for sure. Also partly being 61 and having some arthritis. It means that I have to move kind of slowly for a few seconds when I get up or get off my bike after 1 hour of riding, etc. It makes me feel exactly 150 years old. But, then after 20-60 seconds of moving, everything is fine again.

    I don't have severe joint pain, except what I already had (some arthritic aches and pains in hips and knees) before taking this medication.

    Same as you, I have osteopenia, and so I have Zometa infusions every 6 months---I've had two of those so far. The day AFTER the infusion, I'm super sleepy, have to have a nap, and very low energy. I feel as though I have a slight flu, a bit of a fever, and I have to just lie around and not do much that day. I drink a lot of water for a couple of days, which helps. Nothing worse than that one day of feeling a bit under the weather.

  • Carpediem56
    Carpediem56 Member Posts: 35

    Wondering what kind of insurance you have. I pay $0 for my three month RX.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    I also pay $0 for 3 months of Anastrozole. Possibly because I've already met this year's deductible...

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    MO has to specify brand name (he just sent my prescription to Eagle Pharmacy). I pay less than $3 for anastrazole. I have BCBS and to get Arimidex is a $240 co-pay. I hope, one day, our drug companies cease to become millionaires.

  • Stellawt57
    Stellawt57 Member Posts: 65

    MissouriCatLady, thanks for the link showing the additives for the Anastrozole pharmaceuticals! I’ll be looking into the the ones that might be gluten as I have sensitivity to it!

  • whatjusthappened
    whatjusthappened Member Posts: 178

    Hi all. I was wondering if anyone had bad side effects after beginning anastrozole that went away after a period of time? I'm trying to decide if I'm going to stay on this medicine. I started taking it a few weeks ago, every other day, then started taking it every day last week. Side effects since taking it every day are terrible. I have a headache that is present from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed, and even prescription-strength Motrin will not touch it. Blood pressure is dangerously high at times (already had high BP), achy legs, NO energy. And of course the hot flashes, but I knew I would have those. I feel very discouraged. I know there is an adjustment period to a new medicine, and if I knew things would get better that would help. I don't think I can deal with these SE's for the small increase in protection I'm getting. Do I need to give it more time? Any advice appreciated!

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    Spookiesmom - I am sorry to read what you are going through and send wishes for the best for you!

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    Sdianel - I am having hair loss too... I am making an appointment with the dermatologist to see if there is anything she can do.... I also switched recently to natural shampoo/conditioner - without sulfates etc... and a biotin spray - I have taken the biotin tablets for years now.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Nancy, I have hair loss too. But I was having some issues with it prior to BC. And my grandmother had a receding hairline. Probably can't win this. I am wondering if it will matter when I go off Anastrozole in October (my 5 years will be up and my MO doesn't want me to continue beyond that). Nice to hear from you!


  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    Whatjusthappened YES, my side effects all got easier, more manageable as time went on. Joints felt frozen and painful for several months, but little by little, that receded. At the same time, I was getting stronger, so I don't know for sure whether better muscles helped my joints not have as much discomfort, or whether I was getting used to the AI. Probably a bit of both. I also had super-sleepiness for a few weeks, and that went away.

    I feel best when I drink a lot of water to stay extremely hydrated, and do one hour of daily exercise.

    My MO told me all along that we had a plan. First, hang in there, he said, because a lot of side effects that are bothersome at first definitely get easier or go away. Try to make it 3 months, then 6 months and see how you do, he said. Then, he said that we'd switch brands if need be. Another option, he said, would be to have a 2-week vacation, during which some bodies "re-set" and manage the AI more easily when re-starting. Another option would be to switch to Tamoxifen, which is a bit less effective in overall reduction of recurrence risk, but still very helpful, and might give me fewer side effects.

  • MickeyB17
    MickeyB17 Member Posts: 103

    On the subject of which brand is best - I've switched from Zydus generic anastrazole to brand name and feel like the arimedex has more side effects.Noticing more joint pain. Rounding up my third week on it. I tried it once before and changed back in one week - this time I've given it longer. Going to switch back after this week and see if there's a difference and/or the side effects are just progressing - I'm 2 years in.

    Odd because most everyone says brand name has fewer side effects. Wondering if anyone has had this expreince?

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Hi all, my OC put me in a 3 week vacation from AI due to joint pain. I have only been on it for 4 1/2 months. I'm only on day 3 of my vacation bu mentally I'm back to my old self, or at least close. I hadn't noticed the significance of the “brain fog" and moodiness that had encompassed me. My joint pain, while slightly less is still there, of course only day 3.

    I do want to continue AI, but now more concerned about my mental health. Have others experienced this brain fog and how are you dealing with it. I really don't want to take any medications for this SE.

  • magari
    magari Member Posts: 335

    I've been taking generic Arimidex for just over a year now. Side effects for me have been about the same from various manufacturers, but eased after the first couple of months and are manageable at this point.

    I'm 55 and had no joint stiffness before. I do now, but mostly when I first wake up. Once I get moving and take a shower, I'm good most days. Especially because I'm religious about doing my PT exercises. (Plantar fasciitis that had been resolved is back, but stretches help.)

    Hot flashes are much more intense and frequent than before. I take Effexor ER 37.5 mg and also use a Clonidine patch to minimize them, and they do help. May also improve my moods, too?

    My hair has always been thick, but despite cold capping during chemo, I developed a thin spot on top. I've been using Surface Awaken Therapeutic Shampoo and conditioner as recommended by someone here's stylist, who's apparently a cancer survivor herself. Not sure if it's the reason, but my hair is thicker than ever. (And a bit wirey; it's so puffy that I am getting a keratin smoothing treatment to get it under control!)

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 772

    I've made it one year on this drug---4 more to go (I think). I too felt like my joints were going into freeze mode the very first week----movement, and exercise reduces this greatly!!! I maybe a little slow getting out of bed but as soon as I start moving I'm fine. I started having hot flashes right after surgery. MO thought it was a stress factor. I also was getting night sweats that interrupted my sleep but thankfully they didn't last. I found that certain things I was eating and drinking increased these symptoms, so by eliminating them has helped me greatly. No red wine, no ice cream or other sweets and I sleep just fine. Great, right? Well, about 6 months in the hair thinning started and it is still going. Sometimes I have really bad days accepting this, and other days-oh well it is what it is and hope it stops soon or can I find a way to make it stop?

    Hope this helps Whatjusthappened and anyone else just starting out. You may have SEs at first that will subside, and you may also get SE months after starting. Wishing you all well. Good luck.

  • whatjusthappened
    whatjusthappened Member Posts: 178

    Thanks for your responses, they give me some hope that my symptoms may lesson a bit. I guess I'll give it more time before asking my MO to switch me over. I can deal with most of the SE's, but can't deal with the headaches for much longer. I'm taking the generic Teva brand. I'm bracing myself for the hair loss, since I have always had fine thin hair to begin with.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    Just saw MO for 3 month check. Started taking Teva generic every other day on June 15. Every day on July 12. He asked about SEs. Said best way to protect bones and deal with any stiffness is walking. Risk of reoccurrence for me is 10% at 5 years, 18% at 10 if I do not take the pill.If I stay on it, risk is 5% at 5 years, 9 at 10. Says I will most likely die of something else (I’m 85.) If something else rears up, we’ll stop the pill, but to stay on it no and prevent metastasis.

  • MexicoHeather
    MexicoHeather Member Posts: 147

    I'm a big believer in toughing this out, because it is an important part of the medical protocol. The first year was rough. I tried to mitigate the SE with other meds, but I couldn't tolerate them. So now I take arimidex every other day and I am just a little achy. About a month ago, my oncologist asked be to continue for a total of seven years. I was a little shocked, and sad, but I will do it.