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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Saw my oncologist this afternoon. Originally she'd said that the most current research showed that since I'd had chemo I should stay on the arimidex for another 5 years, and only ordered the Breast Cancer Index test when I insisted. It came back showing that the arimidex would have little effect on preventing a reoccurence for me in the next 5 years. Today she told me that because of those test results I can stop taking my arimidex the end of October, the end of my 5 years. I'm so glad I insisted on the test.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Hey Puffin, I get to stop on Oct 17th! That is when my 5 years is up. Glad you insisted on the test. And congratulations for hitting your 5 year NED mark last month!!!


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    Puffin, we have a similar profile and I'm treated at Hopkins. My oncologist also has me on the 5 year plan (ending Feb 2020) assuming my next mammogram is good. So good on you for asking for the BCI test to be done.

    I didn't know to ask for such testing but she mentioned wanting to order the Oncotype DX which I'm glad she did. With the grade 3 characteristic in my case, it was important to determine if I would need chemo.

  • beep7bop
    beep7bop Member Posts: 45

    OK warriors I have a question???? How many here are having colon problems or cancer of colon since their breast cancer DX??? Please give your in put.

  • Tappermom383
    Tappermom383 Member Posts: 401

    beep - I’ve posted on here about my issues - I’ve had diarrhea and abdominal pain since February. Finally saw a gastroenterologist - he ordered a colonoscopy (my second - first was clear) which I had last week. Normal - no polyps, no inflammation (so not Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis). I’m waiting for the biopsy results. Probably IBS - but the doctor said that is a diagnosis of elimination. And what to do about it? I”ve been keeping a food diary - nothing in particular seems to set me off. It’s now just a part of my new normal.


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Tappermom--I've had IBS for over 30 years. For me, it's highly stress-related.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Beep7Bop, I've had none. I am nearly at the 5 year mark.


  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    RE: diarrhea/abdominal distress/GI tract stuff....

    I was once misdiagnosed as having IBS for an entire year, when, in fact, I had giardiasis. Which is notoriously hard to "catch" on a stool sample. It was horrible. GI stuff can be tricky to diagnose.... Eventually, the correct diagnosis and medication cured me quickly.

  • gussy
    gussy Member Posts: 77

    I've had IBS for about 40 years as well. I am certain that it is stress related. As I've gotten older , the stress gets less or I can handle it better. But, every once in a while it crops up.

  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155

    Hi beep7bop,

    Yes! First colonoscopy after diagnosis, 15 polyps of which 4 were pre cancerous. This year 35 polyps, some precancerous. I do have a family history and a gene mutation that may be linked to colorectal cancer. Hoping to stay ahead of them with colonoscopies. I am bummed and a bit scared about this one. Really hoping to 1. Not get colorectal cancer and 2. Keep my entire colon/rectum.

    What’s going on with you

  • ctmbsikia
    ctmbsikia Member Posts: 772

    SimoneRC, so sorry to hear that, and wishing well with your due diligence to NOT get another cancer. What are your intervals? 1 per year?

    I am glad to have the colonoscopy over and done with. Had my 1st this past Mar and passed. I'm good for 5 yrs. I will say that the AI has affected my digestion, or so I think. It's slower now, I have a whole lot of noise and gas that goes on. Only cure for this is eating smaller portions and moving, not sitting, after eating. I also try not to eat anything after 7-7:30pm until at least 9am to give the old system at least 12-14 hours to work and do what it supposed to be doing. I could be a full blown wackadoo too!?

  • simonerc
    simonerc Member Posts: 155

    Yes! Slower digestion for me as well. Do not know if it is the AI specifically and/or being off HRT. I always had issues when not on birth control and when I was between birth control pills but not yet on HRT. I use Benefiber twice a day and Colace every other day. I was using Miralax before that, about 2/3 of a dose, but am now doing the Benefiber and Colace. I do cardio 5 or more days a week, drink a ton of water, and try to eat lots of veggies/fruit and whole grain.

    Colonoscopy every year at this point. Will re-evaluate after each one!

    Good luck with the digestion issues! It’s a real pain in the ass!! Literally:-

  • Rosanne7
    Rosanne7 Member Posts: 25

    Hello All !!! Is anyone else struggling w/ Summer heat wave & anastrozole adherence??

    Looks like I'll be skipping pills today (Friday) thru Sunday -- & resume Monday. Have been experiencing some blurry vision, dizziness, excess constipation & fatigue in hot weather...

    Stopping anastrozle for a few days helps... Trying "Natural Calm" magnesium powder for constipation... still finding magnesium (in general) to be rough on GI system. Yogurt helps (a little) to calm things down.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    I have found that I need to drink A LOT of water all day long. Maybe a quart more than I'm actually thirsty for. If not, I get somewhat constipated, and I feel somewhat achier. Perhaps because of my AI, but perhaps just because I'm older; who knows! I just find that the hot flashes + achiness + GI stuff all are better when I'm super well hydrated.

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    The good thing about the magnesium powder is that you can adjust the amount to see what works the best with your body. It can act as a laxative at a certain point.
  • Rosanne7
    Rosanne7 Member Posts: 25

    Thanks, Hiking Lady! :)

    Peregrinela -- LOL, I need to find that magic teaspoon -- 1/4 tsp is too little...but a TBSP may be too much! This summer, I'm trying Natural Calm (Original/Unflavored) "ionic magnesium citrate" powder.

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    Roseanne, that is exactly what I take. A teaspoon in my tea every morning. It helps with depression, as well. Hope it works for you.
  • Rosanne7
    Rosanne7 Member Posts: 25

    Peregrinelady, That's a good idea -- I'll try magnesium powder earlier in the day. Thanks! What kind of tea do you mix it with?

  • peregrinelady
    peregrinelady Member Posts: 416
    Roseanne, I put it in Throat Coat tea with lemon and aloe Vera juice. I have acid reflux and quit taking Prilosec when I was diagnosed. Hopefully this combination will keep my throat healthy.
  • MamaOz
    MamaOz Member Posts: 239

    hey LeesaD.

    I see you switched to the real deal. I have been on it since Oct 2017. With Eagle pharm Typical aches but doable

    My main concern is the bone density thing.. i know youve been getting the prolia shots. Any umprovement on your scans?

    Im still being a weeny on taking anything. And have osteopenia

  • Rosiesride
    Rosiesride Member Posts: 197

    Hey @Pontiac Peg! Haven't been on here in a while as I started anastrozole 2015 after a year of tamoxifen...I also take Claritin for bone pain but I do need extra for allergies so I will take Benadryl...super itchy eyes!

    Just got results of bone scan and have osteopenia. My question is about a shot of a drug for this (started with a P? But don't know there name of it🙃). Wonder if I should get the shot , once every 6 months or a daily pill. Anyone else have this choice from doc? I am replying to an older post from Nov. 2018...not sure where this will post on the site! Have a good day !! Rosie

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    I may look into this Natural Calm. Has anyone had trouble with leg cramps taking anastrazole? I went from one magnesium to two and am still having trouble. I've been on this for almost 3 months now and the leg cramps have just come up in the last few weeks. I wanted to mention too, I did get a prescription for brand-name Arimidex from Eagle Pharmacy (haven't started it yet). Eagle Pharmacy called me Saturday, telling me they had my metoprolol prescription, would I like them to fill that for $30? I'm not sure where they got the prescription from, but I get all my regular meds locally, paid for by my insurance, and that caused me a little concern. Best wishes to everyone, thanks, Lisa

  • diveslikeagirl
    diveslikeagirl Member Posts: 69

    Rosie, MamaOz: I made my decision about taking bone strengthening drugs based on research that indicates bisphosphonates may help to prevent recurrence in bone. My last scan showed osteopenia and my MO agreed to prescribe alendronate. I take it once a week and haven't had any side effects that I can pin on it. I've included a link to a BCO article with more detail. I also do a lot of resistance training (before and after diagnosis). Just my two cents. Your mileage may vary.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    RosiesRide, Finding out I could take Benadryl with Claritin was huge for me. Claritin does nothing for my allergies. I take Fosamax for my bones and so far there has been no change in my osteopenia. Some people take Prolia injections. When I go off anastrozole in October, my MO wants me to continue the Fosamax for another 6 months. Then we will decide if I should continue it or not. BTW, Fosamax is once per week. You have to remain upright for 30 minutes and no eating but drink lots of water (no coffee, sorry). I take it first thing in the morning. I have had no problems with it. Supposedly it helps prevent bone mets. I think it is worth a try.


  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    Rosiesride I was diagnosed with osteopenia before starting Anastrozole. I have a bisphosphonate called Zometa infused every 6 months. Zometa also offers some protection against bone mets. My MO recommended this plan for the convenience of not having to take another pill, and because it has this added benefit.

    The day after my infusion (I've had 2 so far), I feel a bit slow and tired, and I need a nap. Not much energy, like fighting off the flu. I drink A LOT of water that day to help it along, as is recommended. The day after that, I'm back to totally fine and normal. Infusion takes 45 min or so. The day of the infusion, I also have some labs (blood draw---I can't remember what he checks for, but something!) and then my MO sees me (check-up visit, discuss how I'm doing, discuss what the labs show in the blood work-up) and then I have the infusion.

  • super52
    super52 Member Posts: 61

    I may have posted this already, but.....I also receive the Zometa infusion since I already had osteopenia prior to starting anastrazole and because of the slight protective benefit against bone mets that it may provide. I had my first infusion a few weeks ago, and like HikingLady, I felt some minor flu-like symptoms that started about 24 hours or so after the infusion. Nothing major- some chills, a low grade fever, a little achy, and fatigue. I took some ibuprofen and rested and was back to normal another day or so after that. I also had bloodwork about a week before the infusion for a complete metabolic panel, mostly to check for kidney function since the medicine is filtered through the kidneys and can be hard on them, which is why they give instructions to drink water ahead of time. I believe they also want to check blood calcium levels before receiving the Zometa, and I would assume that would be the case prior to starting any biophosphonate. The current plan is to receive this infusion every six months for three years. It is my understanding that some of the rare yet serious side effects from these biophosphonates are more likely with the infusions than they are with the injections or oral tablets, but usually occur with more frequent dosages over an extended period of time, as in more than five years.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    MissouriCat--I've had leg cramps on the AI but was always prone to them (as was my mother!). Had them particularly if I was wearing different shoes (like heels when I'm almost always in flats), or <ahem> when I'd had a few drinks. I just started a magnesium supplement about a week ago based on recommendations here. I haven't had any since, but also haven't really been in the typical situation that tended to induce them.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Member Posts: 894

    Ingerp - thank you. I had a few beers Saturday, was visiting my parents celebrating finishing radiation. I know, I should not drink. It's hard for me when I get together with my drinking family. I wondered if perhaps alcohol made it worse. Thank you. I need water, exercise and no alcohol (a perfect life). My doctor suggested tonic water, which was a new thing that I hadn't read about. Apparently, it has quinine in it (I did a Google search and read that). Thanks, Lisa

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    My cardiologist recommended quinine for leg cramps. Mine aren't consistent, may go a week or more with none. The stuff tastes nasty. Is best downed with gin, or it really is hard to choke down. It's full of sugar, has to be to make it drinkable. The diet stuff is even worse. Proceed at your own risk, I can’t drink ANY type of alcohol, so that’s not the reason for me. 🤢🤢.

  • leesad
    leesad Member Posts: 100

    Hey MamaOz! I've had three Prolia shots so far and getting my fourth one next week. The third one was in January and my endocrinologist did a bone density test right in the office before he gave me that third shot. The bone density showed I had progressed to osteoporosis (since my pre treatment scan that was done a year and a half prior to that one) and I had been on the anastrozole about 17 months when he did second density test. So being on the anastrozole made my bones worse in not even a year and a half and the Prolia hasn't really done anything yet I guess. I'm going to talk to him next week when I see him for the next shot. I think he said last time it should stop the progression now as it has a good track record but who knows. I haven't had any side effects that I've attributed to the Prolia. Maybe my teeth feel like they've shifted a tiny bit as my bite feels slightly different but I'm notsure if that's what jaw issues feel like from Prolia. So is it doing its job? Not for me as of January but will it eventually, maybe. Wish I had some more definite info for you.

    Hope all is going well otherwise! I see my oncologist next week. First time we've gone six months without seeing each other and six months without bloodwork. I'm a little nervous. I started participating in a clinical trivial this last January. ABC (aspirin for breast cancer) trial to see if daily aspirin as an anti inflammatory effects recurrence. Don't know if I'm on the aspirin or the placebo. I think placebo but I'm in it for the long haul I guess.