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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,161

    Darlene63, I'm pretty new to the site, and it took a little while to get used to the long, and sometimes really old threads. I found if I saw a thread that looked interesting, I'd read the at least first few responses, and then - if it was a really long thread go to the last page (and maybe back up a few pages from there). You'll see some topics that you want to go further back, because there's good experience or information there.

    I'm sorry I can't answer your question about the armada - I just don't have the experience. I've been on the arimidex for about two months now, and it seems like the hot flashes might be slowing down during the day. I still have waves of them in the evening after dinner, and a major hot flash at about 3:30 almost every morning. My MO suggested he could put me on Effexor (I think?) if I wanted, but I'm going to try to wait it out a few months and see if it's just an adjustment period. I'm hoping the cooler weather that is around the corner will help. It can't hurt.

    There are some really nice ladies here who truly care about each other and offer support and share information. You'll like it here. It's not the club we wanted to be in, is it?

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    Chiming in here as another perspective on anastrozole. I had seen that table about the various anti-hormonals and also came to the conclusion that for my family history, anastrozole seemed the best choice. I went into taking AIs with much trepidation, but things are turning out ok. Just now hitting 3.5 years on it. No discernible change on dexa scan from 11/16 (just prior to BC diagnosis) and dexa scan done 1/19. Next dexa will be this December. SEs now are much less than earlier on, and for me, are manageable. I am exercising much more now than when last dexa scan was done and also got PT exercises for bone strength. At age 66, am relatively free of joint pain, unless I overdo things. Keeping hydrated and exercising both seem to be useful in conquering some SEs. Still get hot flashes, but usually only at night and oddly, seem to coincide with the need to urinate. I do use eye drops for dry eyes. Not sure if those are a result of general aging or the AI, though.

    Those of you just starting - you have come to a good place to ask questions. PontiacPeggy was a good "voice of reason" to me when I began the AI.

    Best wishes and healing thoughts to all.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    CeliaC, thank you for letting me know that I was able to help you. It really makes me feel good. I think it I helpful to know that for many of us AIs are quite doable. Sometimes it is hard to see that forest for the trees. Having BC is such a negative that it is hard to see anything but negatives with our treatment choices.

    I'm so glad you are doing well!


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Darlene, something I do when I post on a thread is to "Add to My Favorite Topics". I de-select the "Get e-mail notifications", but when I come on to the site, I look for "My Favorites" and will see all the most recent responses. When you get tired of a certain thread, just remove it from your favorites. Hope this helps.

    (I'll add this to my "Favorites" so I can keep up with any new responses.) :)

  • Dreamhome
    Dreamhome Member Posts: 5

    I'm so glad to have found this site and this forum. All of this is new to me and overwhelming so it really helps to hear from women who are willing to share their experiences.My lumpectomy surgery is scheduled for September 22. If my lymph nodes are clear and the chemo test doesn't indicate otherwise the only treatment I will have is hormone therapy (the absolutely best I could hope for!). No radiation is recommended as of now because of my age (72). I wasn't warm and fuzzy about my first oncologist so got a second opinion (the second doctor is awesome and will be my choice going forward). One doctor recommended Letrozole and the other Arimidex, but indicated that all the aromatase inhibitors are basically the same. I would like to know if anyone has tried both and had better luck with one. When I read about the side effects, it is scary. I've always been strong and healthy and optimistic so I plan to do everything I can to manage any side effects. Any tips or encouragement would be appreciated. Best wishes to all of you.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    Dreamhome - Welcome! Is the test after your lumpectomy the Oncotype? This was the one I had to see if chemo would be beneficial. Interesting that they are not planning on radiation. I have only been on Anastrozole, but hopefully someone else will be able to help with your question.

    Another topic you may wish to visit is the Lumpectomy Lounge.

    Please let us know any other questions you may have.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    Flowerlover - not everyone gets SEs and there is a wide spectrum of SEs for those who do get them. If one generic does not work, you might try another or even brand name. You might want to see if Tamoxifen is an option (also has SEs). You might be told that generics are the same and the same as brand name, but they are not. Friends on very different drugs tell me the same thing. The first time I tried generic AI, SE immediate with joint stiffness and trigger fingers in both hands. Took a break, then switched to Tamoxifen. I am now taking brand name Arimidex. SEs not as bad as generic, but there. Hoping the next bone scan does not show any worsening. Does anyone know why the same machine needs to be used for an acurate comparison of bone scans ? Oncologist tried to explain, but it did not make sense. I buy brand name directly, Insurance would chage 5x as much, I pay $2/day.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367

    I,too, use name brand Arimidex from Eagle Pharmacy. Have been on it for 15 months with just a little leg and finger stiffness( but I'm 86.) I had blood tests this week,was worried that there would be SE's I wasn't aware of and lo and behold, it was in the lipids and a smidge in the glucose which was 96. LDL Cholesterol was 102, Triglycerides 58, but Cholesterol had risen 30 points to 222. However, the shocker was HDL, the good cholesterol, was 108. That is really really high and there is some confusion in medical journals as to whether it is a good thing or whether it is associated with cardiovascular problems and with- gasp- yikes- BC. Report says my CHOLESTEROL/ HDL value is <0.5x Avg Risk. I have been on 10 mg. Lipitor for about 12 years. It does worry me the unseen stuff these anti estrogenichormones do

  • msbail
    msbail Member Posts: 3

    Hi, I read your post with interest. I am 72 and have my first appointment with my MO October 1. I am scared of side effects. Surgeon mentioned anaszastrole several months ago. I think that is the preferred for lobular. Five years is a long time to commit to this drug. Please tell me about yourself and what you have decided to do as far as the AI is concerned. Thanks.

    Mary Baile

  • msbail
    msbail Member Posts: 3

    Hi PontiacPeggy,

    I’m new here and have heard your name brought up frequently. I am 72 and had a lumpectomy and radiation in June and July. Radiation ended four weeks ago. I have an appt. with a MO Oct. 1 about an AI. Is there a certain manufacturer of anasastrole that is better than others? He may put me on something totally different. I take meds for depression/anxiety. From your experience, what can you share with me? Time of day, supplements, etc. I know exercise is key and I do swim laps. Thank you in advance.


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Hi MSBail, glad you found this forum. I had few problems with anastrozole. I took it for 5 years, starting at age 69 and finished a year ago in October. I'm now 75.

    My path has been unusual since I started everything in Michigan in the summer of 2014. I did my surgery, radiation and started my anastrozole there. My MO was okay. Then in June 2016 I moved to Spokane, Washington, and found a new MO whom I absolutely adore and trust 100%.

    While I was on anastrozole, I did take Fosamax for the entire 5 years. I started with mild osteopenia and ended up with it the same. I don't tolerate calcium so didn't take that. Only supplements I took (and still take) are vitamin D3 and folic acid. I did add regular Claritin after a few months because that seems to help with the normal aches and pains we get as we age and anastrozole makes them a bit worse (and truly never bad, just annoying when I'd get up). I used the Teva manufactured anastrozole for most of the time I took it. Then it became unavailable. I didn't have trouble with any of the other manufacturers product (which rather surprised me). Some women do find that they can't tolerate the generics but have no problem with the brand name Arimidex and I gather there are ways to get it more affordably.

    I did not have any positive nodes so what my MO recommended for me might be different than for you. But he said 5 years was all that was indicated with my age and diagnosis. I even talked with the practice's breast surgeon (who is crackerjack) and she said the same. They also said, quit the Fosamax, too.

    So October 17, 2019, I stopped everything the anastrozole and Fosamax. Also the Claritin.

    I did not change my diet. I didn't change my drinking habits (a glass of wine with dinner most nights). I am horrible about exercising and nothing changed that. I have continued taking vitamin D3 and folic acid and I am taking biotin. I was losing my hair (hereditary) before BC and nothing has changed,thus the biotin which works wonders for my nails, not so much for my hair.

    Some women don't tolerate one of the AIs and try the other 2. Usually one will be a good fit for them. So if anastrozole and you aren't compatible try one of the others.

    I took my anastrozole in the morning before breakfast. I had read that for some people it kept them awake at night if they took it then. I never noticed ANY problem with sleeping any time, so it wasn't an issue for me. I didn't take any meds for anxiety or depression though things were terribly stressful for the 4 years before I was diagnosed with my husband's terrible medical problems and me being his sole caretaker (read: NO SLEEP). He died in 2015. I downsized the house, got it ready and sold it and moved to Spokane 9 months after he died.

    Don't anticipate problems taking anastrozole. Many of us have no trouble or it is so minor that it's not worth mentioning. It's a great way to help keep BC from returning and that is worthwhile. If you do have trouble, then see what other choices you have.

    Give it a shot. You have nothing to lose and can gain some peace of mind which is worth a lot. Good luck!


  • msbail
    msbail Member Posts: 3


    Thank you for your words of encouragement and advice. I, too, lost a loved one in August 2020 and feel lost without him. I live in New Orleans but would like to downsize, too. My house needs a kitchen and bathroom renovation and painting. I don't know if I would get my money back. I could sell ‘as is' and take a hit. My daughter lives in Western MA and the weather is so harsh in the winter. You made the move yourself in nine months. Congratulations on that feat! You are brave. You must feel relieved to have treatment behind you. Hopefully, a vaccine will pop up soon allowing us to go out and meet morepeople. I feel isolated here. I always like reading your posts. You sound like the real deal.

    Warmly, Mary

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    MSBail, I'm so sorry about your loss. It is definitely hard. Not sure I'm brave but I was determined to be near one of my sons. I saw how difficult it was for them when their father was on his last days and the hoops they had to jump through to come visit him. I didn't want that to happen when my time comes.

    I'm no fan of winter but I've been coping with it for 75 years so I can manage more. Gee, Hawaii sounds good! I think winter is a small price to pay to be near my son. Wish San Diego was more affordable, however. We all have to decide what is most important to us and then forge ahead and not look back. For me, the move has been terrific.

    I totally understand your dilemma on your house. I did not do any re-modeling when I sold my house. I had some work to do to make sure it would pass inspection and did that. But essentially as is. It was an old house but most things had been updated that needed to be like electrical, furnace fairly new, etc. I also took a hit but I was determined to move and was willing to do whatever it took to make it happen.

    I never felt my treatments were onerous. Just another thing to get through, especially that last year with my husband when I was diagnosed and had surgery and radiation. Taking anastrozole wasn't a problem. Just another pill to add to my allergy meds, Pepcid, etc. And most of the time I didn't think about "why" I was taking it. It just was. I did what I had to do and concentrated on everything else that needed to be done.

    I'm so glad you enjoy my posts. I hope that people realize that taking anastrozole does not have to be a challenge.

    Good luck!


  • humblepeace
    humblepeace Member Posts: 85

    Good Evening All,

    I pray everyone is doing well. I have a question to the team of women here who are so well informed and the collective experience here is priceless. So, with that being acknowledged, I have been on hormone therapy for three years this Nov. 2020. I started on Tamoxifen for 6 months and changed to Arimidex after having a full hysterectomy, June 2018. I have had many side effects on hormone therapy. I have had many CT's MRi's and Ultrasounds. My body hurts a lot and some of the pain will stop in one area but come back in the same or another area, but hurt more. I have experienced carpal tunnel in both hands. It did get better in the right hand but has lingered in the left hand. Lately, I have been having muscle weakness in my left forearm and painful left hand especially on the thumb and wrist area. I was curious if anyone else has experienced this?? I have an appointment with the rheumatologist on Oct. 15. That seems way too long to have this feeling.d

    Thank you for all your responses.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,161

    Humblepeace, those sound like they could be carpal tunnel symptoms. Do you wear a wrist brace? Do you wear it at night? My symptoms (numbness/tingling in arms) got better when I started wearing wrist braces to bed. Eventually, I learned to keep my wrists straight when sleeping, and I don't wear the braces anymore.

  • humblepeace
    humblepeace Member Posts: 85


    I don’t wear a brace I will ask my doctor for one at my next appointment. Thanks for the response.

  • annc2019
    annc2019 Member Posts: 93


    Does anyone take the generic Anastrozole distributed by Zydus and manufactured in India by Cadilla Healthcare? If you do, you might want to read the recent FDA warning letters for this company. They don't specifically reference Anastrozole but the whole manufacturing facility. I just picked up a 90 day supply before I read the warning letter. I want to switch to Arimidex now. Has anyone had insurance issues related to getting the brand?

    Here is the link to their warning letter from the FDA:

  • leesad
    leesad Member Posts: 100

    Ann, I had issues getting my insurance to cover brand Arimidex. I started on Teva brand and then Teva became more difficult to get so I started getting brand name Arimidex from manufacturer through Eagle pharmacy for $90 for three months worth of pills. I did so much better on brand name as far as side effects. Then Eagle doubled price so I tried to get brand name approved through my insurance. My insurance said I'd have to pay over $1000 for one month 🙄 of brand name pills. So ridiculous. I was all set to pay the Eagle doubled price but I called my oncologist's assistant to see if she had any ideas as I didn't want to go back to generic. She had a patient advocate call me from my cancer center as they have an in house pharmacy at the cancer center. She was so nice and said let me see what I can do. She called me back a couple of days later and said if I go through the cancer center pharmacy I can get brand name Arimidex for $75 cash price for 90 day supply! This was cheaper than what I was paying through Eagle. So every three months I pay $75 for 90 days and the cancer center even delivers the meds to me via courier free of charge. With all we go through to have something work out like that...was so grateful. It is infuriating though just thinking that my insurance company wanted to charge me so much for brand name ($3000 for 90 days) and would not cover it but yet I can get it for $75 for 90 days not going through insurance and paying out of pocket. Our system is so broken.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,161

    Humblepeace - I got a brace from my doc originally, but it was HUGE. I ended up buying two braces with metal supports at Walmart pretty cheap ($10-ish?) that were much more comfortable.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    AnnC2019 - I take brand name Arimidex and do not go through Insurance - they would charge a lot more. I pay $2/day, I think Insurance was closer to $ 9or10/day I had my DR send Rx to them for a 30day, thought it was better than generic anastrozole, fewer SEs. So now I have a renewing 90-day. I do not tell insurance. One friend who take a very different brand name drug for non-cancer does get it through insurance and said she is constantly arguing with them. They pay, but hassle her. Your comment on the generic manufacturer is scary but not suprising after reading "Bottle of Lies · The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom " Katherine Eban

  • laurencl
    laurencl Member Posts: 203

    I am interested in how some of you get brand name Arimidex. I am on a generic, and my SEs are manageable. I priced the brand name and it is approximately $1,500 a month (without insurance). I don’t know how much insurance would cover (would have to research), but I’m almost sure, not enough

  • leesad
    leesad Member Posts: 100

    Lauren, see my post a couple of posts up. That's how I started and get it. My insurance wouldn't cover it and said if I went through them it would be over $1000 per month. I started initially getting brand name through Eagle Pharmacy. They offer an out of pocket discount and it's $2 per day (used to be $1 per day but they doubled he price about a year ago). My cancer center worked magic and now I go through their pharmacy for brand name Arimidex and pay cash price $75 for 90 pills. It's worked out great as i don't want to go back to generic. I find brand name much easier to tolerate as far as side effects.

  • bbbddd168
    bbbddd168 Member Posts: 14

    is Eagle pharmacy reliable for Arimidex? Can anybody buy from your cancer center pharmacy? How do I contact your cancer center pharmacy to find out? Thanks.

  • lrobbins17
    lrobbins17 Member Posts: 6

    I have been experience terrible joint/bone pain with Anastrozole. I have been taking it for about 8 months and have tried Move Free (recommending by my Oncologist), Advil, and Aliev but nothing seems to help. I will give Claritin a try. I can't see feeling this way for the next 5 years I'm hoping there is an alternative or something else will work.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    bbbddd168 and Laurencl I have been getting brand name Arimidex very reliably from Eagle Pharmacy in Florida $2/day for a year now I get it directly from them and do not go through insurance who would charge a lot more. My oncologist faxed an Rx to them, they sent me the drug and charged my CC directly. The generic is much cheaper through insurance, but I think it has more SEs.

  • laurencl
    laurencl Member Posts: 203

    Thank you for the info BlueGirlRedState

  • laurencl
    laurencl Member Posts: 203

    Hi everyone,

    I have been on anastrozole for approximately 8 moths with few SE’s. I am starting to notice slight tingling in mt

    hand and feet, particularly when I’m sitting. Wondered if anyone has experienced this.

    Thank you, Lauren

  • Stellawt57
    Stellawt57 Member Posts: 65

    Irobbins17, I also experienced intense joint pain (diagnosed with rheumatoid & osteoarthritis prior to BC) after starting anastrozole. I decided no more prescription meds to manage my SE. My MO made a referral to an Integrative Dr., at my request. I started acupuncture over a year ago and won’t give it up. My insurance pays for 25 sessions a year. My Integrative Dr. also had me start taking curcumin, magnesium & CoQu10 to help reduce my other SE. I hope the suggestions you receive help you in finding what’s best for you!

  • kimmh012
    kimmh012 Member Posts: 85

    Wondering if anyone else has been recommend to switch to Faslodex and are not metastatic?

    I have tried Anastrozole, Aromasin, and Arimidex, all with debilitating side effects. Yesterday, my ONC recommended Faslodex, 1x month shot for 1-2 years instead of AI for 7 years.

    He stated there are many women who cannot tolerate AI, like myself, and he has switch several over to Fasoldex with no issues.

    One last try to do Arimidex by building up slowly, but I am thinking 1x shot for 2 years vs a pill everyday for 7 years, switch me now, LOL. I am just starting my research, knowledge is power!

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,291

    Kimmh012 - I've never heard of it. Please keep us posted on your research.