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Rectal issues



  • kayfh
    kayfh Member Posts: 79
    edited August 2012

    I am really glad that this thread was opened. Thanks Sas Schatzi for your insight-nurses never really retire.

  • JillThut
    JillThut Member Posts: 97
    edited August 2012

    Effcancer, no I haven't tried it yet. It seems a little too liquidy to stay anywhere externally.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    jill Ahhh did a thread --discusses co pays and deductibles. You likely have been notified already. They don't particularly make it stand out in the language. Had to call and verify once I found the verbiage. Quiestion was "is tis saying what I think it's saying" LOL. Had to collect on from lots of providers. Some never coughed up the money. One was 150$.

    No itching to day, analyse the last 24 hrs. What you ate. How often stools occured, Consistency. Shows the importance of food -stool diary.  Poop no diary.

     To all becareful to NOT use steroids, aka corticosteroids---Thins the skin. It's irreversible. Okay in short term. Used in many vaginal rectal products b/c it is the best topical antinflammatory. That helps to cool things off, less swelling, less itching.

    Hmmm Less itching. Proably should't surmize about benadrly cream. Yup should't surmize about it.

    Going to add in first post about probiotics, check to see if I "gotter done".

    Jill any problem if I add this link to the constipation thread. Starting with page one.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2012

    This is a biggy so I want it in a box by itself.



  • Fitztwins
    Fitztwins Member Posts: 144
    edited August 2012

    Witch Hazel & Glyercin Sitz baths (soak in it) for about 20 minutes or apply to a guaze pad for the same time 3x a day.

    I had them horrible after surgery and one that popped out a few months ago. It went away with this treatment. I do use Tucks or Witch Hazel religiously.

    It really is a pain in the butt!!!

  • JillThut
    JillThut Member Posts: 97
    edited August 2012

    Sure is! When I had the last hemmoroid a friend recommended a bath with Epsom salt then witch hazel on ice wrapped in a washcloth. I did that. Made the hemmoroid bleed but by morning it wasn't hurting.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2012

    Bump--useful info when the need is there, we just wore out the topic :)

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited November 2012

    I will try magic mouthwash if this bothers me.   Its soothing as well as numbing.

  • cmhartley
    cmhartley Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2012

    whahwi realize this an old post but obviosly this info should still be helpful. What works for me is daily Miralax (1 capful) in my coffee and for flareups I use a product called L-M-X 5 which is a 5% lidocaine anorectal cream.  I actually ordered mine from internet and didn't need an Rx but I'm sure your doc can write one and you can have it filled locally.  My sister also sent me a hemorrhoid cream called Nelson's Hemorrhoid cream which helps when flareups aren't as bad.  Taking soaks in a warm bathtub also helps a lot to relieve the spasms and pain.

    Best wishes.  PM me if you need any assistance with recommendations.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited March 2013

    Bump---for those looking for relief---good luck

    In reviewing last few posts, just had a thought re: "Witch Hazel". Great product when needed. Wanted to add to read label carefully for ingredients. Some of the producers use far to much isopropyl alcohol and hardly any Witch Hazel. T.N. Dickinsons is a good product. The higher the Witch Hazel  percentage the higher the cost, but witch hazel is worth it :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited May 2013

    member name delted--- colon ulceration generally starts with "something" , a cellular change, bacterial, viral( I'd have to google but sounds plausible as viruses attack many things). The bacterial(possible viral) change can cause a diarrhea with a pass through of intestinal contents from the small intestine through to the large intestine also known as the colon. The contents of the small intestine are a different pH than the large intestine. The large intestine/colon the lining can be inflammed, craters or ulcers can occur. The inflamation can be so severe that passing of stool can be interferred with. The lining can be ulcerated or lost. When this happens bleeding can occur. If the ulcer is near a blood vessel, depending on size of the vessel, bleeding can range from small to severe. This is known as a GI bleed-gastrointestinal(stomachintiestine) bleed. If the intestinal wall is breached b/c of ulceration or break , it is known as a perforation. A perforation is an acute medical emergency s/s's increasing abdominal pain,'fever, board like abdomen. Google for further info b/c that's not the problem now.

    There are conditions of the colon that the problem originates in the colon versus as a result of stool from the small intestine. The management can be the same or different-- depends. BUT big BUT for you (YEAH) the pain has reduced since you started the med. So, as your GI doc has said continuing the med appears good until you w see/feel a reduction in pain confirms that the intestinal environment is likely less inflamed. Otherwise, there would be no change in your symptoms. The right sided pain can mean it's still the colon nearest anus as anatomically there are variations, but could be over to right colon. Google keywords "picture of colon" or "anatomy of colon". What to report: symptoms change or worsen. Check each stool for blood can vary from bright red to black. Different reasons for the color reasons, the key is to report the change b/c it identifies a condition change and management changes.

    Skin care of rectal area. As the colon can be inflammed , the tissue around the rectum can feel as if it's burned when freguent diarrhea occurs. Some suggestions. 1. Use a squezze bottle filled with water to spray on area before wiping. 2. Wipe gently or PAT clean, using Tucks can be good --place in fridge to keep cold. Very soothing on a burning butt. 3. Apply a soothing rectal ointment once skin clean. Ask doc for recommendation, many products on market or availble by prescription. MY personal favorite is Bag Balm.  4. Careful handwashing with an antibacterial soap is good. In severe situations using gloves even for your own bottom is good, then still wash hands thoroughly. 5. In woman care must be taken to not contaminate the vagina and urinary opening. I think this is the only thing that guys have, that's an advantage.

    Member name deleted=going to transfer this to my teaching library and my constipation thread. I write about such fun stuff LOL. I'll bring back the links for the constipation thread, and the diarrhea thread that Jillthut started. You may find some pearls or nuggets(pun) on either. Sassy

  • donsuzbee
    donsuzbee Member Posts: 43
    edited April 2013

    Have you tried Miralax? It is a little pricey, but most pharmacies have their own generic. I totally understand your problem. My mom always told everyone how hard I was to potty train as my stools were hard. It wasn't until I had my first colonoscopy that I learned about Miralax. Have tried everything on the pharmacy shelf. Do yourself a favor-get rid of the constipation. You will feel much better.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited September 2013


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2014


  • bhd1
    bhd1 Member Posts: 173
    edited January 2014

    I had terrible itching and rectal pain from taxotere.  When the dose. Was reduced it went away,

  • cmhartley
    cmhartley Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2014

    I know this is kind of an old post but because I just went through the most excruciating pain down there I thought I'd share what worked for me:

    First of all, be very very careful with any kind of wipes and TP regardless  of what is advertised on the package.  There was a recent news article about some kind of preservative being used in these so called sensitive wipes that is causing widespread reactions so bad that the area is like a chemical burn.  This is what happened to me.  If you are having a lot of problems down there I would highly recommend going to and ordering the wipes that they use in the hospital that are not only gentle but also contain a barrier cream.  When I was having an "active" problem I totally quit using all TP and wipes other than the ones I ordered.  If I do use TP I only use the Charmin Sensitive brand with Aloe.  It seems to be the only one that doesn't irritate me.  I don't have the brand handy on the hospital wipes but if anyone is interested you can PM me and I will let you know all the details.  I now cannot live without them.  I keep stocked up at all times.

    Second, I have tried all kinds of OTC creams.  The very best that I found which has totally "healed" my severe contact dermatitis is good 'ole Aquaphor.  I bought a big jar and keep it handy.  It not only heals but provides barrier protection which is important.  You can apply it as often as possible.  This was my life saver.  I figure if they use it for radiation it has to be good.  

    Finally, I added on Aveeno Colloidal Oatmeal bath soaks at night.  I think that has also helped tremendously.

    Best of luck.  Having these SEs along with everyone else can really stink.  Please feel free to PM me with any other questions.  So glad we can share these things.


  • bhd1
    bhd1 Member Posts: 173
    edited January 2014

    I ordered blue bidet BB 20   Portable bidet. From amizon .  It is a squirt bottle for down there.  I use it after bm and wipe w tucks

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited January 2014

    BHD1--------very good info, I'm going to repost it on Insomnia thread. I bumped this b/c someone had a need. Please, if you think of it bump this thread every few days. I'll start watching it too. There is allott of member info that is very helpful thanks sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2014


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2014


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2014


  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited February 2014

    I appreciate this topic. Thanks for bumping it. I have had two rounds of cdiff so I am freaked out of a reoccurrence always. I think I was more sick with cdiff then with 18 weeks of taxol. Anywho, ever since I got my bc diagnosis my colon has not been the same. With all the different meds it's like a circus with my bowels. Most recently I have had rectal bleeding for 3 months but then I just decided to take colace everyday and now there is no blood...I just really don't want to add another specialist into the mix. With the taxol and perjeta causing the big d, I was taking lomotil like crazy. Then taxol stopped. Got a little better but then started taking oxy for back pain. Then got cdiff 2x's. haven't taken lomotil in 7 months. Not going to let anything get backed up and have a chane to breed bad bacteria! Besides the bleeding I had, I also have pain in my hurts to sit down and kind of feels numb deep down in my saddle area...? Maybe differed pain from L5 met?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2014

    Kj- C-diff is awful. As you know recurrence is a problem. For those that may be reading this. It can be induced by antibx's that kill off good bacteria, then it takes off as an invading army like a bliztkrieg. It, also, can be hospital acquired. Either way it's difficult to eradicate.

    Kj  do as much reading as you can tolerate about it. I watch this thread and the constipation thread. Frankly, there's only so much reading about poop that you can tolerate. I did about 5 hrs last Sun. in response to a "simple" question on the C thread.

    My Mom had hospital acquired C-diff. At discharge she was going through 88 diapers a week. I only know that b/c the bags were 22 each and I bought 4 at a time once a week.

    The bacteria is treated with antbx different than the ones that caused the problem.

    The colon may not work well even after the bacteria is eradicated. We did the following with my mom to reduce the diarrhea.

    Questran can help, but cholesterol levels need to be watch b/c they can get to low. To low of cholesterol can cause problems. Serious problems. Keep cholesterol levels at least above 100. To  keep her cholesterol levels up, I made a  fresh egg custard with the rice milk every 2-3 days. The egg custard had about 6-8 eggs in it. Rice milk recipe below.

    Watch for anything that can trigger diarrhea. A food diary can help you pick up things, you might not think were involved. No processed or canned foods. Certain spices and tomatoes. Each person is individual in this . That's why a food diary helps until you get a handle on the situation.

    I eliminated as many foods as possible that had preservatives of any kind. Used frozen vegetables. Fresh produce was washed in dish washing liquid with a triple bath rinse. Now there is commercial produce washes. What was interesting is the lettuce washed this way lasted 3 weeks. I didn't use lettuce that old with her. It was a seperate experiment.

    Milk and anything with lactulose can be a trigger. There is now commercial rice milk available, but watch for preservatives as they can be triggers. I made mine with Uncle Ben's minute rice. Boiled it for about 20 minutes longer than box indicated. Boil it in extra water b/c you want water left over, not absorbed into the rice.Then liquified it in a blender. I used the water I boiled the rice in.  Made 2 quarts at a time. You can add sweetner / sugar/ vanilla. as diet allows. i.e. diabetic. She preferred it plain. Rationale for using the boiled water was any bacteria in the water was killed in the boiling process . Kept in frig. Arbitrarily, chose the fourth day to remake. 

    I cooked all her foods with this rice milk when a liquid was needed

    I chose rice milk, arbitrarily, b/c that is what we generally start babies on as a first food is rice cereal. The babies small intestine/colon is tender, seemed logical. It worked 

    Protecting the anal skin area is very important. There are many suggestions here. It comes down to: If you try something and it works, use it, and always have some on hand. For Mom the routine I established was: initial wiping, then a spray bottle rinse, patting drying, then Bag Balm. I used gloves, and taught her how to use gloves. Hand washing is very important. I also cleaned the toilet with clorox daily and sink&handles. 

    In the early days the diarrhea was explosive. No time to make it to a bathroom. I had a commode situated by her bed that she could stand turn 1/4 and sit. I placed it on a large flannel backed tablecloth. The top surface was non-skid. In case she missed this could be cleaned with clorox.

    If someone is on oxygen, do not use clorox or any cleaners while machine is on as the fumes are concentrated just as the oxygen from the air is------Bad learning experience. Had hazmat team out here.

    I introduced powder probiotics. I forget exactly when and how many times a day. Sorry, some memories do fade. This was now 18 years ago. Hmmmm.  I chose powder because i gave them by the tablespoon. Buy from a reputable health food store. Not a grocery. Different manufacturers require either refrigeration or no refrigeration. 

    Mom's colon was so assaulted that for the remainder of her life, 8 years, she wore a diaper. But happily it was rare that she had a problem. The diaper was a "just in case" item not an necessity. World of difference.

    In 1996, very little to nothing was written about how to handle the aftermath of a colon assault. Made it up based on readings and applying other concepts to the then present situation

    Kj I wrote this for you, but as well for others. Your experience I hope you never have to repeat Good Luck  sassy

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited February 2014

    wow that sounds awful what your mom had to go through. Thank goodness she had you to help her! Very good ideas. Especially the food diary! I need to find the constipation thread because I am always trying to find that balance. Thank you for your help!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2014

    Kj here you go sweetie, The link goes to page 1. It's my thread. I started with hemorhoids and diverticulosis/itis because if you read the topic box you will find out. 

    These two topic threads are related. Can't resist the pun---they both have an asshole in common. I'm so funny. 

    I am as funny as the proctologist that I had to circulate and scrub for on occasion in the operating room in the 70's. He always had to make paper airplanes out of the discard insert in the paper drapes. Patients asleep, he's throwing a paper airplane. BUT or BUTT, he knew lots about assholes or gentlier said anuses.

    Please, read from beginning to END(ah found another pun). There are many suggestions offered by members on dealing with the big C.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2014


  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited February 2014

    I will be calling the gi specialist. Grrr! Hate to add another doc to the list!

  • nkuehl
    nkuehl Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2014

    Have you considered rubber band ligation? My colon doctor does it, and it is not painful. It only takes a few minutes to do in his office. You might consider it. Here is a link for a little information.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2014

    nkuehl, Kj hasn't got a diagnosis yet, She has a whole mixed bag of symptoms. She's doing the right thing, she's going to a GI doc. Who will work the problem step by step.

    Nk thanks for popping in :) when rubberband ligation is indicated it is a very effective therapy:)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited February 2014
