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Dimpling, part of normal breast change?

luvinlife Member Posts: 6
edited January 2018 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

Hi ladies, I have been reading many of your posts and it has helped me so very much! THANK YOU!

 I realized last april I had an area of dimpling on my breast, it was what looked like a line approx an inch.  Since then it has widened and is now approx 4-5 inches and has changed the contour of the breast and looks a flattened V when I raise my arms.  I called my doc and she ordered a mammo, which was negative. Doctor then recommended a breast surgeon that did an ultrasound in his office(negative) and he recommended surgery to look around and do biopsies.  He was mistruthful and told me he tried to get an MRI approved but insurance wouldn't cover it and surgery was the only option.  Because of this I moved on to another breast surgeon and have developed two more "lines" of indentation with thickening between the lines.

Second breast surgeon ordered an MRI for next week.  She said the with clear ultrasound and mammo that she is certain that this is just normal breast changes. I'm 37, had complete hysterectory 2 1/2 years ago and not on hormones.  If you've had experience with this happening with age can you please tell me?  Any advice would be appreciated.



  • blainejennifer
    blainejennifer Member Posts: 441
    edited September 2012

    Both a mammogram and an unltrasound missed my breast cancer. I would highly recommend the MRI, and even a tissue biopsy. For me, the tissue biopsy is the gold standard of care.

    IT has been my experience that the dimpling is a sign of cancer, but I am NOT a medical professional, and there might be a perfectly good explanation for it. With your history of a complete hysterectomy, I would be very surprised if you had a cancer, despite the dimpling. But, many post-menopausal ladies have shown up with this disease, so do pursue all your medical tests.

    Sorry if I sound like a doomsayer, but my history leads me to be dubious of the clear imaging despite physical signs.


  • lanagraves
    lanagraves Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2012

    Insist on a biopsy. I passed my breast indentation off as normal changes for close to two years. I was floating on the river of 'de Nile. By the time I finally got it checked out, it was Stage IIIA, in four nodes, and had invaded my lymph-vascular system. Fortunately (or at least I hope - I have an upcoming PET to check a spot on a rib), the cancer had not yet metastized to any distant places, holding me at Stage IIIA rather than Stage IV. However, I can't help but wonder how different things would have been if I had gone to the doctor and insisted on an answer when I first noticed the changes. I might have saved myself a lot of heartache.

  • morningperson
    morningperson Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2012

    I am certainly the least knowledgable person on this forum, but have read time and time again to absolutely, positively address dimpling. Don't mean to scare you, 'cause it's not necessarily cancer, but it's kind of like it's the breast's way of telling you that something is going on.

  • luvinlife
    luvinlife Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2012

    Jennifer-I see your dx's, how are you doing? That is very scary that your cancer was missed with Mammo and US!  How many women are probably out there that assume they've had their testing, results negative, so everything must be fine.  My surgeon said there is a new 3D mammo that is still kind of on trial, so they aren't sure of the effectiveness, but that may be a good mixture between regular mammo and MRI. To be honest, If my breast looked as if they were sagging I could understand this being related to age, but not sold on the idea...especially with the constant changes in such a short time. Mri is next week and she is willing to do biopsies if necessary.  I highly respect her.

     Lanagraves-I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis!  Did your dimpling change over time, or develop new areas, skin thickening, etc.?  What tests did you have prior to biopsies?   I pray your PET scan is negative.  Thank you so much for your encouragement.  I think sometimes we need encouragement to keep on, keeping on.  Docs can make us feel like we are seeing something that's not there.

    Morningperson-I completely agree with you about dimpling!  I am going to pursue this until a get an answer I'm comfortable with.  It is so hard to find info out about dimpling. Are you experiencing problems?

    THANKS so much ladies!

  • jenn333
    jenn333 Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2012

    My BC presented as a dimple.  I would not take any chances.  You must get this resolved for sure!

     Good luck! 

  • lanagraves
    lanagraves Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2012

    luvnlife: My dimpling seemed become a little more pronounced over time. There was no thickening, etc. There was some lumpiness, but not a distinct lump. My doctor thought it was cysts up until the time I went in for the mammo. I had two mammograms, an ultrasound and a biopsy. Don't take any chances. Insist on a biopsy. I'd much rather put myself through an unnecessary biopsy than allow a cancer to continue to grow unchecked.

  • marie5890
    marie5890 Member Posts: 111
    edited September 2012

    NEVER, EVER ignore dimpling. Keep pushing until you have a definate answer as to what is causing it---no guessing, not even on the Dr.s side.

    Glad you are getting a MRI luvinlife. If anything shows up in the area of the dimpling, insist on biopsy. Demand it, infact.

    Sending good thoughts. 

  • luvinlife
    luvinlife Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2012

    Thanks so much ladies.  I have another question.  I think the breast surgeon ordered the MRI without contrast.  From what I've read the contrast is needed to detect BC?

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited September 2012

    luv,definitely listen to all the above,I had a clear mammagram,I had a clear MRI despite a diagnosis of LCIS in 2002 from a biopsy. The spot was found on an ultrasound at a state of the art facility here that opened in Oct 2011 and found my spot in Dec 2012 of IDC. I had dimpling for mths and both sides had begun to feel like bags of golf balls. It was scary but fortunately only a small spot hiding in one side. Due to family hx I decided to do bmx with implants. Hope you do not have any cancer but the earlier cancer is found,the more choices you have. If I had not had family hx I might have gone with lumpectomy and rads.

  • misswim
    misswim Member Posts: 472
    edited September 2012

    I was 37 when I found my dimple. No lump that was discernable. Turned out to be a 2.3 cm IDC tumor. When I was diagnosed I was Stage IIA with clear nodes. I literally noticed the dimple one day when it had not been there prior. PLEASE make sure you push for MRI and a biopsy. Better safe than sorry.

    Good luck to you and please let us know what you find out.

  • marie5890
    marie5890 Member Posts: 111
    edited September 2012


    Check to make sure exactly what he ordered. Mine was with contrast. And yes your understanding is correct. What the MRI with contrast is looking at is vascular flow (blood flow) to an area...They watch for the take up of the contrast and the wash out...

    Breast cancer needs a blood supply.... 

    Call to be sure...Im not sure what the value of an MRI without contrast would be to a breast MRI.... 

    Know this and it's important...MRIs are notorious for false positives. It's one of the reasons that they dont always do them. But at least with an MRI it will show possible areas of concerns that should be biopsied to be absolutely sure....

    Only a biopsy can give the hard core answer as to "yes" or "no"....

    Praying for you 

  • bluepearl
    bluepearl Member Posts: 133
    edited September 2012


  • amanda1116
    amanda1116 Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2012

    Let me add my voice to the biopsy chorus: I honestly believe that pathology and pathologists are the bottom line in terms of diagnosis.  

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited September 2012

    blupearl,the needle biopsies these days are very accurate and take only minutes. They numb you up and at the state of the art facility where I had mine done,its like a massage spa,dim lighting,calm music,the weird sewing machine noise and some snapping sensations when the machine clips out the samples,they wrap you up and give you the frozen tiny pillows to ice it over and you go home,take some Tylenol or drink a glass of wine and in 3 days you know if you need surg for cancer or not. When you know what you are dealing with,the surg can help you decide what to do. You usually get to take your time cause as many have said these BC are usually slow growing so a few wks is not gonna make or break it. It leaves a tiny spot scar that you have get very bright light to see it after a few mths. The PS took all those off during the implant surg.

  • jenn333
    jenn333 Member Posts: 23
    edited September 2012

    luvinlife - both of my MRI's were with contrast and without.  First images are taken without contrast and then the dye is injected and another set is taken with contrast.  The MRI report describes the findings both with contrast and without so I would definitely question an order that doesn't include contrast.

  • denise-g
    denise-g Member Posts: 353
    edited September 2012

    My larger dimpling occurred about two months before I was diagnosed with Stage 3a Triple Positive BC.  I had noticed it on and off for a year and didn't pay attention.  I also had SEVERE breast pain about a year earlier.  My body was talking, but I wasn't listening.

  • luvinlife
    luvinlife Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2012

    layla2525-Thats terrifying that your mammo and MRI missed your cancer. You're so fortunate that it was caught at State 1!  How are you doing now?  I see you just had your implants a week ago. Your biopsy experience sounds wonderful, thanks for sharing. Gives me comfort.

    Misswim-Thats how mine appeared, just out of the blue.  The new ones that appeared recently weren't there the day before and just appeared.  MRI is monday, and regardless biopsies are in my future.  BS wants to do MRI first to see where she needs to biopsy so she doesn't miss anything.

    Maria5890-I feel MUCH better, because of the encouragement to call, I got the nerve up to call the office yesterday and asked, and the receptionist said it is with contrast.  I thought for sure I heard her order it without. THANK the good Lord!  I thought, here we go, another test that isn't going to give me an answer.  Hopefully on track to getting some information now. My doc told me of the false positives, but I would much rather have an unnecessary biopsy than miss something.   Your prayers mean SO very much to me, THANK YOU:)

    Bluepearl and Amanda1116- MY BS is going to biopsy for sure.  She is doing the MRI first to make sure she doesn't miss something.  I love my BS, she seems like one of the most caring, down to earth docs I've ever met.  I have so much confidence in her and feel comfortable "pushing" if I need to.  The first BS was a complete jerk, and basically touched my breast with the US wand and said "normal breast tissue".  Didn't really look. He said we need to do surgery and cut a 3 inch incision on the outside of your breast and biopsy,and if I don't do this you won't be happy. When I questioned having an MRI first he said your insurance won't cover it.  Well he didn't even check to see if it would be covered. Don't like being lied to, and I left and won't be back to him.  Unfortunately he's supposed to be one of the best.  Looks like its gone to his head. I know its not considered cancer until biopsy is done, so I'll just have to be patient.

    Jenn333-Thanks so much Jenn, because of you and Maria I called the doc yesterday and I misunderstood.  It is with contrast, so now I don't have to worry all weekend about it.  I wondered why she would consider that after I read up on MRI's. THANKS again:)

    Denise-g- Wow Denise, I took a look at your fabulous blog.  Its so sad that docs are misleading on signs/symptoms.  You would think what they learn in med school wouldn't trump what patient findings are.  You hear all the time that pain isn't a symptom.  Thank you for sharing your story with others.  There are probably so many women that get to the doctor without delay because of your blog.  May God Bless you!  How are you doing now? 

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited September 2012

    luvinlife,you are so right,the drs can get an idea from the shapes on the test screens but I went to a state of the art Breast Center connected to a Cancer Center that just opened in Oct 2011 and we are so lucky to have it. We have drs from all over the world and all of them will tell you there is No Way to tell for sure if it is cancer without a needle biopsy at least!

    You need a dr who can talk to your insurance and get you a biopsy if anything weird shows up like lumps or dimpling or spots on the test screens.

    I was so lucky,I knew it just wasnt right to have a dimple. It could have been a benign tumor but sadly it was IDC. Thx I am doing good physically,mentally a little shaken and not too happy that the gels look flat at first. Kinda disappointed...thought I could run out and get a moonlighting job as a stripper (LOL just kidding,at my age they would pay me to put my clothes back on!)

  • luvinlife
    luvinlife Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2012

    Hi Ladies, I wanted to post an update.  I had an MRI this week which showed absolutely nothing on the Left breast, which is the breast with dimpling.  It did show a 1cm Mass on the Right breast though.  I am getting an ultrasound on the right breast this week.  

    As concerning as that is, I am still more concerned with what I don't know on the left breast.  I asked the nurse what the next step was and the BS doesn't want to see me for that breast for 6 months.  I was under the impression she would do a biopsy at this point.  I told the nurse there was no way I would wait for 6 months and watch this keep changing. She was going to speak to BS and call me back.  I have also noticed 2 spots of bruising which I assumed was from the breast exam the surgeon did in her office, but this was done two weeks ago and the coloring has stayed consistent. 

    So, I have a couple of questions for your ladies with dimpling.  Because we don't have an area of concern on imaging, where do they biopsy?  Also, was bruising a symptom you had?

    Thank you so much ladies! 

  • champy
    champy Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2012

    Hi luvinlife I too am having trouble with a dimple and Im trying to attatch a pic for people to give me their opinion but it wont work How do I attatch a picture ladies? Thanks so much :) XXX

  • lanagraves
    lanagraves Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2012

    Denise: Our story is very similar. I too had dimpling for at least a year before I was dx'd, and convinced myself it was nothing to worry about, I was too young, etc. I had severe breast pain a few months before my dx. In February I was dx'd with Stage 3, Grade 2, hormone receptor positive BC. My body was talking too, and I ignored it.

  • Mcall44
    Mcall44 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2012 know my story. Dx today w DCIS grade 2 w papillary features, hoping its not invasive since its @ the terminal end. Had my dimpling/( skin retraction is what the listed on path report) since June. Thankful for answers. Nothing is worse than getting the run around and not knowing! Think pos and best of luck to all those waiting on answers.

  • blueyedgrl2121
    blueyedgrl2121 Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2012

    Hey luvinlife, just wanted to pop in. I'm in the same boat. I've got a horizontal indent lower inner quad right breast. Mri last wednesday shows absolutely nothing in right breast. But something lit up in left breast. Follow up mri in 6 months for left breast. My bs hasn't even called me, I got the report from the radiologist. So I guess that's it idk?! My indent is growing, I take comparison pics every 2 weeks to document it. I hope you get some answers soon, hell I hope we both do. I cried all afternoon when I got the report. I was prepared for every possibility but that. Hang in there and we can get though this together. Pm me if you want!! Stay strong :)

  • champy
    champy Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2012
    Hi ladies I have  couple of pics ill upload for others to compare Im still waiting until after my baby is born to have an MRI just wnting to know if this looks like  a cancer dimple or just stretched skin??????? Champy XXXXPhotobucket" mce_src="Photobucket" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />Photobucket" mce_src="Photobucket" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />Photobucket" mce_src="Photobucket" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />Photobucket" mce_src="Photobucket" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />Photobucket" mce_src="Photobucket" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />Photobucket" mce_src="Photobucket" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />
  • luvinlife
    luvinlife Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2012

    Hi ladies, I wanted to post an update. I had the ultrasound and the mass in the right breast is questionable, so radiologist recommended a biopsy. So I called the BS and asked about biopsyjng the left breast(dimpling) and she said that there isn't anything to biopsy and it would be like finding a needle in a haystack. (Even though there is an obvious lumpiness/thickening between dimpling areas). I'm planning on waiting until I get the report from the biopsy and then I'm going to keep pushing to find an answer.

    Champy- I've sent you a private message, but yes, my dimpling looks more similar to the top two pics. This is the way it first appeared back about 6 months ago, it then changed and looked like a thumb pushed the breast in and now the area has flattened out the side of the breast. New dimpling has appeared on bottom of breast and area between dimples has thickened/lumpiness.

    Blueyedgirl-why isn't your doc wanting to take a better look at what appeared on MRI? I'm sorry to hear your in the same boat I am. Not sure why waiting is a constant issue with doctors. Great job takk g pics, certainly get an appointment if there is any change. Please keep me posted, I pray you get an answer soon!

  • yelenaiv
    yelenaiv Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2017


    Did you ever figure out what it was?

    I found a dimple too. Looking into it. :(

    Thank you.

  • kicks
    kicks Member Posts: 319
    edited January 2017

    yelenaiv - do not expect to get a reply from luvinlife. This is an almost 5 yr old thread that has not been posted on (til you) since Sept 2012. The OP (luvinlife) has not even visited BCO since Oct. 2012.

  • Sykome
    Sykome Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2017

    hello I was wondering when you see this dumpling are you staying normal? Are your arms raised? Do you see the dimpling in only one position or many positions such as arm behind back and arm behind head.

    Thank you for answers and I will pray for everyone here.

  • midwest_laura
    midwest_laura Member Posts: 114
    edited February 2017

    Skykome: dimpling should be checked from all angles and all positions.  Standing up and lying down.  Arms raised and arms lowered.  If anything looks unusual, or the amount of dimpling changes over the course of a few months, get in to the doctor and have it checked out.  Most of us start with the Mammo, then move on to the US, then MRI.  Sometimes a scan is skipped or unnecessary at the start.  A biopsy is thrown in there somewhere.  As others have stated, a biopsy is the only real test that gives a confident yes or no.  All other tests and scans are somewhere in the range of "sometimes" to "usually" accurate.

  • VickiRides
    VickiRides Member Posts: 163
    edited February 2017

    Skykome, In my case I had dimpling that only appeared when I raised my arm. Mammogram and ultrasound failed to show anything, but MRI showed areas of concern that were confirmed by biopsy. It took me a year from when I first noticed the dimpling to when I finally talked to my doctor about it. I wish I acted sooner. Best wishes to you.