Any avid horseback riders out there?
This is my new guy, Lord of the Dance, he is a national show horse. This was our first show back in December, took 2 in walk trot road hack. Not too bad considering our first show and I have never ridden english or saddleseat before. He is so fun to ride and a good boy!
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Wow! love your willingness to go for it. Beautiful horse.
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Wow, he is sooo pretty. He looks really big!?
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Me Too!! I just saw this post. My horses also saved my remaining sanity to get through surgeries and treatments. My heart horse (TB gelding) was age 17 when I was dx with IDC. I rode him on a 6 mile trail pace during my 7th chemo treatment at the end of the summer. He took care of me so I had one positive happy memory from that horrible year from hell. He is now going on age 24 suffering with Cushings and arthritis issues. We take it day by day now as I may have to let him go soon. My retired paint age 17 has navicular and is a lawn ornament who supplies fertilizer. So about 1 1/2 years ago I was so depressed not being able to ride that I purchased a large Connemara pony. He has been a REAL challenge with some incorrect training (low level dressage), but he is finally coming around and is more trusting of his rider. The issue now is the frigid cold weather and freezing grounds as I keep my guys at home.
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He is only 15 hands but he holds his head high, as his breed will do. My boys are my therapy for sure!! This was today, they had fun running in the snow. Looks like Jax is giving me a rasberry!!
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Hello ladies, just discovered this topic today and I am so pleased to see and hear all these positive stories. I had worked in a couple different barns for about 15 years until my b/c diagnosis. Lasted 4 months after that but had to give it up just after my second chemo, just didn't have the stamina and with bone mets was too afraid of getting knocked around. Even though they don't mean it they are big creatures. Mostly worked with hunter/jumpers altough western pleaseure and trail are my favs. Also showed a lot of halter and showmanship when i was younger.
Anyway had to give up my gorgeous boy when i quit working, 11 y/o paint/warmblood cross and just a sweetheart. Didn't get to ride him in a long while he severed tendons in his hindleg in an accident in 2005 but he's an awesome lawn ornament
I gave him to the owner of the barn where I was working, I've known hiim for about 15 yrs and I know he'll take good care of him.
These last three summers have been working as a trail guide taking out public rides from the farm and from a nearby resort location, so lots of riding sometimes 4-6 hrs a day in the saddle, but again couldn't keep it up after i got sick.
My bff has offered me a horse to show tis coming summer if i am well enough, she's ging to truck a couple to my area for the summer to show and I will do one if i can. She has some nice QH's and also shows saddle seat with her morgans. Not sure which one i will do, have done both with her, or she may even bring her lovely quiet mustang for me. Man i hope i am up to it we have soooo much fun together!!
Nice to see some other riders, as someone else mentioned lots of runners and cyclists here, so glad i found this thread. Hope i didn't ramble on too much but you know how it is once we start talking
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Hi rider girl... yes I know how it is!! I figured how to do pics and now,. well lookout!! I hope you can show this year!! I love it, last year was my first year back into it since I was a youngster. I am having show withdraw!! Horses are great therapy!!
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I used to guide trail rides out from an amusement park near Charlotte many years ago. That was my very favorite job I ever had.I can still remember all the horses names and the order they went in on the trail. Thats pretty good considering Ive had chemo-brain for 5 years, right?
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Ladies, its so great to read your posts and welcome ridergirl!
Ridergirl and I am so happy you found a good home for your horse--it sounds like a forever home which is the best. Are you every able to go see your horse? I hope that it will be possible to show one of the horses this summer--maybe just in a walk-trot class maybe? or trail class? If it were me, I would ride the most bombproof of the horses. I have just started thinking about showing Mikey in Ranch Horse Pleasure and it really thrills me to be thinking of it. It just gives me something so special to look forward to. If you weren't up to riding, maybe you could show in a halter or good grooming class?
Marywe, I'm not surprised you can still remember all the horses names. It like that when you have the horse gene. Do you have any contact with horses these days?
Cheryl, your boys look like they are fun!
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Cheryl -- love those bright blankets in the snow!! They look like best buddies.
I'm still trying to figure steps in photobucket to share here.
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cp, i copied these instructions from another topic. hope this helps!
Okay, for uploading pictures..... you need to have your pictures already uploaded to an image host like Photobucket. It is free and a really good site to store digital photos. Once you have that, you simply find the photo you want on Photobucket and copy the direct link. Then once you're at the BCO window where you reply, you will see a picture of a little tree to the left of the smiley face at the top of the reply window. Click on the tree and you'll get a pop-up window that gives you some options. Where it says 'image url' paste your link from your Photobucket picture, then click 'insert'.
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Hey all,
Havent read all the posts but this thread is like a breath of fresh air for me. It's like a lil trip down memory lane, so I hope I havent encroached on you. I love the piks and hope you post more. Im not an avid rider these days but used to be in my younger years. I'm from NZ and I LOVE quarter horses and all they do. I just LOVE their strength and their bundle of flesh that is so pleasing to MY eyes. LOL. I love the western approach to riding which doesn't focus on constant pressure as much as the english riding does....I have a huge respect for english dressage though.
The 1st time I saw a real quarter horse was in Perth Australia when I travelled there in my young days. I was so excited I cried. The guy let me ride it. We have since had quarter horses come here and I remember one of the the 1st ones if not THE 1st to be imported was called De Bar Flit. He was gorgeous.
CherylinOhio is your avatar one of a quarter horses back? I must say I LOVE their nice big butts LOL. Might seem strange but Ive always liked that line down the middle of their rump.
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Cowgirl --- hmmm I keep doing something wrong from phototbucket. I'm guessing it's a jpeg file there and it need html file to insert here.
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cp, do you have your photos stored on like SmugMug, Snapfish, Photobucket or one like those? The link hass to be an html file.
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Musical, You are certainly not encroaching on any body here, welcome. As long as you're a lover of horses and you dont get bored with the conversations. A lot of us havnt seriously ridden in a long time
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Thx marywh.
Heres an interesting thing I found about riding. I remember I had a minor back injury years ago and it plagued me for years, then some neices took up horseriding and I helped them out for a while. I noticed the horse riding I did actually helped my back issues tremendously. Just a thought for anyone who has back problems. Mine was caused through a strain.
I did very little competitive riding. The type I was into, wasn't a happening thing in my country at the time so I used to just love pleasure riding, preferably the further out in the country the better.
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The photos are in the Photobucket site and I don't see how to convert them to html format...... There is a menu on the right side but it doesn't seem to change the file tag.
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cp, sorry its not working. Maybe Cheryl will check in and let us know how she posted her picture. Mine was posted from SmugMug and they make it really easy to get a url.
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I have been away for a month on a trip and how nice to come back and see this thread!!!
I just rode on Lortabs whenever I didn't feel well
Seriously - I can't read this thread more than a couple of responses right now as I came off my horse yesterday after the 5th Rodeo Buck and my head and neck hurts so I am limiting my time on the internet right now. Typically after the 2nd buck I would have been off so I think my riding skills have definately improved. She is the type that goes up on all four legs at one time and leaps forward 10 feet at the same time. Having a hard time focusing on any single thing right now.
But....I will be back!
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Jancie, I remember you from the Horseback Riding topic under Lympadema section. Welcome!
Staying on until the 5th buck, oh my gosh! Hope you feel better in a few days.
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Cowgirl13 - good to see you again! Pretty sure I suffered a concussion. Dealing with headache since yesterday along with some nausea and I don't remember much of the incident. Can't afford a CT scan right now so taking it easy. Plan to get back on my horse on Saturday - by then I should feel much better.
No, I did not tell my dh! He would have freaked out. He doesn't like my horse but pays for her as she makes me happy (other than when she freaks out and launches me).
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hello fellow horselovers!!
Ok Photobucket- I created an account there, once you do that you can browse for pics, then in the right corner above pic there will be some icons, click on share, you will use the second line down that says "direct link" click on it, it will say copied, then come back here, click on a new message, click on the little tree and past url. WaLah!!
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Thank you to Cowgirl13 for giving me the instructions on how to post pics!!
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I almost came off of our little quarter pony the other day!! Little sh*t!! Was trying to get to the field to look for neighbors dog but pony didn't want anything to do with that, my 2 boys came running over and he got in a tizzy and gave a cowbuck, not too bad for being 23 years old!! LOL.... took the boys out yesterday, one was afraid of the snowy grass and about got me off when he decided he was afraid of some dirt and jumped sideways. the paint was being his bad self. You know what they say "Horses are afraid of 2 things: things that move and things that dont!!! "
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Cloudy pic from 2003, he is now age 23. I don't have recent pics but this is one of my favorites.
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This one more recent at age 20 eating on our front lawn. Part the Clouds - aka Cloudy RIP, April 4, 1989 - March 9, 2013
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CP418 - beautiful bay!!!!
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CP418, beautiful! I just love a dark bay--almost nothing prettier. thanks for posting.
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O he is gorgeous!! Can you ride him? I just got back from a seminar on hay and feed.... fun stuff. Your place looks great!! lots of room.