Any avid horseback riders out there?
Yup. Horses are not four wheelers. They do have their own opinions!
Just found out yesterday that barrel racing starts this Monday. Yay!
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Was out in the country today, Lots of spring babies out in pastures. So sweet....
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I finally made it back home late last night and of course I had to go to the barn today to see Jazzy. It looked like my trainer had ridden her already and I was really tired. So I spent time being her carrot dispenser, shampooed and conditioned her tail and just gave her a great grooming. I can't believe that next Thursday we leave for a horse show in Boise, Idaho!
This week I am going to be so busy getting everything ready for the show yet I need to spend time with my hubby.
And of course I came back to a filthy house. The only thing that was kept half way clean was the kitchen. When in the heck do I have time to do a deep cleaning if I need to be at the barn every day this week????
Cowgal - I totally get the "language between horse and rider" thing. When your communication is "off" - it totally affects your entire ride. Jazzy gets really frustrated if I am not communicating properly with her. She wants so hard to please but if I inadvertently ask her to trot - not meaning to - it is not fair to her to pull her back to a walk - she will just get confused and it is as though she is saying "Can you please get it together because I am really trying here for you!"
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Hello ladies. Well I did pretty good at the first show of the season last week. It was 40, snowed for a bit and was very windy. But we had a good day!!
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Congratulations Cherylin!
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Thanks. He is my new horse and a good boy. I am thankful for both my guys
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Jancie- you're a true horse person when the barn is clean but the house......
Remember 100 years from now, people will remember your influence and your accomplishments, not whether your house was clean on May 11. Dustbunnies are your friends
Cherylin- congrats
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My philosophy too flash!
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Hello ladies I'm new to the site. 1 month from surgery this week and dying to ride. I have a 4 yr Freisian and a 5 yr old quarter horse mare. They both need riding. Can't wait!
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Welcome Tresa!
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hi Tresa, I love Fresians! Do you ride sadde seat?
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Welcome Tresa. Congrats Cheryl.
Mary, it's all your fault that I bought some perreniel versions of indian blanket flowers!
I read your post about seeing all the spring babies in the pastures. It reminded me of how beautiful it used to be on a place around here where a paint breeder would have his foals and mares out in a green pasture loaded with wild indian blanket flowers. We've been in a historical drought so nothing has been green for several years and the breeder has stopped breeding so now that is just a memory but a fond one. I love all the spring babies too but the foals and calves always bring a big smile to my face.
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Well today is the Preakness. I say go Orb! It is way overdue to have a Triple Crown champion. A friend of mine used to exercise thoroughbreds years ago for the owner of Orb and she is pretty excited their horse took the Derby.
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Just a quick note as I need to shower and get to bed.
Jazzy took 4th place in Training Level Test 1 this morning. This afternoon she took 1st place in Training Level Test 3.
Tomorrow morning she rides Training Level Test 3 again.
I am so very proud of her! She was nervous but did a fantastic job.
Will write more on Monday after I catch my breath. I am exhausted from only getting about 5 hours of sleep nightly for the past 3 nights and here we are on another night of only 5 hours of sleep.
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Well done! Congrats!
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Congratulations Jancie!!
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Had a good day showing today!! Took a 3 out of 7 in a country pleasure class and 1 out of 1 in another arabian country pleasure class. He was a good boy and I can't wait for my next show!! I love my boys so much!! They are such good therapy!!
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Good for you!That sounds like fun. My brother called the other day and is getting rid of his horses, wanted to know if I wanted them...Broke my heart to tell him no,I just cant do it right now Dh would end up doing most of the work and am unsure as to how my treatments are going yet.. My pasture sure is empty though.Have to content myself with visiting nieghbors pastures. Havnt ridden in 8 months and I miss it so much...
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That's great!
I'm not sure I'll get to show much this summer. Looks like I might be on 24 hour antibiotics for 8 weeks for osteomyelitis of the jaw. phooey.0 -
Cheryl - congrats on the show!
Chele - I am not much into showing myself. I just like to be a "show mom" and be proud of my girl. More than likely I will have my trainer ride her in the shows this year while I work on my confidence.
So I went out to the barn - I hadn't ridden Jazzy since Wednesday because there was a clinic this weekend at the barn and a bunch of black cows showed up. Jazzy is not a "cow pony" for lack of proper terminology and many of the horses were riled up due to the cows being around.
I get out there today and she is in heat at the very high of her cycle. Now Wednesday she was in heat but today......I could barely get her to move forward past the geldings. She never has liked Shakespear (my trainers horse) but today she was all over him and wanting him. She finally did start listening to me and moved forward as when she is behind my leg it is not pretty.
I have a lesson tomorrow - really looking forward to that as I have only had one lesson in I think about 5 weeks due to my trip to Florida and then going to Idaho for the horse show.
My next show is the weekend of July 6th and July 7th.
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Joining this group and please forgive me for not reading the prior 7 pages! I have always loved horses and started riding as an adult in what I call the "adult weenie group". In other word 2'6 jumps are fine! It funny with riding but I can ride several times a week for years and still be a beginner! I am doing three phase with a lovely Irish sport horse ( who has nasty bolts) who will jump anything. Her owner lets me ride her for free ( I do go to my local tack shop and get her something each week because I am so grateful) she has been fox hunting and I am thinking about giving this a try. My DH has said he would get me the proper clothing for our anniversary! What a guy! I will be extra wimpy and wear my jump vest under my coat- thank you bad fall for the concussion
, cervical neck injury, and rotator cuff tear!0 -
groovy - you sound just like me!! Except I gave up the 2'6" jumps for dressage. Only jumped up to 3' for one season and that was enough. I wear my cross country vest most of the time and bought an extra large show coat so that I could wear my vest under it.
I got a laugh about the clothes for your anniversary as last year I asked for a dressage saddle and this year it was a pair of dress boots. I have enough bling to last a lifetime - my only wants now are stuff for my horsey.
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Wow, groovy, fancy meeting YOU here! Something else we have in common. I started lessons just a couple of years ago, and have ALWAYS wanted to be National Velvet. Just livin' the dream . . .
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My riding has been sporadic due to bouts of depression, etc. whereas I just can't get up the motivation to drive one hour to the barn.
I did ride on Monday and Jazzy was a rock star! I had planned on riding her tomorrow but am going out of town with my dh for the night so I will be spending Thursday at the barn instead.
IF I were ever to buy a horse - which is very very doubtful - I have promised myself I would not buy a horse younger than 6 years old. Jazzy turned 8 this year and FINALLY she has matured to where getting hosed off after riding is not an issue. She doesn't feel like she has to rear up and show off at the horse shows. She is still timid which is hilarious as she will take these baby steps scared to death of going forward when entering a new arena, etc.
Finally upgrading to the 21st century and getting a smart phone. Will be able to take pictures and videos of my horse! Phone should be in this week and I am so excited!
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Jancie, I understand the depression part, I also have bouts of it. Glad to hear that you had a great ride on Jazzy. I understand the timid part--there is a horse that I hand-walk and she is very timid about things that are new. I've never 'pushed' her to get past something--I just get a mind set that we can take all day, if we need, to work thru something something scary. I love my walks with her.
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Had a wonderful lesson last night - I rode Lear, a Haflinger who loves eating grass - it was a challenge to keep him away from it. But he was lively and fun.
At the end of our lesson we rode thru the woods on a short trail ride. Last night there was a brief sun shower followed by a double rainbow! God's little gift . . .
Just wanted to share.
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LuLu - glad you had a great lesson - doesn't that just make you feel so much better?
My trainer has been MIA for the past 10 days at horse shows but we have a lesson scheduled for Saturday. Today the wind was gusting in excess of 40 mph - it was dry - the arena sand was blowing everywhere. I got on and walked my horse for about 15 minutes and then just gave up. We were both miserable but she was happy to see me and was cooperative.
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Finally had a lesson yesterday. It could have gone better but I thought it went well enough. I have to work on my right leg - I tend to want it to be behind the girth all of the time which is incorrect for dressage. My leg should be on the girth. Years and Years of trainers telling me "get your leg behind the girth" I finally accomplished it. Now I have to rework that particular muscle memory. It is not a problem for me going to the left but going to the right I feel off balance.
Today I went out with a congregation member to the pasture where she has 2 horses. We rode bareback in the pasture which was so much fun. I hadn't ridden bareback in years. She owns one horse and her daughter owns another one. I rode her daughter's horse because he can be a "chit" at times and you have to be very relaxed with him as if you get nervous he will feel off of it and my friend gets nervous riding him.
So I decided that on Sundays I will go out and ride with my friend since I never drive all the way up the canyon to see my horse on Sundays. Bareback riding will be great teaching me some really good balance. I was able to sit the trot without any problem at all. Next time I will also work on the canter seat.
So how is everyone? How are all the horsies????
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I thought I was going to be SORE today from the bareback riding but I wasn't!! I guess I am in better shape than I thought I was.
Didn't make it to the barn today - couldn't get motivated but am planning on going there tomorrow instead.
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I hear ya on finding the motivation. Can't really say I'm depressed, just t.i.r.e.d., all the time tired. I try to muddle through it. My horse is right in my back yard, I have NO excuse not to ride, really, but I often find an excuse anyway.
Last weekend I showed at the High Plains Horse Show in Dodge City. We placed in every class we showed in, and we won Grand Champion in Speed Events!!! My awsome buckle (I hope the pic link works *sigh* - so challenged)