Any avid horseback riders out there?
Lulu, I so glad you enjoyed your lesson. I love hearing about it. One of the horses I ride, Mikey, is a belgian/mustang cross. He is fabulous. Not that it matters but are you riding english or western?
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Cowgirl, I'm riding English. Is there a huge difference? Because I'm going on vacation in a couple of weeks and might be riding a couple of times and I think it's Western.
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LuLu, you might find that riding western is easier (riding on your vacation). One thing I would suggest for riding western is that you ride with much looser reins and less contact. If you horse starts shaking his head a lot it could mean that you are putting too much pressure on the horses' mouth. Loosening the reins can help but of course thats not always so.
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A western saddle is alot more comfy than an english too. Especially on long rides. More padding for the bones. I rode huntseat many years before changing over to western pleasure. Sure wish I could be riding right now, but flew to Fla. on vacation and messed up my lymphedema pretty bad, and back on weekly chemo, dont have enough energy to do it. But the trip was worth it, did lots of very touristy things, even made it to South Beach one day and gawked at all the money people. We had a blast.
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Thanks for the tips, girls! I probably won't ride a lot on vacation as my hubby isn't fond of it. Last time he was sore for days afterwards! But this particular ride I want to do ends with a ride on the beach, so I told him he can just wait there for me and take the pictures!
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Wow - this thread has been quiet!! Are ya'll not adding this to your "favorites?"
Jazzy and I have been getting along. There have been no more accidents since January so I am very pleased.
I am taking her to a dressage show in Idaho in Mid May. I am leaving tomorrow for Florida and won't return until May 10th and then on May 16th head to Idaho (6 hour trailer ride) for a 2 day horse show. Thankfully my trainer will be riding her in this show as there is no way I could get prepped in 4 days. We will be competing Training Level 1.
While I am in Florida I plan on riding - probably trail riding since there is a barn only 3 miles from my father-in-laws home. I am sure they will laugh at me as I ride in my english riding pants, half chaps, and ariat short boots
I don't know a flipping thing about riding western so I will be the "beginner" for sure!
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Jancie, have a wonderful time. If you get a chance, give us a report from the road.
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Cowgirl - all is fine and I am having a blast here in Florida. I did try to reach the secretary of the Florida Dressage Society (through the USDS) to find out where there are training facilities near Santa Rosa Beach but didn't hear back from her.
I miss my horse so much when I leave for an extended period of time. I am going by the barn that is 2 miles from my dad's house (my father-in-law but I refer to him as dad) to maybe set up a trail ride or something. There is a charity horse show in Panama Beach that started today and will go through Saturday but I decided not to attend as the main attraction are the Tennessee Walking Horses.
So how are you doing?
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Jancie, I know what you mean about missing your horse so much when you are away. There are a bunch of ladies that I ride with and none of them ever want to take vacations away with their husbands. Not that they don't like their husbands but they just want to be at the barn!
I audited a wonderful clinic on Sunday--Cowboy Dressage--I just loved it. One of the differences is that we do it with a very loose rein. My friends who rode in it really loved it too. I'm going to have a lesson in it soon.
Hope you get a trail ride soon.
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Yes, it is always hard to leave them behind. We always call to check on them and it is great to see them when we get back.
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I got my horsey fix today! I went trail riding for the first time in my life. I was on a sweet mare - she is a tennessee walker - OMG - the trot is so different. I think the guy was impressed how well I could sit the trot. Of course when I first got on she tested and tested and tested to see if I knew what I was doing or if she was in control. Within 5 minutes she realized that I was in control and she was a jewel totally listening to me from then on. I even tested her making her halt even though the lead horse was ahead. She halted and didn't walk forward until I gave her the aid to do so.
We walked in this bogg for about 10 minutes, the water up to the horse's knees. There is no way in heck Jazzy would ever do this - she will vear around a small water puddle if she had her way.
It was fun - I probably will do it again before I leave and head back home. Michael said next time he would give me a much younger horse - more difficult to handle as most of the clients that come out there don't have a clue as to what they are doing and he needs the younger ones exercised and trained a bit more.
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OH, I'm lovin' my lessons this time of year.
I rode a Tennessee Walking Horse while on vacation, and it was smooooooth. But it was just a one hour ride on the beach so not a long experience.
I'm living vicariously thru you horse owners . . .
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I can't believe I lost this topic! It's on my favorites now so you all are stuck with me!
Cp, I'm so sorry you lost Cloudy. He was a beauty.
Yesterday I trimmed the pony, Dice, and this morning I trimmed Blue. Hooves, that is. I got Dice last fall for my great-niece/Godchild Aubrey. The look on her face was priceless when we told her Dice was for her!
Barrel Racing should be starting up next month. I'm hoping Aubs will get to ride Dice. She lives 3 hours away, so it will take some effort on her Mom's part. Fingers crossed it comes together. I'm not as enthusiastic about running Blue this year. Last year I tried the Ranch Horse events and we did pretty well. I think I'd rather work more on that than speed. But then again we have to haul Dice for Aubs and Blue for my nephew Gus so I may as well haul my saddle and run him. If nothing else it will keep him tuned up.
I'm VERY interested in the Cowboy Dressage! I joined the Kansas chapter's FaceBook page. I don't know if I'll ever find a trainer or do any showing, but I think I'll work towards it anyway. I used to ride English and dabbled a bit in hunters/jumpers and dressage. I bought an english saddle, just an old vintage style one, and have been working some with Blue. He's new to the "on the bit" stuff, and I'm rusty as all get out.
Blue is a TB/Perch, so I tease hubby that he had a Warmblood for a ranch horse!
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Hello fellow horse lovers! I have been inactive for awhile, have a new horse and have been laid off from myjob so I figure might as well put soe horse time in. Have the first show of the season coming up on May 12 .. yeah!! beeng going thru withdrawl.......
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Chele, I know there is a lady in Dodge City that is certified to train in western dressage. I'll see if I can find her contact information if you would like.
Cheryl, sorry about the job. Hopefully, you will find something you love very soon.
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That would be great cowgal! Thanks!
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Chele, the place is called Urban Riding Academy. Sheila Urban is the owner/instructor and her phone numbers are 620-253-4761 and 620-255-2342. I met her at a 4H horse show last summer and she told me that she teaches both children and adults. I remember asking her about western dressage and her telling me that she was either already certified to train that discipline or just finishing up on the certification. Good luck!
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Can i just say I love how this community helps each other out with info, etc.
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Thanks cowgal!
Her name sounds familiar. I wonder is she shows at the High Plains Horse Show in Dodge? The only showing I've done is at the High Plains Horse Show. They give away GREAT buckles, Blue and I won one for speed events last summer.
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I bet she does go to that show since it is right there in Dodge. I don't really show but I help with 4H horse project. Nothing against showing but I just can't stand waiting around all day in the heat. I've only actually done a couple of fun shows with my older paint.
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The heat is a killer cowgal. I don't like it one bit. We do speed events at Buffalo, OK during the summer. It's brutal. Not sure why I feel the need to show this year. I think I just like trying new things with my willing old horse! He catches on to new ideas pretty quick.
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Just living vicariously by all your posts. Had some progression this past time so no horse for me for a while. Sounds like everybody is getting ready for spring riding. I sure do miss my baby. Hope everybody is finally getting some nice weather....
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Sorry to hear you've had progression.
I was worried I wouldn't be able to ride when my mets were running rampant and getting into everything. Luckily they haven't stopped me. I hope you get yours to cooperate too.
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A little off subject Chele, but I noticed you were on halaven at one time. How was it for you? Its got me feeling a little out of sorts but have had only 1 infusion..
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Mary, I wasn't on it for long, maybe a couple rounds? It didn't work. I don't remember it being bad at all. It wiped out my blood counts - but everything does that to me (except so far Xeloda seems to be improving my counts!!!). I do remember fatique, but I think that was it as far as SE's go on the Halaven.
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Hi ladies. So sorry about the progression Mary. I hope you get everything under control and everyone else does so also for that matter. I am hoping that I can get some riding in this weekend.
Chele, I understand what you are saying about enjoying trying things with your old willing horse. My 17 year old paint is like that. It is real similar to going and trying something new with your best friend. It is just so much fun! My 10 year old paint is pretty fun to try new things with too. They are both such agreeable personalities and both extremely quick to figure things out. For fun, they both will cut birds (the ones that will run on the ground a ways...I think they are killdeers) and tumbleweeds! LOL.
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How fun cowgal!
When I was a kid I had a horse that would work guinea hens. He loved it so much he would take off after them even before I had seen them! I just love horses. Blue is giving me my secomd childhood.0 -
Love reading all your posts. Someday . . .
Each week at my riding lesson we ride a different horse. We have a wonderful instructor and she likes to challenge us. This week the question was, "Which horse do you like least and why and which do you like most and why?" And our "least" liked we had to put an "I" on it and try not to blame the horse. My answer was, "Grummin is my least favorite because I can't figure out how to communicate with him." (The instructor helped me realize that with Grummin you just have to keep after him, don't give up, and don't take "no" for an answer.) My favorite is the painted pony Tuxedo because he has a very smooth gait and does everything I ask him to do with very little effort on my part.
Funny about riding, before I took up the sport I thought all horses were alike and if you give them the right cues they will all respond in the same way. How little did I know . . .
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Good for you LuvLuLu!
You've got that figured out. Horses are definitely individuals just like people are. You will find that some your personalities mesh with and some you don't...just like people and sometimes it just takes a little while until you both are "speaking the same language". What a thrill it is when you find a horse where the communication is way above the ordinary.
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Thx, cowgal! I'm learning so much from them.