Working on Your Fitness
Conversations about exercise, diet, and getting back in shape after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.
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Working on Your Fitness
Conversations about exercise, diet, and getting back in shape after breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Discussion List
- Nearly all breast cancer treatments cause side effects, including joint pain, fatigue, and anxiety. Exercise may seem like the last thing you want to do when you’re having serious side effects, but re…
- Some of us on the Let's Post our Daily Exercise thread decided that it might help keep us honest if we had to post our weekly losses or gains. Not posting your weight - just your net loss or gain. So …
- I was diagnosed in September. Started exercising in November by joining a gym . I have been doing treadmill, resistance training and balance exercises. Today I am going to the pool for a fitness class…
- This is going to be a thread for people interested in plant-based diets* or becoming vegan*. Whether it's just a meal or an entire lifestyle, whether you're already there or are just curious and consi…
- Exercise May Lower Risk of Breast Cancer Coming Back in Some Women September 5, 2024 A French study found doing just a modest amount of exercise – about 1.5 hours of brisk walking per week – lowered t…
- Exercise May Lower Risk of Breast Cancer Coming Back in Some Women Sep 5, 2024 Just 90 minutes of moderate exercise a week seems to reduce the risk of hormone receptor-negative breast cancer coming ba…
- Metabolic Syndrome May Increase Risk of Death From Breast Cancer Jul 9, 2024 How do obesity and metabolic syndrome affect breast cancer outcomes? Read more…
- Have you changed your diet and exercise habits since your breast cancer diagnosis, and if so, which is the most important reason? Take our poll.
- As you can see from my bio, I’m stage IV, and for 12 months after my diagnosis I felt terrible; no energy, foggy brain, elevated sugar, putting on weight etc etc. At the beginning of January I decided…
- Cancer Survivors Who Exercise Have Lower Risk of Dying From Any Cause Oct 5, 2023 If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, following national exercise guidelines can extend your life. Read more…
- Combo of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Seem Best for Cancer-Related Fatigue May 6, 2023 Which exercise is best for cancer-related fatigue? A combination of aerobic and resistance exercise seems to h…
- History of Cancer Linked to Quicker Loss of Physical Function in Post-Menopausal Women Jan 24, 2023 Post-menopausal women with a history of four types of cancer had a faster decline of physical functi…
- I am trying hard to work back into being mobile after my bc spread to my bones this past summer. I spent over a month in the hospital bed ridden, had a total left hip replacement in September and an 8…
- I'm having an oncoplastic reduction in 2 days, about a week after a lumpectomy. I feel like recovery from the lumpectomy was fairly easy but I know the reduction will be a bigger surgery. I'm moving f…
- Exercise Reduces Risk of Functional, Heart Problems Related to Chemotherapy Dec 6, 2022 Women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer receiving anthracycline chemotherapy who completed a 12-month exe…
- Exercise Reduces Risk of Dying From Breast Cancer Nov 22, 2022 Post-menopausal women with a history of early-stage disease who did even moderate exercise, such as fast walking or easy cycling, reduced…
- Hi everyone! My wife was diagnosed with triple negative stage 2A breast cancer in February. She completed chemo followed by a bilateral mastectomy without any major side effects or decrease in quality…
- Risk of Heart Problems Lower in Breast Cancer Survivors Who Exercise Jun 27, 2022 Exercise helped reduce the risk of heart problems in women receiving treatment for breast cancer. Read more...
- ASCO Issues Guidelines on Exercise, Diet, and Weight Management During Cancer Treatment May 25, 2022 Doctors should recommend regular aerobic and resistance exercise for people receiving cancer treatm…
- Sitting More, Inactivity Linked to Worse Outcomes for Cancer Survivors Mar 24, 2022 Not exercising and lots of sitting can be harmful for cancer survivors. Read more...
- hello! I had bmx with tissue expanders placed on 5/12. At my last visit with ps he gave me the ok to start running in 2 weeks!! :) My question is about support. My tissue expanders feel huge! and boun…
- hi! Has anyone done the doctor supervised HCG diet? Struggling with 11 pounds near impossible with anything …. Really need to lose it for help with my blood pressure etc….
- it seems that there aremany of us out there! Share your trips, tips, favorite dive sites, hotels, and any other dive stuff! Cheers, Midgie
- I am concerned on how long it will take me to get back to riding my horses after surgery. If I do surgery... I have had one lumpectomy, no radiation because it was discovered that I had a genetic hear…
- Supervised Exercise Safe for People With Bone Metastases September 20, 2021 People diagnosed with metastatic cancer that has spread to the bones can safely participate in supervised exercise programs,…
- Hey everyone! I'm looking for a backpack for long hikes that will be as gentle as possible on my LE which is through my entire upper body- arms, chest, trunk, back. Needs to be able to hold several da…
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