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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2014

    I looked up my user name. Never even thought about it before. It's got me classified as a whiner, stinky armpits, on antibiotics and flat. Even less stalker material:)

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2014

    PMSL Zills, you are so funny!


  • otceb
    otceb Member Posts: 129
    edited March 2014

    Hi Zills, I hope you have been feeling better as the day has progressed. Have you been stuck at home, or were you able to go to Livestrong? What a dream you had, it gives me the chills... {{{hugs}}} I don't have any remedy to recommend, all sweets are my downfall, Nutella when there's nothing else special around.

    I just scanned through the posts of the past days, I saw something about men in lycra?! :-)

    Viv, congrats on the surgery being done! Sorry about the issues with your veins, I hope you don't need bloodwork for a while. What a touching story about your kids and their reaction to the mx, thank you for sharing. Enjoy your time off, I wish you plenty of rest!

    M, wow, already in the spa!  I assume your bandages are off? Do you already feel more comfortable wearing your bras now that the dog ear is gone, or is the swelling still affecting this? Re. weather change, even if your fall is starting, I think you will be in the nicer climate than us for a while, we're permanently stuck in the deep freeze here.. I'm glad you're happy with your garden, so many things you can check off as being done this season!

    gB, still shoveling? You are our shoveling hero!  Your back will be so happy when this is all gone, gosh, when will it happen???!!! Your icicles were spectacular.  Have fun looking for tattoos!

    bobo, how are you? Don't think about the PS, try not to think about scars, whatever, just get it over with. Hopefully this is the last surgery, definitely the last one with him, and you can move on with your life. I bet you can't wait for it to be done! We are all thinking about you!

    PRB, so glad you are upbeat and happy! This clearly was the right decision for you, wasn't it?!

    Re. anonymity, I don't know, people would really need read all my posts to maybe figure out who I am. And really, who cares? I'm not on Facebook since I have no time for this and don't want to post pictures on the web of my family and my life. This board? Way more useful than a threat to my privacy I think, thanks to you all!

    I went to the PT today, I had not been in a month. Good news is my LE went down, from 7% to 2%! I guess it's just a mild case that is helped by the fact that I move more and wear the sleeve when I exercise. I'm pretty happy about it, I can live with just monitoring how my arm reacts and doing a few things to prevent flare ups.

    Going to DS's school in a few minutes for a little show ("spectacle" for M!) that the JK/SK classes are doing. Should be cute, his class will be all dressed up in little sailors for their song!

    Hi to everyone!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited March 2014

    The melting has begun! :( 42°F and a light rain on and off. Many of the icicles have broken off, just the huge ones left now. They may not last the day. At least the next couple of nights are still going to be below freezing so that will help slow the melt some. I really don't want to have to deal with another flood this Winter!!

    Ariom, glad you got to use your spa again. I can just imagine how soothing it is, I could use one right now!!

    Viv, sorry you aren't feeling well. It is so easy to over do, we feel pretty good and wham it hits us. Rest all you need to, that is the best thing for healing.

    PRB, so sorry you've had some more owies!! I took a couple of unexpected falls a while back and I'm not a clumsy person either. It just happens sometimes I guess. I love the silver lining you found in the bad weather situation!! More time to wear layers, perfect!! Two weeks already! It really is amazing how the time flies.

    I have a pair of the contact boobs, but haven't tried them yet. I just passed my 6 month mark last month and really haven't even felt inclined to try them on. Maybe in the summer. Not sure I am really going to want to wear any prosthetic at all. I am so comfortable flat!

    Zills so sorry you are sad. I wish I could offer you some ideas. Well, one, retail therapy may help! :D Treat yourself to something nice. But seriously, if you can't shake it, it may be time for a visit to the therapist to either up your meds or add an extra one for a while. None of it is forever, it is just to get over a bump in the road. Laughed out loud at the stalker comment!!

    I never had any sadness either, I have never even cried. It actually was one big relief to me to have it done and behind me and not have to worry at every mammo that something would be found. When it was found I knew what I was going to do and no regrets ever.

    otc, looks like the shoveling is done for a while.  But we have been well known to have snow all the way into June, so I doubt it is over for the season.  Good to hear your LE is improving!  Have a good time at the show!

    Hugs for everyone! 

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited March 2014

    Oh Zills -  you stinky, whiny girl, you!   I'm right there with you :)  I tried using deodorant once and it burned like heck, so none for me on the mx side for a bit longer.  I hope you are feeling better.  I think sometimes we just need to allow ourselves to feel sad, mad and angry!   I read somewhere that crying releases healing T-cells.. so cry away.  I don't know what else to say short of suggesting counseling..but that would be hypocritical of me since I've never tried it (even though I know I should).    Having some total stranger to unload on might really be freeing...and knowing their responses aren't influenced by their love for us would be refreshing I would think.  Can you tell I'm trying to talk myself into going?

    Otceb - yeah.. so far so good.  I think it was the right decision for me.  Now when I wear my first foob and it comes flying out of my shirt, I might have to reconsider!  lol  Way to go on your LE reducing.  Mine has been much better too.. in fact, it's better now than before the mx.  After I read your post, I realized I hadn't had my glove on all day and my hand looks just fine.  I do manual massage throughout the day...sort of like a habit now and I don't even realize I'm doing it. I feel like you do.. that if it flares up then I know what to do to get it under control.  I feel lucky to have gotten on top of it so early. 

    Tomorrow I am signed up to go on a field trip with my daughters class to a science museum an hour away.  I really want to go since I know these kinds of things are coming to an end now that she's older...however, I'm a little worried that my stamina (and my back) might not hold through the whole day.  I called the museum and they said there are a lot of benches for me to sit on if the only real free time of walking around is about an hour...the rest is spent in the planetarium and also some simulated mission control room where they are landing onto Mars.  If that's not enough to exhaust me, my brother will be in town and is coming over once we get back.  I think I will need: Xanax for the bus ride to the museum, pain pills for the walking, and caffeine to stay awake for my brother!  What's that saying?  Better living through chemistry?  I am tired just thinking about it.  Maybe I'll just stay home.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2014

    I got some Toms deodorant to use after sx. It leaves out a lot of the bad stuff and works fairly well.

    Counseling did so much for me that I went back to school to become one. Practiced 13 years before retiring. I have heard that a slump after treatment is done is very common. Before that you're in fight mode, then it suddenly comes to an end.

    I'm eligible for a new foob this month and can't decide what kind I want. I have too much trouble with tape to risk a contact. And it wouldn't be an advantage if I still had to wear a bra. I think I'll talk about it with the store before deciding. I may decide to get a shape wear camisole to try instead of a bra. The sore muscle in my back is not helped by having a tight bra strap across it.

    I watched the academy awards last night and a number of actresses were pretty flat. Maybe the day of big boobs is passing.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2014

    PRB I used dial soap to combat the stinkiness. No deodorant for awhile and it was summer plus chemo flashes. And yes I see a therapist attached to the cancer center AND DH and I are going to counseling. 

    RO said its normal and to take a Xanax for a few days. I should be happy I was dancing at both weddings. So what if I had a tank. I was there! That's my goal. 

    I will be glad when this winter is over. I can't seem to get into a routine. Maybe I've got a bit of SAD too. I take vit D and get outside daily. 

    Livestrong was cancelled but the gym was open. Spent as much time on the road as on the machines but feel better. Good for kids to get out too. Will probably have to miss PT tomorrow. Lots of black ice tonight. Single digits and ice/snow still on roads. 

    GrammaB. I've been thinking about shopping. My older sister has good taste but expensive. Not sure but might try. Also want to get my ears repierced. 

    Tomorrow's Mardi Gras. Anyone doing anything fun? Anyone giving up something for Lent?  

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2014

    DH and samba band are headlining a Mardi Gras party at a venue here. They're very psyched about it. I noticed the local grocery had shrimp gumbo in their deli section today. Never have been to NO for the party. I hear it's pretty rough if you're not part of the private scene.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyone, I just checked in to see if anyone had been here today. I did a big post this morning and then had a super busy day. I just got in and I have realized the post  isn't here. Don't you hate that!

    I am wondering what our Bobo is doing, she's been quiet, but it's countdown time now, I hope all is OK.

    Zills, I am sorry you're feeling blue, I don't know what to suggest because you do everything right already. 

    You know I'd be agreeing with retail therapy! Works for me!

    Wren, I always wanted to go to NO for Mardi Gras but never made it. 

    The Contact by Amoena doesn't have any tape, the whole back is sticky, sort of like those mats you can use in the car to anchor your phone or GPS. You do have to wear a bra with it though. It is also pretty high maintenance, needing to be scrubbed each time you use it, and your skin has to be wiped with an alcohol wipe before you put it on and then moisturized afterward.

    PRB, you are amazing! Have a wonderful time on the school excursion, but pace yourself so you don't sleep through the good bits! LOL

    Gb, melting has begun! Good to hear! I hope you don't have too much shoveling to do now.

    I had an hour in the spa again this afternoon. It really is so nice and relaxing, but today I was using it for pain relief. I jumped into the car and somehow pulled a muscle on the front of my hip, I guess groin really, and it has given me a hard time all day. I am throwing my leg when I walk, not a good look! I've had to cancel a business meeting tonight and the Yoga class tomorrow. Fortunately Colin is off yacht racing tonight and has dinner at the club, so I can just have some Vitamix soup and lie on the couch for a while. Bummer! Take it easy everyone! M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2014

    Ariom, Sorry for the owie! Hope the spa helps.

    Visit from SIL is over. We came thru with shining moments, such as the plumbing stopping up and having to send her to a local store for a 'big' job. DH snaked it 3 days and got it going a little bit, but we gave up and called a plumber for this afternoon. Guess we'll be going to the local store ourselves this morning. Dear friend is letting us use her shower this afternoon because DH has a gig tonight.

    Trying to decide whether to take Goldie to the adoption event on Sat. It's also my book club and the meeting is at my house, God willing that plumbing is fixed. It can be done, but a squeeze time wise. As usual we're getting too fond of her. This morning she came up and crawled under the covers between us. Cuddled with her head on the pillow for about an hour. She's getting calm enough to play - spent time this morning seriously killing a catnip mouse.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2014

    Birdie, why rush your book  club?  Goldie can hang out for another week... :)

    M, sorry about your leg.  Had pedicure this morning, but read on the thread that one PS forbade them because of germs.  Great!  Now I feel like I've sealed my fate.  I can have a pedicure, can't I?  Left the fingers alone.

    Unnecessarily worried about pedicure.  Baking MD's birthday cake.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2014

    Book club has been scheduled for a month. I'm going to make enchiladas, even tho it's in the morning. Breakfast is so hard to make without using lots of sugar and fat.

    Bobo, I don't think a pedicure is going to be a problem. Your toes are a long way away. What kind of birthday cake are you making for MD?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Morning, feeling a better today, not walking like a one legged Pirate this morning!

    Bobo, correct me if I am wrong, but I think the 'Too many germs" was in reference to you catching something at the Pedi salon, not that the toes being done were germy! Just Hibiclense your feet and chest well before you go to Hospital.  I always have my toes painted, but I remove all nail polish from my hands before surgery. 

    How are you feeling about it today? or are you too busy with the Birthday to have thought too much?

    Wren I am a sucker for cute animals, sounds like you could be getting attached to her, who could blame you?

    Oh, the Toilet break down, how bad is that. It has only happened to me a couple of times, but it's the worst. I hope all is well for your meeting.

    Dull and grey today, but muggy and is going to be quite warm again. Take care.M 

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyone!  Well the melting continues and so far no flooding though we are under a flood advisory. 

    PRB, hope you had a good time on the field trip, if you did end up going.  It sounds like you would have had lots of places to rest.  Have a good visit with DB.

    Wren, counseling helped me tremendously after my DH passed.  I was in some pretty dark places and finally worked my way back to the light.  That Goldie is such a sweetie pie!!  I feel it is going to be hard for you to let her go.  Maybe it would be a good idea to do it sooner rather than later.  It is going to be hard either way.  Hope the toilet issue is fixed asap!!

    Zills, ear piercing!  There you go, and you can do retail therapy buying new earrings!!

    bobo, good advice from Ariom re the washing your feet and chest with hibiclense.  I washed my chest with it before my sx too.  I think it is actually the actual pedicure that could introduce germs.  As a diabetic I was warned not to get them as any nick could introduce germs and cause infection. And if I did, to bring my own tools.  But it would be in the foot and that is just for diabetics.  The hibiclense should do the trick just fine for you.  And remember, that was just one ps, every dr has his/her own set of rules and they are all so different.  I wouldn't spend any time worrying about it.  Good luck with MD and getting her to go home quickly.  Will be in the bag for you tomorrow.  ((hugs)) 

    Airom, so sorry about your leg, glad to hear it is better today.  Boy that spa has come in handy!!

    Hugs for everyone!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2014

    The plumbers came 2 hours EARLY and managed to get it fixed. We probably need to have the whole sewer looked at, but hopefully that can wait a bit. Our realtor and friend said there are problems all over Seattle with houses built in the 1920s. Ours was 1946, but probably tied into the existing sewer which is from the 1920's.

    I'm taking Goldie to an adoption event on Sat. She's a gem and I'd like for her to find her permanent home before she gets more attached to us. I had to take her today to get a microchip. She was good the whole time.

    Bobo, in your pocket tomorrow.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyone, been busy and just had to come and check on everyone. Zills, sorry about how you feel right now, so hoping it passes when spring shows up, sun and warmth make most of us feel better.

    Wren, hoping Goldie gets a home just like yours. Also glad to hear the plumbing issue is solved for now. I remember many years ago we were two days away from leaving on a trip to Hawaii and a sewer pipe collapsed! Lucky we found a guy that came over quickly and dug things up and put it back together nicely. Hate those problems.

    Ariom, spa just sounds too good! Enjoy and glad you are feeling better. I don't have to prep my skin before attaching my contact foob, just stick it on and after taking it off then wash with a little soap and let dry. I do wear it but not like I thought I would, have been using it with my regular bras. Mine is an ABC brand 

    Is Bobo surgery tomorrow? For some reason I thought the 8th, so hoping things go smoothly this time.

    GB, we are melting some too but not much or near enough, send some warm air my way please.

    Hello to everyone. 

  • otceb
    otceb Member Posts: 129
    edited March 2014

    bobo, in your pocket tomorrow!  The big day has finally arrived!  Good luck with MD too, I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible.

    Zills, no Mardi Gras celebrations here. Haven't done lent since I was a kid, don't feel like sacrificing anything now :-)

    PRB, did you go on your field trip? If so, I hope everything went well. Have a good visit with your brother!

    Hi M! Sorry about the groin injury, I hope it's better today.

    Wren, I'm glad your toilet is fixed, you seem to have found good plumbers. Sorry you have to give up Goldie, good luck at the adoption event.

    Viv, are you recovering ok?

    Spookie, ndgirl, Idesim,TB, and all, I hope you are doing well!

    Just learned that my mother will be here for 5 days next week for my next chemo... a visit that's longer than I thought. DH was good at taking DS out of the house on the first days after chemo, it might be tougher to get her out of the house, with the crappy season and her osteoarthritis. I guess she'll be happy she's here, I'll tell myself that I did my good deed!

  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2014

    Good evening ladies, I am relatively new to the forum and know a few of the ladies from another thread. Would you mind if I joined  here?  Bobogirl will tell you I am the one with the DH they all want to steal ;)... Seriously though? I love the way y'all interact and care about each other. 

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited March 2014

    Wren, so glad to hear the plumbing problem is fixed for now.  Will you get to meet the adoptive parents when you take Goldie the the event? You can share things about her that would be helpful in her new home.

    ndgirl it was almost 50°F here today!!  That is just wrong for this time of year! So far no flooding, but lots of melting snow.  Right now it is pouring rain!! :(

    otc, I hope it isn't too much stress for you to have your mom there for that long.  Maybe she will go out with DH and DS sometimes.  Good luck.

    Hi js Welcome! It is nice to see you here too!!  Join in, the more the merrier!!


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2014

    Re Goldie: The adopters are screened by screeners before they come in, then grilled by the foster parents before they are allowed to adopt. She needs special people, so I'm going to really talk to them about her. I think she'd like a retired couple (like us).

    GB, Hope that rain and melt doesn't wash you away. They're worried about mud slides here. We have them often. There's an area called Magnolia Bluff which has magnificent views and people build big fancy houses. It's not stable tho, and ever so often a house slides into the sound. A guy in my geology class poo hooed the idea and said geologists think it's soon if it happens in the next 300 years. His went into the drink 2 years later.

    Yes, JS, please do join us here. We have lots of fun.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2014

    Welcome JS, please join this merry band, we have our fun and sad times but always support each other, don't know where I would be without this great gang.

    Ot, hugs for your next treatment and hope mom's visit is helpful and calm.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyone! Had a pretty quiet day today. The wind has picked up here and the temp has dropped. It can be very erratic weather in March here.

    Hi jsj! We've met elsewhere, nice to see you here, Welcome, it is a great group!

    ndgirl, I should have checked to see if there is an ABC supplier in Australia, my Contact came with a pack of all the things you need to use it. Even a nailbrush to scrub it. They say it needs to be scrubbed every time you use it an the skin has to be completely clean before you attach it. I don't like having to use alcohol wipes on my chest. I spend half my life massaging or moisturizing! So I don't want to use alcohol.

    I am still thinking about our Bobo, and wondering how she is doing. I did manage to speak to her the other day which was a real treat!

    I am hoping all is going well in SC with the new baby, oh I envy you gramwe, what fun a new little girl must be. I hope you can let us know how things are going.

    ldesim, I am missing you, is everything OK? I hope the renovations are all finished and you are back to normal at the office. I know you were feeling pretty exhausted. I hope that's in the rear view mirror now!

    otceb, you've got your Mother coming too. I hope you enjoy the visit and that she is well enough to  enjoy it too.

    Zills, I missed that you were getting your ears pierced. Is it a first for you? Bec had her ears pierced a couple of years ago, and has the biggest wardrobe of earrings I've ever seen.

    Take it easy everyone.....M x 

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited March 2014

    Wren - it must be plumbers week or something.  My drains are gurgling and the kitchen sink is really slow, so I have the plumber coming this morning.  Hope it's not a whole house problem!  Can I show him my scar for a discount? 

    GrammaB -  No ice for you!!!  I hope it stays just warm enough to melt slowly and no flooding. 

    Does anyone know if Bobo will be staying overnight for this procedure today?  That damn surgeon better do her right this time if he knows whats good for him.  Hope she is able to get on here today and tell us that all went well.

    Welcome Jsjherman.  This is a great group, full of support and interesting tales!  They held my hand, and kept me sane for the months leading up to my surgery.  Glad you found us. 

    Did you all see that this site will be down tomorrow for maintenance?  I find it odd that they are doing it during the day (from 9 am - 3 pm).  We usually do stuff like that during off hours because things usually take longer than expected.  I sent a couple of suggestions into the moderators (like a place for oncotype score on the diagnosis) and they said this was all maybe we'll have a new and improved site when they are done. 

    I didn't go on the field trip yesterday. I decided I was crazy to attempt an
    all-day outing with all the physical problems I have right now. I wish I
    could have gone, but in the end I was glad I stayed home and rested.
    My brother cancelled because they were getting dumped on with snow... so I
    went from having a potentially jam packed day, to a very relaxing day.
    I took a nap, woke up, and did my taxes. Happy that I'll be getting
    more back this year than last....not happy that it's because a stock I
    owned was bought out by a private company and I had a loss. Legal
    gambling...that's what the stock market is.

    I found the foam
    foob I ordered before the surgery. Still can't find the mx bra I
    ordered though. Should I wash the foob before I try to use it? I
    remember M saying she thinks her infection was from a new form. How the
    heck do you wash it? Throw it into the washer? I bet it will just
    float around bobbing up and down! That just made me think of a new
    Halloween game.. instead of bobbing for apples.. bobbing for.. well you
    know!   Might not be an age appropriate game for kids though. :)

    Take care all...hope Bobo does well today.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Hi PRB, It's about Midnight here and I just got up to see if there was anything from Bobo.

    Don't wash the Foob, if the cover is removable, just give that a hand wash. I am sure I got my infection from trying on a new bra that I hadn't washed first. Bearing in mind that I was doing everything too soon. If I had my time over again, I would lighten up and take my time with the foobs and the bras.

    It is probably a very good thing that you passed on the outing. It would have been  a lot to handle so soon. There will be plenty of time for all kinds of outings very soon.

    I am sorry to hear of your loss on the Market, we have had the same and I am skittish about where to invest. 

    I had to laugh at the picture you painted of bobbing for boobies!

    Well I am going to head off back to bed..Hope Bobo is ok and can let us know what's going on.I don't know how long she was supposed to be in Hospital, I sure hope it isn't long because that's where she picked up that virus last time.  Take care M x   

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    jsjherman welcome, I am new here too. I was posting on a couple other boards but need to touch base with gals that have already had surgery & no recon.

     Hi & Hello Ladies!

    I see the surgeon today for a quick pre op, my BMX is next Thursday the 13th.

    So today I need to get one dog to the groomers, then head to an antiques flea. A friend is also meeting me there with a hat she made for me. Still COLD here in New Hampshire & I am still bald! 1 month post chemo)

    It is snowing & I guess the roads are slick, great. Long winter...

    I see the surgeon later this afternoon. I saw a PS 2 weeks ago & made my decision to not have any recon started. Hubby supports me totally, actually he doesn't want me to go through several more surgeries at all. 

    Have a great day. I see the site will be down tomorrow for maintenace?

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2014

    welcome Vintage, we are here to support, have some good chuckles, great place to vent. Cold for you too? Will this winter ever end, been a rough one and May not be over yet, or at least for me.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2014

    Vintage, Welcome. I think we're going to find out tomorrow just how addicted we are to reading and posting here. I know it's a big part of my morning. Have you read the threads about how to prepare for surgery? Like putting important stuff at counter height so you don't have to reach up right away? The antique flea and seeing your friend sound like a great way to spend the day. My DH (hubby) is fine with me being 1/2 flat. He'd rather that than more surgeries.

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    Thanks Wren

     I am lucky so far I have hubby home a couple days post op, my sister & grown son  will each have a day with me, and a couple friends to come by after that. My biggest concern when no one will be here is the wood burning furnace down cellar, that is how we heat the house. I won't be able to pick up and throw those logs on! And this winter has been brutal. We do have a propane furnace $$$ so I can crank the thermostat if needed.

    This weekend hubby will be hauling furniture into the shop for me. I've been busy, I got a dresser, a side board & a desk/table painted, as well as a potting table & porch bench all waiting to go. I will pack the space full since I won't be in there for awhile post op.

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    Hi ndgirl

     yeah it's been a loooong winter, made longer by dealing with chemo & side effects but better to be holed up during this weather rather than miss out on the nice warm days!

    It's still snowing lightly but roads were ok when I came home. I have to leave for the dr soon. I'm figuring you're in North Dakota?

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited March 2014

    Wren - I think we'll survive tomorrow...then again, maybe I should start a Yahoo group so we can all stay in contact ;)   Let's just hope they get their maintenance done on time and we are all back together soon.

    Plumber came today.  Tree roots in the kitchen drain pipes.  Very unusual he said.. 1 in 5000 for the smaller pipes to be invaded by roots.  You should see how much he pulled from that bag full.  He said.. look at that.. and imagine it in a small pipe.  No wonder it didn't drain well!  So, only solution is to do this clean out every year, or have the basement floor banged out to replace the pipes.  Thankfully, I really trust this guy.  He has done work for me before and he's a nice guy... so seeing him every spring won't be too bad.  Oh, and he cleaned up the mess that always comes with plumbing.  I just went down and looked and all the gook is off the wall and floor.  Now I just need to sanitize cause that stuff creeps me out.

    M - thanks for the advice on the foob.  Don't know why I'm so anxious to see what it looks/feels like, but I'll take your advice and wash the outside first.  I'll also wait awhile before taking it for a spin.  When the foob master speaks, I listen! 

    Vintage gal - welcome to the group.  I'm pretty new here too actually,  but I'm home during my recovery, so rather than clean my house or doing anything productive, I spend my time here.  lol

    Hope we hear from Bobo today .. or at least before the site goes down.