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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning

    I got myself washed & dressed this a.m. & caught a glimpse of my bony flat chest....with it's two bandages. Ain't pretty. LOL

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2014

    Vintage, Time will improve the looks rather dramatically. I've heard of women doing exercises for their pec muscles to fill in a bit. That's way down the line for you. Right now it's rest and heal. Hugs.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014


    Hi Wren, I agree that it's down the track, for Vintage, but building that pec muscle up, worked for me too. It covers my "divet" when I am wearing a bra.

    How is Goldie doing? Did you get the couch covers clean after the little indiscretion? 

    Hi Vintage, doesn't it feel better to be clean and dressed! I hope you feel better and better.

    Wren is right, time changes the appearance of it, a lot. It can be a shock to see how different we look, but straight after surgery it can be a bit gruesome.... Hugs M x 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2014


    I love my poem.  MD is gone.  Just catching up on our thread.  Back to work just one week after this third sx, and barely making it from one place to the next.  OT, I know that feeling about computers and television.

    Will catch up.  Meantime, I am sending my love to everyone!


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Hi gB, I know that creepy feeling. When we were building our last house there were some bones unearthed, along with really pretty apothecary bottles and broken blue and white china. I was putting the garden and dug up a piece of jawbone. It really freaked me out till someone explained that it was dog's teeth! Yuck

    Sorry you lost more land, but I hope you aren't overdoing it too much with all this digging...take care M x

    otceb! I was in my 40's when I got my arthritis. It is the reactive type and my Rheumatologist told me that it was likely set off by the bite of a tic or a flea when I was in Kuala Lumpur. I have had many Cortisone shots over the years, hips, Shoulders, elbows, hands and they work really well for me, which is why I opted to take Cortisone as my drug of choice, even though it can have, some really frightful side effects. I have been very fortunate that although it has thinned my bones I have kept the dosage low enough to dodge the really bad ones. I know surgery to the spine is definitely a last resort, but I have had several hand a wrist surgeries that have made a really big difference to me. I worry about the hereditary factor for my daughter. I was once told that everyone can have the propensity for it, but it takes a catalyst to start Rheumatoid. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!

    Take it easy while you can, you're doing so well. Glad your husband is keeping your son entertained, I am sure that makes a huge difference. Hugs to you..M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Hey Bobo, welcome back! So sorry you are back at work so soon. Wish you could have a good break to recover properly. Hugs to you..M x

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning Ariom

     I will rejoin back at the gym when dr gives ok IF they have a trainer that can help me with the correct exercises. There's so many (low row, pull down etc) that I liked & did all the time for arm & upper body but I am sure that will be limited. Maybe just some hand weights to start & a few minutes on the bike.

    I am heading out in  a few to the cancer center for my Herceptin infusion.

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited March 2014

    Helloooooo I see I've missed surgeries, chemo appointments, handsome Colin pictures, baby pooping posts, kitties peeing on furniture, snow, snow, more snow, freezing temperatures, warm days, falls, tumbles, and a lot of laughter. Mostly I've missed yall. 

    Finally went to visit the MO, boy was he pissed, he doesn't like it when you skip visits. I got to tell F-femara GOOD BYE. at least for 2 weeks. It began really taking a toll on my body, I can no longer open my hands without pain, trigger finger of all my fingers,  my wrist, elbows, ankles, every joint in my body is the same as my hands. So 2 weeks of no mental illness in a bottle to see if it is the cause, if it improves I will be given the joy of trying a new drug, if there's no improvement then we start a new journey to try to find out whats going on with this creepy body.

    Baby Emory and mommy have been keeping me busy. She has hopefully,  a little problem, her eyes are doing some strange things, other than normal new born wandering.  Her eyeballs will go downward so much so that you can only see a small sliver of color the rest is just white. To say its creepy would be an understatement,  she down right scary looking. They are sending her to a pediatric eye specialist, depending on their findings she may have to go for neurological test too. 

    M, xoxoxo Thank you so very much! Jessica was thrilled over your most generous gift. Even the outer envelope was put into Emorys baby book with the caption, "Your first international mail" lol. I love it.

    OG  is back at work! Still in therapy twice per week, but he is doing rather well. Thank goodness!

    Sorry for the short visit, have to try to get some things taken care of here before it's time to take care of my girls. 

    HUGS TO EVERYONE. ! ! ! ! Tons of love, too! ! ! 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2014

    A Granwe post! So exciting! So sorry you are having difficulties. Hope it's the f! Femera. 

    Baby got to eat cake and ice cream. No presents. Haven't found a pink trike and she was sick yesterday. Very lethargic. No fever. Took two naps! Hasn't eaten much. 

    Took her to dr. Lost 2 lbs. She screamed the entire time. Came home and ate French bread and an orange with DH. Perked up. Went to school today. 

    Don't know what to do about the screaming. Will have a whole plane irritated and a frazzled mommy before we get to Ireland.

    Vintage. Check with your YMCA for a Livestrong program. It's just for cancer survivors with dedicated trainers to tailor an exercise program to you. Caution!!! Be very careful about arm machines. If it's hard, don't push or you could end up like me with LE. 

    Hello to all. Gray day. Hoping to get in a nap but have a sinkfull of dishes, a basket of laundry to fold and a pile of papers. 

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2014

    So good to hear from Gramwe! Boy your joints are taking a beating from the meds, if that is the cause and betting it is, I had one trigger finger and an aching hand, got a shot and now it is taken care of. The dr. didnt think it was from arimidex but I am not so sure, but did have another trigger finger about 8 years ago so will never really know I guess. Glad you get a vacation from it and hopefully another med can help, this is a real puzzle isnt it? Sorry to hear about baby's eye... hope some answers come your way soon. Yay OG is back at work! good news. 

    Hi Bobo, glad to see your post too, you sound very busy, you must be just exhausted, hope this nightmare of sx are over for you and you can rest. Miss your posts. Take care and go easy!

    Hello to everyone!!

  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2014

    for those of us that need the coffee IV!


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2014

    love it!!!

  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2014

    I have made it all the way through day two of work. YEAH! I only made it to lunch yesterday and after the counseling appointment my boss set up for me last week, I went home, took another pain pill and crashed. The counselor was funny. She had to be a 100 if a day and was really sweet. She was very supportive and said I was validated in how I feel. I told her about my sisters here and my other sisters on the Prophylactic Mastectomy facebook page and she was wowed by the support and love I receive. She said everyone's advice was spot on and I was thinking "Well, duh, they have lived it, breathed it, felt it, been there done that. You have only sat in a psychology class, and that had to be at least in the 40's... I am serious. If my grandma was still alive she would make this woman look old. Anyways, enough of that. Still waiting on the results of the biopsy. The doctor told me to call this morning if I hadn't heard anything and I did. The nurse called back and said it would at least be this afternoon or in the morning.  So, more waiting. I have been having shooting pains straight through the nipple today and hope it is just from overdoing it while I was working. If it continues, I will ask the nurse about it.

    GW~  I am sorry you are all stove up. Hoping it is just the meds and you get to feeling better soon. I will say prayers and send lots of positive energy for you and the gbaby.

    Sending lots of love to the rest of the sisters and hope you are in good spirits. Be blessed my angels!

    "Friends are angels who lift us up when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly"

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Good morning all!

    Well, great to see a Gramwe post, and I am so thrilled to hear that the envelope arrived! It was my pleasure! Please give the girls a big hug from me. I hope the eye issues are an easy fix.

    I am so sorry that you are having such extreme joint issues, so not fair, but I understand how it feels. I hope another drug will do its job sans se's, and you can lose that pain.

    Congratulations for the OG being back at work. I bet that makes him feel better, he has had a lousy time of it too. It is time that all things start to work out well for all of you! How is the weasel doing, or shouldn't I mention him?

    Hi js! Love that sign! 

    I have never had a taste for hot coffee, but I love an iced coffee and coffee flavor in anything from ice cream to chocolates is my absolute fave. I don't understand it, but if I have a hot coffee, I get the jitters, big time, but I never get them with any other coffee stuff. Strange huh? 

    Hi ndgirl, what are you up to? I hate when you're on a drug, get weird symptoms and they tell you it probably isn't from the drug. Trigger fingers are no fun! In fact any tendon inflammation is a right bitch for pain.

    Hi Vintage, boy are you doing well, after that awful experience in the Hospital! I am sorry that you have to go out for treatment, take it easy, there is plenty of time for structured exercise, the PT stuff is plenty at the beginning. Take care M x

    Zills, so glad the baby got to have some Birthday food, but I am sorry she still isn't 100%. Did I know you were going to Ireland? I have no memory of that, what a wonderful experience for the kids. Have you been before? I have relatives in the little town across the water where you catch the ferry to Scotland from Ireland. I always said I'd go when I worked for the Airline, but never got around to it.  M x

    Hi Spookiesmom, how are you doing?

    I hope Bobo is having a well deserved rest after MD left, but I am really guessing she's into the fray again!

    Well, I just might have a couple of photos for you later, of last night. I went sailing in the Stern Chasers race with Colin. I took heaps of pics and some video. It is the first time I have had the opportunity to get out on the boat since we moved here. The season finished before I was able to go after my Mx, then there were boat issues, and then my little revision, which meant I couldn't lean back against anything hard, so that precluded me again. Long story short, we had a ball! It was a warm evening, wind about 10 to 15 knots, so it wasn't a calm sail, but it was a fun one, we were heeling at about 30 degrees. Came in somewhere at the rear of the 26 entrants after doing really well at the start, with a 7 minute handicap. We had dinner at the club afterwards with a big group of new friends. I haven't done that in ages. So much fun.   

    Big hugs to everyone....M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Hi jsj, good to hear you got through work yesterday. Take it easy though, it could be a zinger of a nerve that's giving you that nipple pain. 

    I am sorry you have to wait more for the results, that's just the worst. If they could just come up with a way to expedite all results, it would relieve the angst a bit!

    Your description of the councilor made me smile. When I worked for the Airline we had 2 flight attendants who had absolutely reached their "use by date" for flying, but neither would resign herself to retire, till the other one was gone. It was so funny, they were ancient. I have no idea who won!

    Well, I am off to do some grocery shopping this morning...take care..M x

    Hi gB, I have missed you this morning!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2014

    Ariom, I flew United F class from US to Hawaii. The flight attendant was in her 60's at least. She was absolutely the most gracious woman I've ever seen and treated everyone like they were guests in her home. So perhaps past due doesn't mean not good LOL.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Hi Wrenn, Oh no, that was a spring chick compared to these girls, their 60's were a long way back in the rear view mirror. I totally agree that the more experienced, mature attendants, who were usually, First Class attendants, were, and are, still fabulous.

    I just tried to find out, who won, but the longest serving Flight attendant was 83 when he retired, after over 60 years of flying, and these gals wouldn't have been far off that either. LOL  I am really not ageist, but this was more about the competition. M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2014

    Funny how we now think 60 is not old!! I am in that boat for sure!! speaking of boats, Ariom your ride sounds wonderful, looking forward to pics..

    Ariom, this is for you! I called my insurance to double check what I can get for bras and foobs this calendar year. Answer is 2 foobs.. ok, then i asked about bras and how many would I be allowed and the answer he gave me was up to $6000.00!! Can you believe that? Not even you and me together could spend that much could we? I made him repeat that amount and he said but nobody ever uses that much... duh? I still can not think that is correct and if it is it should not be. No wonder insurance premiums are so high, even if it was bras and foobs together it would be out of site!! Had to chuckle and thought wait till Ariom hears this, you would have to build another foobmoire!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2014

    Oh that sailing sounds like fun! There was a group of women here who sailed small boats on the Sound. And they had pram classes to learn. But I was working then, now they have disbanded. 

    Other than that, SOSDD here. 

  • otceb
    otceb Member Posts: 129
    edited March 2014

    Hello! Thanks Viv, jsj, and Fia for the funny pictures!

    And gramwe, great to read you! This board is fabulous for so many reasons, including having people who are genuinely happy that you write! I don't think we get that excitement from people in our lives. Or maybe dog owners get that unconditional love feeling, lucky ones!

    Gramwe, I'm so glad OG is back at work, it must have been a little depressing for him to be off for so long and draining on you! Sorry about Emory's eye condition, hopefully it can easily be corrected. Pediatric medicine really does wonders these days. Your DD must appreciate having you around, we can just tell you're a loving grandma. Enjoy the break from F-Femara, I hope it solves your issues.

    Vintage, hi, yes, everything does look better a few weeks later, don't be discouraged yet. You're brave to have looked at the surgery site already :) Take it easy.

    Zills, sorry Baby is not feeling well. Ireland? How exciting!! When are you going? Do you have family there? Ah, the joys of travelling, I just want to hop on a plane right now!

    jsj, congrats on the 2 days of work. It's wonderful that you are getting couselling, you have a caring boss. Hate the waiting game for results, keeping my fingers crossed for you for another day!

    ndgirl! Shopping bonanza! Yeah, that's a lot of dough for foobs & bras. Sounds like a great project for M!

    Hi M! I'm so happy you got to go sailing last night, I'm surprised it was the first time since your move. You know you will have to come and see us at some point, right? I'm sure you still have connections in the airline industry and could get a cheap flight here. Although we would much rather go and see you in your corner of the world. But Spookie and bobo's area is probably quite pleasant temperature-wise these days, so it might make more sense. ;)

    I'm feeling better. I worked today, will be back to the office tomorrow. Speaking of flights, we're planning a little vacation for the summer, we'll go to Calgary to see friends, then we'll drive to Banff and I'll show DS the marvelous Rockies! I don't want to take more than a week off since I'll need more time off for the hysterectomy in the fall, so this trip should work out fine. I love the mountains, I get such a peaceful feeling driving through them, walking the trails, I'm looking forward to it!  If I do recon next year, we probably won't go on a big vacation either, so maybe a big trip the following year?? Maybe I'll manage to get to the UK for work until then, or back to NYC. Can you tell I have the travel bug?!

    Good night all!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2014

    ndgirl, That insurance quote is hard to believe. I get 1 foob every 2 years and 2 bras every 6 mos. Thank goodness the store had a foob exchange. I lost enough weight that it was too large in relation to the real one and I was allowed to turn mine in and get a used one. Must be a lot of us changing sizes. I think I'm on the cusp of needing something different. It's a little too big, but maybe just sticks out a little too much. They don't seem to come in droopy old lady models.

    Stop talking about travel!!! I have the bug bad already! Otceb, Banff is gorgeous and your DH should be properly impressed. We camped our way from Seattle to Banff and back. Canadian camp grounds are great. We stuck out like the Yanks we were because we didn't have an axe.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    ndgirl! Oh my golly, gosh! $6000.00 for bras, I would have a whole room, not a FoobMoire LOL. That is truly a bit ridiculous isn't it? Over here the average price for a Mx bra is about $80.00 each and a good Mx cami is about the same. Even if you were really extravagant and bought 10 of each you wouldn't come close to using your allowance. I wonder if that is why there are so many new bras for such good prices on Ebay? Just thinking...

    I am with you about 60, not being old now too. I can remember my Mother at 60, and I was 34, it seemed such a long way off. Now I look at Bec at 36, and I will be 61 this year. She says she doesn't see me as old, but she remembers my Mother at 60 and she thought Grandma was old, so go figure! 

    Hi otceb! Oh how I wish I still had cheap flight connections. I would be over there catching up in a heartbeat! I missed out by 15 months to get lifetime flying rights, when we were made redundant. They don't even give companion passes any more, that I can use. I am afraid staff or standby travel has changed a lot since I was working in that business.

    I had a couple of weeks in FL a few years ago, and loved it, but it was super hot when we were there. We don't travel anywhere near as much these days. We used to go to Colin's sailing Worlds and he would travel for the design project he was working on, but not so much now.

    I am glad you're ok working, just try not to overdo it, easy said, all of us overdid it and warned each other, but we all still managed to get exhausted doing something!

    Love the sound of the holiday to the Rockies and if you have a travel bug, you should do it whenever you can. I used to love to travel, but I really just don't enjoy air travel any more. It has become a chore rather than a delight. Traveling with a wheelchair is an absolute nightmare these days. I do enjoy traveling by ship, even though we did have a true trip from hell, some years ago, it hasn't put me off.

    I will see if Colin will put up some shots from last night when he gets a minute. M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Hi again! Here are the pics from last night. Looking a lot windswept, after the race! A couple of the actual race, we were in about the middle. Good fun! 




  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2014

    Love the pics, looks so good to me after this long winter! Thanks so much, think I will go to bed and dream about boating!!

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyone!

    Hope you are all doing okay!

    I've got a bloody urine infection, been signed off work for another week and given monster antibiotics!  Jeeeez when will I have a surgery without an infection.  Still not as awful as many of you are dealing with so I won't complain.

    Ariom - the pics look fantastic, what a gorgeous couple you are! xxx

    Bobo - I hope you are okay sweetie, been thinking of you.  

    Gramwe - Awww poor baby eyes.  My DS used to sleep with his eyes open and he looked demonic!!!!  Hope they sort that out though sounds scary!  Poor you with the trigger fingers, hope with a break from the meds it will improve.  

    Vintage - go careful and be kind to yourself. It's scary looking for the first time but it does get easier.  Sending healing and healthy thoughts your way.

    Jsj - fingers crossed for good results.

    Otceb - Love hearing your travel plans.  If you come to the UK I would drive to see you!!!!!  That would be so cool!

    Ndgirl - That's one heck of a lot of foobs you could get for $6000.  Amazing!

    To everyone I didn't mention, I will be going back to see what's going on!  This moves so quick, if you don't visit everyday I miss so much.

    Lots of love and big hugs to you all.

    Viv xxxxx

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    Just wondering...we're past mid month & so many of us have already had surgery, many left to many of you now have chemo treatment ahead of you? Radiation?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2014

    Viv. Yes UTIs are bloody awful. So sorry. M has a recommendation but I can't remember. Heard corn silk tea is good but can't find it. Otherwise drink, drink, drink. Cranberry juice and yogurt. 

    Good question vintage. I'm not current with everyone's treatment. 

    Where is Idesim? 

    Glad you finally got on the boat M. Looks like a fantastic time. 

    Wren. Goldie update? 

    ND. I guess I need to call mine and see whats what. Also need to ask about another sleeve. I

    SgC. Are you about done with rads? 

    Look at all these travel plans. Yes DH is from Dublin and kids have cousins never seen. I'm trying to go for a month since I'm not back to work. DH to fly over for a week or so and we all fly home together. 

    Off to talk funeral plans. Found a cemetery I like. Lots of  Irishmen! Then Livestrong lunch benefit and class. I haven't been for a week with sick kids. Just hope I don't get it. 

    Have a good one. Spring is in the air here!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2014

    Ooh that looks like so much fun on the boat!

  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2014

    Ariom~ Sailman said to tell you he is soooo jealous! But that he hoped you had an amazing time! I love the pictures :)

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2014

    Love the pics!  Just popping in for a second.  Viv, I have a UTI too!  Or else kidney strain from monster antibiotics.  

    So glad to hear from Granwe.  Keep us posted about the baby.  Up to my neck at work, plus dealing with family drama.  My brother -- who you all know from his extreme bad behavior -- has cooked up a scenario in which he is not speaking to us because we have treated him badly, and he deserves better.  Last I saw him he was at my house, as you know, telling me me to make him soup in case I went in to the hospital and didn't come back out.  He really sounds insanely selfish.  And I am overwhelmed with everything here and I cannot deal with it at all.  Especially since there will be no real resolution.

    Jsj, glad you are back to work.  I went back too soon, that's for sure, but can't stay out really.  M, you are right.  Excited about Z's trip.  XXXX