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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2014

    The results are in and the little invader was benign! So I can get on to scheduling the pbm and hyst and not have to worry about it!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2014

    Benign is my favorite!  Hooray!  XXXXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Good morning all! So sorry to hear of the UTI's. Olive Leaf Extract and Corn Silk capsules. Blueberry Juice has been found to be better than Cranberry for preventing the bacteria from sticking to the bladder. We have tried every possible concoction in this house. Colin, being a quad, has suffered mercilessly from UTI's but these things, especially the Olive Leaf, we believe, has cut back from one a month to a couple a year. He still needs the odd round of Antibiotics, but nothing like he used to have to take.

    nd, I hope you had nice dreams. I'd love to take you out on the boat!

    Hi Viv, so sorry you're not feeling well, I hope it passes quickly, enjoy the rest if you can.

    Hi Zills, I am so excited for you going to Ireland! A month will be fantastic, and good for you to have a rest, while the family can dote on the children and treat you as a guest. What a wonderful time for the children to see their cousins and the rest of the family and then having Daddy to fly home with on that long flight. Well planned my girl!

    You're amazing kiddo! talking Funeral arrangements and finding a place with lots of Irishmen!WinkingM x

    Hi Spookiesmom and jsj, thank you! It really was fun, and I hope we an do it again next week, and then the week after is the end of the season. M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Bobbo, my lovely! so good to see you here, but the content of your post is disturbing. Isn't there anyone who can put that idiot Brother of yours, in his place? His behavior is, well, unreal, in the "he's a sandwich short of a picnic", kind of way.   It is a shame you just can't laugh at him and dismiss him! Do you really need to have any contact? If he's not talking to you, isn't that just the best thing that can happen? I have never had siblings, but I did have a very disturbing cousin who had to be cut off, because he and his Family were just plain toxic.

    You shouldn't have to put up with this nonsense Bobo, all it does is intensify all the other shit, and you need a rest. It's been shitful for you, for too long now. 

    I hope it can all be resolved and you can heal and get strong again. Hugs to you M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    jsj, I couldn't be happier for you! That must be such a load off! Onward and upward! Hugs from me! M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2014

    Yippee Js, great news. B9 is the best.

    Zills, your Ireland trip sounds wonderful, all I can think of is green, green, green! DS#1 worked there for a time and family followed him but did not stay too long. Hope you can keep us updated while there.

    Viv, sorry about more infection, take care.

    Bobo, I just dont know what to say about your brother..first class jerk huh? Try your best to throw it all off and take care of yourself, I know that is so hard for women to do, we are used to taking care of everyone but ourselves. Hope you can get some rest soon.

    Spookiesmom, your picture is right side up again!!

    Wonder if Idesim is ok, probably just so busy!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2014

    I am sitting here chuckling because I did a post today but must have
    not hit I'll hit send when I get to work tomorrow.. not that
    its a riveting post by any means.

    Bobo, I think you should rejoice
    that you don't have to deal with his selfish @ss for as long as he
    decides to keep up his tantrum.

    JSJ.. awesome news! Doing the
    happy dance for you! Or should I be doing a jig... Zils Ireland for a
    month????? That is SO exciting!! I'll have to read back again as I
    missed that one.

    M, I'm off to start the new Block season, the b1tchy twins are back I hear.  I had to look at your pics again (are you posting them now?) because I just cannot WAIT until everything is green again! I am so over winter... but probably not as much as poor GrammaB is.

    Love to all! 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    ldesim! so glad you're back!

    I haven't been seriously watching The Block, but I have been watching the reveals. The twins are super bitchy and tantrum throwing as well, there have been some twists and turns...won't give too much away!LOL

    I still have to get Colin to post the pics for me, I am lame when it comes to this technology. I can't seem to do stuff unless I understand how it works, and this doesn't make sense to me.  

    I will look forward to tomorrow's post from today!!!!!

    Woke up with a bump on my head that hurts like mad, have no recollection of hitting my head on anything. Started to get paranoid that something bit me in the night so Colin has been trying to look through my hair for any bite evidence, silly stuff! I have turned on the spa heater and I am downloading some music, that's where I will be today! M x  

  • otceb
    otceb Member Posts: 129
    edited March 2014

    Ah M, to be relaxing in the spa, you know how to live!  Sorry about the bump, that's strange, are you sure you didn't sleepwalk?!  I hope it gets better fast.

    jsj, yeah! That is super duper good! Sorry, I'm running out of vocabulary after a long day, I'm regressing...

    viv, hi, too bad about the UTI. Your system has been through a lot with all the surgeries and drugs, I hope it clears up fast. For sure, I will let you know if I go to the UK!

    Zills, 1 month in Ireland, that's fantastic!! I'm so happy for you, you deserve this break, this adventure. You have been confined to your house with your kids, or to the various funeral parlors and hospitals... you're due for a change of scenery!

    bobo, I don't know what to say about your family situation. As everyone has said, you don't need this right now, you should have time to focus on healing... I hope the physical recovery is going ok? Eating well, regaining your strength? Take care.

    Hi ndgirl and idesim!

    gB, PRB, sgc, I hope you are ok? Hugs!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2014

    Yay! It was still here!

    Hi strangers...  sorry I've been so neglectful still lol.. I may as well be a new visitor for all that I know is going on with you all!!!  I do think of you often however and I have read a couple of times, but since I was at home, i wasn't dealing with the piece of crap keyboard.  Joe is going to dig out the desktop computer from the basement as I promised to teach him how to use it.. he is totally computer illiterate and I am thinking sitting and learning on a desktop would be the easiest.. and he can't mess anything up on that.

    My mother has been very sick, but luckily the heart issue doesn't appear to be very serious.  They had her on a monitor for 3 days to record her heartbeats and there is some irregularity but nothing life threatening.  They are going to test her every 3 months for awhile.  During all this back and forth from the hospital BS, she picked up some virus that she just can't shake.. she has had a horrible cough for a couple of weeks. It appears to be the same crap that seems to be running rampant around my office still.  I'm betting she picked it up at the hospital. She hasn't gone to the Dr. about it, which I think she should where her lungs are involved AND she keeps going to visit my 101 year old grandmother while sick.

    The bad luck still seems to be hitting those around me, my GF lost her mother 3 days ago and she is absolutely shattered.  I'm pretty upset too, she was one of those mom's that everybody loved as teenagers.. she was the one you'd go to with troubles before you'd go to your actual parents because she would listen and not scream and yell.

    Weather wise it is still F'ing cold here, but at least we appear to be over the snow.  It seems it's going to warm up a bit by the end of this week and hopefully that will signal the end of winter for us!

    I've read back a little... I'm loving all the pics from M!!!!  M, I am shocked that you will allow your hair to get windswept :)  Since I've only really skimmed, I am not going to comment too much. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2014

    So glad to 'see' our idesim!  Many thanks for responses regarding my brother -- you are all right.  I could laugh it off, but, you know, he does live in the same town.  And I won't get to see my little nephews.  And he's obviously talking to MD, and they are extreme gossiping.  Right now he's going to the Bahamas for a week on a trip he has won through his work with a new girlfriend whose name we do not know.  MD is watching his kids while gone.  Truly, I don't want to get into specifics because it will rattle me, but he sounds crazy to me, and extremely self-centered.  You know, didn't even know I had sx, blah blah blah.

    I am having what I believe is a 'panic attack.'  Dropped our princess, but then a wave of extreme worry hit me.  One of the nurses said at the last sx that many people don't get on top of one of the infections I had.  Idesim, I so know what it's like to pick a virus up at the hospital!  I hope your mother is feeling better today and I hope she stops visiting people!

    Anyway, I became extremely worried and upset in the car.  I go through the days just faking it, and pretending -- even to the kids, obviously, and somewhat to DLLP, just so we can have a nice hour together or something before we have to get up and start it all again -- and then sometimes it catches up with me.  I've got the shrink lined up for beginning of April.  But you know the drill.  No lifting right now, no vacuuming, no yoga, no running.  Too tired to run anyway.  No way to relieve stress.  M, your spa sounds fantastic!  How is your bump?

    Idesim, I am sorry about your run of bad luck, but I sure know how you feel.  I feel I do not have enough 'hide' time.  I want to hide a lot, but instead I am in full view.  XXX

  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2014

    Bobo~ I know it isn't quite the same as the yoga, but try just sitting in a quiet place with your legs crossed deep breathing and "meditating". I usually go to a calm place in my head where there is not any drama like the woods on a walk or lazing on the beach. I have actually been able to relax enough that I fell into a light sleep. It does seem to help. I understand the "faking it", but those around you still know. Sit down with your DLLP and just have a good cry while she holds you. As far as the brother  and MD goes, what goes around comes around and karma will catch up with them both. Try to just smile and say eff you in your mind since I am betting the DN's need their auntie's love.

    M~ So sorry about the knot on your noggin. Enjoy your spa day while the rest of us slave away at the mundane :).

    Idesim~ I am sorry for your loss. Those kind of mothers are the rare ones we tend to treasure as we grow up. I hope your own mom is getting better and is able to shake the cold.

    Otceb, GB, Gramwe, Cdel, Viv, Vintage, PRB, sgc, Zills (hope I didn't miss anyone!) hope you are all well and sending hugz to all of you!

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014


    Hello! Doing ok here. Bandages & drain off/out yesterday. I took a shower this morning.

    My friend came over yesterday with soup, cookies, tulips and a magazine. She also brought a breast cancer awareness Longaberger basket to me from an auction acquaintance which was so nice. I guess the auctioneer did a little announcement about me the other night.

    Took a longer look at my flat chest with steri strips this morning...sigh... 

  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2014

    Vintage~ it will be ok. I am only just imagining what it must be like and know that soon I will be in your shoes. Just know we are here and we will all get through this together. I am glad you have friends who are taking care of you and lifting your spirits.  PM me if you need to talk.. (((huggz)))

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    Thanks so much Stacey! It is awesome to have you lovely ladies here!

    I have some great friends, really have supported me, and some new ones, acquaintances that have been so kind & thoughtful. Of course a couple life long friends have disappeared....ya just never know.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2014

    Vintage, That's a great friend to bring soup, cookies, flowers and a magazine. One of those is bound to hit the spot. Those first looks are hard; be kind to yourself. You never know which friends can deal and which can't.

    Idesim, Good to hear from you! Today's the first day of Spring. May it truly arrive where you live. I'm sick of winter and it doesn't even snow here. We did have some brief sleet last night, but not enough to do anything.

    Bobo, If you can't get to a calm place, imagine one. Imagine the air, the sounds, the colors etc. My place is a beach in Hawaii. There's a thread here "A retreat for peaceful contemplation" which consists largely of photos of peaceful scenes. You could pick one from there. And yes, DB is selfish. I would have stopped speaking to him after the recipe remark. But I can see remaining in touch for the nephews. Shrink is a good idea.

    Hugs to all that can use them.

  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2014

    Wren.... how are you and Goldie getting on? We have all been wondering.... hopefully no more peeing on the furniture episodes!

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    Thanks Wrenn

    I've been lucky, my sister (especially!) and many friends have remained steadfast all these months. so many have been great about sending cards, texts, messages & emails. Those kind gestrures are big pick me ups! I got a package in the mail today from a dear old life long friend, jewelry, books, creams, nail polish & several camisole/sleeveless soft thin tops.

     I hope all the women here have family & friends to support them, it is so important.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited March 2014

    Goldie had a small accident today, but not on the furniture. She had pooped in her big box rendering it so distasteful it was unusable. I was in the bathroom which had another box and I think the door to the basement was closed where box #3 is kept. The key is keeping that box scooped, especially if she poops. Her stuff smells so bad I wouldn't use the box with that in it either. She was evidently punished in the past (I know for pooping outside the box) and isn't clear on why. So she does something and runs for fear that will get her punished. DH turned the page in the newspaper while she was cuddling with him and it panicked her. She is a real cuddle bunny and loves laps. She gets in bed with us and sometimes gets under the covers with her head on the pillow. I'm going to rewrite her Petfinder paragraph to talk about being skittish. Our problem with adopting her is that she would be extremely hard to leave for a few days. She can only eat canned food, so needs to be fed at least daily and ideally would have her box scooped twice a day. I suppose if we had 5 boxes, she could make it a few days.

  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2014

    Vintage, on our discussion about the people in our lives...


  • jsjherman
    jsjherman Member Posts: 142
    edited March 2014


    and one of my personal favorites... Fia~ I thought of you when I was trying to find these pics to post and realized we haven't seen you in a few... hope you are doing well. 


    Bobo~ I thought these might make you laugh and maybe you could use this logic on your dumb a$$ Brother... hugz

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyone! Still got a lump on my head, have no clue what caused it, but if it were a nasty bite, I would have succumbed to it by now!

    otceb, I spent a couple of hours in the spa..topless! Listening to music, reading a magazine! I must admit, I was a little skittish about the neighbors seeing me, but what the heck, it's my yard.

    ldesim, so glad your post was still there. I am very sorry to hear about your Mother. Hospitals are just the worst place for picking up germs.

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss too. I loved a couple of my friends Mothers too, it is very hard to lose people who have lived so much of your life, with you. It is great to have the memories though!

    Colin has just about given up trying to teach me stuff on the computer, I hope you have a better student in Joe!

    HaHa, you know me so well! I really don't mind getting windswept, so long as I have my cap with me for damage control! LOL I didn't need it on Tuesday, I must have OD'd on product that morning because my hair, kind of, fell back into place.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Oh my sweet Bobo, what a terrible time you've had. It isn't unusual to have panic attacks after all you have been through. Your adrenals could be so depleted from all the prolonged stress you have been under.

    There is a wonderful book that I read years ago, can't recall the authors name, but she had some very good exercises to help calm you down if you have a panic event. One was to actually speak to the feeling and tell it, to do its worst, that you know it can't hurt you, it is nothing but a feeling. I am glad to hear you are going to see someone. I hope that helps you.

    I am still not sure what is going on with your brother, but understand you want contact with his children. It is a really tough one!  

    It really breaks my heart to see what a rotten time you've had, and continue to have.  Take care M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    I have to run, but will be back to read and answer...M x

  • otceb
    otceb Member Posts: 129
    edited March 2014

    Hi Idesim, I'm sorry about your mother. I'm glad the heart issue is not bad,  but I hope she recovers quickly from this bug. And my condolences for your friend's mother. A friend of ours lost her mother to stomach cancer 2 years ago, it really hit home since you don't expect to be losing parents at this age.

    Hi bobo, how I wish I could do something to help. I'm so happy you will see someone soon, you never make time for yourself and it seems to be bubbling to the surface.  Take care.

    Vintage, I'm glad you're well surrounded! It is pleasantly surprising to see how some people in our lives come through for us, it's such a loving feeling. I've heard that we might go through some sort of withdrawal after the main BC fight is over, with us still recuperating and being checked and worried, but everyone thinking that things are simply back to normal and we don't need comforting. We'll see, one thing at a time!

    Thanks for the pictures jsj!

    Wren, I'll come and babysit Goldie when you're away, forget about the 1000's of miles separating us!  Seriously, I'm sure there are some neighbours or friends around who wouldn't mind taking care of a cat for a few days, it's so easy and fun! You are definitely a good fit for her :)

    M, oh that nasty bump, WTF?! It's frustrating when you have no clue where it came from! Look at you, giving a show to the neighbours, good for you!

    DS got up from bed tonight, he had to ask me if it's true that his GF's friend can change people into coconuts!!!  Ah, I should really videotape these funny conversations, they're priceless!

    Hugs to everyone

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    jsj, so true. Loved your pics!

    Vintage, I am so glad you are doing well and you have the help you need. I found it incredible how so many virtual strangers were so good to me. I was in a new place where I knew very few, but that didn't make any difference to them. 

    Wrenn, I feel for Goldie, she has issues from people who were cruel to her. Our Dex has issues for the same reason. I can't ever understand people being aggressive towards animals, there are ways to discipline without instilling fear, but sometimes these poor little guys carry a bad experience for a long time.

    Well, I actually got in to see the Doctor about my head and he has pretty well no idea what it is, he thought maybe a referred nerve pain from an impinged nerve in my neck. I have no neck pain, so I am doubtful, then he said it could be the start of Shingles, I bloody hoe not, I had them when my Dad died and I don't want a repeat performance of that. This doesn't feel anything like that, so I wait and wonder. I am booked for a massage at 4.15, my first, since the revision surgery, I need it! We will see if that makes a difference. Just going to read up on some osteoporosis meds, my last Dexa was really scary, apparently, so something else to consider now......Chat later..M x


  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2014

    Ariom, sorry about your bump on head, I have no idea what it could be, but then again no medical license for me. I have read on other threads that eating prunes are good for bone building, do you like them? I started doing that but have slipped lately, need to get restocked and begin again as my med is sucking any estrogen from me. Hope things go well for you.

    Otc... your little guy is just so entertaining isnt he?? love it!

    Well gals, last night I went to my first Zumba Dance class... whew! it was fun but think maybe I should have waited as I am still suffering from a cold, cough, etc. but I liked it and will go back, thought maybe I was too old but really need the exercise after this long winter. Came home to watch NDSU beat there first game in March Madness basketball!! Go Bison. I love basketball! our oldest son was a great player and played in college, paid his way through! no wonder I love it huh?

    GB, havent heard from you for awhile, hope you are ok.

    Hello to all! 

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2014

    good morning friends,

    I wish I could say that I partied too much on St. Paddy's Day and just couldn't see to type, but the truth is I have been so exhausted, plagued with mouth and throat sores, and just plain sick to write.  I keep my spirits up by reading the "goings-on" daily.  Love you all, Susan

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2014

    Sg, sorry to hear what you are enduring right now, you are strong. chemo sucks but it kills cancer, thinking of you and glad you feel better reading these boards. you will get through it too. Hugs!!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2014

    SGC. Your dentist can give you a magic mouthwash to take care of sores. Then I used baking soda toothpaste and drank water with lemon slices. No more sores. 

    Try to sit out in the sun. It should help raise your spirits. I got so I didn't enjoy reading or watching tv. Just this board. It's a lifesaver! 

    M. Poor head. I hope it's not shingles too. 

    ND. Zumba is fun. I laugh too much. Maybe this summer after Livestrong. 

    I called my ins about foobs and LE sleeve. Neither covered. Don't think they know what I'm talking about. Will call again but not today. 

    Conserving energy to take both to swim class then pizza dinner at old daycare. Some haven't seen us in almost a year! Plus the dish fairy quit and the dishwasher is broken. I need that coffee IV.