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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Hello ladies, Just realized my post from this morning is missing, I can't remember everything that was in it.

    I was up and out quite early this morning and went  over to the island to a Garage Sale. Lots of lovely things from a woman who has moved from a very big home to a small beach house, so her downsizing has had her yard sale for 2 weeks. I did have tor resist some things, but I did buy a nice travel bag with wheels and a jacket she had bought in Italy, but had never worn. It was just lovely on the island, and the ride back on the ferry was great as the Pelicans were all around the ferry.

    I took Dex for a big 1 1/2 hour walk and he has been passed out on the couch most of the afternoon. I bought the Sunday papers and magazines and stayed on the couch too!

    I hope everyone is well and looking forward to your weekend, chat later M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2014

    TV addiction!  Z, kids home from MDs, I am facing similar situation.  Even though our princess was not supposed to watch tv.

    ND, I am so proud of your GDs.  Even though they are not mine.  I feel they are mine!  So proud! XXX

    p.s.  Goldie update, Bird?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Hi Bobo! Gorgeous day here today, I have lots to do, so need to get started early.

    I hope you have had some peace and quiet this weekend before jumping back in to work on Monday.

    Is it nice to have the kids home? Did you have to go get them?

    I am sitting here bolt upright after taking my first Actonel tablet. It says no lying down or bending for at least half an hour, so I am going to give it an extra 15 minutes to be sure, I don't want that bend over in the shower to pick up the soap or shampoo to bring it back! LOL 

    Very quiet here, will check back later. I hope everyone is having a restful weekend! M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2014

    hello to everyone! Well we are in a blizzard watch/warning, I thought March was supposed to go out like a lamb? But so far nothing but wind, no snow hoping it stays that way.

    Today is one year since I was diagnosed with bc, last year March 31 was Good Friday and not so good for me, but here I am! Been quite the year for sure, just want you all to know this thread has been a huge part of my recovery, and others too but this one is so great! Thanks to everyone. 

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    Hi ndgirl

     it's been quite a year for you huh? We had a snow/ice mix this morning. I had to drive to the hospital for a lymphedema PT eval. All went well.

    Have a good Monday!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2014

    Good morning ndgirl and Vintage! One year ndgirl, how the time flies, but haven't we learned a lot? The friendship on this thread has been so good, for all of us, I think! Happy

    Glad you have no snow, but don't you hate the wind? I have a real aversion to high winds. I find it very unsettling. Just think, it is going to be beautiful where you are, soon. I can feel the cold creeping in here. It is still lovely and warm during the day, but no more balmy nights for us. Soon, you will be telling me about the goings on in the garden!

    Vintage, I admire you driving in those conditions, and so soon after surgery! I am a wuss when it comes to bad weather driving. I don't even drive at night here!

    Glad all went well with your appointment, are you feeling good? Do you have a set of exercises to do every day?

    It is raining this morning, and it is the last evening sail for the season, so I am hoping to be able to sail and then have dinner at the club tonight. I am still feeling very average, due to this new drug. I am hoping that I may get used to it over time and not get worse with each dose. Sorry for the whinging, I know many of you are suffering much worse than this, from drugs you can't stop taking.

    I am booking Bec's train trip this morning, she is coming for a whole 8 days, over Easter! I can't wait to see her. She wants to sail and go kayaking, so I hope there is some warm weather during the holiday.

    Hugs to everyone..M x

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2014

    Hi Ariom

     If I can get out of my driveway I can usually get where I'm going LOL our driveway is long, with a turn & a hill, so 4 wheel drive is needed often in snow & ice. I have a truck. The cancer center & hospital & drs are all in a town (well a small city) about 22 miles away so I am there often...too often! 

    My hubby's drum student just got here. (hubby teaches scotch style drumming) The student knows the basics & drums in his fire fighters band but just doesn't get here enough to learn more. He is a fireman & also the state medical examiner/forensics guy so tends to get called to shootings and murders a lot! EEK!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2014

    Tomorrow is my one year. Yes it's been a wild and crazy ride. I never would have made it without this forum and you ladies. Thanks for holding my hand. 

    Now don't shoot me when I tell you we have spring weather. Chilly mornings and beautiful afternoons. 70s later this week. I'd love to plant some pansies. My daffodils aren't up yet. Since we don't have tv, I'm not current on anyone's weather. 

    Jelly Belly makes peas and carrots. Since tomorrow is April fools, my kids will have candy peas and carrots for dinner.

    The boy is on spring break. He went to the Y with the baby today so I could go to Livestrong. He was excited. Love that attitude. Tomorrow we are going to chuck e cheese and maybe the park. 

    Sunday we tried geocaching. A real live treasure hunt with maps, coordinates, history. We were trying to find the furnace used to make pots/pans in the 1700s. Found one but the park was closed so not sure if that was it. So came home and went to the covered bridge. The kids ran races on it. 

    Then I fed my frustrations with more Ben and Jerry's. At the rate I'm going, a new flavor every week! Not conducive to losing weight. I'm sick and tired of being tired. Fatigue is a symptom of stage IV, so I guess that's my new normal. It would help if I could sleep all night. 

    Looking forward to more baby stories. Need an update about breast fest. Where is Idesim?  Hope SGC and Fia are hanging on. 

    Yea M for Bec coming. I know you are excited. I can't imagine Easter in the fall. So strange. 

    Going to turn a blind eye to dirty dishes and go to bed. I'm like Scarlett and Little Orphan Annie, there's always tomorrow:)

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2014

    Thanks Ariom and Vintage, guess we call it a "cancerversary " and yes all I have learned and discovered is amazing, mostly thanks  to this site.  8 days with Bec. How wonderful  is that? You will just have a blast! Can't  wait for some warm weather, the eastern part of our state is getting a spring blizzard and even some thunder and lightning! But we never had a snowflake fall! Yippee!

    Vintage, I don't like driving those roads either but am forced to at times, be safe.

  • hollyboo
    hollyboo Member Posts: 60
    edited March 2014

    Vivtwins and Ariom,

    Men in Lycra!  Yes!

    My son just auditioned for the musical Rent!  He was called back for the part of Angel, the upbeat, charming young gay cross dresser who dies of AIDS. He was asked to sing "Today for you, tomorrow for me" and performed it with all the dancing, sexy strutting, cute flirtatious moves. Apparently he had them all in stitches. The choreographer said, "Now we only need the 4 inch heel black boots!"  Word is that he nailed the part and is likely to get the part. He is a high energy super charged ADHD poster child (young man) who has no problem going full tilt. 

    In fifth grade he was chosen to be the finale act for the annual school talent show. He sang "I'm going to live forever." Cannot recall title. He came out in purple Lycra tights, a black shirt and a purple sparkly Elvis looking band jacket. Standing ovation. I think he scared other boys at that age. But the girls thought he was wonderfully outrageous. 

    He even was in the finals a couple years ago for Beach Blanket Babylon in SF, a perfect match for his outrageous side. 

    I named him Dash before I had any idea what a perfect match it would be for him. 

    You can see lousy but cute videos of him when Idina Menzel pulled him up on stage to sing Take Me or Leave Me duet with her. Biggest thrill of his life. In the gorgeous SF Symphony Hall. 

  • hollyboo
    hollyboo Member Posts: 60
    edited April 2014

    Zills AKA Little Orphan Annie and Scarlet,

    What a great son and also has a great attitude--taking the baby to play so you can have your Livestrong time. One thing we learn, because we HAVE TO, is to relay more on others and take better care of ourselves. This has been one of my biggest challenges. And I am

    Proud to say, with my kicks in the butt from friends, and friendly lectures, I am now much more comfortable letting someone else handle some things. 

    Do you live in SF area?  Jelly Bellies was the hint. 


  • hollyboo
    hollyboo Member Posts: 60
    edited April 2014

    ND, Cancerversary, i like that. Maybe we could call it our CV for short. What a journey. Marathon. 

    March is when I was diagnosed 2 years ago with uterine cancer and one year ago with breast cancer. And my ex-husband-to-be with colon cancer. 

    (We are engaged to get divorced but cancers have interrupted that journey. About to "set a date" now. I am really not up for a house sale and move but I AM up for dating, believe it or not. I want a Colin knock off! You better be really sweet to that guy, Ariom, or there will be a rash of attempted Colin kidnappings. Although he would probably fight tooth and nail to not be pulled away from you. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited April 2014

    Yea for cancerversairies!!!!!  They are the best. Do something special 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    Well hello everyone...just got back from sending a big box of clothes to Colin's niece for her soon to be here baby! I don't know what it is going to be, so I have had to shop generic! 

    Hi again Vintage! I hope you have  a quiet spot for the drum lessons LOL

    I have a girlfriend who would love to meet that Forensics guy. She was married to a Detective who had to go to, I think, LA, for work. The wife of one of the law enforcement guys he was to work with asked what she would like to do while she was there, and guess what, she wanted to see the Forensics Lab and Morgue! I bet the wife was pardon the pun, mortified! She was likely expecting a good day of retail therapy and lunch!

    ndgirl, are you doing anything for the anniversary? I can't remember the date I got my Dx, sometime in bloody Pinktober, I do remember everything was lurid Pink. I have decided I will just remember my surgery date as a marker instead!

    Hollyboo! I am in awe of Dash! how thrilled you must be with his achievements. I wish him all the best and hope he gets the part and slays 'em in the aisles!

    I love your Divorce humor! I am still friends with both my ex husbands. Each of our breakups were amicable, I loved that they both took my initial Dx very badly and both came here to visit, just to make sure all was ok. One has another wife and 2 sons, and the other, after leaving me for a 23 year old, right on my 40th birthday, is still alone after the girl left him, for a guy in a band! Go figure!  

    I hear you about the house selling and moving. I did it in reverse, we did this massive move and renovation in July 2012 and I was Dx in the October of that year. I am so glad we did it when we did, I doubt I could do another big one like that.

    Colin  was very "chuffed" when I told him you wanted a Colin knock off! I told him you said I should be very sweet to him and he agreed wholeheartedly, he thinks that would be nice for a change! LOL

    Ahh Jelly Bellies! I love putting them together for a taste sensation! I think I bought my first ones in Vegas, a long time ago, but then started to buy them when Costco came to Melbourne. Unfortunately, I can't get there any more, probably a good thing. My new fave is honeycomb covered in chocolate, but I must stop, I try, but I am weak! Posting M x 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    Zills, my lovely! One year tomorrow, boy I thought it was longer than that for you, but I remember you had all that treatment and surgery so close together. I wonder if it just plain normal, to still feel tired after all of that, in just one year. You've really had to pack in a lot of healing in such a short time.

    I love the boy! well you knew that already, but he's learning to be responsible and look out for the baby, I love that.

    Pleeeese can I get a photo of the Jelly Belly peas and carrots? I am doing it, are you ready? Clapping my hands with glee! Where are you ldesim? I can just imagine the little faces! LOL

    Sunday's outing sounds wonderful, I love treasure maps and searches, kids are so into it. 

    Enjoy the Ben and Jerry's, it's got good stuff in only a day away...Big smooshy hugs to all of you! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    Hollyboo, can you post the link, I can't find that video.

    Where is Bobo? Gramwe, I need some baby stories, I hope all is well... M x

  • otceb
    otceb Member Posts: 129
    edited April 2014

    Hello!  Oh Zills, Jelly Bellies are one of my favorite treats! Love the coconut flavor, vanilla bean, cherry, banana, etc.!  And Ben & Jerry's, oooh! Chunky Monkey, mmm!  Sorry you feel tired, I hope it improves when you sleep better at night. Do you know what is causing those bad nights? Is baby waking up, or are you uncomfortable or stressed? I'm glad you're making time for yourself with Livestrong, it's so valuable. So both your TV and dishwasher are broken?? That's not fun!

    Happy Cancerversary to Zills, ndgirl, and I guess Spookie (I see 4/2012 in your dx, spookie?)! What a year you have had... Glad you're done with the main treatments.

    Hi M! I hope you get to sail tonight! Good luck with the bone meds, I hope they don't affect you much. Like I tell everyone who has illnesses/pains other than cancer, these other illnesses are not to be dismissed. Sure, it's not "cancer", but it does not mean that you don't have a right to complain!

    Vintage, I'm happy to see that you seem well!

    SoCalLisa, thank you for the pictures of your neighbour's garden, I can't wait for gardening season! We finally have had 10C (50F) temperature here today, so it's spring, yeah! Maybe another 3 weeks before I can plant a few things and see a few tulips coming out?

    gB, thank you for sharing about your last months with your DH, you went through true rough times. No wonder nothing phases you!

    sgc, how are you?

    The Breast Fest luncheon was fun. I met another BCO member beforehand, it was good to share experiences. I met a bunch of strong and positive ladies at the lunch, some had travelled from other Canadian cities (Edmonton, Ottawa, etc.). The group organizing it is focused on young women with cancer (I barely qualify!), so we talked children, fertility issues (for the younger ones), and the usual BC stuff. I did not go to the various movie+talk events of this Fest, I'll just go to the reconstruction talk tomorrow.

    Busy with work these days, starting a project with a client in China, so will be working more often than usual in the evenings. Won't have to travel there, though - as much as I love travelling, it's not a good time!  Hopefully this big project won't stress me out too much, I do have to focus on my health until chemo is over... Gotta keep reminding myself of this... Going for the usual bloodwork + MO tomorrow, then next chemo on Thursday.

    Good night!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    Hi otceb! I am just back from sailing, it was a hoot! We had such a good time. It was warm and the breeze was light so it was a very easy sail. We came in 2nd last, but we had a ball!

    The sunset tonight was spectacular!

    They are going to have sailing on a Tuesday afternoon over the Winter, I am not sure I will be up for that, but we will see. I told Ross and Joy, the couple who crew for Colin that I will be finishing the painting and getting the inside of the boat ready for October. I'll install the new stove we bought, so we can have food and hot chocolate on board. Joy is going to help with the interior cushions, so hopefully it will be a cozy boat for the Winter. 

    I hope all goes well with your appointments, I am in the bag if you need me!

    I felt better today, still had a weird stomach, but after I took the daily sachet of Vit D and calcium, I was back to feeling average again. I will try again tomorrow, but may have to go on to my own supplements and avoid this fake lemon flavored aspartame junk that comes with the Actonel, uggh it is bad news.

    Off to have a shower to get the salt off..take care catch you tomorrow! M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2014

    M. How yucky-lemon flavored aspartame. Gross.  I agree with OTC, you are entitled to complain. Lord knows you've listened to me. 

    OTC. China? Maybe it will be delayed and you can get to go. Are you almost done with chemo? What is it that you do? 

    The dishwasher has decided to work again. Need to unload and see how good a job it did. I don't put sippy cups in it but the boy likes to wash them. 

    Both of them are snotty and blocked up. I upped his med per dr. His eyes were dialated for at least four hours and he wet the bed.  He's playing a pretend video game with a board book and isn't hungry. No more of that. But it will turn into bronchitis/asthma if I don't do something. 

    Not from SF.  KY-horse capital of the world. Will try to find those videos. 

    Have a few hours and another hundred questions before we leave for chuck e cheese. Going to have a straighter house today. 

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2014

    Good Morning Dear Friends,

    Yes, I am still here. The addition of Cytoxen to the Adriamycin kicked my butt from here to eternity.  I am finally able to read and write after a very long week!  The only SE's left are exhaustion and mouth sores.  But that is 200% better than before!  Two more treatments to go and I really wonder how I will do it!  I turned into a steroid monster on the day of the infusion and I think I have finally stopped crying today!  Needless to say it is all very unnerving for my family!  I will read and catch up on everyone's news shortly, but wanted to say hello to you all.  Thoughts of you all really helped me get through the past week.  I don't know what I would do without you!  Always, S

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    Sgc, I wondered how you were doing, I am so sorry it has been so rough for you. I didn't have the chemo, but I know the steroid monster, very well. If you're not feeling bullet proof, you feel like you'll never stop crying. It is a crazy, awful drug. I can't imagine how awful it must be to have to deal with both. I hope the time passes quickly and you finish it all soon. Gentle hugs to you! M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited April 2014

    Happy anniversary to Z and nd!  Agree -- do something extra good.

    Where is Bobo?  Right now I am supposed to be getting dressed for PS appt.  They will clip out stitches, and I will try to get answers from him, and he will lie to me.  I don't want to go.  I leave in fifteen minutes.  Not dressed.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    Hey Zills, Your dishwasher has a mind of its own! LOL

    Yeah, how gross is that aspartame fake lemon stuff. I don't know what they're thinking. If they want you to take D and Calcium, just make it another tablet for goodness sake. Some genius thought this one up, but who wants to feel like crap from this stuff 6 days of the week and then get sick for 2 days from the bone meds you have to take on the 7th day. Sorry, rant over! 

    Sorry that the kids are snotty, I hope they get over it soon. I hated giving Bec the drugs too. She is a chronic Asthmatic, has been since 11 months old. Much better as an adult, but still medicated. We tried everything when she was small. She spent a lot of time in Hospital with it. 

    I hope you have fun at Chuck E Cheese! M x

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2014

    In your pocket Bobo! Just picture me jumping out of your pocket and bitsh slapping him as he lies!  (I guess the steroids are still here because I really liked that picture!). Slap, Slap, Slap !

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2014


     I asked my MO if I could have my steroids reduced, I went down to 4 mg & that helped me a lot.

    Chemo is rough for many of us, but we some how get through it. Good luck!

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2014

    I found a new w/tag Amoeba bra at GoodWill yesterday for 5.99. I think as soon as the swelling & weird sensations under my arm pits ease it will fit & feel ok. Right now I can't even wear my soft Genie bra with foobs, even most of my loose camis irritate that area. 

    I tried out my lightweight foobs from TLC in it and they seem to fit ok.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2014

    Oh Bobo, I am sorry you have to see this guy. I am in the pocket too, with Sgc, just give me the nod and I am there with a Scottish hand shake, or a Scottish kiss! (headbut!) let me at him if he tells any lies.

    Vintage, I manage my arthritis on 3 mg of Cortisone a day now, but that has been many years coming. I've been on it for 17 years now. When I was in Hospital in Singapore for a week, a few years ago, they had me on 400mg a day for 7 days!!! I was sure they were trying to kill me! LOL

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2014


    My mo already reduced them to 4mg.  guess I will need less.  I have never done well on steroids or any drugs.  My body just likes to be as it is with the exception of Claritin-D.  My arthritis has flared so I guess the steroids are out of my system.  Such an awful trade-off!  I think I am just plain tired of chemo with this being my third.  I don't even bat an eye at the hair loss, but feeling so poorly, ah heck, just plain shitty, gets the better of me.  I'm off to my favorite Tropical Smoothie treat hoping I can taste the coconut in the Hawaiian Breeze Smoothie.  Such a simple thing that gives me such great pleasure!  I earned it!!! (The reason why it is such a huge deal is the store is over 1/2 hour away! We don't travel much, lol)

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited April 2014

    Sorry SGC and Vintage, we will all be so glad when chemo is done for you.  Ariom, yuck, what the heck are they thinking with aspartame and yellow dye? you sailing in winter is unbelievable, sounds just wonderful! you are such a busy gal. I did not get to do anything special for the 1 year..  because of weather, well we could have went to Canada(OTC) for a supper out, but this bloody wind was blowing about 45mph and it was just too cozy to stay home. Nice day here, we dodged the storm completely but other parts got 20 inches!! so glad we did not get that. It will melt quickly but still a pia!

    Zills, have fun at Chuckie Cheese! hope kids kick the colds soon.

    Bobo, in the bag with you for sure.. let us know how things went!

    Hi to everyone I didnt mention.. where is Idesim?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited April 2014

    Where, indeed?  Idesim, I miss you.  PS went as expected. DLLP went with me.  

    SGC, you are obviously a badas$, and you deserve your Tropical Smoothie!  I totally get that treat thing.  I don't have one treat at the moment.

    Home now, and you think I could take it easy, but must grade 12 essays.  M, what are they thinking putting yellow dye in your stuff!  As$holes.  Who cares if it's yellow?

    Oh, how I wish for you to come give people a Scottish kiss.  I am really missing you at the moment.  I love that you are taking this stupid bone hop, but then you are like, 'Must go!  Must wash the salt off!'  Can't wait for Bec to get there. 

    ND, congrats for dodging that storm!  I want the garden to go in sooner. XXX