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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2013

    Hi NisaVilla, Thanks for starting this thread. As for your post, I haven't seen much variation in chemo for breast cancer patients. I see most on the ACT cycles. I thought it would be a little more varied.

    I'm dealing with having my right tissue expander removed due to an untreatable seroma. This delayed my second chemo for a month. It is hard for me to accept that I cant do chemo and TE fills at the same time now and I'm going to be at this whole process for many months longer. Working on acceptance here. I know so many have it much worse.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2013

    Nisa - the article you referenced earlier in the thread was regarding a clinical trial at MDA done on trial participants who had not yet had any chemotherapy (thus CTCs would be unaltered) - doesn't seem to be a "test" that you can request at this point. This article is about a year old so I don't think that this is something that would be out of trials yet and available to current early stagers, but it would be nice info to have, wouldn't it?  Dealing with the fear of recurrence affects us all and it one of the biggest adjustments we have to make.  I don't have any words of wisdom other than do the best you can with diet, exercise, moderation, and supplements, if you are so inclined. Other than that, we all have to realize that we can't control the future and worrying about it excessively means we aren't really living today! 

  • maureen1
    maureen1 Member Posts: 87
    edited August 2013

    Nisa...thanks so much for starting this Stage 2 Sisters Club:))) (((Hugs))) to everyone, Maureen

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited August 2013

    JDB53, Yes I did chemo, I am in Australia and did FEC-D. I hated every minute of it and didn't cope well at all. Looking back a year after finishing and I think 'oh it wasn't that bad'; it is amazing how time makes everything fade.

    Planetbanana, I agree about not exercising and hot flashes. 

  • LoriBach
    LoriBach Member Posts: 38
    edited August 2013

    Hi Everyone... Stage2B, Grade 3.  I had two tumors in my right breast.  The larger one was HER2+ and ER-/PR- and the smaller one was HER2- and ER+/PR+.  One year ago this week I started TCH. Still going through reconstruction.

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587
    edited August 2013

    Wow Lori, I had two tumours and only one was tested. Incredible to realise they could be different pathology. Were they close together?

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited August 2013

    SpecialK - you are right, thanks for clarification. We have benefitted from the development of OncotypeDX and hopefully there will be even more accurate predictive tools in the future for those coming down the road.

    To add to the conversation about multiple tumors, I had four in one breast and each had a different oncotype but very similar biology. Did yours Lori have different oncotypes as well?

    Happy to report I have returned to almost normal life after chemo 3 last week. Some of the SEs were really nasty. Off to enjoy a beautiful day!

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Interesting. My wife had 3 tumors 1cm, 7mm, 2mm, all in the same breast and all were the same 98% er+.

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Nisa your on the same chemo schedule as my wife and she too just called me to tell me she is out enjoying the day!

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited August 2013

    JDB53... Your wife and I are meeting for lunch and movie today, LoL. How many infusions left for her? One for me and can't wait to be done! Have a great day yourself.

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited August 2013

    I just added this thread to my Favorites. Glad we have our own spot. Stage II is not the same as Stage I, thank you very much. Smile

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    1 left great! Sorry to say she has 5 more. One more AC next Tuesday, then 4 Taxol every other week so that puts her getting done mid October. Minimal side effects other than fatigue a few days and I am grateful for that.  Kinda nervous about the Taxol, dont know what to expect.

  • jcolford
    jcolford Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2013

    Hi everyone, love this thread, I feel so at home here.  Hope everyone is having a great day. It is raining here so I decided to bake bread and the smell is wonderful. 2 loaves of brown bread and 6 loaves of multigrain.

    I am preparing to return to work next week so I bought a new car to my husband's relief. I guess its part of returning to normal and he probably thinks that I can't die now because I have a car payment. LOL! Returning to work is likely the best thing for me to get me away from focusing on my aches and pains.

    Glad to hear that the ones that are currently going through treatment are able to enjoy the beautiful days without too many se's.  I can't seem to reply to specific people because I cannot remember name and just spend all of my time scrolling up and down for names and then I forget what they said. Cancer, the gift that keeps on giving. Tongue Out

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013


    Enjoy the new car, nothing like a ner car smell, except maybe fresh baked bread! May I ask you, I assume you did the Taxol after the AC.  Was it easier than the AC regiment?

  • maureen1
    maureen1 Member Posts: 87
    edited August 2013

    jcolford - I bought a new car the week I finished my last dose of chemo (Taxol) - that was my gift to me and my husband also felt good about it - yes, like I was finally looking forward to the future - hope you enjoy it:)

    JDB53...I had dose dense (every two week cycles) of AC followed by Taxol and the Taxol was a breeze compared to the AC:) It had it's nasty side effects like loosing my eyebrows, eyelashes and fingernails turned dark but my GI tract was so much better, my sense of taste and smell started coming back on Taxol AND my hair started growing back - not alot but at least some "peach fuzz"! My skin was drier on the Taxol so I splurged on really good facial moisturizer and lotion. Hope your wife has the same experience! 

  • jcolford
    jcolford Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2013

    JDB53 I found Taxol a bit more difficult but I also was hospitalized after the first or second treatment with pneumonia (I thought that it was side effects of the taxol).I lost several toenails and I still have neuropathy in my feet and and extreme hip, leg and joint pain - they tell me that it is arthritis. 

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited August 2013

    Maureen and all, I cant do the correct specific reply either. but just love-love the symbolism of buying new things, the "cant die because of new car payments, the bread making, and the comment about liking our new home/forum. I feel the same way about humor, bread, and being here.

    I am in CA where the trend in onco seems different from East Coast. Looks like you guys do things in a reasonable sequence (first AC then T) whereas here they shoot up all 3 drugs (plus 2 other bags to hydrate and additional Decadron) in you at once and then pray that you survive them. Wimpy patients like me crawl out of the infusion center, LoL.

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Your all gonna laugh, but I also bought a new car last week for my better half!  Actually her lease ran out and I needed another car for her.  Maureen and J, isnt that interesting. Both of you had such different experiences. My wife, who is 57, is having no issues on the AC other than fatigue. Im praying that the Taxol is ok for her, Im worried about the neuropathy as she wants to go back to work ssoner than later and she is a legal secretary. Well, I just tell her, lets not have any expectations, lets see what happens. Maureen, did you do rads? My Mo is pushing that for my wife. I dont like rads at all.

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited August 2013

    Buying a new car equals the ticket to health? I like the concept! Laughing

  • traii
    traii Member Posts: 379
    edited August 2013

    ok so while everyones on the buying new cars, I have just booked a family get away for my parents, hubby and my 3 year old son (my son doesn't know yet otherwise he would be saying every day ' is it time yet? can we go now? ) so we will keep it as a suprise for him.

    We are all so super excited because it's going to get us away from all the 'craziness' that has been the last year. Oh and I will be away drinking a wine ( or 2) just because I can and because it has been 1 year since my diagnosis!

    congrats to all the new car owners (nothing beats a new car smell that is forsure) oh but like JDB53 says, 'other than bread' !! LOL

    I didn't have Taxol, I had Taxotere every 3 weeks and the neuropathy was very bad for me. It does go away, actually I feel 'normal' now (well my hubby still says for me to define 'normal' because I've always been a little a funny ha ha way) !! well hey, we all like to joke around. Laughter is the best medicene by far and it has no SE's except maybe for sore cheeks and a tight belly.....Wink

    Hope you all enjoy your day. Midnight here in Mel, Aust so I should probably be heading to bed now, considering I have an early morning pre-school run tomorrow then some retail therapy for mummy !!

    Take care

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Good Nite Traii

  • jcolford
    jcolford Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2013

    Traii enjoy your family trip I think we all need to celebrate moving on from cancer. My hubby and I are taking off on our goldwing for a weekend to celebrate our anniversary and do a little cross border shopping. I know what you mean about normal crazy our family loves to laugh even at our worst time. Other non crazies don't seem to understand. It's good to find a kindred soul. 

    JDB53 I am an admin assistant at a university and they had to reduce the last two taxol treatments because of neuropathy in my hands. I didn't lose my fingernails but the nails got very thick and dark and are only now starting to return to normal. Some of my toes are still numb (except the one I broke in my sleep - story for another day. Wink

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited August 2013

    Trail, have a great trip! My DH and I went to Hawaii  about a month after my surgery. THe vacation was awesome in many respects, but I think a little too early for me to travel. I still had many physical and emotional issues. Several plane changes and long layovers didn't help. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2013

    A couple of things for those who will be on Taxol or Taxotere - these drugs can cause neuropathy and issues with fingernails and toenails.  Some options to consider with the input of your oncologists are icing the fingernails and toenails during the infusion to prevent discoloring and lifting, and using the combination of 30g of l-glutamine, a tab of B-6 and 1500 mcg of Acetyl L-Carnitine daily for at least a week following infusion to potentially control neuropathy.  Neuropathy can dissipate after tx, or it can be permanent, and finger/toe nail issues can also be long-lasting, or in some cases also permanent.

    nisa - you are receiving Adriamycin, Cytoxan, and Taxol simultaneously?

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Specialk- Thanks for advise. This sucks. Hair and nails. Truly a cruel disease and the treatment. 

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited August 2013

    Going on trip for my birthday. ....just went through security with port, hat and compression sleeve. All they asked of me was to pat the headcovering, no hassle at all. Lady even said it was cute :p

    It definitely feels nice to be getting away, but with my family history there will be 5 of us either in remission or active cancer. Oy. At least we are all still alive :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579
    edited August 2013

    If you are doing chemo now, keep your finger & toenails polished. It seems to help some people keep their nails intact. Maybe just coincidence, but I polished my fingernails but not the fingernails were OK, toenails not so good. My cousin did the opposite; polished the toes, not the fingers. Her toenails were fine, problems with the fingernails. Worth a try!

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013


    Yes, my cousin who went thru this last year said the same thing about polish!

  • NatsFan
    NatsFan Member Posts: 1,927
    edited August 2013

    Nisa - I'm on the Right Coast and had all three drugs at the same time - your description of the saline and Decadron brought back memories Yell.  So there are a few of us from different places who got the 6*TAC regimen.  I had a Grade 3 tumor, so I think that's why my onc at the time recommended it.  On one hand it's a more intense chemo, but on the upside we're done quicker than those who get the AC+T regimen. Cool   

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited August 2013

    Oops, correction: Not all 5 bags simultaneously but all 5 bags back-to-back in one sitting. I read it is the same amount of juice distributed differently. Looks like Right Coast friends get their TAC infusions the same way...except for the bag of extra sunshine that is a trademark of SoCal... can mail some Nats :)

    The new car folks are having me LOL. Cutest thing ever. Cant wait to meet those that are lurking and trying to decide if they step up to the car lot. I have this picture of all us making a long line at a car dealer waiting to drive away new wheels!

    Im going into the office for a few hours today, will need much make-up to cover the skin rash leftover marks from las SE's. My face shows 2 thick strikes of red and white right under my eyes. Maybe I should wear my wig backwards today?

    Good day to all, Nisa