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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    yup.  Everytime I make a mistake I tell myself that if it wasn't for letrozole, that I'd be damn near perfect!!! Innocent

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  The Mrs is on the "off week" of AC and is feeling good so we are planning to get out a bit and enjoy the great weather here in Jersey. See ya Monday!

  • LoriBach
    LoriBach Member Posts: 38
    edited August 2013

    Sorry, been traveling to take my daughter to college.  My tumors were both in the right breast, somewhat close together.  I was told they were two primary tumors.  I asked my ocologist about the oncotest and he did not run it since I was going to be doing chemo regardless due to the size and the HER2 status.  I also asked him if having 2 primaries raised my recurrence risk and he said no.

  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Ruthbru & others re aspirin - ruthbru I know about you & the games! and since your posts are always positive, figured you enjoy helping...sweet! I'm going for the baby aspirins too - do you kknow they cost at least 5 -6 times as much in Canada? too stupid.we live near the border so my DH buys them for himself in the US & I'll get them there, too.

    I knew aspirin came from willow bark but was unaware it's available in its original, unmodified form. I guess by the time it's processed into the pill much has been added to that pill. In its natural form, what is it? a tincture? a tea? a powder?

  • flannelette
    flannelette Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Ruthbru & others re aspirin - ruthbru I know about you & the games! and since your posts are always positive, figured you enjoy helping...sweet! I'm going for the baby aspirins too - do you kknow they cost at least 5 -6 times as much in Canada? too stupid.we live near the border so my DH buys them for himself in the US & I'll get them there, too.

    I knew aspirin came from willow bark but was unaware it's available in its original, unmodified form. I guess by the time it's processed into the pill much has been added to that pill. In its natural form, what is it? a tincture? a tea? a powder?

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    White willow bark is usually in capsule form but I've also seen it in a tincture

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited August 2013

    Global Girl - I visited your blog. I liked your writing, family and dog. I respect your decision to decline further treatments. Your 70+ chances of already being cured is a good number.

    SB - Hope you are having a fabulous getaway. Great weather in SoCal too.

    I am looking for advice re: facil skin problem. Have irritation that started on day 7 post chemo and is day 12 and not going away. Looks like uneven and severe sunburn right under both eyes, red, dry, swollen, and ugly. Afraid to try just any remedies and make it worse.

    Thanks! Nice weekend to all, Nisa

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2013

    nisa - are you getting steroids with chemo?  The red face, particularly the cheeks, is a well-documented SE from Decadron and other steroids.  I did get it within 24 hours of taking the day-before steroid and also receiving the IV form the day of chemo.  I am wondering if you are particularly sensitive to it if you are taking it?  The other possibility is an allergic reaction but I would think if it was to chemo itself it would have happened sooner.  It could just be irritation, or maybe also a reaction to something you normally put on your skin that is interacting with any of the drugs you are taking.  Have you notified your oncologist about this?

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited August 2013

    SpecialK - yes, I get 12 pills of Decadron pre and post chemo and they do give me a gentle pink/red touch in face and chest every time. This is different and happens just in the area right below my eyes, and super red and dry. I am thinking that your third idea is likely to be the one on target. I am going to suspend the little that I put on my face and see what happens....hoping it will be gone by next chemo. Thanks so much for thinking of possibilities! Will let you know how my little test goes. Nisa

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2013

    Nisa - hope that does the trick.  One thing I used a LOT of during chemo was Aquaphor.  I had a lot of tearing from Taxotere and the corners of my eyes were always dry, so I put some there.  I put in on and in (I know, TMI!) my nose because it cracked at the corners and inside from Herceptin.  I also used it on my hands and feet at night with cotton socks and gloves for dryness and cracking.  By the end of chemo I was using it all over my face as a moisturizer!  I should have bought stock in Aquaphor!  I know a lot of people have used it, so it is something you might try once your redness goes away, it doesn't seem to have anything irritating.

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2013

    Nisa, I have red dry patches on my face too. I use pure extra virgin coconut oil all over my face and aquaphor for lips on stubborn rough spots.

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited August 2013

    I had an awful reaction to the Decadron so I had Taxotere without and became very ill. It has taken a long time to feel better, and I was until developing an infection in my implant. It is slowly getting better again, I was able to fly to see my family for my birthday :)

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited August 2013

    Thanks all for the Aquaphor suggestion! I put some on this morning and it already helped with the dryness. Coconut oil is next, want to introduce one at a time. Will I ever feel like myself again?!!

    Happy Birthday planetbananas! Sorry to hear about infection in did that happen? I had thought of asking for the next infusion without Decadron (just to reduce the amount of drugs taken in 4 hours) but now I am having second thoughts. Sending good wishes...

  • colt45
    colt45 Member Posts: 382
    edited August 2013

    Hi everybody. Many of you have corresponded with me and with this Stage 2 forum, I kind of feel like this is our space, so I wanted to share a nice story with my "BCO family".

    My wife reminded me again today why she is a special lady.

    Her hairdresser has come upon hard financial times and she told me she's going to take our girls there for haircuts this week when she goes for trim #3, since chemo ended. My girls don't need haircuts, mind you. She just wants to give her business.

    She also asked me if it was ok (and of course it is) if we do a food shopping for her family to help them out. I know they have been using a food bank.

    This isn't mind shattering generosity... but it's a peek inside my wife's heart.

    The thing that makes me tear up is that I am a wreck for my wife (I do not let this show at home) and through all of this, she is just concerned for other people.

    She is always like this. She has always tried to extend herself for other people, even when it would be easy to just want others to do for her.

    I love her so much.

  • pupmom
    pupmom Member Posts: 1,032
    edited August 2013

    Colt, you and your wife are so blessed to have each other!

  • planetbananas
    planetbananas Member Posts: 109
    edited August 2013

    Colt45 you guys are really awesome, bless you both. I have a very supportive and loving husband so I know how special and precious it is.....

    Nisa, I'm not exactly sure on the infection. The Dr guess was a stitch that was supposed to dissolve, didn't and created a little cyst that then spread. The surgery was 4/25 and the infection happened in June. I also waited too long to see the Dr because I have never had anything like that happen with over 10 surgeries (most non cancer related) under my belt.

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013


    I got to tell you from the first time I read your posts I knew we had a connection. Like your wife my wife spent her "good day" Saturday shopping for the local food bank and soup kitchen, something she has been doing for the last few years.  She actually tired herself out and spent most of yesterday resting.  Like you, she touches my heart not worrying about herself but trying to give to others.  As tired as she was yesterday she got me up at 6:30am to attend 7:30 Mass!  I too worry so much about her. I try to remain positive and the wonderful women here have helped me do that, including you! God will be with all of these wonderful women! keep the faith Colt!

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Am I being paranoid?  My wife has had asthma for many years, usually occurs this time of year due to ragweed, wet weather, which where we live in Jersey we have had plenty of both. Now I know this but her coughing freaks me out. She doesnt want to take her advair inhaler becuase the last time she did while on chemo she developed thrush and mouth sores.  A little voice in my head keeps saying is it lung cancer? She gets so annoyed when I look at her when she coughs!  I guess it comes with this whole deal!

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    And by the way, she had PET scans in June which were clear.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579
    edited August 2013

    You are being paranoid about the lung cancer part, BUT she needs to talk to her doctor about the inhaler/mouth sores/chemo thing and find out what she can do to control her allergies during this time.

  • traii
    traii Member Posts: 379
    edited August 2013

    Hi Jdb53

    I use to get a cough whilst on cytoxan it is known to do weird thing with our upper respitory. My hubby use to look at me toi when i use to cough lots. That with a combination with asthma for your wife is most likely the case. Hope it eases soon for her. Im battling a cold here in wintery Melbourne weather and my cough is getting bad. But I give everything a 2 week rule before i call my onc. Im going away on Wednesday so hope it eases!!

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Thanks ladies. We have our last AC infusion this Tuesday and will speak to the MO about that. I was wondering about the chemo causing a cough.  

  • maureen1
    maureen1 Member Posts: 87
    edited August 2013

    Colt45 and JDB53 - thanks for sharing your stories - my dad used to say there are truly angels who walk among us and I have met so many since my diagnosis, beautiful souls who do so much for others:) (((Hugs))) to your and your wonderful wives, Maureen

  • maureen1
    maureen1 Member Posts: 87
    edited August 2013

    JDB53 - I did not do rads...met with two different RO doctors because my MO was also urging me to consider rads but both of them said the risk reduction would be 5% and would only help to prevent local recurrence in the chest wall or skin - my tumor had great margins so pathology and my BS both said they were not worried about the chest wall or skin. The risk the RO's pointed out was it was on my left side and of course my heart and lung would be in the cross hairs so there was a risk of heart and/or lung damage. Colt45 did a great forum on rads or not for women with less than 4 positive nodes so you'll find alot of information there from both sides of the conversation... good luck on your many say on these boards, we make the best decisions we can with the information we have at the time and don't look back...Maureen

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Maureen1- for both posts!

  • GlobalGirlyGirl
    GlobalGirlyGirl Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2013

    NisaVilla - Sorry for the late reply, but thank you for that compliment. It made me smile on Monday which is difficult to do. Tongue Out

  • colt45
    colt45 Member Posts: 382
    edited August 2013


    The thread Maureen is alluding to is "Topic: 1 Positive Node, Mastectomy...did you do Rads?"

    I bumped it for you.

    Don't pay any mind to the "1 Positive Node" aspect----ladies with multiple positive nodes chimed in as well.

    If for no other reason, read through it to come up with more questions to ask your docs about your wife's specific case.

    There is a wide variety of different insight in that thread.

  • empowered65
    empowered65 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2013

    Hi All,

    I wanted to share this program I came across that helps breast cancer survivors become more active! It's all online and completely free to us. Hope you find this as useful as I have:

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579
    edited August 2013

    There are also a couple great exercise threads here at BCO. 'Lets Post Our Daily Exercise' and 'Getting Back into Exercise During or After Treatment' both have great groups of motivating ladies who are in all stages of treatment and beyond.

    Two great threads if you want some weight watching buddies are: 'Wednesday Weigh In' and 'The ELAB Project' (Eat Like a Bird).

  • JDB53
    JDB53 Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Colt145!