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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited November 2015

    Nisa, I've been thinking about you and am sorry to hear about your ongoing vertigo. That's very annoying as well as concerning. I had a bout of same some years ago and it was cleared up with RX anti-histamines. I hope yours is something equally innocuous and easily treated but in the meantime, do be careful.

    We went on vacation for the first time since dx - it was stressful getting ready to be away but a great change of focus and mindset once we got off the ground. I'm glad we did it.

    I started a clinical trial (Herceptin-Neuvax) the day after we returned and am very, very happy to have been able to do so. We went through he.. with our insurer over coverage for any expenses not covered by the trial and I was afraid it would keep me from participating. Just getting started is a huge relief as my window of opportunity was closing fast.

    Now, onward through the holidays, coming all too soon. I know this year will be tough for a lot of people with family who are ill. Let's help each other as we can.

  • Kimmer33
    Kimmer33 Member Posts: 90
    edited November 2015

    hi nisa

    Nice of you to check in, i am recovering from my third AC which was just last friday - my "normal" low days 4 & 5 hit me sooner than last time so side effects hit on day 2 & 3 - weird. Just one more AC then it's on to 4 Taxols, dose dense. I said to my husband during my nightly epsom salt soak that I do not yet see the light at the end of the tunnel, sigh, but we take it one week at a time, sometimes one day at a time. So cant wait to feel normal again, if that ever happens.

    Since my last post in this group, all my scans have come back clear, so that is now something i can have some relief!!


  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited November 2015

    I'm glad you got good news from your scans, Kim - every little bit helps at this point, I'm sure. Hang in there.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited November 2015

    Hi, things are good & busy here. In October we did a long delayed (big) landscaping project (many cement pavers, doubling the size of a deck, and 6 tons of rock were involved), and DS (who lives in the area) just bought a cute, old house.....just closing last Thursday, so we have been helping with the moving, cleaning, tearing out carpet, painting (painting, painting).....which I think is very fun, but lots of work too.

    Nisa, hope they can figure out your vertigo. Yikes!

    Hopeful, happy you got on the trial and very glad that you got away for a vacation. A person absolutely needs to get away from 'real life' now and then.

    Kimmer, so glad your scans were clear! Once you are done with AC, you can start to see a glimmer of light coming from the end of that long tunnel!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited November 2015

    Nisa: I hope they are checking your middle and inner ears: a friend had this problem and it turned out to be an ear infection without other symptoms....

    I can give some good news for the board: yesterday was my last chemo treatment. Woohoo!

    Hugs to all;


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited November 2015

    Nissa, I hope things get better for you. Octogirl, congratulations! I am feeling tired and a bit nauseated from rads. Otherwise just working and trying to keep up with my special needs son who has been very ill on and off. He's been on hospice for over two years.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited November 2015

    Congratulations, octo!!!

    When are you done with rads, Molly?

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited November 2015

    Octo, congratulations on finishing chemo!! Very happy for you. I hope you have a restorative break before starting radiation.

    Molly, you've got a lot on your plate. I know radiation isn't anything like chemo but it is a drag, both mentally and physically and, for me at least, it seemed my reactions were really unpredictable, so I always felt somewhat off kilter. Hang in there, take great care of your self and your skin, and one of these days you'll be at the end - and I don't mean of your rope!

    Ruth, your landscaping project sounds great - a lot of work, but what a payoff! I would simply be happy with a few dry days on weekends so that I can finish planting my bulbs...

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited November 2015

    Hopeful, Rads starts the week after Thanksgiving, and for Thanksgiving I am going to go to LA with hubby to see my daughter, her hubby, my granddaughter (7) and my grandson (almost 3). We will head down the day before, so that on the big day granddaughter and I can help DD cook, and the day after Thanksgiving hubby and I are going to take the kids somewhere fun but not too tiring (Disneyland will need to wait a few months at least :-)) and give their parents a day off to spend as they wish. So yes, it will be a nice break, and seeing my grandkids is of course the best part of all! Can't wait!!!

    Molly sorry to hear about your son.

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited November 2015

    That sounds like a wonderful break, Octogirl, and a lot of fun to anticipate, too. It will be a terrific change of focus from all you've been caught up in. It's nice that you can be away for Thanksgiving and don't have to host it yourself.

    FYI - you might want to start moisturizing your skin now if you don't already; don't wait for rad. to start. Also, keeping the sun off the area as much as possible before hand is what I was advised to do. My skin came through 35 tx. in really, really good shape and I hope yours does, too. (If you want any tips or have any questions, feel free to pm me. Everyone's response is SO variable but I did figure out a few things that I think are fairly universally applicable and found some good products.)

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited November 2015

    Oh yeah, Hopeful, there was a definite plan in there to get away to my daughter's so I didn't feel any need to host! I often host as many as thirty family members at my place (including my DD and her family). She is happy to do something for me and to get to host (for our small group, her small home can't handle the entire extended family), and I am glad to let her do most of the shopping! :-) I will go back to hosting next year...

    Thanks for the tip on the skin and getting ready. Good idea.


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited November 2015

    I finish rads 12/8. Nearly half way there. Octogirl, I used calendula cream for about two weeks leading up to starting rads. My skin was lovely. It's holding up fairly well so far.

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited November 2015

    Molly, I'm glad your skin is doing well. With everything else you're dealing with even a little shred of good news helps, I imagine. It must be so hard dealing with your son's situation and yours in tandem. .

    I used calendula lotion during and after (still using it to massage the lx area, actually) and really liked it. Boiron makes a good lotion and has coupons on their web site. I also used Emu oil and aloe liquid - not the gel. It took a lot of shopping to find the right products and I went through a zillion bottles of aloe, it did pay off.

  • mjsgumbas
    mjsgumbas Member Posts: 323
    edited November 2015

    Nisa - so sorry to hear your sudden vertigo... that stinks!! Hope that's all it is and you are better soon!!!

    I've just been busy working and cleaning the yard before the yucky season of winter approaches - LOL!!! Feel great! Have continued good follow ups with my MO. Was sad to hear my PS & BS have both left the hospital near my home ThumbsDown. My PS is in a private practice that doesn't take insurance. He is willing to still see me and bill my insurance as out of network - but if and when something does come up, then I will have to look for an alternative.... frustrating!

    Enjoyed visiting in Poland with my family and touring the country... headed to FL tomorrow and so far have New Orleans and a late winter cruise to the Carribean on the books for 2016... my goals are to travel, travel and travel!!!!! I am scheduled for my 2nd LVA (lymphedema bypass surgery) on 3/11 - YAY!!!!! Hopefully I won't have to wear my glove anymore after this!!

    Hope you are all well!!! Think about all of you often! Hugs Heart

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited November 2015

    I blinked and you all were there responding. Thank you so much! When DH travels, it is more challenging to get to email. Lots of good news from all - Yay Sisters!

    Hopeful - Hooray to a vacation and an insurance-supported clinical trial! Way to go girl. Enjoy and keep us updated about trial. I am so very curious where you vacationed but you don't have to tell if you don't want to 😉

    Kim - CLEAR scans!! Double happy dance for you. Your SEs are as crazy as mine were. I chose Mondays as my infusion day so that I could be ok by the weekend yet it was by Friday that I landed in bed through the weekend. LOL now thinking back but not funny at all then.

    Ruth - When you are thread-silent, I always wonder "where in the country is she now?" Finally one time you are quiet due to doing the mundane jobs we all do while you travel LOL. ✈️✈️

    Octogirl - CONGRATULATIONS on all of it !! 🎉🎉

    Molly - If you want help celebrating after 12/8... I'm willing to drive and meet up! 🚗🚗

    Mjgumbas - SO SO good hearing life is treating you so well. And soon glove off, hooray! About Poland-Florida-NewOrleans-and The Caribean... have you partnered up with Ruth? I am so jealous! I did a 2-night Moms away with 2 friends and that has been the highlight since summer. I have to up my game!

    The only sad news is that this community recently lost Brenda, a late 40s San Diego Mom I met here on BC forum, and with whom I corresponded via PM a number of times. She got mets to lungs about 18 months ago and that stupid metastasis killed her. RIP dear Brenda 💚

    In case we all go thread-quiet due to upcoming holidays, I would like to say that Iam thankful for each of you and your loving support, and every fun and sustaining moment gotten from this wonderful forum. Happy Thanksgiving Day!

    Hugs, Nisa 💕

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited November 2015

    Nisa, that sounds lovely. I would love to meet you. I am sorry about the loss of your friend here on bco. That's so young!

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited November 2015

    Nisa, I had not known Brenda was so young. I'd read some of her posts, liked her, and was very sorry to learn of her death.

    Our vacation was in France - the Bordeaux region, which was lovely. Neither of us had been to that part of France before and it was fun to explore someplace entirely new, as well as fun dusting off my French for the first time in a couple of years ;)

    Just to clarify - the clinical trial is not yet being supported by my insurer; that's still up in the air. However, one of the companies involved in the trial is helping out, which is great. Not that it really matters on this board but someone may find that concept useful at some point. The study coordinators really worked hard to make that happen and it was a very welcome surprise.

    Thinking of each of you as Thanksgiving Day approaches. I am very grateful for all of you.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited November 2015

    Yes, I am staying put until the end of January & then have a few short trips planned. I like to travel but I really like to be home too. The latest thing I have been up to is; DS just bought his first house & we have been helping him move stuff, clean stuff, paint stuff etc. etc. I forgot how much WORK that is. But he is super-excited and I am super-grateful to be alive and well to enjoy this time in his life with him.....although I did tell him that he better have found a significant other by the time he buys his next house as I will be too old and decrepit to be climbing up on kitchen counters to paint the tops of cabinets & things of that nature!

    Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for each of you! Heart

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited November 2015

    Just jumping in to wish Happy Thanksgiving to all the Stage 2 sisters!

    I hope all have a great holiday!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited November 2015

    Happy Thanksgiving. Have a great day with lots of turkey, dressing, and pumpkin pie!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited November 2015

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited November 2015
    Happy Thanksgiving to each of you.
  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited November 2015

    Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving! Haven't posted very much but I do read all your posts and hope you are all doing well!!

  • canDOthis77
    canDOthis77 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2015

    Nice to find a place to chat or ask questions, just tried today to c if their was anything online

    that was safe enough, State 1A first it was stage 2 with high risk when they sent the tumor to California Lab.

    She wants me on Estrogen Blocker and I do not want to use it the side effects are so bad, and I want to

    live a quality life, starting radiation Dec. 7 for four weeks yippie, did 8 bouts of chemo...the last one was

    a living heck, and the neulasta shot was awful...So, do you know anything about this: Aromatase inhibitors,

    binding the enzme for reproducing estrogen.....aromatese enzme..thanks

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,560
    edited November 2015

    Welcome to the community canDothis77. You can read more about Aromatase Inhibitors here. We hope that you find support and information here. We are so glad that you reached out to us and find this a safe place to discuss the issues that impact those with breast cancer. Keep us posted. The Mods

  • hopeful82014
    hopeful82014 Member Posts: 887
    edited November 2015
    Can do this - welcome to the group. I'm sorry you are here but hope we can help.

    PLEASE do not reject aromatase inhibitors out of hand. Many of us use them without significant (or any) side effects and they are a very, very powerful tool.

    There are several of them, so if one IS problematic for you, there are others to try.

    I know you've read all kinds of negative reports and would hate to see you deprive yourself of this treatment based on other's experiences.
  • dawntastic
    dawntastic Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2015

    Hello all. I am new to this forum also. Started my first chemo regimen on November 7, and broke out in a rash two days later (face broke out horribly) from Taxotere, so I was switched to weekly Taxol for nine cycles. Just had my second cycle today and seem to be tolerating it well. The most annoying thing the loss of taste. Anyone have experiences with this? I'm hoping my taste comes back soon because I'm quite the foodie.

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited December 2015
    Welcome CanDOthis and Dawnstastic! Nice screen names, I should change mine to something more original 😊 Sorry slow response. Don't give up on something before you see if it works for you. The estrogen blockers are a good thing even if you have some side effects. Most people have few or none. Arimidex caused me osteoporosis but I am not quitting for now as I have great faith in its ability to contains/suppress cancer. I've been on Arimidex 2 years and it is my hope that at some point it will stop damaging my bones. I also get mild joint/bone pain and the remedy that works best for me is physical exercise. As for chemo reactions, I did not have a skin reaction but had other things, including taste buds temporarily impacted. This resolved when chemo was over. I hope it is the case for you as well and that soon you will be enjoying good restaurants again. You look fabulous in your cap! Best wishes with treatments and let us help you with any questions or concerns. Hugs, Nisa
  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited December 2015

    NisaVilla...what are you doing for your osteoporosis and where do you have it? I am on Fermara and found out 6 months after I started I was -2.5 in the lower spine. Osteopenia all other areas. Dr put me on actonel. Wondering what else there is you can do for this.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,586
    edited December 2015

    Welcome Cando and Dawn.

    Cando, I did 5 years of Arimidex with no problems at all. Since (for me anyway) it cut my recurrence risk 50%, it was something that I was very glad to have available to me. The good thing about anti-hormonals is there are several available, so if one has lots of SE, you can try a different one. Of course, you can quit them altogether if you have a terrible time, but most people don't and I'd say they are definitely worth a try.

    Dawn, everything tasted totally weird when I was doing chemo (chocolate tasted exactly like chalk.....which probably saved me from gaining 50 pounds Loopy). I mostly wanted to eat mashed potatoes and really really hot, spicy Mexican food (which is unusual to say the least). My taste buds came back fine once I was done with chemo and I still like mashed potatoes and Mexican food. Thank goodness!