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How are people with liver mets doing?



  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited May 2015

    Good to hear from you, springwatch. Glad you're feeling better and that your TM's went down a bit. Thank You, Lord!

    Keep us posted.


  • tryn2staycalm
    tryn2staycalm Member Posts: 470
    edited May 2015

    Freebird -  Awesome news!  If I was in your area I'd be taking you out for sure!  Hope the good news continues!

    Springwatch - Glad to hear your feeling better and TM's are down even if only slightly.  Keep it up!


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited May 2015

    I am so glad to hear the good news from Carla and Springwatch!

    Happy Dancing for both of you.


  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited May 2015 happy for you, that surgery is done! How are you doing...I pray there is no (or at least much, much less) pain? I hope healing has gone well & you're getting stronger. Awesome markers lowered...hoping blood boosts back up. I know when our system is compromised w/chemo & surgery, it takes a big hit. May each day be a feel good, healing day!

    Carla...such good news...especially when you'd been feeling so sick! Take it easy & continue feeling strong!

    Diana...zowie, yes, a biopsy is called for. We know with our own gals here...tumor makeup can change...making it a whole new ballgame for tx! Stay hopeful...prayers new meds will do the job.


  • diana50
    diana50 Member Posts: 253
    edited May 2015

    Hi everyone

    thanks for all your comments and welcoming me into this group.  I look forward to getting to kno58w you all.

    Spring; I had actually been thinking about you so was great to see your post.  glad marker went down and hope you will keep on feeling better and better.

    my liver biopsy is Monday; CT guided at our cancer center. lesion is very easily accessible.  very similar to breast biopsy at a breast center; no drugs or surgery...etc  involved.  last biopsy was when I first had a met in my spine and now after 33 months onc wants another sample of tissue.  still scheduled for chemo next week too; last week when I saw onc she said ixempra.   if her2 + then add targeted.  anway,, my TM really popped from low 400s last month to  580 this week. want to get the chemo started to start killing cancer. the little suckers. so far blood work is good' nothing showing in liver blood work I guess that happens a lot. 

    anyway, like I said; i look forward to getting to know all of you active peeps on this topic.  keep on....yep.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited May 2015

    Springwatch, welcome back, i am glad you operation went well even though long. But better long and well done rather than short with problems. I hope you are able soon to move more freely and pain free. Carbo+gemzar is very tough on the blood if your Hb was as low as 8.5 , they should have held your chemo and gave a transfusion. This is what they gave me when i was on this combo. I was also very tired and out of breath, so my MO refused to give me the dose before getting my blood Back in shape. It is not so strange for your TM to go down or up when there is a change in pattern during treatment. TMs tend to play up and down before settling either up or down. But i do hope it is a good sign that the treatment is working on containing the disease. Do not think much about it , rest as much as you need and if you are very tired then inform your doctor and let him fix your blood. Prayers for you all the way. Hugs.

  • chichimaine
    chichimaine Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015

    Hi all! So much news in the last week!

    RonnieKay - Just one word WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you!

    Springwatch - glad you are back posting and that you are feeling better. Hugs n prayers that you will feel better each day

    Diana50 - Welcome to the will find a wonderful group of women who lift each other up daily. Hugs to you and prayers for your biopsy results

    Cathy - Sorry to hear of your progression...and I cannot agree more...Cancer SUCKS!! Many prayers for you and for your doctors that they may find the right combination to stop the progression and knock it back down!

    Freebird - Great news!! I'm so happy for you!!! I'd love to pick you up and go on a little road long as we don't have to pull a Thelma and Louise! lol

    Penny - How are you doing? Been thinking of you and sending prayers. Have you had your family vacation or getting ready to go? Hope its's fun and restful and full of laughter and new memories!

    Woodylb - How are you, my friend? Are you looking forward to going home next week? You are always here to encourage all of us and it means more than you may know. I hope we can be here to do the same for you.

    My first infusion of Navelbine in two months went spasms..woohoo! Just the usual tired with no appetite. Taking my Ativan when I start to feel "odd" and talking myself off the ledge! lol Go for 2nd on Monday and then off for two weeks. Have scans scheduled for May 15 to see if the two months off affected the tumors. Saying prayers that they remained the same...of course it would be great if they shrunk some more, but don't want to ask for too much! lol

    Prayers and hugs to all! Debbie

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited May 2015

    Hi, Debbie! Thanks for asking. Gemzar has been tough on me but thanks be to God, I'm still here and doing fine. Will post more on vacation later.


  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited May 2015


    I am so happy you started back on Nevalbine and even happier your heart is holding ! Wohoooo! I am waiting with great expectations for your scan i hope it shrunk a little more or a lot more lolll all is good as long as it is not progressing. So my prayers are with you for a good and optmistic scan.

    I will have mine on the 11th , keeping my fingers crossed . I will be heading to lebanon on thursday and monday will be my scan but also my son will start his finals. He will be stressed and i will be getting all the heat hehehehehehe . But summer is almost here and i hope it will bring good news and great expectation for all of us.

    My prayers are for all of us and may God work his wonders in all of us. Keep posting do not leave us for too long without news about you . Lots of love , hugs and prayers .

  • Modum
    Modum Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2015

    hi ladies,

    I am new to this site. I have liver mets that are not responding well to therapy, but I have had them for about a year and a half and they are still small, but increasing in number...I have just started taxol- fingers crossed this one helps. My onc is waiting for Ibrance to become available in Canada- hopefully in the next 6 months. I guess if Taxol is working, he won't change me that quickly though. Hate going throughout the hair loss, I am working full time (and still feel and look "normal"). I am about 2 1/2 yrs into mets dx.

    I have had one "hiccup", my onc wanted to try SBRT for the 2 lesions that were progressing (Jan2015) and the Rad Onc said no! He said my mets were all linked together and it wouldn't work, may even make it worse?!?? Still don't understand that one, but it moved me to taxol.

    I look forward to hearing how we are all doing!



  • diana50
    diana50 Member Posts: 253
    edited May 2015

    hi people. Hi modum

    I am new too. Having biopsy today and results go to my hospital and to Foundation One.

    I was on taxol for 10 months b/c mets tanked my kidney function. Widespread in belly. Taxols worked for 10 months but developed two lesions in liver. 2.1cm and .6. Onc took me off taxol and planning on Lxempra for liver. The taxol saved me and turned things around with kidneys and I know taxol had helped lots of people with liver mets. So hope you get good response.

    To everyone else. Only best wishes and responses to treatment. Will follow up after biopsy results.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited May 2015


    I am sorry you joined the club of liver metsters, but you are welcome here anytime. You did not mention if you are IDC or ILC. Even though they are both metastatic they differ slightly in treatments, and respond differently to the same treatment. I have been on taxol for almost six months. But i am not on taxol alone i am also on herceptin/ perjeta and weekly taxol. After three months my PET showed no tumors in the liver, spine , and hip and iliac bone.

    Many people on this thread where also on taxol and got good results. I think the choice of your doctor is a good one and i hope you respond to it as good as everyone else. I have to mention that my response was not only due to taxol alone , it was the combination of all three meds. The SEs also are different from one person to another, mine are mostly digestive ( colon) and neuropathy, i also lost my hair for the third time but not all of it . I do not wear wigs or cover, my hair thinned but is acceptable and i cut it short to make it look cute lolll.

    As for SBRT , ablation or anykind of invasive treatment, my doctor is like yours against , and not only my doctor. i consulted with two others they gave the same answer. To my knowledge and research very few metastatic BC patients are eligible to such procedures. Had the tumor had originated in the liver and one tumor only and not metastased then yes such procedures are successful. But once a cancer becomes metastatic and visceral ( meaning everything related to blood organs) such as bones , liver and lungs do not fit such criteria. Once the liver is hit by mets, it means that the cancer cells are circulating through the body because of the function of the liver which is to cleanse the blood. This means if you remove the tumor it will disappear but it will not stop the other circulating cells from forming another one or to set colony in other parts of the body. This is why most oncs prefer to treat the cancer systematically rather than locally.

    Of course this is my opinion and that of the doctors i have seen and i happen to agree with them. You should do what you feel is right for you and take into conideration the opinion of a doctor you trust and an expert in the field.

    I hope this helped you and wish you excellent results on taxol. Prayers and God bless you.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited May 2015


    I am happy your biopsy went smoothly and hope the results give your doctors more insights into your treatment and find you a healing combination. Keep us posted and may God bless you.

  • Modum
    Modum Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2015

    Hi Woodylb, Hi Diane50,

    Thanks much for your response and information. I was IDC 12 yrs ago and 6yrs ago on my 1st and 2nd BrCa...mets started in the lungs. I am going for a liver biopsy on June 5 to see if the receptors are still the same (possibly why my other mets are doing great, but not my liver...)

    I appreciate your perspective on the SBRT as well, I was hopeful at the time that a little zap might make my liver behave!

    Taxol seems to be good for liver mets, so I am content for now.

    I wish you continued good health! Good results!


  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited May 2015

    Thank you Modum for your wishes i will know soon enough my results , monday is my PET scan and i will post them. Meanwhile, i hope your liver if it has changed status and turned to HER2+ you would have also other options. Mine did in a turn of events and for me it was miraculous as i was running out of options :) !

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited May 2015

    LIver enzymes up again. Thank You, Lord, for carrying me.

    I think it's time for a new team. I know what's wrong with me. I'm having stomach cramps that spread around to my lower back (kind of like labor). It's the diverticulitis. Called doctor. They want me to go to hospital instead of just calling in a scrip for it. The diagnostic tool for this is a very expensive CT scan. I'm beginning to feel they're sick of me and want me gone. Thank The Lord there are tons of highly-qualified oncologists in this country.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited May 2015

    My dear Penny, i hope you are alright, please keep us posted . Prayers and lots prayers heading your way. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  • diana50
    diana50 Member Posts: 253
    edited May 2015


    The hospital can take a look and see what is going on. Prayers. Keep us posted. Only ️️hugs coming your way.

    Meet with on Monday to go over pathology of liver biopsy. Got my first Lxempra infusion yesterday. Hoping kicking those liver mets to the Curb.

    Woodlby thanks for insight on treating liver mets. My onc said "chemo". I still check into abaltion and Y-60. Options give me hope.

    Only prayers and best wishes to all.


  • tryn2staycalm
    tryn2staycalm Member Posts: 470
    edited May 2015

    Welcome Modum to the liver metsters! 

    Good luck with your new treatment Diana50!


  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited May 2015

    Sitting at the mall...the first place I've had total quiet (odd place to find quiet!), to read through what's going on with my liver sisters. To our new gals, you have our love & support, hope & prayers. It's so frightening to hear-it's in your liver! I thought, why not my bones!!! Then I thought, why not my lungs!!! (Never thought of brain!).... but, in reality, there is good/bad about anywhere these buggers show up. Did I really say good??? Hopefully, those we love & the drs we put our trust in, wish for us to live long & joyful lives...and through the difficult & less difficult times, thank God for His love...and for this group of sisters who understand & help us to get through & face the music.

    Woody are a blessing to your darling travels & tell him we're all praying for successful finals!!! May 11th, I will hold you in my heart!

    Chichi...go Navelbine go! Hope scans show it was working all along...and may the no spasms part last a long while!!

    Penny...follow your heart in what is best for your treatment. You've been blessed with a sound, bright mind...if you feel you need another opinion, seek that out. I truly feel God led me to this new onc...I had utmost faith in my former onc, but as I saw/felt her become discouraged with my fear...mostly wondering how I could continue on my regimen w/ was determined she wasn't well & had to leave work for extended sick leave. I know you've been through so much w/your team...maybe fresh eyes will see something more clearly???? My love & hope for healing.

  • diana50
    diana50 Member Posts: 253
    edited May 2015

    so good to hear from you all. I will know more when I meet with oncologist Monday. I am especially interested in biopsy results.

    Liver mets are scary. You all have helped me calm down a bit. Thank you. Will post more when I know more. Had my first chemo yesterday (lxempra) since taxol stopped working. I get that we move from one treatment to another.


  • benjnate
    benjnate Member Posts: 105
    edited May 2015

    Hey Penny - I've been thinking about you the past few days and wondering how you are doing. Were you able to look into a possible new Onc team? Keep us posted, and wishing you a relaxing weekend.


  • springwatch
    springwatch Member Posts: 243
    edited May 2015

    Penny, I have been thinking of you and hoping that you find an oncologist who you have faith in and inspires you with hope. Sorry about the diverticulitis. Does it really have to be a CT scan to get a DX? My mother's was diagnosed with a barium enema and X-ray.

    Welcome to modum and hoping that all who visit here have a relaxing weekend planned, or maybe something fun?

    I am doing better each day but I had a bit of a bad time a few days back with breathlessness and exhaustion. I know my Hb was low last time it was done but pretty sure it fell further after the last chemo. I have promised myself that I will go for the blood transfusion, which was suggested, if it ever is that low again.

  • chichimaine
    chichimaine Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015

    Good morning lovely liver ladies! Hope it is a good one for you all. Welcome to Diane50 and best wishes for good results on your biopsy.

    Welcome also to Modum - I'm interested to see if your biopsy reveals a change in the ER,PR,HER status. My original diagnosis was ER+, PR-, HER-. Liver mets are triple negative, so hormone therapy did nothing for that. I'm on Navelbine now and doing really well with it. Taxol usually works well for liver mets also, but I understand the hair loss issue. I also work full time and wore a wig for a year - living in South Texas...not very comfortable! lol

    Penny - It sounds like God may be leading you to find a fresh set of eyes to look at you. I know you hear His heart and will follow. Sending prayers your way for relief from the diverticulitis.

    Woodylb - Here's to your PET on Monday continuing to show no tumors! It looks like they have the right "cocktail" mixed for you!!! Wishing you all the best, my friend.

    RonnieKay - Thanks for the good wishes on my upcoming CT scans. I took my second infusion on Monday and this one kicked me back a bit, but I have the next two weeks off, so I can build back up. Had abit of a scare with pneumonia again, but my pulmonary doc jumped right on it (I love him) and has me on strong antibiotics and steroids as well as nebulizer treatments 4 times a day. He thinks we can kick this in the butt from home and not go back to the hospital. Feeling better already after just a couple of doses of meds, so WooHoo!!

    Best wishes to all for a great weekend!


  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited May 2015

    Well, everyone, thanks for asking about me. Love you all. Got back from Disney family vacation about 12:30am. While there, I started with abdominal cramping @ Wednesday. It got progressively worse until we got back. At which point, my husband took me to the ER, the pain was so bad. Poop - I am literally full of it. Never knew such a silly word could cause so much pain. I have been slightly constipated but not bad so I was surprised. I thought for sure it was my diverticulitis. I'm usually on top of my game with prune juice, senna, etc. The doctor gave me some weird stuff to drink - 1/2 bottle every 4 hours, plus some milk of magnesia.

    Oh, yeah, bloodwork came back - liver enzymes even higher, including the bilirubin, which had always been stable in the past, even as the enzymes went up. I have to follow up with that with my oncologist on Monday.

    big SIGH....

  • diana50
    diana50 Member Posts: 253
    edited May 2015

    Penny thinking about you. Poop is a nightmare sometimes. Hope you will be feeling better over the weekend. Keep us posted on your onc appt.

    Thank you all for warm welcome. My first chemo of Lxempra was ok. Mostly nausea and constipation (poop 💩) but lots of prune juice and magnesium helped there. See onc Monday for results of biopsy. Then one more chemo and I fly to minneapolis for nephs hs graduation.

    This is hard stuff. I find strength in reading your experiences and how you all deal with this stuff with so much faith. Keep on. ThumbsUp

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited May 2015



  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited May 2015

    Same to you Penny and to all of you lovely ladies !

  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Member Posts: 575
    edited May 2015

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!

    Scans this week.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited May 2015

    Syrmom, Happy Mother's day ! I hope it will be crowned with excellent scan results . Prayers and good luck.

    Mine is tomorrow , Chichi follows . Hope for the best lovely ladies . Lots of love and prayers!!