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How are people with liver mets doing?



  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2015

    Syrmom, i am really happy because i can feel your good vibes and i like you am very grateful you found this doctors. With God's speed :))

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited April 2015

    Penny, I'm so gladto hear about your good numbers.

    And now here's my good numbers - CA 15-3 was 779.2, CEA was 15.8 on March 3, the day of my first Navelbine infusion. On April 8 CA 15-3 was 452.3, CEA was 10.

    Thank G-d it seems to be working.


  • apackoftwo
    apackoftwo Member Posts: 64
    edited April 2015

    Syrmom - just wanted to say it took me three years to find a good oncologist and indeed it makes ALL the difference - I have also been lucky to have an oncologist primary care physician in my area (only one of 4 in the state) and am seeing her too. She helps with all the stuff the oncologists are too busy to manage - side effects, coordinating tx, tender, loving care and moral support - these two have changed my "cancer" life and I will be eternally grateful. Susie

  • chichimaine
    chichimaine Member Posts: 89
    edited April 2015

    Ella - I was on Xeloda for a brief period of time. I'm one of the few people to whom it causes cornorary artery spasms. So, not on it long. I've been on Navelbine since November and it's doing a great job in shrinking the liver mets.

    RonnieKay - I'm slow lately...just re-read your post and caught the "firm underarms"! What the heck are those! lol You're right...maybe six years agod, but no such thing now! :0)

    Leash - great news on your new go girl!!


  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited April 2015

    Great news, Leah! Thank You, Lord!

    :-) Penny

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2015

    Wonderful news Leah! So happy for you and thank God it is working and hope it keeps doing so for a long time :))

  • tryn2staycalm
    tryn2staycalm Member Posts: 470
    edited April 2015

    Well again my cancer has progressed.  First it was both lungs, then liver and now bones.  Showed up in a bone scan in both hips and spine.  Sigh.  I hate Cancer! 


  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2015


    I am sorry for your progression and i pray God your doctors find a new line which works for you. Let us know what comes next. Bone mets are very manageable i pray yours are. My prayers are with you . Hugs.

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited April 2015

    Sorry, Cathy. Prayers...

    - Penny

  • chichimaine
    chichimaine Member Posts: 89
    edited April 2015

    Sorry to hear of the progression, Cathy! Sending prayers and big hugs to you!!!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited April 2015

    Oh, Cathy, I am so sorry to her this news.


  • tryn2staycalm
    tryn2staycalm Member Posts: 470
    edited April 2015

    Thank you so much ladies.

  • freebird53
    freebird53 Member Posts: 141
    edited April 2015

    I've been in the hospital off on for the 3's either fever of 103.5 or abdominal pain from my colostomy...And the fear that something may happen when I"m home alone...They talked alot to me this time in the hospital about assisting living...I just got this 5th wheel and love living here...I have a caretaker a couple hrs during the week..but not on weekends...I think I'm going down hill...I can hardly eat...walking is difficult...I NEVER FELT LIKE THIS IN MY LIFE...IT FUCKING SUCKS...I WAN'T MY LIFE BACK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just give me some strength God!!!

  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396
    edited April 2015

    freebird- I am so sorry that you don't feel well. I am giving you all the cyber hugs and help I can. We are here for you.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2015

    Freebird , i am sorry you are feeling so ill, my prayers are with you , may god give you strength to fight. We are here whenever you need us , ready to help you emitonally at least anytime. Hugs.

  • tryn2staycalm
    tryn2staycalm Member Posts: 470
    edited April 2015

    Freebird - First Big Caring Hugs!!!  So sorry to hear your feeling so bad.  It does SUCK BIG TIME.  I know I'm not me anymore too.  Wake feeling weak and tired.  Can't do much and I'm beat.  Very little appetite.  Losing a lot of weight.  Wish I could take your hand and we fly back in time about 25 years!! To the good years.  Cancer Sucks, Cancer REALLY SUCKS!  Praying for you too!


  • smiley47
    smiley47 Member Posts: 91
    edited April 2015

    Freebird so sorry to hear your suffering, at least your in the right place to get help and hopefully with the right meds you will start to feel better.

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited April 2015

    I was reading along, celebrating good news with SyrMom, Leah, Penny, Chichi...then I remember why we're all here. Dang sorry Cathy & Freebird. My prayers that somehow, some way, there will be the right cocktail-the one that prevents any new crappy cells from invading & that strength will be restored, along with appetites & feel good moments...increasing to days, weeks, months & years! Is it too much to ask??? I don't think so. Like Chichi says, God hears the prayers of all of we keep them coming!!!

    I am so happy to know others are having good results on Navelbine. I am forever grateful my onc chose it first..which she said she usually does for mets. I'm grateful to onc #2...for taking me off it after 22 months! I saw him Wed, my 6 month anniv of my last Navelbine. He said he's very happy that I'm doing so well on herc/perj/letrozole & asked if I knew how good my markers are :-) (his nurse calls me every 3rd Fri, after infusion and markers that Wed). He said in 6 months, if all stays the same (which he expects...even though I'm nervous), perjeta will be dropped. He said it's obvious my C is her2+ sensitive & research for years has shown herceptin can do the job...although he'll monitor even more closely. He said he's going to be developing a study w/her2+ bc mets women, who've reached remission-ME-in regards to vaccine, etc. he used the R word. I asked if it's allowed to use that word in today's cancer terms....he said, "I just did." I then got my latest TM's-cea-.7 (which it's been since on Navelbine for a few months), ca2729- less than 5...not measurable. I'm a bit numb, very happy & thankful for this smart onc, who looked at my history & came up w/the right plan. Yep...a blessing, for sure. Thank you God, for putting me in his hands & granting me this moment. I pray it lasts...and that healing is in the plan for all.

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2015

    yayyyyyyyy RonnieKay ,

    As Penny says a happy dance for you and thanks be to God for ever and ever

    I cannot add more this is the happiest news i have ever heard in such a long time and i hope your moment will last for a long long time. I love you Ronniekay and still yayyyyyyy.

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited April 2015

    Woo Hoo, Ronnie. Thank You, Lord!

    :-) Penny

  • tryn2staycalm
    tryn2staycalm Member Posts: 470
    edited April 2015

    RonnieKay   First ty so much for your kind and caring words.  I am very grateful and for all prayers and I will keep trying to find that right drug for me also as I know my oncologist will give it his best shot also.  I am so glad you have found the right doctors and the right treatment for that wonderful R.  May you stay there for long term along with many others here. 

  • diana50
    diana50 Member Posts: 253
    edited April 2015

    Hi liver peeps/

    joining this group; CT scan last week revealed one lesion that was 1.4 (had shrunk on taxol from jan 2015 scan) is now 2.1  and a new one .6/  waiting for biopsy and then to start Lxempra depending on biopsy.  all my blood work including liver enzymes are good.  actually liver enzymes are low.   starting year 3 with mets in august and starting treatment line 3.  interesting correlation.  when I know more about biopsy and tx will let you all know. 

    I ,mostly feel sad.  however, when i started the taxol; last july I was sicker then I am now with these two lesions.  I lost kldney function last july and now kidneys are working at about 90 percent./  taxoi worked/  this is all about putting out fires but the house continues to be a house I can still live in. 

    that all I got for now.  best wishes to you all ^5

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2015


    I am so sorry for your progression, i know how diappointing it is when you start to feel it is going well then you see it is not. It is depressing. But thank God there are alot of new treatments out there i hope your doctors will find the right one for you. Also the number of tumors in your liver are not so many to me it feels more clear and manageable more than having more than 10 and having you liver light up like a christmas tree lolllll. I am puzzled why are they doing a biopsy now didn't they biopsy your first tumor? Even though i believe it is good to have a second biopsy , cancer somtimes changes status which may help your doctors a better outlook on how to treat you. My prayers are with you and truly hope you get some peace of mind.

  • diana50
    diana50 Member Posts: 253
    edited April 2015


    Thanks for your post. I had biopsy when I first met to my spine in August 2012. My onc wants to see if pathology changed. Like to her2 positive for tx options. I so appreciate positive stories on liver mets. Thank you. Will know more after biopsy and tx plan.

  • tryn2staycalm
    tryn2staycalm Member Posts: 470
    edited April 2015

    Welcome Dianna50 - Sorry to hear of your progression.  I too am trying to deal with the same. I was just dx last month with liver mets also.  Already had it in both lungs and just last week I was told it has spread to bones.  In spine and both hips.  My oncologist put me on Faslodex injections and said next we go to chemo.  I have been told by a couple gals on the Faslodex page they have been stable on it for 3 and 4 years!  I found that to be positive!  There are many possible treatments and we must trust in God and our oncologists to find the right treatment for us.  Best Wishes back for you and all.

  • SyrMom
    SyrMom Member Posts: 575
    edited April 2015

    Diana, my thoughts & prayers are with you, as well.  I understand how discouraging it is when a tx fails us - it's happened to me more times than not.  Hang in there!  You just never know which one is the magic bullet!

  • freebird53
    freebird53 Member Posts: 141
    edited April 2015

    Sorry Peeps!! I have been busy just enjoying my good news that I got yesterday at the Doc's ....Here it goes...My liver tumors have dissipated...My tumor markers are down from 436 to 200....and my white counts are normal...yea isn't that awesome...I get a break from chemo till after Mother's day...So I'm going to enjoy ...anyone what to take me on there back sit for a ride this weekend...let me know ahead of time...I need time to plan...I sure would like celebrate my GREAT NEWS!!! ItSgOOdTObEmE....!!!!!! Love you all...

  • Woodylb
    Woodylb Member Posts: 935
    edited April 2015

    wonderful news Freebird! Awesome, enjoy your break and mother's day and i hope the good news keeps pouring in . God bless!

  • redwolf8812
    redwolf8812 Member Posts: 580
    edited April 2015

    Woo hoo, freebird53! Thank You, Lord!


  • springwatch
    springwatch Member Posts: 243
    edited May 2015

    Hi all,

    I have been reading off and on but have not really had the energy to post or stay in contact. However, I am now beginning to feel much better.

    My operation to repair my leg was 3 weeks ago. It was supposed to be under an hour but took nearly 4 times longer. I am very grateful for the my skilled surgeon and the time and effort he put into doing the repair which meant working very late into the night. I started back on chemo about a week ago and have just completed my 7th cycle of gem/carbo. It has hit my bloods hard and my Hb yesterday was 8.4 but we went ahead anyway as I am only breathless when climbing stairs or walking far. One curious thing, my tumor markers fell slightly after 5 weeks with no treatment. Not significantly, but I was really expecting to see a slight upward movement. I will have more scans at the end of June.

    I will try and keep up with everyone now that I am feeling better. Big wave to diana50, who was with me on the weekly taxol board. Hope you get the results you are looking for from your biopsy.