Faslodex Girls Thread



    CAROL1MAINE Member Posts: 13

    DLB823 she automaticly did the z track. When I mentioned the pinch she said nono it would not make into the muscle. Starting ibrance today!

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701

    Had my second Faslodex injections today, and went armed with the article Tina had shared above. But thankfully, I got a different tech who didn't use the pinch method, and although she told me as we were chatting as she warmed the vials prior to injecting them that the Z-track method was old and not done anymore, she did what I would consider from reading Tina's article a picture perfect rendition of that technique. So I'm a happy camper and will definitely ask if she can do my injections in the future. I also pointed the toes on the injecting side inward, which I either read here or in the article (forget which). Don't know if it helped, but I can't even locate the injection sites by touch this time -- they're that painless.

    So grateful for the input and tips here!!!

  • Momonana6
    Momonana6 Member Posts: 154

    Deanna, Glad that your Faslodex injections were accompanied with much less pain. I have been taking Faslodex for 18 months and hopefully that and Herceptin will continue to hold down any progression. Hope that your tx will be as successful! Peggy
  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    Deanna, that's awesome. Stick with that nurse if you can.

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219

    Thanks Tina for the Ztrack info. I'm a little confused though. So is it better for the nurse to pull the skin and give like the way she did on my last Faslodex shots (super pain on both sides when she gave them) or without pinching or grabbing the skin, then administering? And, which way utilizes the Faslodex to better do it's job?


  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758

    Naturegirl, I thought the article gave a clear description of how the injections should be given and why, so I'm puzzled by your questions. I thought the answers were in the piece. Sorry I can't be of more help. Maybe you need to talk with a RN or MD.


  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219

    Tina, I just re-read article you provided. I'm not sure if the nurse(each time a different nurse administers my shots) is using the dorsogluteal site or ventrogluteal site. Secondly, so according to that link, Ztrack is when they do pinch the area and give at 90 degrees and is most effective right? All I know is when the last nurse gave my shots it hurt like hell, both sides. I've been getting shots since February and NEVER had I had that problem. IF that is the way the nurses SHOULD administer the Faslodex shots as done the last time, and, it is more effective, then I'll have to 'bite the bullet' and go with that. I don't want to cause waves there as my life is really in their hands and I certainly don't want to ruffle anyone's feathers here, sorry if I did. I don't need further stress. Input?

  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758

    Naturegirl, I've been getting these injections for four years. They often smart or sting, and the area can be very sore for quite a while, but they have only "hurt like hell" during administration on three occasions. The first instance was when a poorly-trained aide gave the shots too quickly, pushing them in very fast and taking great pride in doing so. I was in pacing-in-circles pain for many hours.The others were given by my regular nurse, who knows what she's doing, so who knows what occured? One thing is certain, they SHOULD NOT hurt as much as you describe to be effective. All I can suggest is to make sure the syringes are warmed up and to follow all the tips at the top of this thread. You might want to ask the nurse to use numbing spray as mine does now.Maybe your most recent experience of such extreme pain was just a fluke like the two instances I had with my very experienced nurse. She was more upset that she had hurt me than I was, and neither of us could figure out what had been different!


  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582

    I've been getting the shots since January and no one is pinching anything - the only time I was sore was when I had a nurse who pushed the shots too fast - I had her twice in a row and asked that she not give my shots again - I did this through the charge nurse as that is the protocol at my clinic - I mentioned the "pinching" to two nurses - one that just retired after 30 years and the other the charge nurse at my clinic and they both said "not supposed to happen" - my TMs are way, way down so I know the treatment is working so obviously my nurse(s) know what they are doing.

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219

    Thanks Tina and 208sandy for your input and valued information. I'm going to call and ask for a charge nurse in the chemo section(as you recommended) and tell her what had happened before I go for my shots that are scheduled for Sept. 3rd. I'll keep y'all posted as to what transpires.

  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758

    Good plan, nature girl.Best of luck!


  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219

    Had my shots yesterday. Called the charge nurse last Monday and told her what had happened while getting my Faslodex shots last month. She told me I will need to call her a day before the shots each month to see which nurses are on the day I come in. I also told her I do not want that particular nurse giving me any more shots. So I had my shots yesterday. I told the nurse who was administering them about the situation. She said that should not have been the way that the nurse should have given me those shots last month. Yesterday's nurse gave me shots once before and she was very gentle. I did not have one ounce of pain yesterday!

    Prior to getting the shots, I saw my oncologist yesterday. My cancer antigen levels are 'creeping' as he put it. He has scheduled a cat scan in three weeks. He said he could 'tweek' the Faslodex shots to include Ibrace but will see if I need it or not depending on what he sees in the upcoming cat scan. My question is - are there BC people here who are taking the combination of Faslodex shots + Ibrace? If so, how long have you been on the regimen and any side effects? Also, is it helping? Input please!

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    Hi Naturegirl, my onc and I have talked about layering Ibrance on top of the Faslodex and Letrozole I already take. In fact, that's what we're planning to do.

    We're waiting for my progression to be bad enough. Some time this winter I'll either enter a trial or add it on.

    There was a study of Fas + Ibrance for which progression free survival was better than Fas alone. Was for women who had progressed on an AI. So this is an entirely reasonable strategy.

    Glad your shots went down easy (so to speak). I go Wednesday for mine.

  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758


    Glad to learn things went so well yesterday!

    There are several Ibrance threads on this forum. If I were you, I'd start by reading Ibrance 2015 (Pablociclib). You'll find other women posting there who are on the Faslodex+Ibrance combo


  • jobur
    jobur Member Posts: 494

    Hi Naturegirl,

    I'm glad you advocated for yourself on who is giving you the Fas shots and got good results! Way to go!!

    I have been on Faslodex since April and just started Ibrance with it this month, so I don't know if it is helping yet. The main side effect for me so far is fatigue. The 1st two weeks were okay, but this week I started out with a fever and chills. That resolved and now I am just tired all the time in spite of getting lots of sleep.

    There's lots of good info on the Ibrance thread Tina mentioned. Some people seem to find it quite easy, others not so much. I see you spent a year on the A/A combo. How was that for you? That will likely be my next tx when/if this one fails.

    Hope your upcoming CT scan brings only good news.

  • naturegirl2
    naturegirl2 Member Posts: 219

    Hi pajim, thanks for your response! My oncol. also told me about a trial the other day with combining faslodex and Ibrance that started after I began taking Faslodex only back in February of this year. I hope you do not see progression for a mighty long time. I'm hoping for the same for myself. We'll see what unfolds in three weeks once I take a cat scan. Last time I took a cat scan of the chest was in January of this year. Faslodex has been working for me thus far and hope it works for many years. Cancer antigen numbers creep up by several points each month tho. I can only hope but we will see.

    Thanks Tina for the info. I'll head on over to Faslodex/Ibrance threads for more reading.

    jobar-wishing you success with your Faslodex/Ibrance combo. Yes, I was on AA combo most of last year. I took 10 mil too of Afinitor/Aromison combo from February 2014 till end of August 2014, then oncol dropped Afinitor and I took Armoison only till Jan. of 2015. Progression began in Nov. of 2014 and got worse by Jan. 2015. Oncol. then put me on Faslodex Feb. of 2015. I developed mouth sores and had problems with my tori(with A/A combo) which were resolved after seeing an oral surgeon. Good luck to you and thanks for the well wishes!

  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758

    Subject: Whining About Drying Up

    My skin has changed character completely during the past year. My formerly smooth forearms have become rough and bumpy to the touch. I'm bruising more easily everywhere. As for my head, despite applications of all sorts of doctor- and hairdresser- recommended conditioning lotions and potions, punctuated by days of super-gentle shampoos, my scalp continues to feel scaly and generates snowstorms when I dry and brush my hair. This will again be an issue when I switch to my winter wardrobe of basic blacks.

    As for my nether regions, let's not even go there!

    (I can't help but wonder why the spare tire around my middle can't dry up as well.)

    Shriveling in all the wrong places,


  • aoibheann
    aoibheann Member Posts: 259

    I've been on faslodex since the end of May (and letrozole since beg May) and I've put on approx 14lbs!! Has anyone else had a prob with weight gain while on faslodex? or is it letrozole? or me? I lost a lot of weight after my dx and nurses encouraged me to eat ice cream and fattening food but I think I may have lost the plot...

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    Aoibheann, I gained 8 pounds immediately when I started Faslodex. My waistline disappeared in a matter of 24 hours. I totally freaked out. We ended up doing an ultrasound because I was afraid it was accumulating fluid. Nope. Susan said when she went off the drug she lost ten pounds in a month.

    As for dry skin, you're reading the queen of oily skin. Not any more. I just started with the dandruff too. Not to mention more hair coming out. Lets just mention that.

    On the plus side, no trouble from the shots on Wednesday. Nurse knew her stuff.

  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582

    Yup, I've gained weight like crazy since January (when I started on Fas) - also extremely dry skin and dandruff that has required many shampoos and I have finally gotten it under control by using Selsun Blue two days a week and the rest of the time I used J & J baby shampoo - yes, more hair loss, but lost most of my hair on taxotere back in '08 and it has never fully recovered - it's always a hat or wig for me. BC certainly is the gift that keeps on giving.

  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758

    Yes, more hair loss. Not clumps, thank heaven, but many strands on my hands when shampooing. Still have plenty on my head, though!


  • aoibheann
    aoibheann Member Posts: 259

    Interesting. Does the weight gain get to a certain stage and stop or does it keep accumulating? So it looks like I can't eat what I want any more, another of life's little pleasures gone.

    My hair has grown back after chemo but is still thin on top. It's white/grey, dry, flat and straight. It's also appearing where I don't want it esp on my chin (if only it'd move to my head). I'd like to dye it but I'm worried that the chemicals might cause it to fall out. Least of my worries, I know...

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    Ladies, I have a complaint. At 47 years old I seem to have become fragile.

    Went on a golfing vacation last week and pulled something in my shoulder. Annoying. It'll probably heal in a month. I had warmed up, really. BUT. Last March, I tweaked my knee. Same story. That too went away after a month and much ibuprofen. I played all summer with no issues. Not to mention that I'm rehabbing an ankle which had become frozen.

    The real complaint is that it seems to happen on the first day of my vacation(s).

    What gives? I have no joint pain -- it's not weak joints. Can the lack of estrogen be affecting muscle fibers? Should I always spend my vacations at the beach?

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701

    Sorry to hear about the problems you've been having, pajim, but in a way it's a bit reassuring because I had something similar happen about 10 days ago as I was trying to get something down from a high closet shelf and ended up with stabbing pain in my shoulder blade that was so bad I considered going to the ER b'cuz I was afraid I might have fractured a vertebrae. I've been chalking my pain off to a lack of moving, but your post has me wondering what the lack of estrogen is doing to our muscles and tendons. It's pretty evident what it's doing to my face -- uber dry skin and my wrinkles are starting to look much deeper. So I'd be surprised if it's not affecting other body parts as well.

  • cjanet
    cjanet Member Posts: 288

    I agree with the effects of loss of Estrogen on our bodies. I tend to overlook this and it probably has a major impact on me! I burst into tears all the time now, and I KNOW that's the lack of estrogen doing it. I'm emotional but come on not like that. It's annoying. And yes, very dry skin. I do put the Frankincense oil on my face though for wrinkles, dry skin, etc. I do have some joint pains in hips, knees and hands, but I'm attributing that to the Lupron and Falsodex, not cancer. The pain in my neck and upper spine is the cancer and it feels way different.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    I saw the PT today (who is doing my ankle). He says I have all passive motion so didn't wreck anything. "Just ice and rest for a couple of weeks". As expected but sigh.

    dbl823, if the pain was stabbing but then subsided you're probably in the same boat as I am. If the pain lasted a while it could be something worth an x-ray.

    Guess I need to read up on other effects of lack of estrogen. Usually I just figure my joints, skin, hair and brain are 25 years older than the calendar says.

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701

    Without going back through 49 pages, I have a question. Has anyone noticed even a slight increase in pain towards the end of your Faslodex cycle, just before you get re-injected? I have been feeling so much better, with far less pain, since starting Faslodex + Ibrance the beginning of August. But for the past few days -- starting just before I got my shots yesterday -- which was the first full month between shots -- my rib and hip pain are noticeable returning. So now I'm wondering if we "run out" of Faslodex and its benefit towards the end of the cycle/month, or is something else is going on. I had labs done yesterday, but won't have my CA27-29 results until tomorrow. WBCs & CBCs are very low (thanks to Ibrance), but that's never been related to my pain level.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    How interesting that you say that. I don't have pain, but have noticed a difference in how I feel a few days before. Not a big difference, but I get more hot flashes.

    I've often thought it was psychosomatic, but maybe it's real after all.

    Wikipedia says the biological half-life of the drug is 40 days. In theory the binding levels wouldn't decrease that much in 28 days, but I'm not a pharmacologist.

  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758

    I definitely get more hot flashes several days before my injections than during any other time except a few days after my injections. I picture estrogen surging just before the shots, then subsiding when the new dose of Faslodex starts shutting down receptors.


  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930

    Well, hmmmm. Would that mean its better to get scans two weeks after the shot rather than 2 days before (which is what I always do). Hmmmm.

    [I'm sure it doesn't matter and I don't mean to spread rumors but it's interesting to think about]