Taxol and Herceptin only for stage 1 HER 2 positive?



  • MarieNJ
    MarieNJ Posts: 183
    edited June 2014

    Thank you Dee.  I'm always cold too.  This morning, I put a call into the dr's office.  The dr on call called me back, but didn't make much about it.  I was happy about that.  It probably was the a/c.  Got that issue out of the way LOL.  


  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Posts: 1,801
    edited June 2014

    My temp is always a little low. I,occasionally ran a low grade temp off and on through chemo.

    Lynn-I had chemo while getting IV antibiotics and taking oral ones to try and save my expanders. I wonder why they won't give you chemo while you are on abx? 

  • Lynndeidre
    Lynndeidre Posts: 40
    edited July 2014

    fluff queen, I wish they would have given me the chemo last week. My only thought is that because my breast was so hard, red and swollen. My old breasts were huge and it was like my right breast free back and was angry lol      They did try iv abx for two days in the hospital before they removed it. Such a bummer. 

    I went in for a herceptin only infusion today. Easy peasy. And so fast!!  Met with the NP at my MO office she said the plastic surgeon will decide my next chemo move. The NP reports that the PS says I need to be on abx for two weeks before I start chemo.  So technically since I went into the hospital last Monday, next Monday will be two weeks. BUT  maybe she means two weeks of abx after my surgery. Who knows. Guess I will find out Wednesday. All I know is that I'm on some pretty powerful antibiotics. Most of which I never heard of.  Cant believe I have these horrible drains in again. Hoping they come out Wednesday, but I'm thinking they probably won't. 

    Mary, hope you were feeling well enough to have your infusion today!  You're going to be so far ahead of me!!

    Wishing you all side effect free days and nights :)


  • MarieNJ
    MarieNJ Posts: 183
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning!

    I had treatment #4 yesterday.  I met with my MO yesterday and she checked out my face and legs.  She didn't seem too concerned about it and it does seem like it's clearing up with the meds.  She scheduled me to see a dermatologist in 3 weeks.  She said even if it goes away by then, it's a good idea to have him check out my freckles and moles - I have plenty.  She lowered my benedryl from 50mgs to 25mgs.  I was happy about that, but last night I was still pooped out.  I think a lot of it has to do with me getting up so early - today 5am!

    Haven't needed to wear the wig yet, but I'll tell you, many more strands are coming out!  Other than that, so far so good - knock on wood!

    Being Italian, last night when we came home, I couldn't help but have pasta with red sauce and chicken sausage.  A mistake.  I felt like it was in my stomach all night!  Going back to bland.

    My MO said to make sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.  It will help remove the toxins from the chemo and will lessen the side effects. I'm sure everyone knows this, but definitely have to share that info. 

    Lynn, they will have you up and running on your dual treatment soon.  Remember, the magic bullet here is the Herceptin and you are getting it.  They'll have taxol incorporated before you know it.  My partner, I may be a little ahead of you, but just think, I can now give you a little heads up.  Speedy recovery!



  • DeeC
    DeeC Posts: 67
    edited July 2014

    I had my last Taxol/Herceptin combo last Thursday and it is not letting me go easy.  Lots of SEs so far.  Weak and shaky most of the time. At least I know this is the end of nasty Taxol.

    My hair is still falling out and so are my eyebrows.  MO said it would take a couple of weeks to get out of my body.  Curious to see what my 'new' hair will look like.

    I will start my first every three weeks Herceptin infusions this Thursday.  Most of you say it isn't much of a problem so not worried.

    My first appt. with RO is July 21st.  I joined the Summer Rads 2014 group here and there is good info there.  

    This site and everyone on it have been so helpful to me.  I hope I can help others who come along, too.  So glad I found you all.


  • MarieNJ
    MarieNJ Posts: 183
    edited July 2014

    Hi Dee,

    Yes, at least you know, the SE's are coming to an end.  Drink lots and lots of water!

    I saw my RO and they will be doing radiation with me lying on my stomach.  It doesn't interfere with any of the organs.  You may want to ask if they have that available to you.  Also, you may only get 16 treatments instead of the standard 25, like me.  It doesn't hurt to ask.

    I thought they would give your first triple infusion a few weeks after the taxol/herceptin infusion.  I thought that was what I heard.  Although, I could have heard wrong.  I was planning to take a week vacation in September after I finish with taxol/herceptin - thinking they weren't starting me until 3 weeks later.  Ummm  I'm going to have to ask them.

    Definitely keep us posted.  We love to hear how each other is doing.  

    Feel better ThumbsUp


  • MarieNJ
    MarieNJ Posts: 183
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning!

    I just have to share this.  I ordered, once again, from the library the dvd "Living Proof" because when I ordered it the first time, I wasn't ready to watch it.  My husband and I saw it last night.  It was fantastic.  It stars Harry Connig Jr as Dr. Slamon, who developed the drug Herceptin.  I would have to recommend you all seeing it.  If you have Netflix, you can download it.  I want to send a thank you to him as so many women may have already for developing this drug.  Did you know that it was first meant for people with advanced disease.  Only about 10 years ago, it was offered to us "early stagers".

    Have a great day!  It's going to be a hot one here in NJ......92

    Keep cool!


  • Lynndeidre
    Lynndeidre Posts: 40
    edited July 2014


    Good luck with your herceptin only tomorrow!  I did it last week and it was easy peasy. No pre meds no side effects...only took a half hour. Good for you, in the second part of your treatment!! Smooth sailing now. 

    Mary, we have netflix I will have to check that out. 

    Saw my plastic surgeon today. Looks like no chemo again for me next week. Herceptin only on Monday. Will put me three weeks behind you mary. So frustrating. I just want to be done with all of this!!!  All these antibiotics are wreaking havoc on my gut. I'm taking Culturelle twice a day but not sure how much it's helping :)

    Enjoy the long weekend--hope the storms stay away from you!

  • MaDee53
    MaDee53 Posts: 18
    edited July 2014

    Hello everyone, just checking in, had my #7 Taxol/Herceptin infusion yesterday , and it is 4:55am, have not been to sleep yet. Have not gotten a port yet, doing well without it.  Start loosing my hair in patches after #4, so I had my son in law buzz it off using a number 1 hair is still shedding. Also saw my oncologist yesterday.  We spoke about the radiation, when they will it will start. I was told that radiation treatments start 3-8 weeks after chemo. Have to let the body recover to minimize side effects from radiation treatment. I hope everyone is doing well through treatment. God Bless!!!

  • MarieNJ
    MarieNJ Posts: 183
    edited July 2014

    Happy 4th of July Everyone!

    Storms ripped through with lightening last night - nature's pre-4th of July show.  Looks like more rain today.  We have no plans but to sit on the terrace and watch the surrounding town's fireworks, if they aren't called off.  Last year, we were able to watch the Macy's fireworks on the Hudson River from our terrace.  This year, NY decided to do the fireworks on the East River :(.

    So far, I'm just taking it easy.  When I'm energetic, I do things.  Rest when I'm not.  I love to read.  Haven't found a good book until my daughter suggested "The Shoemaker's Wife".  It's very good.  

    Round 5 is coming up Monday.  The hair isn't coming out in clumps, but it is shedding quite a bit!  I'm letting the gray grow in (no more dyeing for me). It looks ridiculous - part brown/part gray.  I should put the wig on now! LOL  I'm in need of another hair cut soon to get some more brown cut off.  A few aches, but nothing terrible.  Rash looks like it's going away. 

    Lynn, the most important thing is that you are getting better!  

    MaDee, Finished #7 - can't wait to be there!  The weeks fly by, don't they?!

    Dee, Let us know how you are doing on Herceptin only.  Hopefully, you are feeling better.

    Have a safe 4th of July - feel good and stay safe!


  • DeeC
    DeeC Posts: 67
    edited July 2014

    My first Herceptin only yesterday.  It was fast because I don't get the pre-meds.  Bad thing was they couldn't find a good vein.  It got painful so they stopped poking me.  One nurse filled a rubber glove with hot water and wrapped it around my arm to make the veins pop out.  That worked.  The infusion was only half an hour.  I did have blood tests and saw MO before and will do that every sixth week.  My heart echo test was okay. 

    Mary, I still have some hair although very little and very fine.  I check my legs for stubble.  As soon as I feel that I will know it is coming back.  Not having to shave legs was a plus.  Have you lost your sense of taste and smell yet? I am afraid I will go on a food binge when mine comes back. MO said another week and things should start to go back to normal.

    I remember my first post about how frightened I was of having chemo and here I am three months later and the worst is over.  Sort of like a dream sometimes, unreal. 

    We are waiting for Arther to get here in Massachusetts.  I am southwest from Boston and expecting heavy rain later today.  Washing out most celebrations today.

    For those working enjoy the day off.  I am retired and every day is a day off!


  • MarieNJ
    MarieNJ Posts: 183
    edited July 2014

    Dee & everyone,

    When I went for my first treatment, you always start on the 1st floor and they prick your finger for blood.  I noticed they asked everyone if they needed a "heat" bag. I, of course, didn't know about it. So I didn't take advantage of the heat bag.  I learned quickly (treatment #2 and beyond) to always ask for this wonderful heat bag.  Now it's so easy.  When I go upstairs for the actual treatment, I ask for a heat bag for the infusion. So far, it's been easy. Of course, I've only completed treatment #4.  Hopefully, it stays this easy.  Maybe they have one of these as your facility.

    Taste and smell is going tooo? I think I still have it, but now that I think about it, it's not as great as it was.  Thursday, I was getting little sharp aches in the area of my kidney, under my right rib and sometimes in the ovary area.  The MO said all of these areas are affected by the taxol.  Does anyone else get this?? It does go away.  Actually, by the time I get my next infusion, it's been days since I felt it.  If I don't write it down, I'll forget to tell the nurse about it.

    I also remember how terrified I was about chemo.  When I was in the waiting to get called in, the girl called my name and walked over to me. I said, "Should I jump out the window now?". Funny thing was she told me they were running behind, I can go have a bite to eat. They would call me on my cell.  Which reminds me, when I first walked up to the desk.  I was so terrified and told the girl at the desk. She said everyone who comes for the first time is very scared, but most are pleasantly surprised, when they are leaving.  She was right - thank God.

    What a milestone, Dee.  Herceptin sounds like a breeze. Did you get a chance to see "Living Proof"? What a great movie. I want to send a thank you note to Dr. Dennis Slamon and Ron Perlman of Revlon for making it all possible. 

    Like you Dee, I am happy to be retired.  I always said, if I get bored, I'll do some temp work.  I think I've been more busy being retired! LOL  

    Just a quick note: From a distance, we actually saw the Macy's fireworks from our terrace.  Although it was better on tv.  

    Oh no, another quick note: Did anyone hear that Joan Lunden has breast cancer?  I read she was triple negative. I think she lives in Long Island, NY or Connecticut. I wonder where she is getting treated. 

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!



  • MaDee53
    MaDee53 Posts: 18
    edited July 2014

    Hello everyone, just checking in. I hope everyone hade a good Independance Day celebration.  I had a hard weekend with body aches and or muscle pain.  I usually take 2 extra strength Tylenol for the pain, but this time, I had to take a norco to stop the pain.  Infusion #7 literally kept me up all night, did not get to sleep until 8am the next morning.  I think the muscle pain was a reaction to the lack of sleep. I am better now, infusion #8 is tomorrow. I hope that I will be able to sleep tomorrow night.  I am trying to hang in there, can't wait til infusion #12.  Then I have to do radiation treatment.  Seems like the more I do, the more I have to do.  Treatment is sooooo long and drawn out.  Oh my G.O.S.H.  God Bless to everyone!!!!!!

  • Lynndeidre
    Lynndeidre Posts: 40
    edited July 2014

    MaDee have you tried melatonin to help you get to sleep?  I use it a lot!  I hear you about the long and drawn out treatment.  I'm behind a few tx bc of an infection. Now I'm just waiting to get back to chemo. Who knew id be chomping at the bit to get back to chemo!  Good luck with your side effects!

    Mary, how's your hair? Even though I've only done two I figured with the break in treatment of three weeks now, I'd keep my hair a little longer, but no. Started falling out and annoying me so I shaved it all off!! 

    Dee glad you got to herceptin. I've had just h twice and had no problems either time. Just PRAYING that they will let me restart TH on Monday!

  • MarieNJ
    MarieNJ Posts: 183
    edited July 2014


    It's great hearing from you! I hope you get back on TH Monday too.  My hair is cut very short and it is shedding more and more each day!  I haven't the courage to shave it all off.  I think I'll let it shed from this short cut.  I'm ready for another trim.  I had it cut into a pixie the Friday before my 1st treatment. So far, my family thinks you can't tell that it's thinning.  I can tell! LOL

    I can tell you that once you start your taxol again, drink lots and lots of water (8-10 glasses) and brisk walk or exercise. I'm feeling pretty good and I think that is what is helping.  I have been printing out my lab reports and keeping an eye on my blood counts.  Spinach is high in iron to help ward off anemia.  I've been making baby spinach salad.  So far so good.  Hope this all helps me to the finish line!


  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Posts: 1,801
    edited July 2014

    Mary, I never shaved mine off. It just shed and I got 2/3rds of the way through chemo before I really needed to use the wig. About three weeks after chemo ended, however, most remaining hair, eyelashes and eyebrows fell out. All new growth was coming in, though, so it was a short period of time for the lashes and brows.

    I called myself Beetlejuice! I thought that was what my hair looked like, lol

  • DeeC
    DeeC Posts: 67
    edited July 2014

    I am now two weeks since last Taxol.  SEs are starting to clear up.  My stomach is feeling better and food is starting to taste again.  The neuropathy in my toes is gone but some numbness in my fingers still.  

    Started back to exercise class slowly.  Can feel how weak I got after not doing much while having so much fatigue on Taxol. 

    I am surprised my hair continues to fall out.  Does it all have to fall out so new hair can grow in?

    Radiation will take up all of August.  This will be the summer I didn't have!

    Well, at least I can enjoy my shady yard and pretty flowers.  We have lots of birds and little critters that are fun to watch.


  • lesliecusana
    lesliecusana Posts: 36
    edited July 2014

    Hey all,

    Just checking in! Had #10 or 11 today still don't know if MO wants to make up my first one since dose was messed up!  Doing well muscle aches and bad taste still on day 3 but doable! Hair hanging on still slowly thining but most people say they can't tell only I can:) one thing I am noticing is fingers face and feet puffy(edema), labs are ok had a slightly low potassium today! No neuropathy:)

    Glad to see how you all are doing! I had rads before chemo and it was a breeze only 20 sessions! Wish you all continued strength on ur journeys! 

  • MarieNJ
    MarieNJ Posts: 183
    edited July 2014

    It's so nice to hear how everyone is doing.  We can all get a sense of what is ahead of us and it doesn't look too bad at all.  All doable.

    Fluffqueen & Leslie, I too can't see myself shaving it off.  Like Leslie said, others can't tell "yet" - only I can tell. LOL  This wig is on standby.  

    Dee, I am happy to hear you are getting back to yourself even if it is at a slow pace, it's in the right direction - just leaving the taxol-feeling in the dust is a giant plus. Everyday will be better than the last.  I usually take Pepcid when my stomach feels those taxol effects. It does help.

    I guess we all feel it is the summer that wasn't.  That's okay - we are marching forward!  

    Have a great weekend.  It looks like it's going to be a beautiful one!! 


  • Michelle14
    Michelle14 Posts: 29
    edited July 2014

    Hi ladies... 

    Just checking in.  Now officially over six weeks our from chemo... 2 weeks of rads done, 5 more to go. So far I am feeling great. : )

    I am finding it a bit difficult to stay out of the sun during this beautiful Washington summer! I'm loading up with SPF 50 and keeping the chest covered with a life jacket while Kayaking and paddle-boarding.  Flat out refusing the summer that wasn't! : 0  In Washington state, we LIVE for summer.  My hair is coming in fast and curly where it was always pin straight, and I think I like it. : ) It's also still brown and not grey as I had feared after so many years of coloring I want sure what color it was anymore!  Still wearing a wig because it is so short but thinking another month or so I will have something to work with! 

    Wishing all of you  ladies the best of everything...a quick end to chemo, an easy time with rads and continued health and HAIR!!! :) Happy summer!


  • Lynndeidre
    Lynndeidre Posts: 40
    edited July 2014

    finally got my third TH today!  Missed three taxol weeks due to an infection from my tissue expander. So, I had two weeks of TH, one week of nothing, two weeks of just H and now one of TH. I met with the nurse practitioner today and she said that she doesn't think they will have me make up the missed taxols bc I received the herceptin. She is saying that this would be my fifth week and I would only end up doing ten. Not sure how I feel about that, but so glad I am back on track and ready to put this behind me!! 

    Glad to hear others are doing well!  Stay side effect free!!!

  • MarieNJ
    MarieNJ Posts: 183
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning!

    Finished treatment #6 yesterday.  I am 1/2 way through taxol.  So far so good.  Except for Tuesday, I am up with the "chickens" - 4:30 a.m. today.  Thanks to the steroid.  I hope it doesn't put a damper on my "energizer-bunny" day today.  I am the type of person that likes to keep busy.  I have no time for it to slow me down.  

    My week after treatment #5 wasn't too bad.  A few aches here and there, but nothing to scream about.  The nurse said taxol is responsible for that.  My hair is really shedding quickly as these weeks go buy. I want to go to the beauty polar today and get it cut even shorter.  I noticed a few breakouts on my forehead.  Next Monday, I have an appointment with the dermatologist, the MO and then treatment #7.  

    Lynn, your MO will decide if you need to make it up.  If you don't need to, don't worry about it. They know what they are doing.  In addition, I think I read somewhere that they are researching if taxol is actually necessary for us early stagers.  It may not be.  The most important drug is the herceptin. 

    Michelle, 6 weeks out of chemo!  Just hearing how you are enjoying those water sports is such an inspiration for us.  Enjoy!!!



  • DeeC
    DeeC Posts: 67
    edited July 2014

    Hi all,

    I am 19 days since my last Taxol/Herceptin.  Just on Herceptin every three weeks now.

    The Taxol SEs are slowly going away.  I am happiest about being able to taste and smell again!  Food is so much better.  No more chemical taste in my mouth.  The numbness in my fingers is almost gone. No more diarrhea at odd times of the day or night. My strength is coming back, I did the whole routine at my water exercise class today. Still a little wobbly at times but not much. N

    My hair is still coming out.  I have very little left now.  It is white so hardly can see what is there.  Strange thing is my arthritis pain is coming back.  I did not feel it during TH treatment.  Wonder if it is because of the steroid even at once a week?  And the hot flashes are worse.

    I am happy with my progress so far.

    RADs to start beginning of August. That will be another story.  


  • jhodro
    jhodro Posts: 80
    edited July 2014

    My 11th taxol is done! Dee, I'll be with you in rads in August. I have my sim 7/30, 8 days after my last chemo. Then I'll wait another 10-15 days before I start, assuming all goes well. So glad to hear you're feeling better, food is good! We'll get through rads the same way. My BC surgeon, who I saw last week, said it's no walk in the park but it'll be easier than chemo. I hope he's right.

    Take care!!

  • MaDee53
    MaDee53 Posts: 18
    edited July 2014

    Hello Ladies,

    I had #9 Taxol and Herceptin today, still do not have a port, and I do not have tracks on my arm, thank GOD. Due to the lymph nodes taken on the right, can only use my left arm.  I have 2 nurses that always get a vein on the first stick.  I was reading up on the ports, and they tend to leave a bump of scar tissue that form around the port. Any kind of lump or bump would drive me nuts.  And my veins are holding up just find.  

    The last couple of treatments #7and #8, the nurse sped up the drip of Taxol from 1.5hrs to 1.00hr.  this made me have some type of dizzy headache. Did not hurt of pain. But felt like there was some type of pressure in my head.  And I delt with it all week.  Today I had her put the Taxol drip back to 1.5 hrs, and I feel much better.  She said the she put the taxol drip a little over 1.5hrs.  Boy this made a world of difference.

    Good luck to all you lovely ladies with treatment.  I pray that all is well.  I thank God everyday for his Grace and Mercy. In the Holy name of Jesus Christ.  God bless you all. (((((Lots of Hugs))))

  • septembersong
    septembersong Posts: 153
    edited July 2014

    Hello all, 

    I was part of the clinical trial at Dana-Farber, treated back in 2008-2009. I went in today for my annual mammogram. All clear. I don't go back for a year. 

    There's light at the end of this long tunnel! Wishing you all good health and good days. 


  • Kgregorin
    Kgregorin Posts: 1
    edited July 2014

    I just had my third treatment of taxol and herceptin. Still have my hair.  When should I loose it?  My head was hurting the other day, now it's ok.  I also have awful diarrhea, so I take Imodium, it does help.

  • KCL45
    KCL45 Posts: 9
    edited July 2014

    I'm on the taxol/herceptin regime. My hair started coming out after treatment #4. By the time I had treatment 7, I had so many bald spots I couldn't hide them anymore so  I had my husband shave the rest off. I have a great wig to wear for work (it looks better than the hair I had), or scarves. I never did cut my hair really short before I started chemo. It seems like those who had really short hair could make it work longer before having to shave it off.

  • DeeC
    DeeC Posts: 67
    edited July 2014

    My hair started to thin out after treatment #4.  I didn't shave mine either so I had some to stick out under hats and scarves.  Now I am four week since last Taxol and most of my hair is gone as well as eye brows and lashes.  Taxol is the gift that keeps on giving!  Check out  the Hair Hair Hair thread on here.

    I had my second Herceptin only infusion yesterday.  Asked for a 60 minute drip instead of 30 as some of you suggested.  Still having joint pain today.


  • Michelle14
    Michelle14 Posts: 29
    edited July 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Just finished my 4th week of radiation. I have three more to go. Two of whole breast and one week of "boost" to just the site where the tumor was removed.  So far the radiation has been moderately annoying... Not a fan of having to go there every single weekday and my radiated breast is red and itchy. I am applying the lotion they reccomended at my radiation oncologist's office. I am also using the "saline soaks" they said to as well. So far, I haven't had any skin breakdown so at least I have that going for me! Hoping the next three weeks fly by with no trouble. On the subject of hair.... There IS hope ladies. Mine is coming back in like crazy...and I am blown away by these new CURLS! My old hair didn't even have much body and now I have crazy curly hair. I have absolutely no idea what to do with them at this super short length, but am sure I will love them when it gets a little longer! : ). I would say my hair is about an inch and a half long and my last taxol was May 27th. 

    For all you ladies still in chemo...hang in there. That really was the worst of it.  For those of you in between chemo amd rads...Enjoy the break!!!! I will see you ladies currently in rads at the finish line soon! : )  Thank you so much Ann for responding to this thread initially. It is SOOO awesome to know that you ladies in the original trial are doing so well and congrats on ANOTHER clean mammogram! : ) : ) : )

    Have a great weekend! 
