Taxol and Herceptin only for stage 1 HER 2 positive?
Hi Ladies,
Checking in. Treatment #8 was yesterday. I am doing considerably well. Several weeks ago, my MO lowered the benedryl to 25mgs from 50mgs. That made a significant difference. I didn't leave treatment groggy! Last week, my MO lowered the steroid from 10mg to 8mg. It made sleeping later in the morning much better. My MO may lower it down to 6mg on my next visit to her. There are a few bouts with diarrhea during the week. I haven't taken anything for it because it's not consistent. It seems to be a one shot deal. My hair started shedding around treatment #4 and continues to do so at a more rapid speed. I had it cut very short instead of shaving it. At this point, I don't go out without my wig. Eyebrows and eyelashes are still in tack. I bought an eyebrow pencil for just in case. My hands sometimes get a little tingling and once in awhile I get a little ache in my foot, but it goes away as quick as it came. My MO thinks it's because of the vitamin B6 that I take religiously. I had a slight rash on my legs and a few pimples on my face which went away with creams that was prescribed by a Dermatologist. My treatment days are on Mondays. So by Thursday or Friday or even a little Saturday, I can sense a little fatigue - all just a SE of taxol. I just take it easy at that point. These SE's so far have been light and hope that they continue to do so with the remaining 4 treatments. I continue to walk on my treadmill each day for 1/2 hour. I'm not sure, but maybe the water and the walking are helping with the SE's.
It is encouraging to read the inspiring stories of those who are ahead of me and I hope I am doing the same for those who are treatments behind me. Keep your chin up because as someone said on here "There is a light at the end of the tunnel!" The taxol is only 12 times! I am almost there and you will be too!
Blessings and (((Hugs)))
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Good morning ladies!
I am 7 days PFC. Today I have a Herceptin only infusion which only lasts about an hour and fifteen minutes, so it's a nice improvement over the usual 3+ hours I spent in the chair for 12 weeks! Today I'm taking the pup for a walk and hopefully my feet and stomach cooperate. The last week of chemo was definitely the hardest for me with SE's. I'm feeling a bit more energetic today, so I'm hoping that keeps up and that I am on the other side.
Hope everyone is doing ok and avoiding the worst of the SE's!!
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hi ladies,
Today was TH #6 for me! Halfway there. My side effects are hair loss (shaved clean
and just a little fatigue. Monday I'm in the chair and Tuesday I'm okay and Wednesday exhausted. I haven't had a normal period since my BMX a few months ago, but occasionally have some breakthrough bleeding. Anyone else experience this? I was in the ER this weekend while I was camping in Maine. Had terrible cramping and diarrhea and they wanted to test me for cdiff because I had been on antibiotics for a month following my infection and te removal. Thankfully that test came back negative and I was able to get chemo today! I was a nervous wreck bc I have already postponed three treatments bc of my infection. I discontinued antibiotics last Friday and discontinued the probiotics I had religiously taken for the month also. I'm thinking it may be a result of d/c ing the probiotics so I am back on them. Eating my yogurt every day too. Slowly but surely starting to feel a little better on that front.
Makes me happy to read about all the folks doing well on this protocol and all the people that have made it through this.
I am scheduled to do a total of ten tx since I missed three but I felt a little nervous about that. My onc and I decided that if I'm doing well after ten we can add on the last two again.
I had a tx next week, and then the following week I will be at the beach in North Carolina relaxing with my family. I am looking forward to that.
I wish you all easy se and beautiful days.
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Lynn, I am so happy to see you back on the forum. I was wondering how you were doing and today I was going to message you. You beat me to it! Excellent! I am so happy to hear that everything is improving for you. Everyday will be better than the last. You may have to deal with a little steroid or taxol se, but that is common and you will get through it.
Keep up the good work and have a wonderful vacation!
Everyone, yesterday I finished my 9th treatment. I can't believe that now I am 3/4 of the way to the finish line - of taxol and pre-meds especially the steroid. I will be happy to be rid of both.
The rash on my leg went away. The MO and Derm said its from the steroid. Maybe by the MO lowering me down to 8 mgs could have had something to do with it, but not enough! On Saturday, I discovered a rash on my arms. This rash itched! When I went for my treatment yesterday, my MO took a peek at it and said it really wasn't significant and that it's from the steroid. She suggested I buy hydrocortisone. I took my rings off which I been wearing for 39 1/2 years and the itching went away. I think the steroid made my skin sensitive to metal. My MO may lowering me down to 6 mgs next Monday - hopefully. Even though she lowered me to 8 mgs, I still have trouble sleeping through the night on Monday nights. I don't take anything for it, but a nap, if I get tired. Thank God I'm retired! It does tend to get better as the week goes on.
I am happy to see everyone is doing wonderfully and we are getting through these little ups and downs.
Stay safe and keep enjoying this terrific summer weather!
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Hi everyone. This is my first post. I was diagnosed with HER2 positive IDC in June. Had a lumpectomy, then a re-excision lumpectomy in July. I should be starting my 12 weeks of Taxol and Herceptin in a week or two. Then I'll be on Herceptin only, once every three weeks to total a year. My MO wants me to go for a cardio consult and I'm not sure yet if they will start my chemo before that happens. I had chemo class yesterday and am ready to get this going! I really appreciate everything all of you have shared here. It makes me confident that I can do it, too! I'm in sales and am trying to figure out how much I will be able to work and travel through chemo treatment. My treatment day options are Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday. (Rads to come later - that will be another story!). Also, MO indicated I may only have hair thinning. But the chemo nurse and what I have read here lead me to believe that I will lose enough that I should plan to get a wig. Any guidance you can offer will be appreciated.
Thanks for being here. It helps to know I'm not in this alone. As my user name indicates, I am a huge I Love Lucy fan. So I am going to try to figure out how Lucy would get through this! Humor has gotten me through so much so far in this adventure and I hope we can share some smiles along our way.
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Hi: I recently had a lumpectomy and am HER2+, ER+/PR+, Stage 1, grade 3, no node involvement. The MO suggested Carboplatin/taxotere for chemo. I am a teaching and wondering if I can work with the side effects. Since you are ahead of me on this "journey" I was hoping you might provide me with some information on the chemo treatments and your exeperience with side effects. I realize everyone is different but an insight and tips would be helpful.
Thank you.
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Dear Annkelly, Welcome to the BCO community. There is much caring and information shared here by those with the wisdom and empathy that comes with a breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment. You also may want to check out this topic Carbo and taxotere under the chemotherapy forum for additional input. The MOds
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Sandy and Ann, Welcome aboard to the forum that we wish you didn't have to join. We are all here for you!
A few days before I started TH, I had my hair cut from short to pixie short. I knew from reading the posts, it was only a matter of time that it will be thinning. By treatment #4, the speed of thinning was significant. I bought a wig just in case. I didn't think I would need it, but I wear it whenever I go out now. BTW, my insurance covered the cost of it.
As far as treatment side effects, they were pretty minimal for me. I think I had more of a side effect from the pre-med, steroid. A few little break outs on my face and a non-itchy rash on my legs. All went away with a cream that was prescribed to me by my MO who conferred with a dermatologist. As you may have read, I had a rash on my arm last week which I think is from a moisturizer that the dermatologist prescribed to me bc he said I have dry skin. We're still working on this little problem. It does seem like it is going away.
The premeds for me are steroid, benedryl and pepcid. After a few treatments, my MO lowered the benedry to 25 mgs from 50mgs. It made me very groggy. Now we are able to go to dinner after treatment. She also lowered the steroid from 10 mgs to 8 and hopefully when I see her this Monday, she will lower it to 6 mgs. I get my treatment on Mondays. Tuesdays are my energizer days and Wednesday is a little less of an energizer day. Thursday I have to say, I can feel the effects of the steroid wearing off e.g. tired, achy etc., but it all gets better from there. You can figure it out what will work best for you though our experiences as far as working goes. Although each one of us is different. I am retired, but there are many on this forum who work and can better help you with the working question.
I was such a nervous wreck when I was going for my first TH treatment. The girl at the desk said to me everyone is nervous the first time, but they are all pleasantly surprised when they are leaving. I was pleasantly surprised and I'm sure you both will be too.
You will both be fine and can do this! You will always have someone ahead of you in treatment as you will always have someone behind you.
Come back and let us know how you are doing!
Blessings and good luck to both of you!
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Mary, thank you for the welcome and for sharing your experience. My medical team and I are optimistic that I will do well but it is great to hear from someone who has been through it.
Ann, good luck to you. I hope you'll sail through treatment and be able to maintain your work schedule, too. I guess we'll both find out how we are going to manage that.
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Sandyloveslucy, fyi I just finished my last taxol this morning (yeah!). I was able to work throughout treatment, although I did take off the day of treatment (Wednesday) but would pick up a shift at work on Saturdays to make up the day. Although I don't travel, my job is very physical (in healthcare). I would actually feel better being active and focused than being home.. The only thing I cut back on was my workouts to probably four times weekly instead of 5-6. So it was all very doable.
Regarding the hair, I held onto it until just before my 7th treatment. Looking back, I would have shaved it during the4th week because the shedding was so significant (I'm still finding hairs on the bathroom floor from that time...gross!).the wig I wear to work looks fabulous! I'm still getting compliments on it and a lot of questions about who cuts and colors my's actually very funny to see people's expression if I tell them it's a wig because they can't believe it (I think I will miss it when my hair grows back). So all in all, the taxol/herceptin treatment is very doable. Once they reduced the benadryl dose to 20 mg.(after the third treatment) I was able to drive myself). Best of luck, before you know it you too will be done!
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Sandy and Ann - You've gotten great advice. I teach and could have continued doing so this summer if I had to. It wasn't too bad once I knew which over the counter med/supplements I needed to keep me going.
Lynn - I had terrible cramping from Immodium. Have you been taking that? Once I stopped all pains and cramps went away. I take L-glutamine powder now (30g per day split morning/evening). The diarrhea is way less often and most times I go normal. No more cramping or pains is the best part. If your onc says it is okay, it's totally worth trying. Also, it helps keep neuropathy at bay too!
Good luck everyone! I've got 9 down - 3 to go!!
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Sandy and Ann,
Mary and KCL pretty much covered my experience, too. I am older at 70 and I had some fatigue problems and occasional diarrhea. I had to skip one dose because of fatigue side effects. I have some other health issues that made chemo harder on me. You should do just fine. Once you get the first infusion it becomes less scary. Your nurses are your friends in all things chemo, use them.
Chemo class, that would have been helpful. My clinic didn't have that. If you can take the Look Good, Feel Good class do so. I found it helpful and you get great free cosmetics.
I found 'thinning' to be subjective. What my MO called thinning I call just about bald! I did get a wig and am glad I did. I use it when I want to look good. Otherwise I wear a bandana. I don't look good in tied scarves and most hats. And at 70 I couldn't do the going natural thing, I looked 80 bald. LOL
Any questions a happily answered here. I was a scared newbie when I found this site and everyone helped me so much.
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I'm wondering if this is neuropathy. When I feel the top of my head, it feels a little numb. Also, around my lips, it also feels a little numb. Does anyone else have this weird se?
Thanks for any input.
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Mary, I think it may be. I had lip numbing late last week. It came and went. I told nurse today and she said it can happen to some. I'm taking L-glutamine. Here's information from a study done at Dana Farber. My neuropathy has been very mild and not lasting. I think I owe it to the powder and a higher dose B complex
Mention it to your onc before your next treatment and see if you can take it. Good luck!
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Linzer and KCL45, thanks for the feedback regarding work. I'm looking forward to holding on to some normalcy through this. Summer is slow workwise for me but I have really felt more like myself without racing thoughts of BC during the recent days I've worked. Thanks, too, for the information about B Complex and Glutamine, which my doctor also recommended.
Mary1235, thanks for all of your comments, too. I hope the rash and numbness will subside for you soon.
DeeC, your comments about thinning being subjective and translating to bald clinched it for me! I got information about a women's center nearby that caters to women who need products after surgery and hair loss so I'll go wig shopping there. My sister (who will be brutally honest!) will come with me. I told the nurses that bald would not be a good look for round-faced me and that I'll be all about lipstick and earrings.
I'm in waiting mode - again - not sure when I'll start chemo. Still have to get the cardio ok. I'll have the port placed on Monday the 11th.
Sending hugs to all of you.
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Welcome to you. I also had a port placed. My veins aren't the best and it certainly makes life easier for me. I am halfway through my chemo and have found it much more manageable than I thought it would be. I am in the chair first thing Monday morning, Tuesday I feel fine and Wednesday exhausted. Thursday back to normal. I think that getting exercise and walking has helped me with the fatigue that seems to be my greatest complaint. Everyone on here seems to have a different experience of it though.
I found that cancer is a lot of waiting. Waiting for surgery, results...... We are all of us fortunate to be on this board though because our cancers were found early and were small! I try to focus on that! Our chemo is easier than many others'.
I also took a chemo class and the look good feel better class which was great! Try to find one in your area. I have a wig which I wear occasionally, but most of the time I wear 'buffs' head coverings which are nice and cool for the summer.
Good luck to you!
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Thanks, Lynn. A lot of things have gone my way so far and I feel so fortunate to be here with this option for treatment. I am really looking forward to the Look Good Feel Better class, so many people have said they loved it. And hey, free make-up! My chemo nurse did say that exercise and staying busy can help with fatigue and I love taking walks. I also live in MA, only a couple of towns away from you! Best of luck as you continue your treatment!
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Hi Mass. ladies.
I am in Mass., too. How many others are. Do you go to Dana Farber?
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Sandy: good luck getting everything started. As I recall, that was a very difficult time, waiting, wondering what would happen. Wig shopping for me was a really emotional day, so just be prepared. In the end, it isn't as bad as the anticipation of it. I have a real hair wig, and I am happy to have it because I did work through a lot of my treatment and it looks very natural. I lost my hair after chemo #3, the 4th week I lost a bunch (and started out with a lot of very thick hair) so went ahead and shaved it and it felt much much better. It was very itchy and annoying during the shed phase. If you get a wig, still plan on having a few scarves/hats because the wigs are pretty hot even if it's not super hot outside (at least for me). I also heard through this board about these head things call "Buff" (…and they are pretty awesome - super light weight for wearing when you don't feel like the wig. For other SEs from Taxol, the main ones and these were more bothersome later than earlier were: D (for a few days), neuropathy (started like week 8 or 9 in my feet only), and chemo brain in addition to the fatigue. You also may find that you have some emotional stuff too, I know I certainly did and still do. Oh! And sleeping on treatment days can be very difficult - so don't hesitate to try some different sleep aids - getting sleep at night will definitely help all the other stuff!!
If you have a choice, I'd recommend taking more time at the end/middle rather than the beginning of chemo because the fatigue definitely gets more difficult toward the end. I took work off at the beginning and for surgeries so by the end of chemo, I was back at work and it didn't really work out for me. I have a pretty flexible work schedule so I could sleep most afternoons, but then I was stressed because of having to do work in the evenings and I have three kids, etc etc…
Now I'm finished with Taxol and on to Radiation 8/18. I'll have Herceptin continuing through April 2015. I've had two heart echos (no previous issues) and both were totally fine, fortunately.
Mary: I know I remember hearing a few people with the lip numbing. I do think that can be part of the neuropathy. I have it in the feet only, but I'm sure I read that from others.
Hope everyone has a really great weekend!! I'm taking my oldest on a college tour today and happily celebrating 44 on Sunday!!
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jhodro, Hope your birthday will be full of fun and lots of cake! I loved taking my kids on college visits so have a blast. Continued luck with your ongoing treatment and I'm glad to hear that there are no heart issues for you. Thanks so much for the great information. I'm working on accepting the fact that waiting is a big part of what happens during his process. I'll definitely check out the buffs, and I already own a lot of scarves that will probably work, too. You also reinforced what others have said about the fatigue being more pronounced as you go along. My frustration is that although I can have a flexible schedule, I do have to book sales calls quite a way out. I've already had to cancel/postpone several customers multiple times because of all the medical appointments and surgery that I've had so far. That being said, health is the number one priority. The rest will all work out. I remind myself that I have so much to be grateful for.
Deec, I am being treated at the Mass General Cancer Center in Concord, MA. I have a great team there but also may get a second opinion at Dana Farber.
Hugs to all,
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Dee and Sandy,
I do treatments at mass general in Boston. It's a great place and worth fighting all the traffic
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Happy Birthday jhodro! Hope you had a wonderful day!!!
Checking in: On Thursday morning I decided to put a call into my MO's office and report that around my mouth and top of my head has a numbing sensation. I was told to go to the nearest ER room. My MO wanted me to be checked out neurologically. It's only a few blocks from my condo. I was in observation at the hospital from Thursday 10 a.m. until Saturday 2 p.m. My bloodwok, CT Scan and MRI were all normal - thank God! I still have the numbing sensation. Tomorrow is treatment #10. I can't help but believe this is from either the steroid, taxol or the creams the dermatologist gave me. I stopped the cream on my arm. It seems the itching and slight rash is around my right hand joints - knuckles. Has anyone else dealt with this type of SE?? 3 more treatments to go!
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Glad everything was normal. Stinks you had to stay in the hospital though! You are so close to being done! Tomorrow is #7 for me. Good luck with #10!!
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A question for those finished with Taxol. A few weeks after finishing 3 months of weekly Taxol and Herceptin I started having painful joints especially when getting up in the morning. I have never had pain like this. My RO said it is common after chemo and can last up to six months. Any one else have this?
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Hi everyone,
8/11 - Had port placement on Monday and all went well. I got the okay to start chemo before my cardio visit, so off I went for my first Taxol/Herception infusion. It was a long day, arrived at the hospital at 5:45 am and left at 4:30 pm, but I was SO glad to get things going! Met the PA who will be working with the MO handling my case and I just loved her! My chemo nurse and all the nursing staff made things go very smoothly. So far the only issue is the post-surgical headache I have gotten each time. I do feel a lot of steroid-induced energy today so I went for a walk and have gotten some work done. But I do plan to send myself in for a nap after lunch. I just booked an appointment for a wig consultation for this Thursday. Also, received my order of Buffs headcoverings that several people on discussions boards have recommended. They are very comfortable!
I also posted this on the Starting Chemo in August thread. It is a great group with lots of information and support!
Hugs to all,
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Welcome Sandy... Just wanted to wish you an easy time with chemo. It seems like forever when you are doing it but in retrospect, goes by pretty quickly.
Sending good and healing thoughts your way.
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Thanks, Michelle for the welcome. Yes, one down, eleven to go on the Taxol/Herceptin!
Dee, Sorry to hear about the painful joints. TH, the gift that keeps on giving even after it's done, huh? I'd say it's time for you to get a break!
Lynn, hope #7 went well for you. You're doing the 12 week TH, right? Counting down must feel good.
jhodro, hope you enjoyed your birthday. I believe in stretching out the celebration beyond the actual day to at least a week of presents and fun!
It is day 3 after my first chemo session. I did a lot, maybe too much, yesterday with all the steroid induced energy. Had insomnia the last couple of nights, another gift from the steroid. Today I feel very fuzzy and had a brief moment of nausea. I'm still quite sore from the port placement and the re-excision lumpectomy. The BS had to dig pretty deep that second time! I sometimes forget that I've had three surgical procedures in less than a month and need to remind myself to get some rest. My sister is coming to visit tomorrow and we'll go wig shopping together. I haven't seen her since my diagnosis and am really looking forward to some time with her. There is always a lot of fun and laughter when we get together. We may get kicked out of the wig place, stay tuned!
Hugs to all,
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Hi again ladies,
It seems like forever ago since I started this thread. I was so worried about whether or not I chose the right treatment and how I would get through all of it. It has been awesome to hear all of your stories and how you are all doing. It was especially reassuring to hear from the ladies that did this treatment 5 or 6 years ago and that you are all still doing so well. Please keep checking in now and again. Gives the rest of us hope. : )
I just finished my last radiation treatment (7 weeks total) and am sooooo happy to be done!!! My skin held up way better than I (or my radiation oncologist), anticipated. It was getting pretty red and raw about week three but the saline soaks and lots of moisturizer totally turned it around. This last week was "boost only", meaning they only radiated the scar area and not whole breast, which gave the rest of the skin on my breast a break. I am very happy to report that it is almost back to normal now. : ). It is such a relief to have chemo and radiation behind me. Herceptin only has been so easy that I don't even consider it a hassle. A runny nose has been my only side effect. In fact, I am relieved to still be getting it because I feel like it IS what kills this nasty little HER 2 and I am just so grateful that we have it!!! For now... I consider this thing a wrap. Just an inconvenient year of treatment that saved my life.
For all of you ladies that are just beginning this journey that nobody wants to take... Hang in there. My best advice.... Get a good wig (or two), exercise, even if it's just a walk around the neighborhood, during treatment and BELIEVE that you are doing everything you can to beat this. : )
For all of you nearing the finish line.... YAAY!!!! : ) Thank you all for sharing your stories. What better place to come with questions and concerns than to a place where everyone knows exactly what you are going through.
Wishing all of you uneventful treatment and a healthy ever after!!
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Michelle, what a great message. I am doing the happy dance about you finishing radiation! YAY! And one phrase, "just an inconvenient year of treatment that saved my life" is wonderful. I'll be keeping that in my pocket. When my treatment plan was put together, surgery, chemo, radiation, targeted therapy, etc. it sounded like it would last forever. I'm only a baby step into treatment but know that I'll get to the finish line, too. Happy, healthy life to us all!
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sandy - something to consider - your headache may be due to Zofran. It is often given at the time of surgery to help prevent nausea, and given with chemo (or in pill form afterward) for the same reason. It has the unfortunate side effect of severe headache for many who take it.