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TEs. A Beginner's Primer



  • farmdream
    farmdream Member Posts: 74

    TrmTab - thank you - things have been going ok so far and I just want to make sure I do my best to keep it that way.

    I have had substantial pain and cording issues so I guess I am a bit worried about not having time to properly recover.

    And dealing with the short term disability company was not easy when I had to request an extension for my leave for my BMX.

    They approved the extension of time one day before my leave ended...not the worry I needed.

    I am trying to plan better for this surgery and work with my doctors office more closely.

    Thanks again!

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Farmdream and TrmTab, I've noticed the same thing but we are all different. I've had a few different types of breast surgery so I have my experience to fall back on, or so I thought. I think my healing time for my DBMX was longer than most. It also depends on any problems that may arise with the exchange surgery. So I'm hoping for half the time for DBMX. I'm still 6 months out for my exchange possibly longer but I'm praying not much longer. 🤞

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    farmdream, I would take at least a week. I could have gone back sooner but my PS would never allow that. I was out for 9 business days.

  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214

    farmdream- I had my exchange a month ago, its great that your doctor wants to throw you back at work but I would take a minimal of 10 days. I was off 10 days and that seemed to be enough, my friend took 2 weeks, either way you need some time to heal, and relax and give your body to time to heal before you make that commute to work. If you can afford to take the time please do it. Hugs to you

  • farmdream
    farmdream Member Posts: 74

    Good morning and thank you all for providing your thoughts and experiences with the exchange surgery

    It really helps hearing from all of you!!!

    I get really stressed and worried about dealing with leave from my job, but I also don't want to go back to soon and have to call off work.

    I hope my PS will agree I need more than just the weekend to recover.

    Thanks again Hug

  • bringon2017
    bringon2017 Member Posts: 60

    Shore Girl - Good luck with your exchange..... I'm just dying to get to that stage!

    Wallan.... Yes the tightness is so part of the filling! I found taking eterocoxib once daily and taking it before the fills made such a tremendous difference though. I have 600cc TEs (inserted on 22/2 during my bilateral ) and they were inflated with 200ccs Saline on the table. Since then I've been having weekly fills with 120ccs at first fill (which was awful as was more in pain than after the surgery!!) and then ranging from 80 to 95 per fill per week. I have benign hypermobility with elastic skin and muscles so could be why the PS nurse managed larger fills with me. Now I have my Oncoplastic Surgeon apt on 19th April for my next fill but he says he wont give me more than 50cc. Just waiting to see how much he's going to fill me to. I'm at 580 on each side and I'm hoping he'll overexpand the TEs a bit.

    Meanwhile aren't these TEs a hard rock. I feel like a mutant Ninja turtle at the moment. Side sleeping is so uncomfortable and I've always been a side sleeper. But I've had to switch to sleeping on my back. Aagh Sometimes I wonder if I should have gone flat! Also the TEs seem so high even though my PS says they'll be ok once we have done the exchange. Hopefully I'll do exchange after summer .... But that means that I still have summer to contend with, and it feels so aaagh looking in the mirror and seeing these TEs so high and wondering what I'm going to look like in a bathing suit and summer tops! My axillae are still tender when I stretch and lift my arms. But  I am getting sensation back which I suppose is good news... not sure though as I didn't feel the needle for the first fills but it was pretty painful for the last 2! According to the PS nurse, most patients only start regaining pain sensation after the fills are over!

    Anyway what with looking and feeling like a Ninja turtle or a bionic man, I ain't feeling too great. Almost like manic depression actually! Went on a manic shopping spree this for bright new spring and summer clothes during my manic phase. In my depressive phase I watched Decoding Annie Parker and I wore lipstick to my mastectomy (Geralyn Lucas) and I also ordered both books by Geralyn Lucas. People around me think I'm mad to watch and read such stuff but it has helped me identify that at least my own feelings and fears are normal.

    Ooooh..... Hopefully this will soon be over. I am not friends with my TEs.... Rock hard, uncomfortable, unsexy, unattractive. Praying that the exchange boobs are more comfortable at least!

    Thank you for reading. So good for there to be this community.

    Rant over!

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    Lollipop, congratulations on your exchange!! I hope you are healing and resting well!

    I agree Farmdream, it's good to hear from those who have been through the exchange to get an idea of what to expect.

    My PS told me I have gone through the hard part, the exchange will be much easier but I will have to have drains again.

    BringOn2017, yes the TEs are so hard!! I can now sleep on my side as the soreness is gone but I am not sleeping well. The top TE slides a little bit toward center when on my side and the edge digs into my skin. And yes, they are high. They jut out so abruptly from my chest, nothing looks good but tops with a vertical zipper or button ups. I tried on summer tops and dresses but refused to buy any until after the exchange as it is too hard to tell what will look good and fit right.

    I sent an email to my PS saying I am certain I don't want as much projection with the silicone. I just feel like I look so boxy, even though I am in same size bra as pre BMX. He wrote back assuring me the implants are much softer and I told him I am in his hands, I totally trust him.

    I have noticed after a full busy day I am exhausted the next day, and I didn't have chemo or radiation. Anyone else having energy issues at 2 months post op?

    Goodnight all 💤

  • bringon2017
    bringon2017 Member Posts: 60

    Hi Shoregirl I had my surgery on 22/2 and yes I'm still getting tired, My energy levels are nowhere what they used to be and I tire very easily. My surgeon says part of that may be psychological. I think it's a bit of both the physical and the psychological. My body's certainly had a battering and even my arm mobility is not yet what it used to be. Stretching unexpectedly is still painful. The days after the fill, my pectoralis is still sore. But beyond that is the roller coaster of emotions I've experienced: the fear prior to the surgery and prior to the final histology report, the so wretched sense of helplessness and dependency, and the emotion of  facing up to living with a double mastectomy. So I guess we're entitled to feel a bit tired! Good luck with your exchange. I'll be praying for you. My PS wants to wait at least 3 months after my last fill before he does my exchange; and in that case I'll be waiting until after the summer.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352


    I have the lovely TEs and preparing for when I'll be able to do Exchange surgery. I've only had one fill (LOL) so not yet. At 125cc now with 250cc TEs. (I'm petite and don't want to go too large.)

    I have two PSs. One out of town who did surgery, one locally doing fills. I can do surgery with either. They differ on when to do exchange after fills complete. One says: 6 weeks, the other 3 months period. What has been your experience/advice?

    The TEs do suck but they're manageable. Better perhaps than I thought they'd be, so that's something.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    I've finished all my treatments and my MO has kicked me out of the nest. All I have left is to heal from radiation and get my squishies! I'm excited, scared and anxious all at the same time. I'll be still here checked no in on everyone so your not did of me yet 😜

    Healing hugs to All 🤗

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    EastCoastTS, I would say which one do you feel more confident with?

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352


    Oh, such a great but hard question to answer! The local PS is literally three minutes from my home (and in Charlotte, NC, not the boonies, large facility, etc.) but the other is at MD Anderson. So --- there's the reputation piece, I guess you could say. However, I loved the PA at Anderson much more than the PS. Just because the PS didn't talk much. And the PS here is wonderful. (I have an all-female team, by request.)

    But you want to know the added wrinkle? My local PS is pregnant (I think). I haven't asked because she's just showing and you know the fear of asking that question and it being a no??? So I think she may be pushing me a little to fit her schedule.

    Can anything about this process be easy? LOL Omg.

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    Bringon2017, yes, an emotional rollercoaster!! All those tough, huge decisions at first, the reality of the double mastectomy...It STILL feels surreal to me that I had cancer, just doesn't resonate with my spirit. I guess because I am very blessed, and it was found early, and I did not need rads or chemo it doesn't seem real, but emotional, yes!! Thanks for your prayers, you will get through summer before you know it!!

    EastcoastTS, my exchange is coming up on the 25th. It will have been only 5 1/2 weeks since my last fill which was March 17. In my mind the PS will guage when to do your exchange based on how you are and feeling. Mine didn't say "x weeks or months". During the last 2 fills he just said I could probably get the exchange in April. They are all different though. Definitely get scheduled right away when satisfied with size though. My PS is so busy initially I was scheduled out 10 weeks, but luckily someone cancelled and I jumped on the earlier date!!

    Wenchlori, congrats on being cut loose!!! Prayers for rapid healing from the rads. I know you have had a long road. We will have to compare notes after we are both exchanged!!!

    Hugs to all!!!

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89

    EastcoastTS, I'm in the Charlotte area too!

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    Shoregirl, thank you. We definitely will have to share notes after our exchanges. After almost 10 months I'm ready to be rid of these TEs. 😜

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hello, everyone!

    Seems like forever since Iv'e been on here, sorry!. February, I believe. I was ill with the flu when I posted. Since then, I had another flu and then had a kidney stone episode and actually passed that one. And, then, I schefuled a colonoscopy which had been long, long, overdue. LOL. Yeah, not feeling my best there!

    Anyway, Happy Easter, Happy Passover, Happy Spring Solstice, as the case may be, just glad to see birds, and flowers peeking out instead of snow.

    Congratulations to those on the squishy side now, Molly, and someone else? And to those getting close, TEs are ridiculously hard! Ninja turtle shells indeed! And, STRIPPER boobs, no less. I, literally, could not walk through a doorway without hitting those darn things.

    Yes, they may look too high or uneven, but remember, their purpose is to stretch skin and muscle, they dont have to be perfect now. The PS will straighten them out at exchange time.

    Fills are given in many different amounts. Mine were 300 at sx, then 100 each fill 2 weeks apart. Never had a problem until the last 2 fills. Pain as I reached 700, the the last fill at 50 each. Pain again and he struggled to push that in. I was scheduled for 900 round Saline Mentors, but during my exchange, they were too wide for my chest and he ended overfilling 750 rounds to 850 in order to fit. Sounds like a lot, yes? Then you will be surprised to know I am a just 46 C. That's it, a "C" cup! And not a very projected "C" either. I am a large lady, and they are bigger than my waist, so Im good! LOL. Bodies are so different, but I no longer bump walls or foorways. Remember ALL fluid is projected to the front with TEs, Squishies will fill all the nooks and crannies in your chest, BEFORE they start to project. You may be surprised that you will lose that projection. This is just a warning, not all will lose so much, but most everyone will lose more than they want. It is the nature of the beast. People who augment have all their natural tissue to fill in, we have only the implants. BUT, they are so much more comfortable, for me the trade off was worth it!

    For most people 2 weeks is more than needed after exchange, but remember, if your driving yourself, you have to be able to turn the steering wheel and to turn back to look. All hard to do without stretching your chest. So be sure you are healed before going back. Thats why most take 5 to 14 days. You can always go back sooner if you feel great, but its harder to extend your time off.

    I am 5 years out of tx this June, but only a bit more than 3 years out of reconstruction due to my infections and removals and replacements. I was only half filled on one side, and had no implant on the other for almost 2 years. Probably had 2 implants for a total of 3 weeks during that time. LOL. I think my first replacement was way to close to my end of treatment and I just couldnt hold the implant. So I waited almost a year after that for my next try and had only a bit of trouble then. Thise of you who had radition will probably need to wait longer before trying. And, Ive heard fat grafts before exchange work better.

    Sorry for the long post, but remeber, feel free to PM me if Im not on the boards when you have questions. SpecialK is wonderful and tries to fill in here as well, and has even beat my record for the longest time in TEs! LOL.

    Much love, and hang in there til Squishy time!

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    I have a pre pectoral TE, and in the last 2 weeks (not related to last fill) I started noticing more discomfort. I canot put a name to the sensation. Sometimes it is therefor hours on end, other times its just a few minutes. It isn't muscle spasm, as I know what that feels's not skin stretching either. I am very aware of the edges of the TE, and I can feel the metal port on the TE all the time. I really don't know how I am going to manage going back to work as a PT with this expander. I have 3 weeks, so wish me luck!LOL

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89

    Moonflw912 Thank you, that was helpful.

  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89

    Moonflw912 Thank you, that was helpful.

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    Hi Moonflower, welcome back!! I'm glad you are feeling better!! Thanks for your informative post, it answered questions that many of us have regarding Squishies. I emailed my PS about 3 weeks after my final fill telling him I was certain I don't want as much projection with the implants. My expanders jut way out from my chest very unnaturally, with no gradual slope. He assured me the implants (Inspira smooth rounds, extra high profile) will be much softer. I am pre-pec and, so of course there will be fat grafting to blur the edges. My exchange is one week from today, April 25. He told me I will have drains again, I am guessing because he has to reduce the "dog ears" that appeared after my BMX due to previous 50lb weight loss. (Thanks LYRICA, which put those 50 lbs on me!!)

    Anyhow, I am so looking forward to the exchange, I can't imagine how much more comfortable the Squishies will be!!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 885

    Moonflower and long were you in TEs in one stretch? I had my MX in June 2016 and had planned EX December 2016, but had to postpone when my mother had a stroke (three weeks ahead of planned EX) and moved in with us (the same day I was supposed to have surgery!) and I am her primary caregiver.

    While she is better, she is still with us so my planned June 2017 EX looks less and less likely. I can't afford to go into a period of 6 weeks with 5 lbs restriction and mom is not strong enough to go home or rich enough to go into an assisted living facility while I recover.

    So I'm now trying to get my head around having the TE for 1.5 years??? As a teacher I am really focused on either a June or December surgery schedule, so if not June, then hopefully at the holiday break in Dec.

    The one good thing in all of this is I have been exercising and losing weight, so hopefully the EX when it does come, can aim to be more similar to my native breast which the PS previously said would need a reduction to achieve symmetry.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    TrmTab, does your mom have Medicare or Medicaid? I couldn't take care of my mom once I diagnosed/surgery/treatments. She kept falling down so I had to send her to a nursing home. She's steadily getting weaker so I'm sure she'll have to stay there for an extended period of time. Medicaid and Medicare are taking care of her medica, room and board. Her SS goes to pay for the liability insurance that all nursing homes have to carry. Something to think about or look into. I hated mom having to go but I had no other choice. To answer your question I'll have had my TEs for a year and a half by the time I get my exchange. Others have had theirs for much longer than that.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 885

    Thanks Lori

    Mom has Medicare only and no plus up plan. Not many options in our town for Medicare/Medicaid beds...don't know what to do there.

    I actually think I am more scared of my PS having a fit then my inconvenience of waiting. While the TE is filled to 800 and is my little turtle shell, I've gotten used to it. But I do think my PS will pitch a fit. I know he has dismissed patients for not following his recommendations. I had just put this out of my mind until I saw the PS's nurse at the grocery store on Saturday.

  • 2FUN
    2FUN Member Posts: 789

    if your mom didn't have you, someone would pick up the cost of her care. I would talk to an elder attorney. They were very helpful when we took care of my MIL. Medicare gave us funding to pay for a part time aide. The money was equivalent to the money they would have paid a NH to care for her.

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Member Posts: 1,027

    2Fun, that's a great idea! I never thought of an elder attwhen we were getting things set up for my mom's care.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    trmtab - my right TE was the continuous one -I have had a left one theee different times - and it was in for 17 months before exchange

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    my right TE was in a full 2 years continuously. Only filled partially though, for all but the last 2 months, when it was finally filled up.

    My PS said he knew one of his patients went 3 years before exchange, when I asked how long the right one could stay.

    My left one, the cancer side, had first transplant in for 7 weeks. 6 months later for 4 weeks, and a full year later, till exchange 2 months after implant was placed for 3rd time. So about 18 weeks in total of the 24 months.

  • Herculesmulligan
    Herculesmulligan Member Posts: 61

    I am feeling like I'm at the end of my rope with my TEs. Is there anyone out there who has exchanged hers for implants who could just tell me it'll get better with the implants?

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352

    Another newbie question: do you always have drains with Exchange surgery? Pooh. Not looking forward to drains again. Although I only had mine for 10 days, can't really complain.

    If it matters, I'm not going big. Only have 250cc TEs and may not even go above that! I'm at 125cc now (filled) and already larger than I was pre-BMX. LOL I know implants are smaller, etc., etc. At most, I'd go 300cc. My PS is fine to overfill.

    Hercules, sorry you've about had it with your TEs. I don't love mine, please don't get me wrong, but WTF. I can deal. I guess I just expected them to suck and they do -- but it's manageable. I think it all depends so much upon our surgeon's skill, our body, ETC., that it's not something any of us can "plan" on coping with. We just have to see how it goes once they have been invited to the C party. My main thing now is nerve "burning" -- more than just outright pain, although have shooting sharp ouchs now and then, too. ;)

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    Hercules - yes. Hang in there.

    eastcoast - not all PS use drains, I would say the majority do not at exchange - it is usually done if you had excessive drainage after mastectomy, you need an extensive amount of pocket work done, or many docs who use anatomical or gummy bear implants will use drains to keep the fluid surrounding the implant to a minimum to keep the implant from rotating.