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Fat Grafting, pros and cons



  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263

    mommy - glad all went well for you today.  Headache is probably from anesthesia.  Sorry no other tips as I haven't had it yet, but I'm sure somone will be along shortly.  Get some rest!!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    Thanks mjh1
  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263

    mommy - you're supposed to be resting!!!!!

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289

    Mommy, glad you made it home and things went well! I haven't had any fat grafting, but I read that you are supposed to limit your activity. I also read about possibly eating foods rich in good fats like nuts and avocado. I don't know how true this is. Also, I read to stay away from bras or any compression on the boobs:) How many holes do you have in your abdomen and chest? Can you tell any difference in the abdomen? Are you all skinny now, lol. Get some well deserved rest!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    I'm covered. Can't really see how many. At least 7 on chest. But I have gauze so I can't see it all. I was told 4 small incisions/holes on abdomen but I'm totally covered w abdominal binder. I'm pretty sore on chest and abdomen... Probably a 4-5 on scale. Just took my pain med- tramadol. I hope it works, first time I'm taking it. Right now the only way to describe the abdomen pain is it feels like road burn. The chest hurts more right now. She took 300cc, seeing I'm overweight I won't see a difference😥
  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    The first day you feel the burning. That's nerves that are complaining. That will be gone tomorrow probably. Mine was. Keep the binder on, tightly, 24/7. You feel better with it for sure. My PS said I was to sit and do nothing. The fat has to find and establish its blood supply so to limit my activity to bathroom trips every few hours and a shower. (I had no restrictions on showers.) Don't do a lot of reaching or stretching. No doing anything fast...that fat shouldn't be bounced around for a couple of weeks. What doesn't find a blood supply will die and you could end up with hard lumps under your skin...fat necrosis. There will be some swelling in the donor takes a beating from the instruments. Where the fat was removed you are left with these long open tubes. Your body will fill them with fluid and make you feel even more swollen and sore so don't give it a chance. Keep your abdominal binder on tight! I saw immediate results on my chest and side. Fantastic! Sorry you are so sore on your chest. I was a little tender if I touched one of the spots, but never felt it otherwise. The abdomen...yep, that's gonna hurt for awhile I'm afraid. Hang in there. It's worth it.

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    Sandra thanks!!! Ya the chest looks good, no more concave just hope it's not just swelling. Near my left arm pit, not the arm pit but the crease between check and arm... Is the sorest. This is where I was sore before this surgery and it's where she put the needle in a few times. The stomach is manageable like u said sitting it feels good, getting up sucks. I didn't really get a restriction list so I'm going w what u guys have been posted. My husbands home w me til Thursday am. I plan to lay/ sit around. I'm sleeping in a recliner tonight. Don't want to risk rolling over- in a belly sleeper!! So when my ps marked me for surgery she said my implant may be flipped. What do they do for that?! She told me not to worry about it right now let's get through this. When did u have ur post surgery appointment?
  • juliecc
    juliecc Member Posts: 4,360

    Mommyathome, congrats on getting through your fat grafting! My PS didn't want me to wear a bra at all for the first couple of weeks, and then just wear ones that didn't put any pressure on the graft areas. I swear I still wear genie bras every day because I get pains in my foobs. A wore a non underwire to work last week and had to take it off by 1:00. I did have a lump I noticed about one month out after the swelling had gone away but it has disappeared. Everything still looks good. I saw my regular surgeon today for my one year check. He did a thorough exam and said everything was fine. I got arnica tablets and gel from amazon to help with the bruising which I had a lot of.

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    Thanks! The swelling and bruising on my breast that I can see is minimal, not sure about abdomen as it is wrapped. I have to call my ps today to see when my follow up is. She told my husband a week but I would've thought it'd b sooner than that. I'm not planning to take any gauze, wrapping or anything off until I see her so only sponge baths for me! Lol the breast looks and feels better, from what I can see anyway. She took 300cc. My soreness ranges from a 2-5. Doable. I just know I couldn't work like this. 18 kindergarteners wouldn't understand and I don't want to overdue it and have problems. I'm planning to just lay around all week and see about next week.
  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    Ladies- after fat grafting when was your follow up with the ps? Mine scheduled me for 2 weeks out on April 7. I was surprised it was so far out....She allows said to keep binder on for 2 weeks. Seems many/most of u kept it on longer than that.
  • sunnyc
    sunnyc Member Posts: 5


    Question: How long after your FG did you wear a compression garmet/spanx (for tummy/thighs)?

    Had my procedure last Thursday and saw the doctor Friday and yesterday. When I asked him yesterday how long to wear them, he said he was leaving it up to me, that I would know 'by feel', when to take them off. He said most people feel better with them on because they provide pressure and support that helps. By that measure, they would have been off and left in his office Winking as I do not 'feel better' with them on, whatsoever. Rationally, I'm thinking there is some average period of time that I really should live with.

    So, poll time -- how long (days or weeks) did you leave the garment on or did your Dr recommend you leave the garment on?

    Many thanks.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    sunny - 8 weeks, 24 hours a day, no exercise other than walking. I have had FG twice - for two different reasons and the volume of fat removed was different - the restrictions were the same. Not negotiable

    mommy - my post op was less than a week - my surgeries were usually at the end of the week so my DH would be available over the weekend and off work - post ops were usually the next day the PS was in his office - like Tues/Wed.

  • sunnyc
    sunnyc Member Posts: 5

    Thanks SpecialK

  • RainDew
    RainDew Member Posts: 228

    sunny - I would say that PSs are different on this. I had FG a month ago w my exchange and my PS had no preferences at all on the compression garments. Told me to wear spanx if it made me more comfortable. I am fairly small and bony and there is nothing comfortable about spanx. I said that, he laughed and said don't bother.

    My donor areas healed beautifully.

    So I'm not sure there is medical consensus. Follow your PSs instructions

  • sunnyc
    sunnyc Member Posts: 5


    Thanks. I agree, nothing comfortable about spanx and they are making my thighs actually feel worse. He left it up to me by saying I would know/feel when to take them off.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    Mommy, if the pocket created for your implant is too big, it allows the implant to turn - flip. This happens with anatomicals, shaped implants. Doesn't with rounds...they can turn around and around and the look is the same. The PS will have to go back in and reduce the pocket size a bit, then replace with a new implant. (They don't reuse them.) This can happen when the PS doesn't put in the TE that will match the size of the implant. (Another reason to know for sure what you want before TE's are put in.)

    Like SpecialK, I was in compression for 24/7 for 8 weeks. No exercise. No stressing the tissue in any way so that the grafts could find and establish a blood supply. My garment was a hospital grade abdominal binder. Most of the info you read on fat grafting will recommend compression.

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    Ya I have rounds. She just said it should fix itself.,, I've just been laying around. My husband went to sponge bathe me today and I nearly blacked out!! I get dizzy and nauseous when I'm up. A parent and a teacher from my school came by with meals yesterday and today. That was nice!
    I have some bruising on my chest and stomach but not bad at all. I have like 6 holes around my chest and four small incisions on my stomach. My foobs looked bigger yesterday so I'm hoping it's just some of the swelling going down and not that there's a problem with the fat taking.
  • lonnie713
    lonnie713 Member Posts: 131

    I've been reading old posts and see that several of you had FG done to your thighs.  Was it your inner or outer thigh?  My PS said no to my inner thighs, and maybe to my outer.  He said the results to the thighs after FG aren't good.  The inner thighs tend to ripple.  I was a bit disappointed because I've got some fat a$$ thighs.  As usual, each PS is different.  I go for my FG on April 21st.  My radiated breast is flat and needs a lot of filling. He also has to do some pocket work with my right non radiated breast . He is taking from my upper and lower belly, flanks and I convinced him to take some from my lower back above the butt.   He said he wants to leave something just in case we have to do it again but I am so done with surgery. I really hope the FG is a success.  I really want this surgery to be my last. 

    SpecialK, I saw the compression garment pics that you provided.  I actually ordered the full bodied one that snaps in the crotch from groupon.  I didn't order it for the FG procedure but to look smoother in clothes. I opened it up and thought, no way in the world is this going to fit.  I didn't even try it on yet but I plan to use it now for sure!!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    Lonnie - hope you just need the one FG - I only needed one for the aesthetic fix.  Glad you got the compression all ready to go - I found it helpful to have two, that way I could launder one and alternate.  You will be happy to have the snap opening - so much easier.  I had a later FG done after the removal of my left implant to assist the skin in healing - just saw my PS yesterday, he wants to do one more, then place an expander - hope it works. 

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    Hi ladies.
    I had 300cc of fat grafting done from my abdomen to both breasts to fix concaved spots on Monday march 23. The pain, on tramadol is manageable. However every now and then I get pain where my nipple used to be. It actually feels like someone pinching my nipple. Of course I don't have nipples anymore due to BMx.
    Have any of u experienced this? The other thing that I'm having trouble with is standing up. I get very dizzy and nauseous..
    Is this normal 4 days out? Still trying to determine if I'll be able to go back to work Monday. Right now if I'm up for more than half hour start to feel sick. I committed yesterday and almost blacked out when I was standing so my husband could sponge bath me. The other pains that I have are near the arm pit. It feels tight. On my left side I had this prior to FG and it's tighter now.
  • bbbbun
    bbbbun Member Posts: 24

    Mommy~ I can't even imagine your being able to go back to a Kindergarten class on Monday. ( Our daughter has taught kindergarten for 20 years) you two are angels!! So important to get our kiddos off to a great educational start!!!

    I've been watching your are doing great but take care of yourself!!!

    I know easy for me to say when you have 4 little ones at home too!!! YOU are a rock star!!

    I will continue to watch your posts...I will have TE exchange on April 1st with fat grafting :D

    Sending support and hugs!!! Valorie

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378

    If you are still taking the tramadol, that is probably what is making you dizzy and nauseous! Try taking an over the counter pain killer (not sure which kind is allowed) to see if it goes away. It is a trade-off with narcotics for me--I'd rather go with some pain than the dizziness/nausea, but only you can decide which is worse for you!

    I'm surprised you only got a week off of work! I teach kindergarten as well, and my doctor gave me 4 weeks off! He said his job is to protect his work so that it doesn't get bumped, nudged, etc.!

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    Thank you so much! I had 9 sick days and 3 personal days going into this week. I'm taking all of this week off so I'll be down to 4 sick days and 3 personal days. Next week we are in school Monday-Thursday then we have April 3-12 off for spring break. If I take next week off too I'm down to just those 3 personal days for the rest of the school year- we get out June 16. I know that I can't rush back. I've come to terms w the idea that I might need next week off too. Shoot I can't stand up for long periods of time yet I can't be in charge of a class of 5-6 year olds. I left plans at school for both weeks just in case. I also don't see my ps for follow up appointment until April 7! I was hoping to see her before returning to work. I just have to play it by ear. I know my sub who was supposed to cover my class all week canceled because she broke her wrist so now I have a different sub each day which is not the best case scenario. But I can't be worrying about that right now. I need to take one day at a time to heal! Good luck with your exchange! That's coming up soon!
  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876
    I'm going to try to come off tramadol and take Tylenol and see if that works better. My ps said a week of recovery would be enough, the pa said 2 weeks. I've noticed that for each surgery/procedure I've had they seem to downplay the recovery. I started to think something was wrong with me! Why I am still feeling this way if they said I should be ok by now? Next week we have a 4 day week then a week off for spring break. I was thinking I'd go in next week and just do low key things and not use all my sick days but it hurts to get up and down, my bowel movements aren't regular- I think the tramadol and anesthesia caused me to be constipated, I get dizzy when I stand, I have pains in my abdomen and chest. Looks like I might need to take next week off too. I'm going to wait to see how tomorrow goes then make a decision.
  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263

    Mommy -  I agree with weely that it's probably the Tramadol.  Not every pain med is the same and can have different side effects.  If you can't get by with the Tylenol just yet, I would call your doctor and tell her to switch the pain med.  The pain meds will give you constipation and you won't be back to normal until you're off but you can get over the counter laxatives to lessen your discomfort.  Don't rush to do too much.  The most important thing is for you to heal properly right now.

    bbbbun - good luck with your exchange.  I like everyone else was so glad to finally get the TE's out of me so you much be thrilled.

    specailk - why are you having another FG session before the TE placement?? 

  • Mommyathome
    Mommyathome Member Posts: 876

    They went w tramadol because I'm allergic to Percocet and dilaudid and Vicodin gave me bad nightmares it made me scream out in my sleep. I took tramadol this morning at 7, Tylenol at 100. I'm pretty sore right now so I just took a tramadol. I'm just laying around.
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    mjh - I lost an expander due to skin necrosis, had chemo, had the expander placed again, exchanged to implants - all of this was 2010-2012.  I had the first FG to fill the hollows above the implants in the upper pole - they looked a bit "coconutty" so it helped to soften and make them look more natural.  I only needed FG once - all the fat stayed and looked great!    Everything was fine for two years, but then my allograft slings started to perforate and were not holding up the implants, so had symmetry issues.  I had a repair a year ago to replace the slings bi-laterally with a different and stronger synthetic allograft material.  During that surgery the thin skin in the area that had necrosis tore open.  It was repaired during that surgery but would not stay closed, so I had surgery again the following month with stitching the skin again and a smaller implant placed to try to stress the skin less.  Again it did not stay closed so the left implant was removed completely a month later.  In November I had FG to the skin in an attempt to bulk it up, make it stronger, and increase the vascularity.  The current plan is to have another FG, wait 90 days, place an expander, expand slowly, then place an implant.  A number of PS are starting to do this type of FG to radiated skin to help it stretch - I did not have radiation but he is treating the skin in the same way.

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263

    specialk - you are one strong lady!!! Sending all positive thoughts and energy your way for your upcoming procedures so they will be the "fix" and you will finally be done.

    I'm still amazed that doctors don't warn us how really difficult it can be to rebuild boobies or at least mine didn't.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    mjh - thanks - you are sweet!  I just take it one day at a time, and I will take all the positive thoughts and energy you can spare, lol!  You are correct about the challenges of reconstruction, and sometimes overly optimistic viewpoint of the docs - we always hope for the best, but for some of us it can be a road with detours for sure!  I wouldn't really change anything, so I feel good about continuing to try.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289

    SpecialK, I sure do hope and pray for things to work out better this time. You have been through so much already. I thought that since I was a "b" cup, that it would be a cake walk...not so. When you think of trying to build something from nothing, then I understand how really difficult this can be. It seems like a lifetime of maintenance. I was proud to be "low maintenance", but not anymore. Lots of doctor appointments and copays. I just want to look like myself again, and feel like myself again more importantly.