Neoadjuvant TCHP - Post Results Here



  • Alibeths
    Alibeths Posts: 167

    how is the Hercerptin only? Please tell me NOTHING like chemo.

  • loriekg
    loriekg Posts: 118

    Alibeths--the Herceptin only is NOTHING like chemo. I feel absolutely fine (not even tired) after my infusion. I run errands right after and then forget I even had it!

  • mardea15
    mardea15 Posts: 16
    • Alibeths, herceptin is not like chemo, however I do find myself feeling more fatigued next day or so. I missed a dose due to travelling to Wash, DC, where my husband is working. I changed all providers so I could be with him for surgery & follow-up. As a result of that, I had to have a repeat of the loading dose they give the first time on herceptin. I was definitely more fatigued after that dose as well as had a major increase in hot flashes. I am pretty much back to normal now that I'm on the usual every 3 week schedule. So, I agree much better then chemo but can be different side effects for different people.
  • CassieCat
    CassieCat Posts: 863

    Herceptin only has been fine for me, too. They give me some Benadryl before my infusion, so I feel a little tired, but that's it.

    For nausea, I had Aloxi in my IV during chemo infusions. At one point we'd discussed a patch option as well, though I can't remember the name now offhand.

  • Stephmoen
    Stephmoen Posts: 184

    trying to really get the energy to face next week and my last chemo can't wait to be done she has me on 4 steriods Benadryl and ativan to get through it I just keep telling myself last one last one! Did everyone get herceptin tgrough port or peripheral I DONT want another port put in!!

  • mardea15
    mardea15 Posts: 16

    My port will be left in until herceptin infusions are completed sometime in Jan. If you have a port now, I'd be surprised if it was removed before finishing herceptin. Both of my surgeons said it will be up to the oncologist as to when to remove the port, so probably a good idea to discuss with your MO.

    Good luck with your last chemo. It is such a milestone to get that over & done!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,459

    I love my port. I finished Herceptin last September - so almost a year - but since I have lymphadema I've decided to leave my port in for now. I get regular blood draws through the port, in addition to CT, PET & MRI contrast medium that goes in the port for scans. I really don't think any of those would happen through my foot - the only option if I stay vigilant about LE. My experience has been that even in the hospital, only 1 in 10 have a clue how to start a line in the ankle/foot.

    My new MO wanted me to get it taken out (the old MO - my favorite doc in the world - retired). He believes emotionally it would be easier for me to move on with my life. That would have been true the first time. After a recurrence, whether there is a port of not does not keep me awake nights and I rarely think about it. I have to wear a compression bra/vest for truncal LE & the port is less obtrusive that that garment. There is the issue of having something foreign in your body, but my BS said I can let it stay as long as I get a port flush every 6-8 weeks. I'm having blood drawn regularly or some other test so that hasn't been a problem yet.

    All that said, I know I'm weird. Most people are anxious to get their ports removed.

  • Stephmoen
    Stephmoen Posts: 184

    i also loved my port I thought it was not painful what so ever didn't bother me at all but it got infected and caused me to be septic now I'm injecting Iv antibiotics in a picc line for 4 weeks I just don't want the chance for it to happen again I absolutely had no problems with my port till one day it swelled up and started to hurt that night I was a lot of pain in the ER had it out the next morning it was an awful experienc

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,459

    steph - sorry to hear about your port infection. Hope the anti B's are working.

  • Stephmoen
    Stephmoen Posts: 184

    thanks minustwo doing much better now looking forward to the end ofchemo hoping that I will add to that long list of pcR we have going on in this thread :)

  • Delurked elsewhere, it's this board that really has helped me learn and manage my care.

    Quick intro: Don't know about the grades or percentages, I'm 44YO HER2+ w/ IDC. I am doing chemo pre-surgery, TCHP + Neulasta for 6 treatments (3rd is tomorrow). My genetic tests were negative, so a lumpectomy in the fall w/ some radiation. Then the Herceptin continues. Side effects have been rough but manageable. That's about it really, the rest is still to be decided once the chemo is complete and per what the surgeon sees.

    Only other thing I'm trying to plan: some me time after chemo, before surgery - some kind of getaway to build strength and clear my head. I'm still working most of the time, so I figure if I can work I can take a trip on a 'strong' week. anyone else done that, tried a vacation? thx.

  • Alibeths
    Alibeths Posts: 167

    I just took a quick weekend getaway..It did wonders. : )

  • april25
    april25 Posts: 367

    Cycles 5 and 6 were the worst for me. 6, I was pretty much just lying there, waiting to get through it! I had to be hospitalized because I was dehydrated since Cycle 1, though... so chemo was not a happy experience for me! (also had reduced taxotere after cycle 1, although it didn't seem to help at all)

    But when it was over, I was SO HAPPY! That's the best thing about it--that there is a set ending date!

  • sher0402
    sher0402 Posts: 19

    While I know these aren't "real" results, I wanted to post what I know so far as encouragement to others. I had my first round on 7/30. I vowed not to check the tumor myself until after my second round because I didn't want to drive myself crazy with "Is it bigger? Is it smaller?" I went in yesterday for a check up and the ARNP did a physical exam and said the lump was smaller and softer. So this morning I checked, it is definitely much harder to find. When I raise my arm in the mirror (tumor is at 6 o'clock) the dimpling that was there is completely gone. I also have positive lymphnodes the largest is .8 cm and she thought that was smaller as well. This will definitely keep me going for the next five rounds. Much easier to envision those little cancer cells being nuked by the chemo! Good luck to everyone still going through this.

  • Stephmoen
    Stephmoen Posts: 184

    ugh just did 6 not feeling too good this morning so happy to be done with chemo next step a brain mri I requested one and a peg scan then surgery can't wait to finally have this think out of me although I can't barely feel it ;

  • loriekg
    loriekg Posts: 118

    Sher0402--YAY! So glad to hear the chemo is doing it's job! Isn't it amazing to think it can work so fast?!

    Stephmoen--hoping for an easy time for you with the SE's! Congratulations for making it through! For me, everything is easy in comparison (the surgery, TE's...etc...)

    Hugs!! Lorie

  • I keep debating; on one hand, not sure how strong I'll be but on the other.. if I can work, then I should be able to get away. We'll see, thx.

  • CassieCat
    CassieCat Posts: 863

    imisswine - if you can do the trip, do it. :) Life's too short to wait for the "right" time. If it sounds good to get away, then make those plans.

  • april25
    april25 Posts: 367

    imisswine -- The effects of chemo can add up a bit-- but mostly in fatigue, I think. I was wiped out at the end... but I was so happy for it to be over, I think I could have managed a trip if it wasn't too much exertion and I could take it easy, and I had some bad SEs! If you're working through this, you will probably be able to manage, and you'll certainly deserve a vacation!

    You'll also have some time after surgery to do something, too. But as others have said, might as well do things as they come up--no sense in putting stuff off unless absolutely necessary!

  • Hello everyone,

    I was just diagnosed in July. Started chemo (TCHP) on July 31. I had fooled myself into believing that it wasn't going to be that bad...but boy was I wrong!! Chemo sucks!!!! I feel better each day though and today has been great so far. The worst SE has been the diarrhea...will that last the whole time I'm on chemo? I hope not! I look forward to getting to know you all!

  • Stephmoen
    Stephmoen Posts: 184

    The first one is the worst for diarrhea it gets better! I had nonstop diarrhea for 10 days the first time after that it only lasts a couple days each time you can take lomotil my oncologist prescribed it works wel

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,864

    Hi Janet and welcome! You've found the best place for support, inspiration, and advice in our amazing Community!

    You may want to check out the main site's side effect page on Diarrhea for tips to help manage this uncomfortable effect. Also, you may want to join the other members going through chemo right now on the August 2015 Chemo Group thread.

    We hope this helps! Please continue to post and let us know you're doing.

    --The Mods

  • cchix49
    cchix49 Posts: 23

    That is great and encouraging news. TCHP must be good from all the positive I have seen posted. My Onc actually told me after 2nd treatment he thought my 6cm tumor had shrunk 30%. After 4th he could not feel anymore. Very thankful and that Monday will be my last of 6 treatments. I have had to take a beta blocker for rapid heart rate. 5th kicked my butt and I am still queasy and weak. but knowing it is last makes my little engine say " yes I can." surgery next and then 12 weekly Taxol and herception every 3 weeks til next May. A long way to go but so happy to almost be over TCHP. It has been bad but worth it. God Bless and thanks for your encouraging post

  • cchix49
    cchix49 Posts: 23

    Hang in there! I take my last of 6 Monday. It has been rough but worth it. 6cm tumor can't be felt after 4th treatment So cocktail is working. 5th was very hard on me. Cumalative effect I am sure. Like you I felt after 1st....No bad...I can do this. But each time a little worse. I learned everyone is different so this is just my experience. But Hang in there and it will be over before you know it. Just take care of you and don't worry about anything else. D

  • april25
    april25 Posts: 367

    Diarrhea was my worst SE. Nothing would stop it. I had to go to the ER and be admitted for a week during Cycle 1 and 2, and then had to have 24hr a day IV drips at home for 2 weeks during every cycle. AND the diarrhea lasted for 3 months after I stopped chemo. But at least I didn't need IV drips, so I was actually not bothered. It's gone now! Wheeeeee!

    I didn't think I'd have bad SEs, either, but oh, well! I'm just glad it's over.

    Of course, now that I can eat, I've put on 15lbs! Rats! I guess I need to go to the gym...

  • I'm having my port inserted on Wednesday. Next week I'll start P+ H one day, then chemo the next day. Interestingly enough, next week is also the first week for students and I'm a teacher! Great timing, huh?!

  • CassieCat
    CassieCat Posts: 863

    Ginger that happened to me too. Started chemo the second day of school.

  • cchix49
    cchix49 Posts: 23

    YAY. Last TCHP yesterday. Now fastened my seatbelt for the ride to the deep pit and back..SE do not usually hit me for 3 or 4 days but I was weak and queasy after treatment. I did not get my strength back from 5th treatment. But am so happy it is over with. I would do the HAPPY dance if I had the energy. Next is surgery. Will see the surgeon in 2 weeks. Prayers please. I still have 35 weeks of stuff to deal with.

  • CassieCat
    CassieCat Posts: 863

    cchix, congrats! Now your body can truly start to heal, and you can get ready for the next part. You can do it!

  • CassieCat,

    Good to know it can be done!


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