Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2017

    Wow, this thread has been busy since I checked in last night. It's a wonderful support group for me and I'm guessing for all of us here. PatG., thank you for your kind words of wisdom. I have seen the book "Jesus Calling" but have never bought it for some reason. It must be another symptom of my BTSD this time. When I was first diagnosed 25 years ago, I had a real belief that it wouldn't kill me for a long time and I was right. The reason for my confidence was that my grandmother had breast cancer in 1936 before I was born, and they did the typical cut, slash and burn and she was even given a kind of Chemo using mustard or something like that. But while it was awful to go through she was okay until 1960 (the year we were married) when it came back in the second breast and after treatment she lived another 20+ years and died in her mid 80's which was quite a long time in those days. So, I had a great belief I would be fine too and bought every book I could find about breast cancer and faith and the power of prayer and doing all the right things to survive. Now, I do my research online and my faith is much stronger and I truly believe in the power of prayer so I didn't feel the need to buy another book. I think it was just my denial kicking in so I intend to buy it now. My, that sure is a long story to tell you why I haven't bought the book. Thanks for recommending it. I guess we all like to stick our heads in the sand on occasion.

    There are so many things I want to comment on and so many thoughtful words here it's almost impossible but I have to say a couple of things. I agree that not knowing from one day to the next how we are going to feel can be so depressing. You make plans and then you struggle to do them. The "Julie" commercial came on tonight and I just said to my DH how much we joke here and talk about having a "Julie" day or more likely NOT a "Julie" day. I guess the really can't show real life. Too bad, but it's like that for all those stupid drug commercials. Do people really go to their doctor and tell them the want to try those drugs? I guess they must or they wouldn't make them anymore.

    Grannax2, you do have a beautiful story and I so admire your strength. I often think about what it would be like to do what you're doing and it's so hard to imagine. I had a dear friend who just died of a different cancer, who could write your story also and I guess we get through these terrible things because God is always with us even when it doesn't feel like it.

    There are so much more to say but once again it's very late and I need to sleep. Thanks for some great words of wisdom all of you.

    Love and many, many prayers dear friends.

    Faith ( in the future).

  • lucia42
    lucia42 Member Posts: 45
    edited July 2017

    Thought I'd just share that I had my first scan after starting Ibrance and Letrozole, and there's shrinking all round - primary tumor went from 3.5 cm to 1.2 cm, largest liver met is down to 2 cm from 4cm, and the sternum met seems to be healing. Have been celebrating most of the day! Going to try and relax for a change and enjoy summer until the next scan in four months. (In an earlier post I was worried about some aches and pains in my side and stomach area and wondering if it was progression but obviously not.)

  • Scwilly
    Scwilly Member Posts: 232
    edited July 2017

    Fantastic news Lucia. I too had a similar first scan after taking Ibrance so I know the relief it feels. I alao had/have side aches and I feel I can now assume these are the cancer cells having their dying moment! Big cheers from Southern California or your news.

  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited July 2017

    It does seem like cancer in soft tissue generally does not hurt unless it is going away. I have had terrible burning pain in my breast that correlates strongly with reduction in tumors per scans.


  • Lindalou
    Lindalou Member Posts: 598
    edited July 2017

    Cross Posting

    Well gang I'm back in the radiation cycle. I've been having severe hip pain for the last month or two, and finally called MO. Got me right in for a CT yesterday and sure enough cancer has spread to ischium and iliac crest, and greater trochanter. The good news is that my MO literally finished talking to me and sent me right over to RO who then sent me for simulation all within a couple of hours. I have a pretty remarkable team. I start rads today. I am actually relieved that there is something I can do for the pain. I am on cycle 4 of Ibrance and will stay on that for another week as my wbc will drop with the radiation as well. I will finish rads on August 2nd which will be one day past my 8 year mark with metastasis. RO gave me a big hug yesterday and told me I am one of the longest patients he has had with mets. This will be my 5th round with radiation. So onward and forward and zapping cancer along the way.

    The Julie commercial came on just now and I noticed her son giving her a warm smile, and it broke my heart. I need to tell my son about all of this today, and its hard as he lives so far away.

    Good News Lucia

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,039
    edited July 2017

    Hey guys~ We need to ban together here in prayer for Dianarose, she is really struggling and is in the hospital, she spent the night in the ER. She has been through hell and back and things are looking very scary for her.shes been in terrible pain and she has to go back. They are most likely admitting her. She has become one of my closest friends here, (along with Gracie-who hasn't been around either) I beg you to pray for her please PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM. Both. They are both battling all in with this Damn beast, and I can't say I am not completely worried because I am. I am sitting here in streaming tears. She's such a Lovely lady. I don't want anything to happen to her. She's wonderful we have gotten extremely close and I am scared. We don't live close and I feel helpless. She is with her DH but I feel lost with worry. Please pray for her. Please. ~M~

    Pray for Gracie also, she is also having some problems and I am down right worried. These are wonderful women, wonderful people,like you all.Let's make these prayers work! Hugs everyone and god bless! ~M~

  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited July 2017

    Hugs Lindalou ... hang in there through your radiation, talking to your son. You've been at this a long time, and you will be at this for a long time. Doesn't make it easy.

    Prayers DianaRose. May your pain be lifted.

    Micmel - keep us posted.


  • bigbhome
    bigbhome Member Posts: 721
    edited July 2017


  • Grannax2
    Grannax2 Member Posts: 2,387
    edited July 2017

    Prayers for DianaRose and wisdom for her docs.

    Thank you ladies for your sweet comments about my story.

    Z From my perspective, you are Wonder Woman. I am in awe of what you have been able to keep doing. You must be what I call an "extreme athlete". So, it's not hard to understand how it must feel to you when it's so hard to keep your many commitments. No words of wisdom here because I've never been in your athletic shoes. Just know I'm one of your admirers, I'm sure there are many here.

  • airlinegal
    airlinegal Member Posts: 252
    edited July 2017
    Prayers.....prayers for Dianarose
  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784
    edited July 2017

    McMel prayers sent for you Dianarose and Gracie I know it's hard but keep your eyes in heaven and your feet firmly planted on esrth.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,039
    edited July 2017

    Lucia~ wonderful to hear some good news. I am happy happy for you for good results. God bless you! Gentle hugs! ~M~

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2017

    There is a thread here on BCO that is small but has a mighty group of prayer warriors and I will ask for prayers for Dianarose and Grace and also for you Micmel but you all should feel free to post any prayer requests there and don't be put of by the "Older Christian women" part. All are welcome there and it can be a source of great comfort at times when we most feel the need of prayer to know that there are others praying for us. I have asked many times for prayer and I can honestly say, I can feel them working and that Jesus is helping me when nothing else will. I know a few ladies here also post there so the more people praying the better.

    I've posted a link below and sorry for the bold but my stupid IPad has a mind of its own and I can't get rid of it. Just know, lots of us are praying right now.
    God bless us all.

    thread for middle age to older Christian women. (in forum Older Than 60 Years Old With Breast Cancer)

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited July 2017

    Prayers lifted up for our sisters in need.

  • jensgotthis
    jensgotthis Member Posts: 673
    edited July 2017

    Prayers for Diana and Gracie that their pain is lifted and the people around them (docs and family) are doing everything they can to help the body, mind and spirit.

  • jensgotthis
    jensgotthis Member Posts: 673
    edited July 2017

    Feeling very grateful that my 9 month bone and CT scans after starting Ibrance/Letrozole/Xgeva/Lupron are excellent. All healing, no new activity. There are days I out-Julie Julie and others where I can't get moving at all, but I'll take it if this Ibrance can be my miracle. Right now, I know in my heart and soul that I will be a longtime thriver. I'll work hard to keep that mindset. HUgs to all.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,039
    edited July 2017

    Jen ~Great news!! I am so thankful for your great news! We need all we can get. Very pleased that you are going to be breathing a relaxing sigh.....at least for a good long while! God Bless you! Hugs ~M~

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,869
    edited July 2017

    Jen, YESSSSS!!!!!...

    I know in my (healing) bones that I will be a long-term thriver, love it!!!

  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited July 2017

    Hugs Jen. Here's to long term thrivers ... great scans. woooo hooo


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2017

    Jen, great news, we are all doing a happy dance for you. As Micmel said, we want to hear all the good news that's out there. We are praying we will all be "long time thrivers ".

  • JoynerL
    JoynerL Member Posts: 1,392
    edited July 2017

    Such scary news, Micmel. Prayers for Dianarose and for you, too! Prayers for healing and for wisdom in her doctors.

    Lucia, great news for you. I'm so happy to hear it.

    Z, you are ALWAYS someone we can depend on for sound advice and guidance. Hang in there. This is a rough road.

    Lindalou, best of luck with the rads and the treatment. 8 years is wonderful. Here's to 8 more.

    Hugs to you both, Pat and Grannax. Pat, your Memphis gallery looks amazing. If and when my DH and I head west from VA on a big driving trip, it would be fun to visit it and have breakfast at the Peabody!


  • JoynerL
    JoynerL Member Posts: 1,392
    edited July 2017

    And Jen....terrific news! Reading backwards and missed this fabulous news!

  • hopefulgirl
    hopefulgirl Member Posts: 60
    edited July 2017

    imagePrayers for Dianerose and Gracie. It is a tough old road we travel but less lonely because of our sisters here. Hugs to all early this morning. I was at Mass at Martyrs' Shrine Midland Ontario yesterday with my granddaughters we lit a candle for all suffering. Much love Cathy from Canada

  • mimistewart
    mimistewart Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2017

    saying prayer

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,039
    edited July 2017

    Aurora~. I really enjoyed that phrase. Keep your eyes on heaven and your feet planted firmly on earth. Yes I do believe I will be adopting that phrase. That seems doable when you put it like that. Thank you. Good words to read.

    Update on Dianarose, she is in the hospital. I am going to call her DH later today to see how she's doing. I am hoping for some encouraging news. I can tell By her correspondence, she is hurting. I Am very scared for my friend, thank you everyone for supporting her in her time of need. Such a wonderful group of ladies. Prayers are coming right back at you. Many prayer groups at work here,And I do understand that not everyone is of Christian belief or any for that matter , know that I have strong thoughts and wishes for them as well. I am of no limits to love and support. Hugs friends~M~

  • bigbhome
    bigbhome Member Posts: 721
    edited July 2017

    Good morning everyone! M - I am keeping Dianarose and Grace at the top of the prayer list. Also Patty. Worried since no one has heard from her in awhile. I am happy for everyone having good news this week! For all the others, just keep plugging away. Easier said than done.

    Yesterday when I woke up I felt so good, even though I only slept 4 hours the night before. I brushed the horses, put them out, cleaned their stalls, cleaned the wheelbarrow, waters plants a long front of house, went for a swim, did laps and water aerobics, ate lunch, took shower, went to yoga, stopped at store, brought horses in and fed them, helped dh with my car, went for pizza for dinner. We stayed up and watched Dirty Dancing for the ? time. I got up around 10:30 to go to. Bathroom and realized I may have overdone it. I hurt everywhere. Had a restless night again, got up this morning and I got nothing. I haven't even put things horses out yet. Just the thought of it exhaust me.

    I hate this! I felt so productive and good yesterday and today I feel like a slug. I also am having serious scanxiety. I am having scans Monday morning and I have been having random pains in my left side, sometimes severe. Wondering what is going on. I have not seen my mo or pn since May. Been seeing random doctors who are filling in. I' m feeling very vulnerable and anxious. Did I mention I HATE cancer?

    Sorry for the rant, my emotions are all over the map today.

    Hugs and prayers everyone


  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited July 2017

    Blood work at MO's yesterday had my white count up over 7. Hasn't been that high for a while. At least he believed that I really did take the month off. I told him about the 5 days on, 2 off trial and he said they are feeling the competition from ribociclib. He had a 2nd year medical student shadowing him (he does this about once a year) and she was very sweet. She listened to all my issues for half an hour. When he came in, he was like a different person. Very nice and didn't give me his usual bum's rush. I was afraid the student would learn her bedside manner from him (never happen, she was too nice) but he was so different. I asked her if she could come back next month. After this month off Ibrance, I told my nurse that I think most of my side effects are from letrozole. She agreed. And I finally thought of a way to describe the foot thing. It's like wearing a pair of shoes that are two sizes too small and you can't take them off. That's what it feels like to me, at least.

    Prayers and good thoughts for everyone.

  • airlinegal
    airlinegal Member Posts: 252
    edited July 2017
    My Onc just called...they did not have the tumor count when I saw her this week. My counts have gone down even more. She does not Ck them every time, but did this time. The Ibrance is working. Hopefully, when I have the pet scan in August it shows the right lung clear. Will cross that bridge when we come to it. Thank God for Ibrance. I know it can all change in an instant. But we are all so fortunate to have this medication. I remember after 2nd or 3rd meeting with my first Onc and she said if this fails we have lots of medication to follow. She said years worth. So keep the faith in spite of our many down times. Thank you all for your sweet and supportive msgs to each of us.
  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,039
    edited July 2017

    Claudia~And everyone~ I just spoke with Diana, she is home from the hospital. I will let her fill you all in on her details when she feels up to checking in. She has strict instructions from DH to get some good rest. She battled the battle yet again. God bless you all, the prayers are a wonderful thing. I am sending all of them right back as well!

    Dianarose~💜 Get Some well deserved rest my friend. Keeping you close in prayer as always. Big gentle pats, since you're in pain. ~M~

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    edited July 2017
