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Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • GracieM2007
    GracieM2007 Member Posts: 1,255
    edited May 2018

    I know I’ve seen it discussed before but can’t find specifics. How soon after eating can I take Pepcid AC or Tums? Ibrance is doing a number on my gut and I’ve switched from Nexium to Zantac because it seems the Ibrance may not be working.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,339
    edited May 2018

    Gracie, Tums can be taken with food (or any time) and has works for 2 - 3 hours, but Pepcid is best 30 to 60 minutes before eating. I take mine first thing in the morning or just before I go to bed.

    I struggle with my gut also. Prilosec (omeprazole) works best for me but should not be taken long-term so my GP took me off since I have been on it for 2 years. She switched me to Pepcid which doesn't work as well for me. I am still struggling with it but trying. I am hoping to talk with my GP this week to see if there is anything else I can do. Good luck!

  • Leapfrog
    Leapfrog Member Posts: 406
    edited May 2018

    MountainLady ...I forgot to mention that I've had a red patch on my face for the past week. We have no idea what it is. At first we thought it was a tiny spider bit which had caused a red area, then we decided it was a citrus allergy, which I have sometimes, but it wasn't a hive. Then, was it the radioactive dye used for my scan? But I think it was there before the dye, so now we're wondering whether it's Ibrance caused. It isn't itchy or painful but we were concerned about infection so I've taken antibiotics (found out the right one to use from my trial nurse) and Phenergan so we have every avenue covered! It seems to be fading today but it has faded before and then flared up again. I'm on my first week's break from Ibrance. Does this sound anything like your rash?

  • Leapfrog
    Leapfrog Member Posts: 406
    edited May 2018

    lakewoman .... I'm sorry I forgot to include you in my post yesterday. Be kind to yourself and don't expect too much. You've done really really well but sometimes we get the blues a few days post operation. I took it very slowly after my bilateral mastectomy because I have extensive bone mets and I had a lot of stress fractures and couldn't move without a bone cracking. I'm glad I gave my body time to recover though. At this stage, while you're managing drains, scars and stiffness it might not seem easy but there's a long way to go. Make sure you follow the physiotherapist's advice and do the light stretches and massage to avoid lymphodoema. Reading your post made me think back to that time and I realised that my mastectomy was actually the easiest part of my treatment. I'm taking hormonal treatment for the rest of my life and these are the hard yards, not the actual treatment, but the constant, relentless nature of day to day life. I admire you for keeping up your interest. Nausea can be managed with Ondansetron if your MO hasn't told you. Otherwise I sip dry ginger ale. I've finished my 14th cycle.

    Hope991 .... 50s girl is right. We don't normally do TM testing till we're well established on Ibrance. I've been on it for more than a year. So far my scans have been stable (on Wednesday I'll find out if they still are), which means that Ibrance has at least stopped the cancer cells in their tracks, although it hasn't brought about any regression. Scans are the best means of testing for progression. TMs are notoriously erratic. Mine jumps around between 450 and 550. The last one was 580. My MO says we won't worry unless it goes up, stays up and keeps going up.

    I thought this article from the Open University might be of interest. It's about how cancer cells have periods of dormancy between periods of progression. A bit scary really....

  • NettaGER
    NettaGER Member Posts: 128
    edited May 2018

    Gracie: one think to add on the Esomeprazole/Pantoprazole issue: do not take them together with the Ibrance, as they negatively influence the uptake of Ibrance. Rather take them 12 hours apart.

    Leapfrog: have you already tried a cortisone ointment? I tend to get red patches from very dry skin. I also need to pay attention not to rinse my face with too much warm water, because it removes even more fat and makes things worse. A cold periods in winter or when I have a lot of stress, I put some facial cream on before I go under the shower and wash my hair trying to avoid to get water in my face. But if it gets really bad, I need some cortisone ointment.

  • Leapfrog
    Leapfrog Member Posts: 406
    edited May 2018

    NettaGer ...thanks very much for taking the trouble. Yes, I forgot to mention that I've used a cortisone cream on the patch. My skin is generally dry too and I'm careful with it. I must admit I do let warm water run on it in the shower but my face is never without moisturiser. This is just one small area about the size of a 20cent piece (Australian - you'll have to use your imagination!), it's not a rash. I get eczema across both cheeks if it's caused by a food allergy normally but this is different. I'll ask the trial nurse on Wednesday when I see her whether anyone else has reported such an occurrence.

  • Hope991
    Hope991 Member Posts: 25
    edited May 2018

    Just read the dormant cell article Leapfrog. It is a bit scary. Seems cancer is one smart disease. Since onc did not comment about the rise of marker, only that I have active cancer. and did not say to change treatment, we continue to wait. I will have another blood test in a week. I hope you will find out about the rash. I too have very dry itchy skin.

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2018


    TY so much for taking time to write.much appreciated..esp re nausea well everything ..yeh little down thus week.anesthesia and the whole emotional roller coaster just after having chest xray after a virus.Plus tomorrow I am just one week post op.This is what I wrote family & friends today. TY again.

    Good news drain out. just 3x3 on where he took out stitch to remove drain...Have to go back in a case seroma develops has to inj needle to remove fluid..Then see him in a month..then done.!!.
    > Sentinel lymph nodes showed no cancer..and they got all of triple neg tumor which was small..He feels I will now continue to focus on right side..METS to lungs..See him next Monday and Dr Hill's oncologist Tues..Still tire easily but did walk a little today..Shower and then haircut tomorrow!!!! horray!

  • MountainLady
    MountainLady Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2018

    Lakewoman--hope all goes well for you! I had mentioned the Benadryl & Cortisone for a rash patch on my hip that persists. Currently is getting better using Bio-Oil.

    JoT--seems like overall good news! It would be good to find out an alternative dosing pattern that helped with neutropenia.

  • cchilders79
    cchilders79 Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2018

    Hi everyone! Sorry for such a long delay! It has been quite a crazy two months.

    I wanted to say Hi and welcome to all the new ladies and welcome back hope! I am also sad and hope that Katty and Mica1 are doing okay. Also congrats Joyner and Janky on their scans.

    March was hectic we thought we were about to have a legal issue put behind us only for the court to push it back to the end of this month. Last month was a bunch of appointments (saw MO a month ago and two weeks later saw Plastic Surgeon and Spine Surgeon more on that in a min). Also had my third bone scan and ct on thursday.

    So March was bad with my 6th round of Ibrance. I had nausea pretty badly which I got put on anti nausea meds and omazeleprole. I just keep forgetting to take the Omazeleprole! When we discussed it in April(neutrophils were good so I started round 7) she asked me what time I took it which was in the afternoon after lunch. She said try taking it in the evening after dinner which I did and of course that backfired so this round has been worse which I don't understand why but oh Ibrance always fun. I did my infusion of zometa in April and didn't feel too bad like I did the first time three months prior. I go on Wed to see her and see if we are starting round 8.

    Saw my plastic surgeon and he said everything looks good (since it has been over a year since my last and final reconstruction implants were done) and I will see him in two years! So doctors are getting less and less. Spine Surgeon looked me over and my x rays and said my rods and screws are still doing good and my cage (that holds my t-3,4,&5) hasn't moved and I will see him in six months.

    During this time I saw my ob about related questions about sex and how its painful and all that to which I got treated like I had a plague because I am Stage IV and her basically being kind of cold and not warm or engaging to tell me that vaginal sex is a no go. I am in a few fb groups for stage IV and everyone said that I needed a second opinion which I saw a nice older male ob dr who was like yes you are dry but trial and error with lubrications and also told me about a medication and gave me the info so I can discuss it with my oncologist because he wants to make sure it is okay for patients who are metastatic. So there is hope.

    My fiance and I finally set a date for our wedding next year and I also got my dress! Its beautiful.

    Glad I came on to find out about getting my nails done and what to use which I have forgotten lol. Oh question do you guys use anything to help your hair (I take biotin) since it is thinning out? I know my MO suggested Nioxin before and I have used it when my hair was growing back but thought I would ask here also.

    Had bone scan and ct scan and I will see my MO on Wed to find out the results and how labs are and see if I can start round 8. Hoping to get some better idea of Nausea and oh joint pain that flares up. Today is the first day off Ibrance and it always makes me feel crummy. I am also going to start writing to my friends as something I feel I can leave as a mark for them but something more. As crazy as it sounds I have had two exes reach out (one through my mom) and I have made peace. I feel like that's a good start.

    Going to a family get together back in Alabama this weekend I haven't seen that side in three years so it will be good for me.

    It has been a crazy few months for us but in lots of good ways. Take care everyone!


  • time-for-a-cure
    time-for-a-cure Member Posts: 67
    edited May 2018

    i haven’t been keeping up in the last few days, but caught up tonight. I see someone asked about Zoloft and Ibrance, concerned that there was a negative interaction. I have been on both for 3 years and am doing just fine. No problems at all. I would certainly check with you r wifes’s MO, but I doubt it is a problem. Hope every9one is enjoying the spring (finally!!) and remember to take care of yourself

  • Daniel86
    Daniel86 Member Posts: 207
    edited May 2018

    Thank you time-for-a-cure, that was me asking ;) I am waiting for doc's clearance but what you said makes me hope she won't have to change her medication as it was finally setting in.

  • iwrite
    iwrite Member Posts: 746
    edited May 2018

    Lakewoman-I'm getting Xgeva every three months. Others have suggested Claritin before, day of, and afterwards to reduce the achiness that happens with that injection. I haven't had bad SEs from it but will try Claritin this time to see. Everything is blooming so I know it will help with allergies:)

    I get red spots on my face at some point during each Ibrance cycle but they go away. Since I’ve had skin cancer it’s always worrisome, but so far its been more annoying rather than serious.

    I haven’t had the nausea with this protocol. I take the meds in the evening. Maybe I sleep through it?

    The anti estrogen drug is aging my skin...turning into a crepey mess...oh well. Vanity is taking a lot of effort these days

  • janky
    janky Member Posts: 478
    edited May 2018

    cchilders - So glad to hear your news! It is always exciting to set dates and have your dress in place (and lessen the doctor visits ;) )!

    I go for my xgeva shot this morning, it will be my second one so fingers crossed no SEs as I travel early Friday you get this shot at room temperature or directly from the pharmacists fridge?

    Lakewoman - I take my meds in the evening just after supper, and sometimes the Ibrance with 1/4 of an avocado, and have no nausea, just so tired all the time!

    Have a grreat Tuesday everyone!


  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited May 2018

    janky, make sure they warm the Xgeva. My nurse gives it to me and I hold it in my closed fist until she is ready. She is always very busy so that warms it plenty. It is very painful injected cold. I get it injected into my belly. No pain at all.

    LakeWoman, I had a tennis ball sized seroma develop in my armpit after mastectomy. My surgeon decided to wait and see if it would go away on its own which it did. They often do. I wouldn't jump in on the draining.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited May 2018

    Chani, your gyn said sex was a "no go?" That's crazy. There is a thread here called "I want my mojo back" that has tons of ideas about products, etc. to help with that. I can't believe a doctor said that to you. You don't just need lubricants but also vaginal moisturizers. Different things. I use one every night but I've had vaginal atrophy for years and have a lot of catching up to do. The sooner you start the better. It just keeps getting worse if you don't. And it takes time to get better, like months.

    Sounds like you gave a lot on your plate. Wedding? Wow. Congrats.

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2018


    TY so much. When I read your post I had just finished looking up my Drs office hours..Have appt with him next Monday and not tennis ball size yet and pain just a burning sensation..So hopefully it goes away by Mon..And it could hurt now cause florist came and handed me flowers and I didnt give it a second thought and took them..dah me!! I had just awakened from long SPRING nap!!!! Prince and the Gun Oil by Deb Jarvis..PM me if you need any suggestions on lubricant.

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2018

    Oh on Ibrance and Femara has anyone lost lots or all of their hair??

  • georgiabirdgirl
    georgiabirdgirl Member Posts: 28
    edited May 2018

    Lake woman-

    I have lost tons of hair, and I’m losing lots every day. I bought a wig topper, but I don’t know how to use it yet. It’s not as bad as chemo, but it’s pretty bad. I’m afraid to wash my hair.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,339
    edited May 2018

    Lakewoman, I too have lost lots of hair, but it finally slowed. I can still comb it with very little scalp showing, but I have to work at it. I feel I can still go out without my wig and look ok, although it is not how I prefer to wear it, but I do wear a wig for very dressy and special occasions. I can even still dye it without losing more although I waited until it slowed to dye it. I use a rinse with no aluminium so it gradually fades.

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2018

    THAnks to both of you!!

  • cchilders79
    cchilders79 Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2018

    Thank you janky I had the xgeva shot twice before we decided enough of me being a pincushion.

    Jaycee- yeah she basicially said that and I have that written down to look up that group. Yeah that is why this ob I have now recommended something glycerin based to help with the dryness and trial and error on lubricants. I had used those ky liquid beads a long time ago and those helped the dryness really well but I will check that out. Yeah we’re engaged before I got dx stage IV and planning our wedding for this year but we moved it back to next may. Slow and steady is going to be my pace after I overdid it today.

    Lake woman I will look that up also!

    I need to get some sleep early day of heading to see my mo and labs! Will let y’all know what she says!

  • JoynerL
    JoynerL Member Posts: 1,392
    edited May 2018

    Chani, good luck! Send us a picture of your dress! Let's talk about something happy!

    That Prince and the Gun Oil article is a riot.....:)

  • ciaci
    ciaci Member Posts: 315
    edited May 2018

    Chani, I had the Xgeva shot monthly for six months, and it completely healed the lesions on my spine. I had a bone met that dissolved with the Ibrance, and the damage it did to the T-11 vertebrae was reversed. I had no side effects from the shot at all (I took the recommended Claritin for the 2 days before, the day of, and 2 days after). My onc has now ordered a Prolia shot (same drug, much smaller dose) to be given every six months, to replace the Xgeva. Just wanted to give an Xgeva success story!

    And I think someone already mentioned it, but the Xgeva should never be given cold. My first shot was given by an inexperienced tech, and I didn't know any better, and it felt like he was slicing my arm off. I felt it going in, and the burning was awful. Lesson learned!

    LENAGREECE Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2018

    Hello Ladies,

    Hope everything will go as planned for a very very long time. I am in the middle of fourth cycle Ibrance 125 and on last MRI liver lesions appeared from nowhere although bone mets stable. Tomorrow I have appointment with MO. Scared to death that if this miracle combo failed me nothing else will benefit me. As Ibrance is a slow motion healer I d like to ask my MO If it is worth to give time to med to work.

    Has anyone experienced progression during the first cycles?

    Thank you,

    Wish all the best

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,531
    edited May 2018

    Good morning ladies

    I’ve been reading and nodding my head such expert advice from the warriors.

    I have terrible heartburn that started yesterday and kept me up all night. I ate ginger and all the friendly stuff but today I know I will go get osterozole or whatever. That’s the first time ginger didn’t work after 11 cycles of ibrance.

    Cc I use just like me vag moisturizer. Some of the other ones leave a burning sensation afterwards.

    May God grant you ease on upcoming appointments scans infusions and nights.

    Take care all


  • janky
    janky Member Posts: 478
    edited May 2018

    Ciaci - I had asked about xgeva temp and someone replied room temp - thank goodness as I had it yesterday and so far all is well! My first one had been removed from the fridge and 'warmed' in the pharmacists hands for a bit, this one was wayyyyy better :) Does this shot heal and strengthen the bones? sure hope so.

    I am flying on Friday and wondering about 'germ' avoidance - should I wear a mask? or gloves? I will sanitize with wipes as much as I can. I will be finishing my 3rd Ibrance cycle on Thursday pm, so hopefully my neutrophils (which are horribly low after 1 week and 2 week of) don't act up. Any suggestions appreciated.

    Positivity and prayers to everyone!


  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,531
    edited May 2018


    I wore a mask don’t turn the air blower on until the plane is in the air. If your flight is long and you have to use the bathroom make sure you sanitize your hands.

    I went on several flights all with coughed and sneezers. Just do due diligence and make sprayer.

    Safe travels


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,339
    edited May 2018

    Janky, I have flown several times and did well. I do sanitize the tray table and restroom door handles, etc., if needed, and I wear a mask if someone is coughing or sneezing nearby. I also wear support hose during the flight on recommendation by my MO, and get up about every hour. It is worth the effort. Have fun and don't stress about it. I have found I am not as susceptible as expected.

  • GracieM2007
    GracieM2007 Member Posts: 1,255
    edited May 2018

    NettaGER, I usually get eight or nine hours between the Zantac and Ibrance. I’m only getting an hour and a half between the Pepsid and the Ibrance. I hope I’m not causing a problem. I’m also celiac and I have two different types of colitis. I’ve taken medicine for my stomach since I was 19 years old, and almost daily since I was 24. I’ve taken Nexium for almost 12 years daily. Without it, I developed Barrett’s esophagusand precancerous cells in my esophagus due to constant damage from the acid. My digestive track just does not work right, and never has. So I hope I’m not doing extra damage to the Ibrance By taking these two, but it’s either take something or end up having esophageal cancer!