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Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited July 2019

    hi friends!

    With regards to the sore throat and Ibrance issue, my MO team believes that my sore throat (which has been occurring towards the end of my Ibrance cycle and during my week off for the last couple of cycles) is due to mucositis of the GI tract from Ibrance and sort of like irritated cells in the esophagus or throat. But interesting idea about the puff! I remember that too!

    Also interesting discussion about how to count cycles!

    Dealing with a painful back here and trying not to get into the worry zone of “worst case scenarios” over here...

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited July 2019

    Philly- I thought you said your back went out recently. Do you remember doing something to hurt your back? Twisting, lifting, etc. I totally understand the "worry zone" with aches and pains, but maybe it is normal and not cancer causing the pain. Hope you get to feeling better soon !!!!

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited July 2019

    so what is a cycle if it is not 1 month??? So the pills are 21 every 21 days is 1 cycle right? If so I don't see how that is basically not the same thing....

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited July 2019

    Jaycee- Good point about the cycles. I will count the full 21 day cycles and compare to how I have been doing it. And will post results of recount.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited July 2019

    So I counted it up. I am now on Cycle 20 if I count ALL doses and dose dancing. And on Cycle 16 if I count same dose (75mg) and completed 21 days as directed. Confusing.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited July 2019

    Nicole, an Ibrance cycle is 28 days, 21 days on, 7 days off. Only Feb. in leap years is 29 days. All other months are 28 (Feb), 30 (April, June, Sept. Nov.), and 31 for the rest. Big difference. For instance, a year has 365 days. An Ibrance year has 336 (12 times 28). When I do calculations about how long I have been on I/L, that discrepancy makes me crazy. It must be taken into account. Sorry, I am a numbers person.

  • ciaci
    ciaci Member Posts: 315
    edited July 2019

    Exactly, Jaycee. On August 1, I will be 24 months on Ibrance, and 3 days into Cycle 27.

  • kitkit
    kitkit Member Posts: 29
    edited July 2019

    Here is my two cents re pill swallowing: A few weeks ago I swallowed my pills along with some vitamins and lay down on the carpet to do yoga stretching. When I got up it felt like a pill was stuck in my throat. It lasted over a week, well after the pill was dissolved. My primary care dr said she thought the pill had scratched my esophagus when I laid down too quickly after taking it.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,569
    edited July 2019

    jaycee, your math makes sense to me. Ibrance is a 28 day cycle, 21 days on, 7 off. Similar to some birth control pills. I started taking Ibrance on a Wednesday, and wish I’d begun on a Sunday, simpler to keep track on a calendar, ha ha! I think I will not count the one week I took Ibrance at the beginning as it was not a full cycle. That means today I started my 4th cycle and am surprised how fast the time has gone since I began back in the spring!

    All this talk of numbers and math reminds me of one of my favorite memes:


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,327
    edited July 2019

    Ok y''s how I do it number-wise. One year has 13 cycles (if you divide 365 / 28) so since I have been on three years, I have done 39 plus 2 more equals 41 cycles. I didn't count cycles when I first started so this is how I caught up. I did take 2 weeks off for pneumonia once but that is all.

    Ciaci, I am so happy for you! Happy dancing here!!!

    I always feel worse during my week off. In the beginning I used to get what I called a "medicine cough". I wonder if it is similar? Anyways, my family always asks me if it is my week off when I am too tired to cook, etc. They are usually right. And this time I get my Zometa infusion the same week--oh joy!

  • PatgMc
    PatgMc Member Posts: 1,312
    edited July 2019

    Not even cancer is going to push me into doing math! I don't count Ibrance cycles. I just know that I started October 2, 2016 and that's a long time ago.

    I love the toilet paper math!

    Congratulations on the good scans, friends, and many prayers are going up for those of you awaiting results.

    I'm working on that speech for the Komen Survivor Luncheon next week-end and I would appreciate your prayers for that. I plan to sing an original song and, FYI, I can't carry a tune in a bucket!

    Love from PatGMc

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited July 2019

    Laughing OUT LOUD here at your post Pat!!! Yup that's gonna be me...I started May 2019.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,166
    edited July 2019

    The math is tooooo confusing for my little mind. I am going to keep thinking of CYCLES for my Ibrance Dance not months. And pray the Dance continues for a looooonnnnngggg time.

    Pat---- Thanks for being a voice for Breast Cancer. You speak/sing for us all. You will do great, I am sure.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited July 2019

    Candy, thinking in terms of cycles instead of months is fine. Just don't equate the two. I just have this thing with accuracy.

    IntoLight, I never thought of it that way. A year being 13 cycles. I go to my MO every four weeks. Each month, it gets earlier in the month and then it backs up into the previous month. Once, I saw my MO twice in the same month. It can happen. That's what got me thinking about it at first.

    Nicole, I'm glad that you find the effort I put into answering YOUR question amusing.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited July 2019

    Jaycee was that snarky?? I was laughing with Pat because I too am horrible at math and still don't get the cycle thing...

    I would never be rude or snarky to anyone here so if you thought that I'm sorry that's totally not me.

    I guess you just didn't get what I meant.

  • jaycee49
    jaycee49 Member Posts: 1,264
    edited July 2019

    Snarky? Me? Never. But next time you ask a question, let me know if you really want the answer.

  • jensgotthis
    jensgotthis Member Posts: 673
    edited July 2019

    Oh, IntoLight, your method of counting is so much easier for me! I started this combo on Sept 14, 2016, so I'm on 37 cycles.

    I haven't thought too much about cycles. I keep the the number of PFS months top of mind though, and for that I'm at month 34. I think the latest from ASCO was median average of 36 mo PFS for bone mets only patients. I pray to be on the higher end of that median!

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited July 2019

    Well you used Capital letters saying "YOU" to me?? It sounded like you were not being nice.

    I did want an actual answer...why would you think I didn't?? All I was saying was that I was like Pat and horrible at math I still don't really "get it" about the cycles...why you found a problem with that I really don't know?

    Jensgotthis: what is PFS?

  • jensgotthis
    jensgotthis Member Posts: 673
    edited July 2019

    PFS = Progression Free Survival

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited July 2019

    gotcha ya thanks.

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877
    edited July 2019

    I read this about Ibrance... and grapefruit and now Seville Oranges..

    Grapefruit and Seville oranges may slow down how quickly your body processes your cancer medicine.

    What might happen:

    The amount of your cancer medicine in your blood may increase and cause more side effects than normal.

    What you should do about this interaction:

    While you are taking this medicine, you should not eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice or eat Seville oranges (often found in marmalades) at any time. You may choose an alternative citrus (such as non-Seville oranges). In the event that you are instructed by a healthcare professional (e.g., doctor, pharmacist, or dietitian) to eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice, you should immediately discuss with your doctor the effects of grapefruit on the blood levels of this medicine.Contact your healthcare professional (e.g., doctor or pharmacist) for more information.Your healthcare professionals may be aware of this interaction and may be monitoring you for it. Do not start, stop, or change your medicine or diet before checking with them first.

    What are Seville oranges? Is this because of the Vitamin C??

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341
    edited July 2019

    I just picked up my first 21 days of Ibrance yesterday at the Hopkins pharmacy. The cautions they gave me with the prescription said no grapefruit, no Seville oranges, no starfruit and maybe one other fruit that I don't usually eat (that's why I don't remember it). The Hopkins pharmacist, though, said that other oranges or citrus were okay so long as they were not listed, so I'm guessing it's not the vitamin C? Otherwise, why would other types of citrus be okay?

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,327
    edited July 2019

    Hi Bevjen. I think the other fruit is pomegranate. I do not know exactly what is in these fruit but I am sure someone here can answer. Since you are new here I might add a welcome. Ask anything you need. I am sure you will find this is a great group. Chris

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2019

    Certain other meds shouldn’t be taken with grapefruit same reason I guess image

  • LoveFromPhilly
    LoveFromPhilly Member Posts: 1,019
    edited July 2019

    hi folks wondering about the grapefruit juice conundrum, here’s an article about it:

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,528
    edited July 2019

    congratulations Ciaci!!!

    I started ibrance in June 2017. I had to stop for 2 weeks for radiation in August. No other interruptions. I didn’t keep count because when I started taking ibrance I didn’t realize it is a thing.

    Congratulations on all the good scans.

    Praying for good speaking results Pat. I gave a speech in May and I said “um” numerous times according to the recording my granddaughter made.

    Have a good day all


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2019


  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421
    edited July 2019

    Congratulations Ciaci!!

    Welcome to BevJen, I hope you find the ibrance 'dancers' on this feed as supportive as i have. As an ibrance beginner, can i suggest you take take the tablet with a meal of at least 400 calories and you drink as much liquid as you can manage, then some more to help your body cope.

    Everyone are you taking vitamin D3? I was having investigations for another health problem when it was discovered I had very low levels of D3. I am now on a mega dose for the next 6 weeks and will then take 1000 iu each day. I was told anyone with cancer needs to check with their medics if they need D3. My onc. pharmacist said it does not have any adverse interactions with faslodex or ibrance.

    Good luck with the speech Pat, I am sure your humour and humanity will win over the audience.

  • Moomala
    Moomala Member Posts: 397
    edited July 2019

    denny10 - I actually had the opposite issue with D3. Mine was 73 which is way too high. So I had to stop my supplements for a few months and I'm back on them now that my D3 dropped back into the normal range. I haven't had any issues with D3 and Ibrance.

  • Irshize
    Irshize Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2019

    May I ask a question. When did you all start to know if Ibrance was working. I’m in my first cycle almost at the end. Thank