Ibrance (Palbociclib)



  • 3Holly
    3Holly Posts: 201
    edited March 2015

    My friend who has read the results of Ibrance studies told me not to have Grapefruit Juice with Ibrance, but said she didn't read about any other food that's incompatible with Ibrance (and I'm not sure if the grapefruit juice warning applies to every patient or what, but I'm avoiding it). I am sure I will soon need Zyrtec for the pollen in May (Claritin doesn't help much since I'm severely allergic to pollen and need to prevent sneezing even more now since it hurts lungs to sneeze) - I'm hoping Zyrtec will be OK with the Ibrance since it's similar to Claritin.

  • pearlady
    pearlady Posts: 390
    edited March 2015

    Apackoftwo I have discussed the Ashwaghanda with my oncologist and he also recommends it.  It helped me during Abraxane to manage the low platelets. 

    I was also told to avoid grapefruit by the Pharmacist at CVS Caremark before receiving my pills.  I think this applies to everyone. That was the only food they said to avoid.  I remember also being told to avoid grapefruit when I was taking Tykerb. 


  • SusanAnn
    SusanAnn Posts: 33
    edited March 2015

    Hi ladies I have been in the phase 3 study of Ibrance/faslodex for over a year. Just wanted to mention that I had only a mild cold once even though my WBC was very low at times. I have been to sporting events, full shopping malls and have never gotten ill. So apackoftwo your Onco is correct! Also wanted to mention I am not allowed to take any antacids as they can interfere with absorption. I strongly suggest that you check with your Onco before you take any OTC or "natural" herbs/medications. Everything I put in my mouth needs to be approved before I can do it! Better to be safe and get the full benefit of Ibrance. I wish all of you the best of health. Its a great drug with very few side effects.

  • Myra1211
    Myra1211 Posts: 532
    edited March 2015

    Very interesting about the blood counts. I have to mention this to my MO. Already received the 100 mg dosage to start next week. I was also told to avoid grapefruit. Don't know why.

  • apackoftwo
    apackoftwo Posts: 64
    edited March 2015

    Grapefruit and juice are contraindicated to many drugs - it seems to have some kind of interaction that makes a drug more potent in the system.

  • 3Holly
    3Holly Posts: 201
    edited March 2015


    Good to know you have had success with the drug and stayed healthy even with the low counts.

    I hadn't heard anything about the antacids (even since radiation,I have needed daily prilosec and sometimes TUMS to sleep at night - hope it is not blocking the Ibrance) - will ask at my next appointment but don't think I can avoid the Prilosec.

  • pearlady
    pearlady Posts: 390
    edited March 2015

    I called CVS Caremark yesterday and spoke to a pharmacist regarding the antacids.  They told me that yes you should avoid antacids.  Not sure about OTC such as Tums, but definitely all prescription antacids.  To be extra cautious I am having more yogurt and avoiding the few foods that sometimes annoy me to avoid taking anything.

  • riverbelle
    riverbelle Posts: 2
    edited March 2015

    Hi everyone! I am still in shock about my dx. My cancer is rare because I do not have a tumor. Lobular carcinoma cells in lymph nodes and Pet scan revealed bone mets (femor, ribs, spine, iliac and sacrum). I just finished my first 21 days on Ibrance with no side effects. Nuetrophils absolute has not gone below 1,000 so I can stay on 125mgs even though my wbc is dropping from 7.9 down to 2.5. I have had 3 months of zometa IV and my bone pain has finally subsided. Hope this new drug helps us all!! 

  • Romansma
    Romansma Posts: 650
    edited March 2015

    Great news Riverbelle! Not sure there is a definite rule on the neutrophils. I dropped to .6 and I am still on the 125 dose. Hoping I don't drop that low again this cycle.

    Thanks for the info on antacids, I hadn't heard that. I don't take them usually, but would have if I felt the need. I hadn't heard the grapefruit juice thing either, but I stay away from that because it generally has an amplifying effect on many drugs.

    So, I have an observation after starting my second cycle. The vivid/intense dreaming had tapered off during my week off of Ibrance. Last night was day 2 back on Ibrance and wow, intense dreaming all night! I wonder what that is? Maybe it's the Ibrance making the Letrozole more effective? Whatever is is, I've got some intense movies going on and then wake up soaking wet from sweating, what a night!

    Thanks for sharing all the great information, everyone! This drug is so new, it's nice to have a place to share and get information!

  • Myra1211
    Myra1211 Posts: 532
    edited March 2015

    Hope, did you find out what your blood counts were before starting cycle 2? I am just hoping my MO is not changing me too quickly. He has me doing a CBC every week. My arm with those "great" veins look like they have been thru the war. Myr

  • Romansma
    Romansma Posts: 650
    edited March 2015

    No, don't know yet. I see MO next week. I figured she would call if they weren't good enough. I will do another draw before I see her. Yes, the weekly draws are taking a toll on the ONe vein that still works!

  • apackoftwo
    apackoftwo Posts: 64
    edited March 2015

    I have been told not to take the antacids within 3-4 hours of taking the med - Xeloda, Ibrance, etc. Something about the minerals in the antacids interfering with the absorption of the drug. But, that it doesn't stop the drug from working once it is absorbed. I am going to check this out again with my doc. Also, have heard that Prilosec is not technically an antacid but a drug that blocks the body's production of stomach acid, so it is O.K. This can get very confusing, yes? I don't take antacids, but sometimes use a teaspoon of baking soda in 4-5 ounces of water at least 6 hours from Xeloda dose. Works well for me.

  • apackoftwo
    apackoftwo Posts: 64
    edited March 2015

    SusanAnn - do you mind sharing the results you have gotten taking the Ibrance for a year? I am assuming good since you are still on it. It is the next step for me so I am wanting as much feedback as possible.

  • SusanAnn
    SusanAnn Posts: 33
    edited March 2015

    Hi a pack of two - please keep in mind that along with Ibrance I am also getting Faslodex injections. This drug for the most part has kept me stable from the beginning. I have had progression in some areas but also regression and according to the Oncologist it kind of evens itself out. I have had two nodes come up in the supraclavicular area (neck) that were not there before. This may not be the case for you. I have heard of many people have much better results than I have, but as my oncologist says he would be happy if I stay stable forever! As far as side effects go - at the beginning I had very bad headaches, nausea, chills and hot flushes along with severe backaches. Fatigue was the worst. The backaches went away when I discovered (from this site) that the injections were not being warmed properly. Gradually (over a period of seven or eight months) I started feeling so much better, almost like my old self. I still have very bad headaches at the back of my neck on the right side which I feel might be the Ibrance. (MRI was clear). I got scanned every two months and after a year I am scanned every three months provided I have had no side effects. I have a spontaneous fracture of my right heel and no one knows why. I blame the Arimidex I was on for two and a half years. I have a bone scan and a CT coming up in a couple of weeks. Hopefully I will continue to remain stable and stay in the study.

    I hope I answered your questions. If not feel free to ask

    CAROL1MAINE Posts: 13
    edited March 2015

    I was encouraged to see some of you got Ibrance approved even though you had already been on ALs.

    Any one get approved thru Blue Cross Blue Shield Anthem Federal and Medicare? ONC has gotten 3 denials on other patients and ins already. So wanted to wait a while should be easier. Thanks Best wishes to you all

  • Myra1211
    Myra1211 Posts: 532
    edited March 2015

    I have heard only no on Medicare for decreased payment. Private insurance only. Big Pharma...UGH. Myra

  • Redroan
    Redroan Posts: 111
    edited March 2015

    Hello everyone, I have been stalking for the last 3 weeks.When Navlebine fails me the next med for me is Ibrance and femara . Got the official word for me yesterday, after changes in ct and elevated TM"s. So as soon as insurance ok's it and the little bottle shows up at the door I will be joining you all.

    Have appreciated all the information and sharing.

    My best to you all and I hope this is the miracle we have been waiting for.


  • 3Holly
    3Holly Posts: 201
    edited March 2015

    Apackoftwo and everyone, Thank you for that info on prilosec and antacids, good to know. I will ask my doc his opinion also, and let people know what he says, but I think what you say makes sense - take it several hours later if needed, so that it doesn't interfere with the absorption.

    Good luck to those who are trying to get approved - if they deny it, you can ask your doc to appeal it as long as the doc thinks you are a good candidate for the drug.

  • daisylover
    daisylover Posts: 173
    edited March 2015

    3Holly, I was on the Palbociclib Feasability trial. Prilosec is prohibited (no proton pump inhibitors). They made me switch to Zantac, which does not interfere with the Palbociclib. They communicated with my PCP regarding options. Tums were allowed as well. Hope this helps.

  • apackoftwo
    apackoftwo Posts: 64
    edited March 2015

    Hi SusanAnn - I was on Faslodex for over a year and had headaches that got worse every month - very, very bad and it is the reason I stopped it - not because it failed.

  • apackoftwo
    apackoftwo Posts: 64
    edited March 2015

    Myra1211 - not sure I am clear about your post (it's early!)

    Nerdydid you mean that medicare is not approving the Ibrance - no way I could afford it if they don't pay for it.

  • Myra1211
    Myra1211 Posts: 532
    edited March 2015

    Yes when I called for the Pfizer discount, only private insurance is eligible. At first I was told it would cost 9000.00/month. Medicare and Medicaid is not eligible for the discount program. There are other programs you might qualify for. Your MOs office should be able to help you. When I heard the price, I freaked. Myr

  • apackoftwo
    apackoftwo Posts: 64
    edited March 2015

    Medicare part B is paying for my Xeloda because it is a chemo drug not available in infusion form - is Ibrance considered a chemo drug I wonder?

  • Myra1211
    Myra1211 Posts: 532
    edited March 2015

    Sorry, I have no idea

  • 3Holly
    3Holly Posts: 201
    edited March 2015

    Apackoftwo, My doc said Ibrance is not a chemo drug.

    Daisylover, thanks, I am going to e-mail my doc since he didn't mention the Prilosec. I am at Dana Farber, was your trial at Dana Farber?

  • Romansma
    Romansma Posts: 650
    edited March 2015

    I believe Medicare is covering Ibrance now. It took them a little longer, but should work now.

  • SusanAnn
    SusanAnn Posts: 33
    edited March 2015

    apackoftwo - where were your headaches located and were they every day?

  • apackoftwo
    apackoftwo Posts: 64
    edited March 2015

    Romansma - Ah, big sigh of relief

  • apackoftwo
    apackoftwo Posts: 64
    edited March 2015

    Hi SusanAnn - they were mostly in my forehead and top of head but very bad and the pain would make my neck and shoulders tighten up and be sore and painful too - not every day - in the beginning maybe once a week but progressed to several a week - my docs say this is not a usual response/side effect - part of my frustration in dealing with this has been that the side effects I experience are often not what everyone else is having - I have also taken a break from Zometa due to side effects - seems my body doesn't like the bone meds

  • car2tenn
    car2tenn Posts: 132
    edited March 2015

    Oh Romansa,

    Please keep us up to date on your beloved canine pooch...I truly understand his health is vital to your rest and emotional health...Wish you the very best . Carolyn from Music City