Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.




  • capecodgirl
    capecodgirl Member Posts: 93

    Molliefish- I do not post a lot, but read a lot here. I was surprised and sad when you said you were leaving. I was not sure why, but did not respond since I thought you were not on the boards. Take the time you need, and hopefully come back. We will miss you.

    OK My rant. I am so mad I feel like my blood pressure is going thru the roof. A college friend who is now and has been for many years a respected chiropractor (I have not seen him or spoken with him since college- we do not live anywhere near each other) did a Facebook Live presentation tonight on nutrition. At least that is how it was titled. Within the first few minutes he stated that many diseases, and included breast cancer were preventable. He actually said breast cancer is preventable! I went back and listened 2 or 3 times to make sure I heard it correctly. Right now I am on fire. I wanted to respond, but did not want to create a scene, or embarass him on facebook, so I started to message him to let him know how I feel. I haven't hit send yet, but this is what I wrote:

    I was enjoying watching your presentation on facebook live tonight until you mentioned that breast cancer is preventable. I was really shocked by that. I am not sure how much you know about breast cancer, but a blanket statement like that is a slap in the face to all of us who have managed to get this disease. There are many people that exercise, eat well and maintain a healthy weight that get breast cancer. There are extreme athletes that get breast cancer. Neither my doctor nor I believe my breast cancer could have been prevented thru better eating, more exercise or maintaining a healthier weight. As a doctor I hope that you do more research on the cause of breast cancer before you throw out statements like that to people who hear you, respect you, and believe these statements to be true medical facts.

    Not sure if I should post this on his facebook page, message him or (have a glass of wine) and just forget about it. Or if there are other things I should say as well.

    Rant over- thanks for listening. Will happily accept any advice

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    SEND this privately so as not to create a "scene" on facebook.

    I did EVERYTHING - watched my sugar, monitored alcohol consumption, exercised, etc., and I STILL got Stage IV right from the damn gate!

    There are good drs out there, and bad drs out there. I wonder how far down in his class he graduated...certainly not in the top 10% of his class, that's for sure.


  • WC3
    WC3 Member Posts: 658


    People like him are the exact type of people I have been ranting about.

    Whether or not you want to confront him is up to you, but I doubt you will change his mind. The original philosophy of chiropracty was that disease is caused by spinal sublaxations. While most chiropracters today have moved away from that idea, many of them have adopted similarly largely unsubstantiated ideas and they make their money marketing them.

    Your friend will likely find some diet or lifestyle flaw in everyone who has had breast cancer by which to blame them with. I still can't forget the guy who was advocating that people drink their own urine. Yeah I am pretty sure my breast cancer isn't from not drinking my pee.

  • capecodgirl
    capecodgirl Member Posts: 93

    it really bothers me that a “ medical professional" actually believes that. And says it to people who believe him because they know nothing about breast cancer. And then they believe it too since he is a medical professional

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    I agree with Lita. You need to tell him.

    It was a damned stupid ignorant thing to say.

  • WC3
    WC3 Member Posts: 658


    If you do confront him, keep us posted. It would be interesting to see his reply.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363


    I would say something. I too was eating very well, no alcohol and sugar only from foods like apples, raspberries stuff like that I was 123 pounds cardio exercise 1hr everyday. My cholesterol blood numbers were great good blood pressure. My oncologist, top BC oncologist in Seattle said it wasn't anything I had done. We just don't know why some people with no risk factors get BC. I want to scream it from my roof top. No one in my family ever had BC.

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705

    capecodgirl- you can let him know by sending the message, but it likely won’t change his mind. My MIL went to a chiropractor that told her he could cure her type 1 diabetes through regular spinal adjustments and massaging a spot on her hand regularly. Ummm, no, adjustments and massaging her hand will not make the dead beta cells in her pancreas miraculously come back to life and start making insulin again! She would die without the insulin. Likewise with this guy, there are women out there who listened to his talk tonight that will likely now ignore a lump and/or skip regular mammos because this health professional told them if they did what he said they would prevent cancer. Things like this should be punishable to the full extent of the law similar to yelling ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater. Totally irresponsible. I guess if there’s a record of what he said, any one that watches it, follows his advice to prevent cancer, and later gets diagnosed can sue him. Way to put yourself out there Doc!

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474

    Definitely send as a PM.....with a link to the BCO community boards, directing him to the search tab. Might be helpful in making his next FB presentation actually valid

  • capecodgirl
    capecodgirl Member Posts: 93

    I will def send him a message tomorrow, after I have calmed down a little. I ended up listening to more of the presentation. He also actually said that gene mutations do not play a part in people getting diagnosed with illness. They want to blame it, but if they just made good food choices and other healthy lifestyle changes they would not get the illness. This cannot possibly be the same good friend i had in college. I am just flabbergasted.

    I will message him tomorrow and post any reply he may have. Also, I think I have seen facebook pics of him holding a glass of wine. Hopefully that "bad" food choice will not cause him to get cancer.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,961

    I'd put the word DOCTOR in quote marks and then send the message. What a crock.

  • WC3
    WC3 Member Posts: 658


    Good luck with him. He is either delusional or had become a snake oil salesman.

  • leftduetostupidmods
    leftduetostupidmods Member Posts: 346

    what is he selling, or preparing the ground for selling? I betcha it's either a book or some supplement. As for messaging him in private, be prepared to get a smearing campaign. That's what happens when snake oil sellers try to prevent whistle blowing. Don't go thinking it's the same person you knew in college. People change.

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    I think the saddest thing is that Lula is right - now it's possible that some woman/women will ignore the signs or not get a mammogram because of that idiot. He should not be practicing anything.

  • Artista964
    Artista964 Member Posts: 376

    that's scary that someone in the medical field thinks that. He's giving false info. He probably thinks men don't get it either. We need to educate people. Esp people who work with patients.

  • Lula73
    Lula73 Member Posts: 705

    technically he’s a Dr but he’s a Dr of chiropractic medicine. He does not have the medical study/background that an internist or even a researcher has. People hear ‘Dr’ and often believe a chiropractor has the same schooling - not so. Take a page out of the MD’s book and request the studies he is getting his information from that shows healthy eating is an absolute BC preventative regardless of BRCA status. Shoot, I’d just make that request on the Facebook page sounding all innocent and stuff. It might make some other ladies stop, think, and question it..

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    Lula - you are absolutely right and what a great suggestion! It would be interesting to see his response on Facebook. What a jerk. And I still haven't figured out why so many people think that a chiropractor has his medical degree just like an M.D. Not so!!

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338

    The guy's a jerk.

    What about all the people who get lung cancer, and NEVER smoked in their lives!?!

    What does he say about that?


  • capecodgirl
    capecodgirl Member Posts: 93

    OK, so I just instant messaged him. Here is what I said:

    I was enjoying watching your facebook live presentation on nutrition last night, until you said that breast cancer is preventable thru good nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices. I'm shocked you said that and would love to see the studies that show healthy eating/lifestyle is an an absolute breast cancer preventative, regardless of BRCA or any other gene mutation status. I am not sure how much you know about BC, but there are many people who eat well/make healthy lifestyle choices who get this disease. Extreme athletes get this disease. My doctor does not believe that my BC was caused by poor eating/lifestyle choices.

    Making this type of blanket statement does a disservice to all women and men who heard your presentation, and now may skip a mammogram, or ignore a lump because they "did all the right things" and have therefore prevented this from happening to them.

    I am interested in hearing any feedback.

    Thank you to all who responded-- I borrowed some of your comments/ phrasing Lula. I could have gone on more, but feel it would lose some impact.

  • capecodgirl
    capecodgirl Member Posts: 93

    So now I am seriously losing my sh*t. I just received a reply back from my message. Here it is:

    Hi Barb, Great to hear from you. Hope all is well. I appreciate your input. Most of the information from my talk can be found in the book linked below. Enjoy.

    The book he provided the link to is Maximized Living Nutrition Plans by Kimberly Roberto and Ben Lerner.

    He did not address any of the issues I raised, the most important to me being the misinformation he is spreading which could lead people into skipping mammos or not getting checked for a lump because they will not get cancer-- they have already prevented it. What is wrong with him!!!!! How could he live with himself if one of his clients was diagnosed with late stage BC because they didn't get checked after listening to his presentation. I am at a loss for words.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    sounds like he’s fool of himself

  • Parrynd1
    Parrynd1 Member Posts: 343

    Capecodegirl - I’m glad you called him out. His response just goes to show he is a fraud.

    I hope anyone who hears or sees what this guy is putting out there has the good sense to check his facts, do their own credible information seeking and ask a real medical professional if any lumps or suspicion arise. We don’t need to battle cancer and people like this!

    I’d never wish cancer/BC on anyone, so I hope no one takes this the wrong way, but wouldn’t it be funny if he got BC? It’s rare in men but does happen. Life is the best teacher. I hope he lives a long healthy cancer free life, but is proven wrong at some point and stops spreading this ‘cure’ nonsense.

    I think food has a big impact, but is by no means a cure or preventative. I’ve seen so many women on here mention how they were very healthy with their lifestyle and eating before diagnosis. This guy can put his misinformation where the sun doesn’t shine as far as I’m concerned.

  • WC3
    WC3 Member Posts: 658


    It sounds like he doesn’t want to get in to it with you

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,961

    Isnt there a regulatory body that could be notified of quackery like this? Are chiropractors bound by any sort of "do no harm" oath?

  • snickersmom
    snickersmom Member Posts: 599

    Alice - I was wondering the same thing. They surely have some kind of code of ethics, I would think. And if they don't, they should! I say go get him and hang him high before he does any more damage with misinformation. What an ass.

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Member Posts: 474

    Why not make a Facebook page dedicated to stamping out heinous/dangerous/mythological advice given by quacks?

  • bella2013
    bella2013 Member Posts: 370

    Capecodgirl, apparently it’s can’t fix stupid...smh

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    CapeCod, glad you spoke up, you might not have been able to live with yourself if you hadn't, and sorry Mr. Chiro douched out by sidestepping your message. Referring you to a book in no way absolves him of publicly promoting mis-information. I agree with the others who think there ought to be malpractice board that can be alerted that Mr. Chiro might not be mentally fit to crack people's necks. Perhaps someone cracked him on the noggin and now he has a head injury, thus going on record as saying, essentially, if you get cancer it's your own fault for eating stupid stuff, you stupid person! BLAME is not cure! If he sent you to a book you have to wonder how he's profiting by it. Follow the money. What's in it for him to get online and promote hearsay evidence (which has ZERO to back it up credibly). He has to be making money. And have the moral backbone of a jellyfish.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    Yes glad you spoke up. Even if he is in denial we know firsthand the truth.

  • capecodgirl
    capecodgirl Member Posts: 93

    I can't figure out if he actually believes himself,or if he wasjust throwing stuff out there without thinking about what he was saying in order to promote his practice. He did say that our ancestors did not get cancer because of what they ate. I say they didn't live long enough to get cancer. He said (if you can believe this) that we should all eat like our cavemen ancestors and get regular chiropractic adjustments to have good health like they did. What? The cavemen didn't have chiropractors to my knowledge.

    Anyway, I just can't believe he is putting that misinformation out there so casually- you would have to see the video to see how this crap just rolls out of his mouth. And on a personal note, you would think he might have said something like he is sorry I have/had cancer (he does not know where I am in my treatment at this point).

    Parry - I agree I would not wish illness on anyone, but if he ever gets sick I wonder if he will blame it on his lifestyle/food choices - in other words, on himself.

    Wc3- I agree- sounds like doesn't want to engage- his agenda is to promote his practice with little regard to the consequences of the crap is is putting out there