
  • Lula73
    Lula73 Posts: 705

    He’s making a commission off every sale of that book he links to.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Posts: 1,667

    I think the chiropractor needs to read up on cancer. Descriptions of it date back to 3,000 BC. If he is that ignorant about cancer, I wonder just how good of a chiropractor he is.

  • I still think he should be reported. He is dishing out horribly false statements

  • joycea
    joycea Posts: 685

    I get so angry when I hear people “explaining" how we get cancer. I went to a class on reducing stress and heard that stress causes cancer. If that were true everyone would have cancer. My mother died from bc, 2 of my sisters had bc and my brother's 2 daughters also had bc. I guess we are a family of stressed out people. I googled Maximized Living Chiropractors. Looks like a big money making business. Living their lifestyle, going to a chiropractor the rest of your life and taking their supplements. I wonder what they tell their patients that go to them for years, spending thousands of dollars and get cancer.

  • Hi Capecodgirl

    His reply sounds like a standardised letter where you fill in '' of person and just hit reply button.

    I would unfriend him quickly.


  • WC3
    WC3 Posts: 658

    The book mentions sugar and fats, and sure, those things play a role. I am not denying some cancers have a significant dietary componant, but I object to the idea that all cancer is a result of poor diet and/or lifestyle.

    A lot of those health guru types will always find something you did wrong to blame the cancer on.

    Followed their diet and still got cancer? They will say you didn't start soon enough. You took the wrong brand of supplement. Your vegetables probably weren't all organic. You didn't do enough enemas to clear all of the toxins from your body before you started, etc.

    And a lot of these people have no discernable credentials because they are literally just people who realized that it was profitable to make nice looking videos about food.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Posts: 1,173

    Capecodgirl: good for you for speaking up.

    We should send him a copy of Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book. She explains how the different risk factors increase or decrease the possibility of developing cancer (certain lifestyle changes lowers estrogen levels which can lower risk). 

    "Overestimating the importance of risk factors can cause needless mental anguish if you have one of them in your background. However, you may harbor a false sense of security of you don't have them. ...Most breast cancer patients don't have a history of breast cancer. By virtue of being women, we are at risk for breast cancer." p. 109

    "Breast cancer is complex and has many factors that interact with one another in ways we don't understand yet." p. 109 

  • Here is an excerpt from one of the reviews on the book he references:

    "My guess is that this is because the Plans are run by and administered by the Franchisees (Chiropractors in the Network). So if you pay the Chiropractor, you get the meal plan .... otherwise the consumer just gets these books on "why they should follow the plan" they are paying someone for. Kinda these books are propaganda.

    This evasive maneuvering keeps everyone from being accountable legally. But vagueness coupled with all the paranoid "the world of medicine is lying to you" smacks of dogma and charlatanism."

    Sounds like the book review pretty much sums the Chiro doc also. . . propaganda and charlatanism.

  • VENT alert:

    I had the stupid fat-grafting and nipple reconstruction. The fucking stupidest thing I've ever done.

    First of all - I fucking HATE wearing the compression cr$ap. Can't stand it.

    Second - I can't go to my classes at the gym - for 8 fucking weeks. Feels like my flesh will fall off when I try to jump - anyway.

    Third - I had nipple reconstruction and not supposed to sleep on my back. I can't do that. My newly created nipples - already look deformed. WHY did I get this done??? My body - is ALREADY jacked up from having cancer!!!!! Who cares what it looks like - it already sucks!!!!!

    I HATE this. Wish I had left everything alone and just bought attachable nipples. Fucking hate this.

    I feel like a prisoner in my own body. But - all my fault for doing this to myself.Scared

  • Sorry to hear. It does take a few months for recon to settle in. Mine did. Maybe give it time.

  • WC3
    WC3 Posts: 658

    My surgeons said I will hate them when I wake up :-)

    I hope you feel better soon and it turns out to have been worth it

  • Elizabeth- I just wanted to say I understand. I just started delayed reconstruction almost a year after finishing rads and being half flat. I had a prepectoral TE placed on the 10th. I woke up in incredible pain. Something was pushing on a nerve and sending pain down my arm and around to my back. The first time ever that I took prescription painkillers. Around the clock. and they barely helped. Thankfully that resolved once the drain came out a week later, so it must’ve been pressing on a nerve bundle.

    I was prepared for being uncomfortable. I know everyone hates their expanders. I knew they were hard. But no one prepared me for how freakin grotesque this thing looks on my chest!! I’m fairly bony, and my surgeon left a thin flap because my cancer was close to the skin, and rads made it all like leather. This thing is completely visible, looks like it’s ready to tear through my skin, and is halfway up to my freakin collarbone! I haven’t even had any fills yet. I can’t wear my coobie bras that I’ve been using since my mastectomy because the top edge cuts across this thing and leaves a mark. This TE is clearly visible through my clothes. I’m stuck with it until March.

    I wasn’t that unhappy being half flat, I’m small on the other side anyway. (And saggy, so it looks ridiculous now!) But now that I’ve started, I want to try to see it through and hope the outcome is worth it.

    I even understand about hating the restrictions. I have a toddler who I’m not supposed to lift for a month! No grocery shopping by myself, etc. sucks!

    Hope it gets better. Hugs.

  • Mysticalcity-

    I am so disappointed in him as a person. He is clearly in it for the $, and is not looking out for the best interests of his clients (not calling them patients since he is not an MD). He is nothing but a snake oil salesman.

    Mominator- If I thought he would actually read it, I would send him a copy of Dr. Love's book. I'm sure he has no interest in educating himself about breast cancer or he would have addressed the issues I brought up in my instant message to him. It is not promoting his agenda ( $$$) to research the truth.

    If I was promoting something and had any idea that it may be harmful in any way, I would stop and try to figure it all out-- before I did any more harm. I don't know how he can live with himself. God forbid his wife or daughter get diagnosed with bc. What will he tell them?

    Dancing Elizabeth- I am sorry you are going through this. I have no experience with it, but am hoping that with time you will feel better about it.

  • TaRenee
    TaRenee Posts: 406

    DancingElizabeth I had nipple recon also. I didn’t have to wear compression but did have “window dressing” for 6 weeks that made me look like I had square boxes under my shirts. Once the swelling went down I was really happy with my results. I sleep on my back or my side. No restrictions on that except don’t sleep on stomach, which I haven’t done since my first surgery. I’m sorry you are having such a hard time and are so unhappy. I hope that you begin to feel better after a few days. Best of luck and I’m here for ya if you need a shoulder.

  • Cpeachymom, you will need a lot of patience on this one. The tissue expander is the just for that - for expanding your skin in preparation for the implant. It's not actually supposed to look like a breast - maybe just remotely. Also, when you will finally get the implant, it will most likely be positioned very high too. It takes a few months for it to "drop and fluff". I remember mine were almost under my chin or so they felt. All in all prepare for the final look to not be there before close to a year. But guess what? in most cases, it's worth the wait.

    Dancing Elizabeth, it's pretty much the same with the nipples. they make them usually longer because they shrink a lot in a few months. but once they do, instead of Frankenipples you'll have there something that at least will look close to the real thing, especially after the color tattoo.

  • Hazel-Nut
    Hazel-Nut Posts: 116

    I'm really pissed that my sister in law, who said she'd be out by the end of August, is still living in my house. And I'm really pissed that neither she nor my husband seem to understand that when I said I can't go through this with her in the house I didn't mean I couldn't go through chemo or surgery while still playing hostess. Now is when I need her to leave. Right now is when it's the worst because I can't pick up the phone without hearing more bad news and every day is scary and I'm tired and angry and sad and I need my space to get through these emotions and grieve but I can't. I can't have that space because she materializes the minute I walk through the door and won't leave me alone. According to my husband she's barely home during the day but damn, I can't get ten minutes of privacy in the evenings. I have to come home every day to her dirty dishes in my sink and her garbage strewn everywhere and her freaking nerve to ask whats for dinner while plopping her ass in front of MY computer non stop all the while complaining about the environment because I don't do a good job sorting the recycling. And more than anything I can't get over someone who is a grown human being living as a guest in someone else's house not having the good grace or decency to go live with other family members or friends once discovering that the person who is playing host to you has just had their entire life completely torn apart and they are struggling to make it though the day and the last thing they need is this person sitting around their house all day running up their electric bill.

    And did I mention she's 35? I hate this!

  • WC3
    WC3 Posts: 658


    I know how you feel. She should respect that you need some time to yourself.

  • Hazel - have you bluntly told her she HAS to go?

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Posts: 1,568

    Dang she's got some gall. So your husband won't say anything because she's his sister? You are his wife and you come first. Why is she living with you anyway? Does she have a job or go to school? Would she be homeless if not for your taking her in? She needs to grow up. 35? Seriously?

    I love my family and in-laws included(okay not all of them) but I wouldn't want them living with me while I'm dealing with an illness either plus not helping but adding to my housework. That's so inconsiderate. Shame on your husband.

    I think it's time to have a come to Jesus meeting with your husband about her. If that doesn't do the trick I would be blunt with my SIL.

    We allowed one of my son's friends to move in with us when he got kicked out of his house. Really sweet young man but it was supposed to be only a couple of weeks or so. He moved out 8 months later. Long story. It was a heartbreaking situation then but a lot better today.


  • Lita57
    Lita57 Posts: 2,338

    This is YOUR HOUSE! Give her and DH an ultimatum. Make a list of chores that she is REQUIRED to do to stay on top of if she wants to continue living with you. (Criminy,,,she can't even wash a damn dish?) and tell her this "with LOVE," and that you need some "quiet time" when you first come home so you can re-ground yourself and settle in for the evening. If she thinks you don't recycle well enough, make HER DO IT!

    If she doesn't comply, kick her ass to the curb!

    Doesn't seem like she's an easy person to deal with, so if worst comes to worst, CALL THE POLICE and have them escort her out. That would probably piss DH off supremely, but so be it. What if the shoe were on the other foot, and one of YOUR siblings was living there taking advantage of the situation? Of course, men don't see things the same way we do, and he probably thinks you're making way too much out of this.

    Unfortunately, no one understands unless they have experienced the delightful joys of cancer themselves.


  • Hazel-Nut
    Hazel-Nut Posts: 116

    She was living in LA and met her girlfriend who lived out here in DC. Long story short she quit her job and chased tail across the country just to find out that the girlfriend was perfectly happy with the long distance casual relationship and isn't interested in taking the relationship to the next step. Now I have a broke, jobless, homeless, self absorbed adult sized child in my house.

    DH did explain to her she had to go but I don't think he said it quite the way I meant him to because he wanted to discuss it with her privately and I was willing to give him that space. It sounds like the conversation was more directed towards letting her know it was time to start looking for a place when what I wanted him to say was it's time for her to go live with her other brother or her aunt up in Philly and she needs to do it now. I'm about to pull the cancer card and go postal on her because this has got to stop. And if DH doesn't like it he can go too. You never want to be that house guest that just doesn't seem to realize when they've overstayed their welcome.

  • Thanks Everyone!!! Your kind words help me SO much!! Makes me feel like I'm not alone!! Glad to know the Franken-nipples will get less Franken! LOL

    This is such a lonely disease - none of my friends have had cancer. (Sadly, I had one friend who died of lymphoma a few years ago).

    Hazel-Nut - UGH!! That is just obnoxious!!! I agree with everyone on here - It is YOUR home!! This IS YOUR time to take care of YOU!! I wouldn't be tossing her out the window!!!!!

  • pi-xi
    pi-xi Posts: 177

    I nearly went ballistic when I saw this on my feed. I reported the ad as misleading. I would also have liked to report it as offensive! Since when does any breast cancer have a cure? image

  • runor
    runor Posts: 1,615

    Pi-xi, I so agree! The 'truth', is that this slippery fish disease comes back for so many people, despite doing 'everything they can'. I just read an article about brachytherapy and how patients who get it are no evidence of disease 5 years later, in that breast, in that tumour site. And everyone is whoppee, hooray, we have cured cancer!! What utterly misleading and ignorance promoting writing. Breast cancer IN YOUR BREAST does not kill you! And putting a zap tab in your breast does NOT mean that the disease won't come back in your brain or bones or other organs and take you out of the game. But people who read this just read the words CANCER FREE ... They do not have the whole picture and until you have cancer yourself, you don't really want the whole picture. I don't want the whole picture. I want the whole picture to piss off.

    Today I worked my ass off laying miles of flooring. I was on my hands and knees, packing heavy items, cutting and measuring, gluing, rolling. It was exhausting and painful and FEELS GOOD to work hard and get shit done and go to bed sore and tired from living life and being useful and that should be enough. It should be. I hear that message all the time - give thanks, chose joy, be happy, twirl around like a Disney character and be a picture perfect blessing to the world. For me the reality is that I do these home improvements and wonder how many years I will get to enjoy them. Was it worth the expense if I drop over 2 years from now? My last thought/feeling every single night since this diagnosis is sadness. A deep, deep, eternally black sadness. Something was taken away. I am finding ways to live. We all do. We have to. But it's different. There is something wiser, scareder and sadder. So when I read these sorts of nonsense news things that do not paint the whole picture, I am right in your corner. I get mad.

  • Parrynd1
    Parrynd1 Posts: 343

    Pi-Xi, what makes me a little miffed about this ad is that those who do have whatever kind of breast cancer they are talking about makes it seem even worse. We know our cancers suck and I do t think many are blind to the degree of suckiness when it comes to their specific cancer. We certainly don’t need a whole article about how bad off we are!Also all cancers can be deadly so that’s kind of redundant.

  • pi-xi
    pi-xi Posts: 177

    parrynd1, they were referring to metastatic breast cancer, which could happen with ANY breast cancer. That's what was really infuriating. The woman in the article was Stage I to start, I believe. It was just so misleading.

  • Parrynd1
    Parrynd1 Posts: 343

    I keep seeing articles, ads, or portrayals of BC and they just seem to really miss the mark. Maybe it’s just me and my own experience, but it’s frustrating

  • Parry, the commercials really get to me, so I understand

  • Those ads are downright misleading and ridiculous. They make cancer - of any stage - look like a walk in the park.

  • Met with the specialist to talk about the skin cancer under my eye. They are afraid of my tear duct closing so a stent will be put in for a freakin year and my eye will water. This is to prevent it from tearing forever. The hole will be patched with skin from the back of my ear. My father in law said I'm lucky not to be losing my eye. I'm lucky too that this isn't life threatening. I'm so bloody angry. I don't want a weeping eye, or scars on my face. I want to feel normal. I've had enough...since BC stuff just continues and I'm so so sick of it. I'm 47 not 97. Colonoscopy consult on Monday and mammo and US on Thursday which I had to yell about because my family dr, MO and breast surgeon forgot to book it) no one gets this.