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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • DecisionFreak
    DecisionFreak Member Posts: 435
    edited December 2015

    NotAgain2015, so many crazies have suffered way more than I have. I can see why you say Not Again. I hate it when people say things like "God must have a plan for you/me/us." Don't mean to offend anybody who feels that way. It isn't the way I feel. My belief is that God may send the Spirit to guide us through other people, but how we handle "Not again!" is our measure in God's eyes of our spiritual and emotional strength and resilience. It is hard to believe in God and I don't judge anybody who has not felt his presence. If he doesn't exist, I will still be rich for having known his love! Smile. I don't know what I would do if I faced that challenge with a new diagnosis as many on this thread have done. You have kept living and caring for other living beings. Do you know that some dogs can smell cancer? You probably do. Your dog may be in tune with you more than you can imagine. I have a friend whose dog woke her up one night when her blood sugar dropped perilously low. The dog probably saved her life. It is so great to animal...another person. I do know about suffering and pain. We often suffer when we love, even if we don't understand why. Love is beyond understanding. I hope you don't have to go into surgery in emotional pain. From what I can see, you will find a way to cope, given what you have endured. Did you see the movie about Edith Piaf? If you did, you will understand this post. If you haven't seen it, then please rent it. You may have a great, cathartic cry.

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited December 2015

    Katy, insurance may cover ECT if none of the medications that are safe for you to take have been effective. I've heard the biggest side effect of ECT these days is memory loss, not just your memory of the immediate time when you had the treatment, but general memory issues. It sounds a bit like chemo brain, actually. I would definitely do a lot of reading about it.

    I agree with you about needing to reframe our situation. I think we need to cut ourselves more slack for our current capabilities. It takes time to recover from these treatments. That's difficult for me to accept. I want to power through the things I need to do, and that's not the best approach post surgery.

    Sula, I would definitely take that last Herceptin, no hesitation.

    Gaia, that's great that you and Rainny were able to get together.

    NotAgain, I'm so sorry your dog hasn't been doing well. It's so hard when pets get old.

    Decision, I enjoyed reading your thoughts. I have to think about some of what you said some more.

    Shorfi, thinking of you...

    Chaperoned a teen dance this evening and helped the photographer. Normally I help with sound for this dance, but this year one of the parents paid for a pro DJ. I thanked him for taking this job off my list this year. I have mixed feelings about this, I loved putting on this dance, but this year I just wasn't up to it. Makes me so sad to not be able to enjoy these things anymore. The last song we played was "Fight Song". Went out for a bite to eat by myself afterward. It has been a long day, and I'm exhausted.

  • DecisionFreak
    DecisionFreak Member Posts: 435
    edited December 2015

    Hey, Cubbie2015, I don't take myself too seriously! If I say something that resonates with you, I'm glad. If I say something that you can't swallow, by all means, spit it out! I write these posts fast and I don't edit for precision of language. If you want clarification, feel free to send me a private message, and I will do my best to explain my thinking. I do not belong to a mainstream Christian church. My views may sound somewhat different than what you typically hear. I am not on this board to proselytize or gain converts. That is why I don't disclose my religious affiliation. I am here for essentially the same reason that everyone else is here - to receive and give support and hope. I don't base my participation on any delusion that I have an edge on personal wisdom. However, I do believe that faith can work miracles. And, I do believe that prayer is among the most powerful things we can do to gain strength and to cope. I believe these things because I have personally experienced the power of faith and prayer. We all have the right to believe what we wish, though.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2015

    Hugs to all of you here struggling with personal and family losses, worried about loved ones both human and animal, and perplexed about what to do next. I feel so guilty getting outta Dodge tomorrow, but heaven knows we need it. I learned my lesson from the past several New Year’s Eves: toasting to the new year because it had to be better than the old one. To quote former SNL star and cervical cancer survivor Julia Sweeney, “and G-d said HA!” My grandma would’ve called it “giving a kinahurra,” which is industrial strength Jinx-in-A-Drum.

    So due to expensive hotel internet in Rome and spotty signal on the sea, I probably won’t be back online till I return on the 22nd.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited December 2015

    Hugs, Shorfi and NotAgain. Family and loved ones (human or pet) are such great blessings and leave holes in our hearts. NotAgain, I hope your furbaby is doing better.

    Sula, I'm shocked that your final infusion was dismissed. I'd want as many as I could get/stand, too. I felt so much better once I was "de-ported". Congrats on the sales of your kit. So exciting!

    Octo, One reason it may seem that your hair isn't growing is because of the growth that takes place from your follicle all the way to your skin surface. Your poor follicles need a chance to recover, then the hair will start growing. You won't notice it until it's been growing a while. While decorating for Christmas, I set out framed family pictures from previous years. This is the first year that I admired my old hair before my previously normal sized body.

    I know many of us are on anxiety meds or antidepressants. Has anyone tired the DNA test to help determine which meds would work best for you? I lucked out with Zoloft and now Effexor working well for me. But last year we had this test done on our oldest son. It helped immensely because we didn't have to try several meds to find the ones that would work best for him.

    Because of the F-word shingles, I stayed in pajama bottoms all day. When I sat, one cheek was held gently off of the sofa. Butt shingles! Of course that's where I would get them! I had to call the doc for stronger pain meds... I was going crazy.

    Some of you know the great struggle we had with our oldest son. One year ago he hated us, wasn't eating and was verbally and physically abusive toward us. He has come a long way. He graduated high school and has a job while he applies to colleges. He spent the last hour discussing politics and economics with his father (my husband). Huge change. Laughing... opinions shared...respect and affection... quality time. Wow... I'm just so pleased to see my brilliant, wickedly funny and hopeful son again.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful, revitalizing weekend!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2015

    Morning gals...... Poppy........Your post sounded so familiar with something my Daughter & her Husband went through with their oldest Son. During college, he started taking Adderal... And over a few years, this kids whole personality changed...

    Just like your Son.... I think no matter what the reason is, why they go through this, it just almost breaks your heart....

    Sometimes outside help, or "losing" their relationships makes a difference. But today he has stopped the Adderal (slowly) and is back to being his sweet beautiful self! So many times my Daughter called, crying her eyes out... they were TRYing to figure out what to do next! But it is all in the past now... thank God for getting "our" boys back, right?

    And you have the fukkity SHINGLES? On your butt? I didn't even know you could GET them there! OMG that is the WORST! I'm sorry..... I got a Shingles shot about 4 years ago.... Just got the booster Prevnar shot for Pneumonia.... so hopefully I'm protected from at least THOSE 2...

    Chi.... Jinx in a Drum! Now THAT's a good one!

    I'm so sorry Notagain.....We put our little Lacee to sleep over 2 years ago, and it was soooooooo hard... She was only 11... the one in my Avatar... and it breaks your heart into pieces... You will just "know".... and you will know that she just can't go on anymore... and you can help her, by "listening" to her, and holding her while she just goes to sleep.....

    Decision...... That was such a beautiful post you wrote for your "Little Sister".... I learned time... that you just have to let it all go.... get down on your knees, and give it all up.... If you can cry your eyes out, it helps.... Then find someone to talk to.... to ask for "help" and believe that you will come through this....... Work at making yourself more forgiving, and not holding onto hurtful "things"..... give you and others another chance....

    It's like it takes "time" to come through the worst, darkest part of the tunnel..... when I look back on that time now, I'm so thankful I made it.

    We can stay mad, and un-forgiving as long as we want.... but it only hurts ourselves.... and everyone around us. And when we get SICK, that just piles on more hurt and reasons we think we can't take it anymore.....

    But once we come through "the other side".... We begin to "live" again.... Some people never get the chance ...... so maybe that's what we are here for..... to listen, and help our friends, and give them some reason to go on.

  • DecisionFreak
    DecisionFreak Member Posts: 435
    edited December 2015

    Hey, crazies, it is December 12, and I found myself getting all wound up last night over another potential health problem that I may or may not have. My brain was vibrating. My body was hummimg. I was so frightened. I am standing on the edge of Crazy Town.

    I am going to force myself to stay offline for the next hour. May be I will wash my face, get dressed and take a walk outdoors. It is supposed to be 76 degrees here in the deep south where I live. Time now to cut back the roses.

    This is my third day without T and my second off the antidepressant. I am glad to be off both drugs. I am ragged around the edges but I do believe I will survive.

    You are the best, crazies.

  • DecisionFreak
    DecisionFreak Member Posts: 435
    edited December 2015

    Chevyboy, you said some very things that are very pertinent to me and my view of life. When I have the energy and pull myself together, I will elaborate. If I don't get back to it, please know that your comments resonated with me. All of what you said is important but today I suggest that all crazies suffering from the holiday blues read the last paragraph of your post several times. I could not have expressed anything you said in the post better than you did.

    I hope my Little Sister, katy, is okay. Little Sis you don't have to work at anything. Grace is a gift. Later, when you are well, you will understand your true work, but it will be easy.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited December 2015

    Yay for the good news about your son, Poppy! So glad to hear he is doing better. Been there. Don't forget my story: son who finally graduated college a few weeks before turning 30 (so, while some of his issues weren't as difficult as you describe, it took him a long, long time to get into and through college, and he started with community college), and is in his third year of PhD in the Ivies! (Side track: is it Ivies or Ivys? How would I know, this is the first member of my family to attend a University outside of California...). anyway, son is very soon to advance to candidacy. (Woohoo!). Sounds like your son will be ready for college with the support he is getting from you.

    and ((((hugs))) about the shingles! You sound much calmer about it than I would be, I think.

    Hugs to all of you.

    Oh, and ChiSandy, get the hell outta dodge and don't feel guilty for a minute.

    Thanks to all for the supportive words about my hair. It does help.

    I had two CT moments yesterday. First moment: at a work holiday event I saw a colleague I really like and admire and hadn't seen in a while. I knew she was leaving in a few weeks to head to Europe for a six month sabbatical so was particularly happy to see her to wish her bon we were chatting another colleague (also someone I like) came up to let me know she was 'happy to see I was doing better'. Mind you, I had never talked with colleague number two about having bc, but obviously she had heard something through the grapevine. Colleague number one then realized that maybe there was a reason I was wearing a hat, you could see the wheels turn, she looked upset, and said, 'oh, I had no idea, are you ok?'. At which point I started to tear up and cry and said to them both, 'please don't make me cry'...I meant by talking about it all of course. It still makes me tear up to think about it. I then realized: not only am I carrying around a bit (or maybe a lot) of PTSD (something at least one of you has mentioned to me, I know), but I have avoided being very open about the bc at work NOT because I was worried about people's reactions, but rather because I was worried about MY reactions to their reaction. I mean, it wasn't their fault I started to cry. They were both trying to be nice and supportive. but even thinking about the whole things and seeing that they were concerned made me cry, which is not something I want to do at work, especially at a holiday party.....Which gets me back to the hair. Let's face it, losing hair is the symbol of cancer in many ways. I didn't really get all of the implications of that till it happened to me. I mentioned this partly for anyone new to all this reading this thread: maybe it is worth the hassle to cold cap, or at least to do a wig and makeup (for the eyebrows, etc). I've not done any of that, but am re-thinking the wisdom of my decision, and am wishing hair would just hurry the hell up so I didn't need to obsess over my decisions any more.

    CT moment number two: I was supposed to start rads Monday. Had the last apt of the day to do it, which I liked because it interferes less with work, and next week is my last busy week before we shut down for the holidays. ROs office called, and asked to reschedule the apt for Tuesday, middle of the day 'at RO's request.' Got the impression (though person who called didn't say much) that he asked to change it so he could do a consult with me in addition to (or instead of? that would suck) the zapping. Crap. What the hell? Second time his office has postponed on me. I want to get this show on the road. Fuckity f...F.... Well you all know.

    I need to be positive. At sim, he did come in after we were done to let me know that he is sending all the scans, photos, sim results etc to the Stanford rads board (he has a Stanford affiliation and is on their faculty) to give a recommendation and evaluate whether I could do the three week instead of the six week (since I would love to get the three week if possible). So maybe he just wants to chat about what the board is recommending, and maybe it is good news. Or not. As I said, I just want to get this show on the frigging road....

    Ok, CT moments off my chest. Thanks for listening. Going to try and have a good weekend. I hope you all do as well!

    Love and hugs to all


  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Member Posts: 801
    edited December 2015

    Oh, Octo. The rads schedule is crazy in the beginning because they schedule the machines very tightly, and people who've been on it longer get their first choice priority. (Which led me to have my first day of actual rads on my BIRTHDAY at 6:35 PM.) It's awfully frustrating to not have control over one's schedule that way. And there is some sort of legal requirement that the RO must clap eyes on you once a week during treatment, which might have had something to do with it. Take courage, and it will settle down into a routine soon. I know what you mean about not wanting to react in public to other people's response to your news. I did choose to wear wig and used brow pencil for the whole time, so I could choose not to have people know. I don't do bald. I look at my hair (such as it is) in the mirror once a week to see how it's coming along. If I looked more often, I would drive myself (even more) crazy.

    ChiSandy, get outa here! And have a wonderful time.

    Sula, agree with the others who say finish the Herceptin (which my spellcheck STILL thinks is "perception").

    Yes, the Brooklyn division of C-town met yesterday for a lunch! SO nice to meet Gaia in real life. If any of you ladies find yourselves in NYC (looking at you, Octo, Shorfi, Proud, and anyone else coming to or living on the east coast), it would be great to see you!

    Poppy, that sounds horrible about the shingles. But what good news about your son. You must be so happy and relieved. One step at a time, eh?

    Cubbie, disappointing about the dance, though I bet the teens had a good time.

    Katy, thinking of you as always...

    Beppy, hope you're feeling better.

    Went to the high school holiday band concert last night. It was terrific. DS--and all the other french horn players--wore reindeer antlers. A few kids wore santa hats. (They all were in formal dress.) And at some point, one of the band directors appeared on stage with a tiny white dog--also wearing reindeer antlers! I love high school band concerts--call me Crazy. Oh, wait.


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2015

    Sounds like the holidays are bringing up many memories, it certainly is for me I know. My sisters 2 sons have both gone through bad times, they did too many drugs and their dad was a total jerk. For years my sister did not talk to me and I did not know why. Other family kept asking me what was going on and I had no answer as she would not talk my calls. It was actually about 10 years till she opened up a bit (actually when my brother passed and we got together to go to his funeral) She said little on that trip and only about 2 years ago did she finally open up and invited me up to Boston for a visit. Turned out she had finally gotten trough a messy divorce and her life had turned the corner. So this year we had another get together in Boston and I think that is making me feel much better about the holiday. We did gifts with each other. One nephew is on the mend and has a real job, the other one is working for his dad which is not a good thing really.

    But I know I am lucky to have some fine friends and even though I have health challenges, I am lucky to have my house and good pals to get together with.

    Hope we all have a solid holiday season, get the heck away from all the shingles!

  • DecisionFreak
    DecisionFreak Member Posts: 435
    edited December 2015

    crazies, I spoke with the oncologist nurse yesterday at the comprehensive cancer care center & major teaching hospital where I am being treated for breast cancer. I really don't want rads, but I have a top tier medical team that doesn't want me to have breast cancer ever again. I am still torn about the rads, and the idea of over treatment for low grade DCIS, but the RO has already written me to say I might be a good candidate for a short course of rads - 16 to 20 treatments instead of six or seven or eight weeks. Anyway, I asked the onc nurse how the hospital would protect me against heart and lung damage during rads. She said they build a custom thingy that will be placed around my breast to protect it, and then they aim the radiation beams at the thingy at an angle. Forgive me, I don't usually use words like thingy. I think it is a special shield for the breast. My mom did not have anything like this at the rinky dink hospital in the town where we live, and the rads knocked out her thyroid entirely. Has anyone else heard about a custom shield for the breast during rads?

    Second, the onc nurse told me the surgeon will do a cavity shave. Yeah, this is state of the art and nearly guarantees the surgeon will get a clear margin. The first lumpectomy was done by a general surgeon who failed to get clear margins. I have discussed in great detail my journey to find expert medical care for DCIS in my thread on my ideas about the new standard of care that is slowly emerging for DCIS. I am on a limited income but the American Cancer society helped me locate various resources that allowed me to get out of this rinky drink town where I was getting inferior care. I explained how I am accomplishing this feat on the DCIS standard of care thread. Dr. Laura Esserman helped me locate an amazing medical team at an amazing facility.

    octo, I have been following your posts. Just wanted to jump into say I hope you get the three week schedule for rads. I will send out a message to the universe to make a request. I am sure you have done your homework and know that some people have way fewer side effects from three weeks of rads. Crossing my fingers for you.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2015

    when I did my rads, I did ask about the 3 week deal but for me since I had a small amount of micro invasion, I was told I was not elegible for it. I do remember (forgive my foggy mem) that I had some sort of protection to my left chest area, seems to me it was not that much dif than the big shield the dentist used for me the other day

    I do not seem to have had any heart issues since my rads, then again, I had asthma before all this and have it now the same, seems like you do have a good place and do remember things have improved in the last few years and a lot depends it seems on just being alert to this things and speaking up

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited December 2015

    You all know just what to say! Thank you! You have blessed my day!

    I hope to decorate some Christmas trees today! We are a bit crazy and usually have 4 trees. A small "kids tree" with all of their homemade ornaments. An entryway tree with velvet ribbons, magnolias and gold ornaments. A tree in the dining room with my collected Lladro bells. And a tree in the living room filled with all of the ornaments we have collected over the years.... not elegant at all, but full of memories. It can all be a bit tacky, but my DH sees it as filled with traditions and memories. His idea of decorations is definitely the more, the better.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited December 2015

    Just a real quick fly by ..

    Poppy.... Oh Ugh about tje shingles :-( always something ay.? I've never heard of them on the bum before either.. Did ypu realize what it was when you went to the doctor? But.... Wonderful, wonderful news about your son !! What a great Christmas 🎄 present for your family having him 'back " 😃

    Rainny.. Love your photo.. Lovely for you and Gaia to catch up.. I'm so jealous of you girls being able to do that.!!

    Octo.. Wonderful duck story about ypu and your hubby :-) ours just started with a single purchase, and GREW 😱 We have now moved on to mimutre ducks for our cabinet, and always buy one when on holidays for.different places !!

    Cubbie.. Sorry. I know what you mean about this crappy BC stealing the joy 😞

    Slow.. Hope ypu are feeling better. !!

    (( Katy..))

    ((Notagain)) so sorry.. 😞

    Where is Mommy!? We ALL need hugs!!

    Will be back to post more later. Going to a lunch time Christmas party

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited December 2015

    Hubby has made 2 dozen of these to take to the party..


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2015

    Oh, Lucy, I'm drooling!

    Kicking back in the Air France biz lounge ($50/couple if flying coach), just killed off a free glass of Mumm's Cordon Rouge. About to don lymphedema gear--bracelet might not slip on over it but all the gory details are in my wallet card. Once we board, will be pretty much incommunicado till the 22d ( spotty, pricy Internet). So ciao for nao and catch you on the flip side

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Member Posts: 1,617
    edited December 2015

    ChiSandy- hope it's not too late to say bon voyage!

    Poppy - I was thrilled to hear about your son. Kind of makes up for the other stuff a bit.

    Chevy- you too on the similar situation.

    Thanks again everyone for the cyber hugs, support, and wisdom. I have teared up a bunch just reading. In a good way.

    Lucy- tell DH to some of those very festive cookies through the tube! So talented!

    You all know, (I surely hope you do) how much I love you all, individually and collectively. You all bring something to the table and I am richer, and so humble, reading and takingin what you say. Love and hugs to you all.

    Beppy- WHERE IS HER ROYAL DUCKINESS?????!!!!!! Do you have mayor superpowers to ferret out any Intel?

    Hope you are feeling better.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited December 2015

    Katy, we love you too! ((((Hugs))))

    Hubby is in a productive and happy mood and running around the house doing things. I know that should make me happy, but I am starting to feel the guilt since all I really want to do is hang in front of the fire. Guess I will make some soup on this cold day so I can say (to myself) that I contributed. There are only a few chores that don't feel like a chore to me, and making soup is one of them!


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited December 2015

    Does anyone live near folcroft pennsylvania

  • rosesrx
    rosesrx Member Posts: 264
    edited December 2015

    I have been reading and hanging outside with Temps in the 70's this afternoon. Watching the news now. The basement troll just left for work, he didn't come upstairs at all today. Just mumbles when our paths cross the past 10 days. This is pissing me off because common courtesy would dictate acknowledgement... sure he is afraid of a move up in the departure date.. time for another note.

    You crazies have been keeping the big top hopping. Pets, politics, scans, surgery, rads and major D.

    ((((((((( Gentle Group hugs to all)))))))))

    H spa day Wednesday and Thursday is follow-up for colonoscopy. I have been out in the country surveying downtown CT.. Enjoying the distance, so not much to say but can empathize with all.

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited December 2015

    PoppyK, that's great that your son is doing so well now. I hope the pain meds are making your butt feel better. I remember my coworker said it's an awful place to get them, because you can't sit or lie down comfortably.

    Rainny, the teens did have a good time. It's a holiday themed dance, so they get all dressed up and dance in the middle of a bunch of trees, lights and balloons. We have games, too, and of course cookies, punch, and snack mix. It's the event of the season, and the younger siblings look forward to the year they will be old enough to go. I am not a super social person, but even though I'm not a person who really likes to go to parties, it turns out I love to host them. I discovered that when I started doing theater stuff. It's sort of weird, but I really enjoy setting up, cleaning up, and seeing everyone have a good time.

    I did the sound system setup for a school band concert the day before the dance - I love those, too.

    Lucy, I like the way you put that - "stealing the joy". That's the right description of it. Your husband's cookies are a work of art.

    Decision, I haven't heard of a shield like that, but I know there are a couple of other techniques they can use to protect your heart during radiation, as I've had that discussion with the ROs I've talked to the last couple of weeks. I imagine you have different options than I do, since you had a lumpectomy.

    Octo, don't feel guilty - now is the time to let your hubby take care of things, while you take care of yourself. I'm sure he'll appreciate some soup when he's done.

    Tomboy, I don't know anybody around Folcroft. Looks like that is the Philadelphia area?

    Roses, glad to hear you have been staying out of the Crazy Town metro area. Mumbles from the troll is better than actually talking to him, right?

    I second Katy - where is Ducky? Hope she is just too busy learning the latest dance and everything is all right.

    Waving to Chevy, Katy, Iris, and everyone else out there.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited December 2015

    Good Evening Beautiful Crazies,

    I've read some tonight....too tired to catch up. My DH caught my throat infection so I've been taking care of him today. What a pair we are!!

    Just doing a drive by to say "hey" and send some love. I will try my best to catch up tomorrow.

    I thought this was appropriate for our Crazy Town thread. Love ALL of my wonderful crazies!!


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited December 2015

    That's beautiful, Bep. I love our crazy home and all of it's inhabitants.

    Every body, there is a woman here I was really worried about, that's why I asked about Folcroft. Everything turned out ok, but my mind was sure going to another kind of crazy town! It's late, but I wanted to tell you how amazed I am here by the degree of caring that you all are doing here for one another. I also love that fukkity is becoming so popular! I really love you all, and I kinda start feeling bad, cause, my life is done in a series of short bursts. I will read a few posts from a couple of you, then get up and do something with the thought of posting too, when I get to the end. But then I almost never get to the end! So this time I cut myself a break, skipped to the end, cause I wanted to tell you: As i go about my day, I think about katy and her pets for awhile, imagining her in her kitchen or garden, smiling, and with that hat on! And it will make me smile! And then in another little while, I will think of gaia, with that elfish almost mischievous looking smile(wow I needed spell check for that word!), and feel all happy to think of her upcoming wedding. And so on. I never know who will pop up next, my wonderful posse.

    And so now, I am going to go back and see what you all are up to, I thank you for enriching my life

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2015

    I think Ducky does live near Folcroft, someone else may as well as sure I have seen the town posted

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2015

    well I know I am in CT today, tried to do a script refill and fucked up the instructions so now have to wait till the place opens and plead with the pharmacist. lordie I need help, good thing it is only one of my asthma meds

    today is cleaning person day so hope I remember all the little extras I need handled

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited December 2015

    Good morning to all!

    Today started off on just the right note for me: hubby affectionately touched the top of my head and then blurted out, 'OMG, you have stubble! It feels like my face when I don't shave!'. I don't feel it myself, but perhaps I just don't know what it feels like...his exclamation was definitely spontaneous. So yeah, maybe he is right! Fingers crossed....

    Meanwhile, I didn't do much yesterday but did make a huge pot of minestrone, using lots of kale and spinach and chard and fennel and sweet potato that came in our CSA this week...basically I throw in whatever I have around...along with cannelli and red kidney beans, onion, tomatoes, celery, garlic. I can't call it just vegetable soup because I always fry a few pieces of bacon and put them in for flavor....that and french bread was dinner. Hubby ate four bowls, so I guess he did appreciate it. :-)

    Well, that was dinner apart from dessert. I also made some chocolate fudge brownies, with red walnuts. The red walnuts are from a local organic producer: if you've never tried the red version, come visit me some time and I will take you on a tour of our local small farms. Red walnuts have less bitter tannins than other walnuts.

    But I digress: Had a question for you crazies: why am I craving chocolate so much? Could it be a magnesium defficiency, as Google claims? Just the endorphins? The craving started about two weeks after I ended chemo. You may be thinking, 'umm, so what else is new?'...but unlike many women, I've never particularly even *liked* chocolate, much less craved it. In fact, I had a sensitivity/allergy as a child, and though I outgrew the allergy, i never really developed a taste for the stuff. Given a choice of chocolate or a fruit based dessert on a restaurant menu, I would always choose the fruit one (which drove hubby a bit batty, by the way: he loves chocolate). The only chocolates I really enjoy are caramels and chocolate covered cherries, and in both cases it is about the interior, not the chocolate itself.

    Until now. I want it every day. Hence the fudge brownies. Made from a mix and still tasted like the best damned dessert I ever baked. And I've been drinking hot chocolate like crazy. It is all I can do not to run out to the local See's store in the mall to buy a few pounds....and, I am definitely less teary and blue after eating a few brownies last night....

    WebMD claims: "Food cravings have little to do with nutrients and plenty to do with the brain chemistry of pleasure and reward. Cravings may center on texture (creamy, crunchy) or taste (sweet, salty) but they all have something in common -- overindulging can sabotage your diet." To that I say: NONSENSE. (I mean, what diet?)

    Oh well, there are definitely worse chemo SEs from chemo than craving chocolate if that is what it is....

    I hope all the crazies have a good day today. Sending hugs. Especially to quiet crazies. Like Tomboy, I think of you often as I go about the day. Thanks for being there for me when I lose my smile and my hope!


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2015

    house is clean! love my cleaning gal, she is great at changing all the light bulbs I can not reach and does all my silly little things

    Octo, I have never been much on eating sweets of any sort but recently bought chocolate ice cream, so now I am a junkie~~

  • DecisionFreak
    DecisionFreak Member Posts: 435
    edited December 2015

    octo, yahoo for stubble! Fingertips have an abundance of nerve endings so I bet your husband did feel something real. I crave chocolate, but I have been that way since I remember. Chocolate promotes endorphins, those feel good natural opioid. I took Naltrexone for a while for fibromyalgia pain. It is an opioid antagonist. While I took it, a chocolate bar was merely a chocolate bar. I am going to order some some fudge from the Vermont country store! Not on Naltrexone right now, so I will get a chocolate buzz. Chocolate is the food of the gods!

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited December 2015

    Beppy, I'm sorry to hear you and hubs are both sick now. Hope you both feel better soon.

    Tomboy, I'm glad to hear you got the problem sorted out. I figured one of our sisters needed help, and was worried we wouldn't find anyone in the Philly area.

    Iris, yay for a clean house! I wish mine was. That's great that she will change your out of reach light bulbs as well. Do you have to wait for Monday to talk to the pharmacist, or are they open Sunday afternoons?

    Octo, there is a reason chocolate is in the Crazy Town medicine bag! I wonder if bacon promotes endorphins, too.