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CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2016

    ChiSandy: my subconscious would like a word with your subconscious in regards anxiety dreams. Why am I not surprised you had a nightmare about losing your voice just now, while you're in the depths of the rehearsals for the Bar Association production? But I can't say how glad I was to hear you were going to be in this year's production! We move on, and we choose life and joy.

  • Lulu22
    Lulu22 Member Posts: 61
    edited November 2016

    I think one of the reasons the radiologist was so great was that she had ridden the crazy train herself. She told me she'd been through cancer 3 times with her husband. I think she could tell mine is a family that gets through the worst with black humor because she said, "I told him if he gets cancer one more time I'll shoot him myself!" I couldn't help but laugh and feel just a bit better.

    Sandy, hope you're feeling well soon!

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited November 2016

    Lulu, welcome. I'm glad your radiologist is being so helpful. After the first of the year is way too long to wait. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I can't imagine how hard this must be for both of you

    Tomorrow I have my checkup with my PCPs NP. I feel better than I did last week, but I don't know if that's going to mean I don't need a scan. Ive been reading along but not posting, I've been a wreck and I'm not much use to anyone these days.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited November 2016

    Lulu, Your posts made me laugh and cry! I'm glad the doctors fit you into their schedule.

    Gma and Sandy, I got the upper respiratory crud the day before Thanksgiving. Today is the first day I've felt human since then. I usually get sick for Christmas, so I'm hoping I got it out of the way early this year. I hope you recovery quickly.

    Rainny, Well that stinks. I hope it all works out and you can keep your coverage with Sloan. My MO is awesome, too, so I know what a difference they can make.

    Beppy, I love you and think of you constantly. I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving with your family.

    I am having significant cognitive issues and have my appointment with my neurologist tomorrow. When I think about it, I totally get crazy. I am tired of medical appointments and tests.

    Interesting that speech therapy addresses cognitive issues.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited November 2016

    Lucy, I hope you enjoy your trip to Fiji; a place I would love to visit. But, Australia and New Zealand are ahead of Fiji.

    Cubbie, (((Hugs)))

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited November 2016

    Those of you with cognitive issues , is it AI therapy ? Lack of estrogen can cause problems and my word recall seems to get worse by the day .

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Poppy, one of the songs of mine that’s gotten the most radio airplay is “It Sucks Being Sick at Christmas,” written right after the last time I lost my voice on the last two nights of the Bar Show nine years ago. It’s the only song I ever wrote without knowing if I’d be able to sing it!

    Bob and I have the same recurring dream: we’re back in college, and discover to our horror that we’d registered for a course that we’ve blown off all semester and the final is tomorrow. My variations usually are that I discover I’m a few credits short of my degree or even a high school diploma—but the dream ends when I realize “hey, wait a minute—I already have a law degree” and then wake up. Other variations: I find out an hour before showtime that I have a gig nobody’d told me about, haven’t practiced, don’t know what I’m supposed to sing, and show up naked….in a filled stadium; I find myself in the finals of an Olympic race for which I don’t remember having run in any heats; I walk into court to defend a traffic ticket only to find the judge has assigned me a murder case, pro bono, and the trial is today. And I’m not wearing a blouse.

    I powered through the rehearsal tonight—my lower register is indeed a bit gravelly, but the high notes are there so long as I don’t have to hit them suddenly. Came home, and took my Medrol (one before and one after a late dinner), which is making me hungry. Popped a couple of dextromethorphan liquid-gels just before getting on the train, and went through about four Ricolas over the course of the ride. Gonna make myself some bedtime tea with honey after I take the rest of my meds. Tomorrow will be the acid test—full-dress, including makeup, costumes, concealing the apparatus for the mics, and the full band. I think I will make some matzo ball soup in the early afternoon so I can have it on hand when I get home.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866
    edited November 2016

    Thought I was done with surgeries but after yesterday's check up with my plastic surgeon that was a big fat NO. Seems that she is concerned with the lumps that have formed along the scar from the surgeries. They are unsure of what they are. Going back under the knife in January to have the lumps removed. Very depressed over this

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited November 2016

    Oh Mommyof2 - hugs.. I sure hate the roller coaster rides we take once we have a Dx. I too am supposed to have some revisions, but have decided to just live with my think painful scars. For you, I am hoping it is just Fatty necrosis and your lumps are nothing. The few lumps they took out with mine was the fatty necrosis.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited November 2016

    (((M0mmy) ) ) Hugs and prayers for benign lumps . Damn cancer . I am getting anxious to have my exchange surgery . I am developing pain on both sides from the TE's . Nothing I can't live with but annoying . I have to wait until at least the end of January . I have no sick time and my boss is panicked about me being out yet again .

    Sandy , you seem to know a lot about moles . I have a light colored one on my back that's itchy and now I feel it almost like spasms sometimes . I need to call my pcp but is it urgent or can I wait ? I had DH take a picture if you want to see it .

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited November 2016

    oh dear, seems nasty cold bugs are all around. Mine seems ok for now, may I suggest honey lemon ginger Tea?

    Works nice for me

    Today is day off, no pt

    Yesterday he had me walking while counting by 3s backward, can you say it sure challenged me,maybe it would work for cognitive issues from al.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866
    edited November 2016

    Just hoping it is either fat necrosis or just excess scar tissue that formed.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2016
    Molly.....have it checked, but don't panic.....the ones I thought were bad, were fine, and the ones I thought were fine were skin cancer..........and I would suggest a "Derm", and not your PCP......a year ago I actually had a Derm miss a squamous cell cancer......I pointed a spot out to her and she said "that is fine just from the sun".......I was not real happy with her, so 6 months later I went to anohter Derm recommended by someone who said "OMG, is this woman thorough"..............and Lord was she.......when she looked at the spot on my leg I said "oh that is fine someone checked it 6 months ago".......she said do you mind if I scrape it, I don't like the way it looks...................I said fine.............she did, and 2 days later I got a call that it was squamous cell cancer.......she cut it choose carefully......ask around about who is good, it took me at least 4 before a friend found this woman...........then she moved......"of course my luck'..............1 month ago I found anohter one........came highly recommended.....fabulous .....froze 7 spots that were pre-cancer......will watch them and wants me every 6 months......I mean this woman was thorough.....I said "everything but the nether parts got checked.....LOL...and she got close to there.........LOL....choose carefully.........
  • robinlk
    robinlk Member Posts: 363
    edited November 2016

    Lulu22 - Welcome! I love radiologists! They also have fantastic nurse navigators. Mine helped me start my journey. I love your rad's sense of humor.

    Cubbie - extra big hugs...we are like whack-a-moles...pop up and read, then retreat to the rabbit holes. Take care of you, this is not where any of us planned to be. Luckily we all found each other.

    Mommy - I had extra lumps form and they continue to form. Mine were all cysts except for one, that one was a round ball of scar tissue from the drain. The scar tissue was the only one removed. They all are sore, they feel like bruises. Some have gone away on their own. Are they not even going to ultrasound them? If they are nothing to be concerned with, can they stay? Are they aesthetically a nuisance? Sorry for all the questions, but personally I would be balking at more surgery if it is not necessary.

    Ducky - you are a hoot! I had 2 moles removed from my nether parts at ages 7 and 10. I have so many miles, I could most likely create a dot-to-dot version of myself.

    Sandy - ugh...nothing worse than nightmares...unless they come true. Healing thoughts headed your way. Our school productions were always in April, it never failed...bronchitis and strep...I have not been sick in April since moving to A almost 7 years ago...something about April in Connecticut did not work for me...

    Iris - I have seen OT/PT therapies/exercises that are very good for cognitive improvement. Jumping on a mini trampoline for us might be dangerous fall-wise, but it helps to improve focus and concentration for someone with ADHD and other DX. Thera-bands on chair legs, balancing cushions on seats...I have seen them in action in the school setting. Just never thought of using them myself...silly me.

    Can't wait to start using the cushion grip I got...I just need to remember to put it on the items i need it for. Anyone else get hand/arm fatigue from lymphedema? I have fantastic hand strength, but it is quick to fatigue and gets wonky with use.

    Love you all!

    Edited to add: Di, I did read your caregiver story. How wonderful! Thank you for letting us know about it!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866
    edited November 2016

    They were bouncing around the possibility they might be cysts but they did say they might not be. I don't relish the idea of more surgery but I would rather err on the side of caution. It was a long process for me to get to this point I don't want to end up back at square one again

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited November 2016

    Hugs, Mommy! It does suck. We will be in your pocket, wish it wasn't necessary!!! and Molly, I agree with ducky: best to have the mole checked.

    Welcome Lulu...

    Love you Beppy.

    Sounds like hugs all around, and a bit of Crazytown hot cocoa with Ativan sprinkles, are in order. I will join you: nothing huge, but I am getting zingers at the site of my incision....:-(

    See you all on the porch;


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866
    edited November 2016

    So far everyone I have talked to is very supportive except for my mom. It seems like she doesn't want me to trust in my Plastic Surgeon and to start all over with new doctors ( hers). She thinks that I am not a grown woman who is married and very capable of making her own decisions. Happens every time something like this comes up and I am sick of it.

  • robinlk
    robinlk Member Posts: 363
    edited November 2016

    Sorry Mommy. That just adds stress to stress. Tough spot. You are doing Cancer your way, which is the perfect way for you!Hugs... In your pocket.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866
    edited November 2016

    Thanks Robin. It's hard to deal with her while I am going through the worry and stress with this. At least I have a peaceful Christmas set up for this year. Got invited to Christmas dinner by friends of ours. I think of them as adopted family. They have been super supportive of hubby and I through the whole cancer ordeal.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2016

    Molly, what Ducky said. Unless your insurance insists on a referral from your PCP as a “gatekeeper,” go straight to the derm. The fact that you’re experiencing symptoms from it means it should be addressed promptly (could be a symptom of eczema/atopic dermatitis or early mild psoriasis—which are all treatable; so don’t automatically think “skin cancer”). While you’re at the derm, you should have or schedule a full body skin exam with photographic “mole mapping,” repeated every 6-12 mos. so (s)he has a baseline for comparison.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited November 2016

    Thank you to Ducky and Sandy . Yes I have an HMO so my pcp has to refer me . I will call promptly .

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773
    edited November 2016

    Molly, I had an itchy mole on my left arm earlier this year. I had a biopsy of it come back as a normal mole. Sometimes that's just where you itch, so don't panic. It's always a good idea to get these checked out. I like my dermatology office, the NP seems really knowledgeable and she's willing to biopsy anything that makes me nervous. I do wish they had the photographic mole mapping like Sandy was talking about, but I don't think anyone around here does that, or maybe only very high risk patients.

    ((Mommyof2)) I hope this is just scar tissue.

    Since I've been feeling better, my PCP is not sending me for a scan. I made an appointment with my MO for tomorrow though, to get his opinion. Maybe I should have done that in the first place, but it's hard to know what to take to the PCP, and what to take to the MO.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,866
    edited December 2016

    Me too Cubbie

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited December 2016

    Good news - bad news (or visa versa) My hubby has been laid off of work for the month of December - Good news its only a month or 3 - hopefully. Kinda puts a zinger in affording my doc appts. but we will figure it out somehow. On a good note - he managed to get gig today (1 day).

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2016

    oh sorry gma about the layoff, hoping all will work out for him

    Dang and I do know this is gross but, one of the side effects of my surgery was God awful constipation. Wicked bad tummy Pain. Tried a basic laxative, not what the surgeons office suggested but what the urgent care place suggested. Then one of my nurse pals said to keep taking it till my poop is what is normal for me.

    Well, I am normal again, no tummy ache and all is right in the world!

    Ps, i also stopped stressing and ate my normal as well!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited December 2016

    Constipation is such a bad thing. I made a fruit paste that I put in smoothies and that did wonders.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2016

    I stocked up on prunes before every one of my surgeries for which I knew I'd be on post-op opioids: knee replacements and lumpectomy (for the latter, they gave me a Fentanyl bolus in the recovery room, though I used plain Tylenol from thereon forward). Fortunately, I love prunes (straight from the package, not stewed). Still needed to take a couple of OTC generic Colace every night, though.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2016

    yeah, I have always been fine using fruit but dang this time I guess I had far more drugs than any other time

    Got a haircut, whole very short, it is more balanced now so not so lopsided

    Dang but all this has me way tired, I hit the sack at before 9 and wake up about 8 and still tired

    I need time without doc or pt stuff

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275
    edited December 2016

    Proud, I'm glad you got the poo situation under control. It can be so painful being backed up.... the cramping. Ugh! Rest up. All of that pain can really zap your energy.

    Gma, Sorry about your DHs layoff. Terrible for this time of year.... and anytime because of all of the med expenses. I hope it turns out to be a very short layoff.

    Well, I saw the neurologist for my cognitive problems yesterday. He's the best neuro in the area and I'm thankful he took my complaints seriously. He gave me a quick memory test in the office, which I passed (100% correct). He said it doesn't mean that I am fine, it's just a screening and detects severe issues. I was slow to recall President Clinton's name, which is ridiculous considering they have been in the news. He said any imbalance can effect memory, such as liver problems. Since chemo messed up my liver, this might be part of the problem. So blood tests are ordered to check everything out. Of course, an MRI of my head and an EEG. Too much fun! He asked about depression and anxiety because they can effect memory. He also prescribed a med that helps with memory. Of course, I can't remember the name of it right now. Follow up in 2 months when all of the tests are completed and I've been on the med for a while.

    Went shopping all day; now I'm beat. Time to rest up.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited December 2016

    Iris , constipation affects your health so I am glad you are back to baseline . After all the surgeries and then blood transfusion I started eating 3 prunes each day in my morning oatmeal . Works like a charm . GMA, so sorry about your hubbies layoff . PoppyK , glad you had a good appointment . I know my cognitive issues are from the AI but with a strong hx of Alzheimers in my family it's really scary .