August 2015 Chemo Group
Ladies - I'm from the April board - I did AC, now doing Taxol - I just had #9 - my MO is doing a study on cryotherapy. In the 37 other women, they've had almost 100% success in preventing neuropathy with the cryo therapy. I have a super mild form, temperature sensitive, which means cold feels too cold and hot feels too hot. I'll take it, it's not that bad! Also my nails are 100% clear and no lifting/changing colors/banding.
These are the gloves: - they also do the footies.
Procedure: Gloves are applied 15 mins prior to taxol (just like you ice your mouth 15 mins prior to AC treatments). At the 45 minute mark, new gloves are put on as the old ones get warm. Since taxol takes an hour, gloves come off 15 mins AFTER taxol finishes.
Good luck!0 -
ThePrincess . . . Nice! I'm doing regular ice--same concept. Had no idea about the 15 minutes before and after, though. Will keep that in mind.
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Just got in from my first infusion (AC) - everything went smoothly. I don't have any nausea, but super tired! I packed a huge bag of snacks, lotion, lip gloss - didn't use a thing. I didn't even use the blanket I took because they had heated blankets
We had a really private little pod with a tv. My chair was awesome with heat and massage features, but all my husband had was a tiny hard chair. It made me feel guilty. I started eating ice when she started the Adriamycin and ate two big cups so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I won't have mouth sores.
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@Kate, Projecta. Ha!
I'm rising my mouth with 1 cup water, 1/4 teaspoon baking soda, 1/8 teaspoon salt several times a day after eating. My nurse said you really get mouth sores if the do a "push" where they inject a drug into your IV or port, but not as often with drips. She said the salt rinse it's for soothing/healing mouth sores, but it can be preventive, too.
Regarding Zofran: my doc premedicated with it in my IV with another 5-day anti nausea med (forgot name), and prescribed prochlorperazine for nausea if I need it. So, I didn't get Zofran either. I also got lorazepam, but was told to only take it (put right under tongue for immediate absorbsion) if I was about to vomit...and not drive afterward. While some people take it for anxiety, it's secondary effect is immediate antinausea. OK with me! I haven't had any nausea yet, so the premeds are still working.
Good luck to you ladies starting tomorrow!
Day 2 continued: I went out to lunch with my friends, had a 2 -hour French lesson, and I'm on my way to Costco right now at 5pm. Dinner with hubby later. Take Kate's advice: Expect NO side effects! Mentally, keep busy so you don't think about fatigue or nausea.
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buzz328 I, too, felt bad about the folding metal chairs for my guests. I bought these on Amazon:
I figured I get two at $14 each, which was a small price to pay for the comfort of the poor people sitting with me all day! I think it helped and they are very lightweight and easy to carry! No more numb butts
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Hi ladies,
Some of you had port questions. I'm no expert, but I am an IV/PICC/Port specialist RN, and well, I now have a port of my very own as well. I knew from the beginning that I wanted one, but then again, I will have 7, or is it 8 rounds of chemo, so it just made good sense. I had a SNB in my right arm, so I didn't want my left arm (the good arm) to get all jacked up with bad veins. I'm young, I potentially have lots of tests, blood draws, other illnesses to look forward to in my very, very long life ahead. Tshire, if your doc is dead set against one, but you have reservations about using your veins for whatever reason, maybe you could get him/her to agree to a PICC line? Less invasive and less permanent, but with all the same great benefits (like being able to draw blood from it
There is no need to cover your port while bathing/showering or anything. They "self-seal" when the needle is withdrawn. I wouldn't submerge until the incision is entirely healed though. Some ports are indeed more prominent than others. Much of this depends on your body fat and the depends on the exact location of placement. Some ports feel like smooth round disks, while others will have three palpable "nubs" on the surface, and this just depends on your particular brand. By all means, please, please carry all the forms of port identification given to you, with you, at all times.
Kate- I hope you are feeling better.
Constipation- I've not experienced any yet. Fingers crossed. But I have meds for that just in case, as well as meds for diarrhea, also just in case. In the past, I found that Miralax worked well for me. I had a bout of constipation after the BMX, likely due to the pain meds, but the Miralax literally talked me off the ledge. I was almost in a full blown panic, envisioning enemas and such. It worked well, but not too well, if you know what I mean.
JenPam- good luck Thursday! We were on the same schedule, but alas, no more. Remember, I was having a low grade fever and some wonky headache? I spent Saturday night in the ER, as my fever climbed to 100.8. Called the MO office and they said to report to the ER right away. After ruling out every other possible site of infection (my WBC count was really good, btw) they deduced that my incision "may" be getting infected. Lots of talk about admitting me, but they finally let me go with a round of antibiotics. Sunday, my left breast was double in size of the right and really hot to the touch. Yesterday, I went back to the OR and had the expander removed. I'm a bit crushed (and really lop-sided!) but we will deal with it all again after chemo is completely over. And all of that translates into me not going back in on Thursday as scheduled. I'm being held off for an additional week. Again, crushed.
I did have a shave party though, and I'm LOVING my new look (and new color- teenage daughter decided it should be blue) I think my mom nearly had a stroke....and of course she tried to be all mom like in a weird way, something along the lines of "...well, you're still pretty, sweetie." Um, thanks?
Mom2ABoy- I would be interested in knowing more about Interferon as well. I once had a cat with feline leukemia that I gave it to. My vet said it would help boost her immunity. And I think it did, as she lived pretty long for a FeLV+ kitty. Maybe I still have some lying around? Kidding!
Hope everyone is having a great week. May we all poop a bit, eat well, sleep soundly, and trudge on!
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Not an Aug chemo group, more like late Sept or early Oct for me.. Does anyone here suffer from dermatitis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis... any skin condition to begin with? I have seb dermatitis and face is bumpy red in some areas and flaky. Let alone after chemo starts.
Sorry to hijack. Just worried.
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Hi Jessica, I know you're upset about your setback, but you know better than anyone you have to let your body catch up a bit before you get back in the race. My friend in Ireland is on AC+T and was doing the 12 weeklies. Right before her 8th, she got a massive infection/abscess in her tushy. She was admitted and they had to cut it out, pack it, etc. She had to make daily trips to the district nurse to have it cleaned, medicated and re-packed. It was two weeks before she got back on track. She was upset, as well, and I gave her the very same advice. I imagine I will be getting the same as well! In my reading over the boards, I've found one of the common themes is "hurry up---! And wait..." Best of luck and may you heal quickly, but patiently. 😉0
Day 2 of round 2 TC (2 more to go!) It went much faster than first time, since I didn't have any -ve reactions. Oh, I got a PICC line. & I flushed it today myself first time!
besides the Zofran yesterday 24mg, half hr before Chemo (for that cyclophosphamide), I didn't need it when taking the steroid.
AND I AM EATING normally! Not too tired, no nausea/ dizziness. Hope it continues like this! I plan to go to my choir rehearsal tomorrow night - music therapy!
The nurse said I can do the Neupogen at night, so I can still drive.
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Hi all!
I just wanted to say hello, as I have been lurking on this board as well as the July board. Both have been super helpful! I am doing neoadjuvent chemo and had my first AC on August 7th. I will do AC every other week for 8 weeks followed by 12 weekly infusions of Taxol. I had pretty difficult nausea for the third and fourth days after AC. Then I had significant bone pain after the neulasta shot for about 24 hours. This is my off week, and I have felt basically normal all week. I've been trying to get some exercise every day and eat as many fruits/veggies as possible when my stomach is in good shape. I have three boys under the age of five who mostly don't understand what's going on but are very intrigued by the idea of my hair falling out. Thanks to everyone for all of the advice I've received here thus far! Next AC for me is Friday...0 -
Ophelia - did you take Claritin before your Nulasta shot?
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yes!- it would be interesting to know more about the Neulasta thing: any side effects and if took Claratin? I didn't get it 1st time and ended up having to get a few Neupogen shots (which were not bad at all, felt no SEs)
Dat 13 after 1st chemo: feel so much better, nearly normal. Hair is jumping ship, shedding more than usual. Itchy rash around tumor area/neck healing. Bowels still struggling a bit and are too loose yet. Arrgh! Other then that...I'm well enough to go offshore a while and be a captain again! You need SOME normalcy while enduring this crap.
It DOES work!!! My yuck blob of a tumor SHRANK, lost about a quarter of its mass and softened. The bloody sore on nipple totally healed. Odd, but the chemo is attacking the sun damage on my face & arms (which I have a lot of due to my job), bad stuff peeling off with new, fresh skin underneath.
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Is anyone else planning a huge party to celebrate the end of her chemo? If all goes well, mine will end right around the first of December, and I CAN'T WAIT. It's the little things, you know?
Birdysmom, I'm really happy to know that you feel well on day 13! I'm a week behind you. And I don't feel terrible, but I don't feel great, either. In spite of the nadir, I'm off today to have lunch with a friend and try to get some work done. . . .
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I'll join your party Kate! Good idea to have things to look forward to:-)
Forgot to mention; I can't taste salt. Still can smell tho
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Birdysmom- I love green cheeked conures. Used to have 2! Love birds in general. Cutie you got there!
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what does everyone use for toothpaste? I got the arm & hammer basic and about gagged. Thought it would have some semblance of a flavor, but no. It may be in part that I haven't started chemo yet too. Don't know. Thought I would ask.
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tazbear89, I'm using a natural product called Himilaya Herbal Neem Toothpaste. It tastes good, and has no fluoride or SLS in it, which is good.
That said, I've also got a thrush situation developing, so I might not be the best person to be giving toothpaste advice. I'll keep everyone posted about the magic mouthwash.
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Yes, I took Claritin, and it did not help. I know it works for many people, so I was disappointed!
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I was diagnosed this month with metastatic breast cancer after months of excruciating back pain. It turned out to be fractures of both the L3 and L4 vertebrae, which my physician kept dismissing. I was prescribed muscle relaxers and physical therapy, which I did with a broken back! I finally was referred to an orthopedist, who saw the full picture. He sent me for pre-admission testing before kyphoplasty to repair the fractures. My pulse was a little fast, so I was given a chest CT to rule out clots, which instead found very advanced breast cancer. I am 38 with no family history. My orthopedist fast-tracked me to a medical oncologist and before I knew it I was receiving treatment. I am managing, but my head is still spinning and I look forward to the support of this group in the weeks and years to come.
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Hi Artista! Everyone is welcome to join in and ask questions. I can't answer your question, since I haven't started my own chemo treatment yet. Fingers crossed for all of us for minimal side effects! I really hope chemo doesn't worsen your condition.
Kate, I love your idea about a party! I would love to join in. So glad to hear you get to end chemo before Christmas.
Bluefrog76 - I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It must have come as a huge shock. I'm so glad you found this group and this website. There is so much support here and there is always someone that has gone through or going through something similar. It truly does help to have a place to come where others really understand.
I went in for my follow up MO appointment and education session today. Got my PET scan results and it was clear, so feeling very relieved about that. Unfortunately, the MUGA scan showed borderline results for my heart. So they cancelled my education session and are getting me in to have an echocardiogram and cardiologists before the MO will allow me to have the Adriamycin portion of my treatment. He is trying to get all of this rushed so it won't delay treatment for long. I think I'll still be starting next week sometime.
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Tazbear 89 and all--I think the best tasting products are from Biotene. Dental literature still supports its use, as well as just baking soda and salt. No other products have really emerged. I confirmed this last week with an oral surgeon. The action of the toothbrush and floss is more important than the toothpaste itself. Personally, as a preventive, I am squirting Biotene mouthwash on my toothbrush to get the flavor and then just brushing gently with a soft brush without toothpaste. I prefer it to baking soda Dry mouth may also be a problem that can lead to tooth decay. While I realize people have different ideas about fluoride use, it is a standard practice for dentists to prescribe fluoride gels to patients undergoing chemotherapy in order to prevent decay, especially when the tissue is sore and brushing can be less effective. Definitely avoid products with alcohol and sodium lauryl sulfate and anti microbials that alter the balance of good bacteria that leads to yeast/candida/thrush. I have been a dental hygienist for over 40 years so this is my professional opinion. Of course, I have yet to experience this side effect, so I cannot tell you if it is as effective when I am the patient! I do like the idea of the Miracle Mouthwash if it gets bad. Good luck.
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Bluefrog, so very sorry to hear about your DX. But welcome. You've found a good place.
Tam-Iam, the idea of that party is what's keeping me going today!
SCDA76, I'll ask you a professional question . . . I've developed oral thrush. I'm told my MO has called in a prescription for magic mouthwash; anything else you can recommend? Since I can't taste anything, it's not a big deal, but it's GROSS.
Ah, chemo. The gift that keeps on giving. I would never in a million years have thought I'd be on the internet talking about diarrhea and thrush. :P
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KateB79-usually a prescription for Nystatin (swish and swallow) is given for thrush. I have used it and it has worked. Physician or dentist can prescribe. Yogurt with acidophilus/live bacteria, no or low sugar is good for a home remedy. You can kind of swish it around, too.
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Good luck to you. I had my first treatment last Thursday and it definitely has been a learning experience. I feel like I will be better prepared for round 2!
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Ophelia75: Claritin didn't work for me either. Hoping after the 2nd treatment it works better. But does anyone have any other tricks to alleviate bone pain?
Kate: end of chemo party sounds great! I own a special events company so if you need any help brainstorming for ideas, let me know!
Speaking of parties, I'm delaying my Selebrate the Shaving party from Friday to early next week. Good news is hair is falling out but more slowly than anticipated. Bad news is I want to in part bc my wig shopping experience didn't go well - and I didn't realize how expensive they can be. eek! I did find a place that my insurance will accept though - phew!
Hugs to all!
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American Cancer Society has some shops that provide one free wig and other head covering to chemo patients. They are donated items. I am lucky there is one by my home but I did not end up getting anything there--at least not yet! Find address locations on their website.
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FYI on TC Day 3 (session 1 of 4): Woke up a little tired today, but geez, I'm getting up in the night because of drinking so much water! I took a nap and felt much better. No nausea --yay!-- so the IV anti nausea med called Emend is fantastic. My doc said I wouldn't need to take my anti-nausea prescriptions for 3-5 days, if at all this session. I also noticed a little acne this morning...oh joy. The doc said it's the taxotere. But, I feel good overall. The nurse said day 4 or 5 on TC was the hardest, so we'll see.
So, I have some questions...
I am feeling like the hairs on my arms and head are hot. Is this neuropathy in my arms or, as someone said earlier, is my hair preparing to jump ship? I don't have any tingling in my fingers or toes. They sent me to the naturopathic doctor to ask about neuropathy. He suggested L-glutamine, B12, and mushroom pills called Mycommunity. Anyone try these or hear about these? They always suggest a crap-load of stuff, but the City of Hope (cancer research in California) did just do a good study on mushrooms that was pretty valid and reliable, so I'm not sure which advice to use or pass on.
I also woke up with a swollen lymph gland on the back of my neck at the hairline. The doc took my temp and checked my blood, and was not concerned as the tests looked fine.
Anyone experience any of these effects?
@sparklypink, The American Cancer Society give a wig out for free, and the rest are at a reduced price. Here is their number: 1-800- 850 9455 or look online at their website at (tender loving care ) www. tlcdirect . org
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It's probably your hair getting ready to jump ship.
Run any supplements by your MO. Mine was cool with L-glutamine, but didn't want B vitamins or anti-oxidants during chemo. RO let me add B back but no C, alpha lipoic acid, E, or omega-3 until after radiation.
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Hi Ophelia!
Birdysmom, glad you're doing so well. I wish I'd had neoadjuvant treatment! It's amazing to know the chemo really can work that quickly and effectively.
Kate, oh yeah, big plans ahead! When I am finished with my main treatment, my twins will have just graduated from college *and* my youngest will have just graduated from high school. I'm planning on inviting my friends & family from all over the world to visit us for an open house weekend to celebrate every bit of good news. My husband will grill, I'll throw down sleeping bags and air mattresses, and I'll blast some tunes and stay up all night. After that, I *hope* to have six months before a PET scan, during which I'll have blissful ignorance about whether or not my cancer has recurred. In that time period, I plan on lots of scuba trips (if I can figure out the lymphedema issue) and world travel galore.
sparklypink...I might call on you about that party next summer.
tazbear, I'm assiduous about my oral care. I suck on ice during treatments, use a baking soda/salt/water rinse at least 5 times a day, brush and floss at least 3 times a day, use a rinse, and apply a gel at night. I use Biotene for the toothpaste, rinse, and evening gel. I use a very soft toothbrush & bought this cool brush sanitizer: Obviously this is just anecdotal, but I haven't had mouth sores (yet) and still have an intact sense of taste. I can only hope that will continue!
Bluefrog76, oh no...I'm so sorry to meet you under these circumstances. I can't believe you were suffering so much with a broken back, and to learn about the cancer diagnosis is just adding insult to injury. (((hugs))) If you haven't already, please check out the triple-positive thread.
Tam-iam, great news about the PET scan! Hope everything is okay with your heart so you can move forward.
Last night I had my hair cut close to my scalp--not quite a buzz, because my stylist left a tiny bit on top.
We were quite a crowd--three of my four kids were there, plus my mom, sister, and husband. I know the hair will only be around for another week or so, but better to lose short hair than long clumps (so I've been told). My stylist also trimmed my wig a lot, and it looks MUCH better than it did prior to the trim!
Today is my next AC treatment...once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!
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Hello, I'm Joseanna I'm 42 and I have 4 kids and a step son aged 11 weeks, 7, 9, 13 & 15 ( next Tuesday)
I'm stage IV IDC. I'm not real great with the lingo yet. This is all so very new to me.
I'm starting chemo the 24th. AC every 3 weeks. My MO said he just wants to get in thereASAP to get it to stop spreading. Plus we don't have all my pathology report back so he's waiting on that to determine our next plan of attack.
I'm getting my Port the 21st.
So far it's in my Lymph nodes, axillary, abdomen, liver and bone. I'm having a brain scan the 25th and bone scan the 26th.