Cats, cats, cats



  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited April 2016

    Love all the pictures - CJ lovely to see you here. A great big welcome to you and Gus. What amazing ears, stunning.

    Shep my DH bought me that mug for Christmas a couple of years ago. When it got broken so he bought me another Nerdy. He got DS the "Everything tastes better with cat hair" one.



  • susan3
    susan3 Member Posts: 2,631
    edited April 2016

    such cute pics :)

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    Loving the red shoes on the kitten under the counter. :)

  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878
    edited April 2016

    feelingfeline ~ Look at what I found! Gone with the Wind with Cats! Susan Herbert just may be my new favorite artist :)

    CJ ~ It's bad enough I may or may not have clothes for my cat; I want some ruby slippers too. Most importantly though..... We need more Gus!!!!




  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    I LOVE the Gone with the Wind Cats! How cool!

    Gus went through a really bratty phase when he liked to hid under the computer and attack my hands as I typed.


  • jlstacey
    jlstacey Member Posts: 117
    edited April 2016

    I love all of the kitties! I want to give them all hugs. Have any if you seen Fat Cat Art? It's a Russian woman who inserts her fat orange tabby into famous artwork. Google it. You won't regret it

  • scrunchthecat
    scrunchthecat Member Posts: 138
    edited April 2016


    I stayed with a housefull of kittens last weekend in Philly. Here is one trying to climb Mount Human!

  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878
    edited April 2016

    imageOooh Naughty Gus & sweet baby kitty!

    jlstacey ~ Love the Fat Cat Art....I need a Mona Lisa !


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited April 2016

    Hi JlStacey (waving) Fat Cat Art artist is fantastic. ran across the art a couple of years ago but did not realise she was a female artist,

    Love GWTW Cats!

    Love Mount Human!

    Goodness Gus what a place to hide!

  • leftduetostupidmods
    leftduetostupidmods Member Posts: 346
    edited April 2016

    I HAD to share this. Just because this little one is so absolutely adorable, and the way it poses (I don't know if it's a he or a she, the slimness looks more like a she but the countenance more like a he). No matter the gender, the star quality is definitely there.

    CATatelier: for the fashion forward feline

  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878
    edited April 2016

    A cat-a-log of feline fashions ~ WooHoo !

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    I do volunteer work with Save A Kitten San Jose (check out our Facebook page!). Friday we managed to find fosters and rescues for 186 kittens and moms (we had a lot of feral moms - the shelter neuters them, then releases them, but the kittens are often not weaned, so we try to find places for the families). This was a record for us! But we had to send little Dusty out to help with supplies...


    The part about the 186 kittens and cats is true... :p

    A quick background on SAK - the San Jose Animal Care Center is the biggest animal shelter in the area. Any kitten over a pound, eating and healthy, can stay and will be up for adoption once they are spayed or neutered. Any kitten under a pound, not eating, or under 2 pounds and sick would be euthanized as they do not have the resources to handle them. So we work to find rescues and fosters for these wee little ones. We saved over 5000 last year. Gus came from here. This is his brother Django as a kitten.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,949
    edited April 2016

    Hi CJ, I volunteer for the Seattle Animal Shelter. We have foster parents who are experienced in bottle feeding and care for sick little guys. We received an injured Mom with 5 kittens estimated to be 3 days old. They had been outside and were cold, but we managed to save 2 of them and they're with a bottle feeding foster Mom. The injured cat had to be rushed to surgery, but she's recovering in a different foster home. Despite her injuries she was still attempting to nurse her kittens. Mother instincts are strong!

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    Aren't they amazing! I love that more and more shelters are doing this. It's wonderful. I'm amazed you managed to save 2 of those kittens - once they are cold, it's hard to bring them about. You have some awesome volunteers!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,801
    edited April 2016

    Thank you to all who volunteer. You do an invaluable service! Heart

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited April 2016

    Amen to that.

    CJ what gorgeous pictures. That is astounding how many kittens you got homes/foster carers for. DH worked in San Jose Mercury News for 4 years in the 1990's. (Had not yet discovered his inner cat man at that time. Smile)

  • Junebug1972
    Junebug1972 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2016

    imageThis is Harold. AKA Harebear! He's looking out the window! Wonderful kitty left on the side of the road in a box when he was a kitten. Such an amazing guy!!!

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited April 2016

    Long Live King Harold!

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    Harold is GORGEOUS! I love the tuxedos!!

  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878
    edited April 2016

    Harold must be a king to bear such a fine ruff! Oh and those whiskers and tufty ears :)

  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878
    edited April 2016

    This is my Pris - named for Daryl Hannah's character in Blade Runner, not GWTW Prissy :)


    We drove almost 2 hours to pick her up from the shelter that had her. She was supposed to be a big burly Maine Coon and 8 weeks old. We got there and she was palm sized, so tiny and so scared, weighing not even a pound. She shrunk back from the shelter helpers but scooted right up my arm and nestled in my hair on my shoulder....and STAYED there! No budging her. She picked me :) Wasn't until several hours later after we got her settled at home (and finally off my shoulder) that we realized she had just a stubby little tail! She surely would have died at the shelter being sooo small and too young to be away from mama. She is a little fluffball now with a pouffy "bambi" tail. Pris looks like the standard for an American Bobtail but does have a "Cooney" face. She will be 2 next month and weighs 9 1/2 lbs now.

  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878
    edited April 2016

    These are from Pris's 1st and 2nd day with us. She was terrified of my German Shepherd Marti at first. As you can see, that didn't last long! Buddies at the vet and dining together....



  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    What a beauty, Pris is!! Love her eyes.

  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878
    edited April 2016

    Pris at the water bowl, then and now:



    Happy tail in action!


  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878
    edited April 2016

    Hi CJ! Thank you :) Your shots of Little Dusty earning her keep made me laugh out loud ~ what a good little kitten! Did Django grow up to have beautiful ears like Gus? Such an adorable little fuzzy wuzzy!

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    Shep - I LOVE Pris' tail - it makes her unique! Django did grow up to be as handsome as his brother. I still keep in touch with his people - she's a professor at UC Santa Cruz and he's a facilities manager, and they dote on Django. Such a great couple.

    Had to share Gus from last night. He likes to sleep between the pillows (I lay one down for him to sleep on - nope, no spoiled kitties here). Good thing he likes belly rubs - that white fluffy belly is tough to resist.


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited April 2016

    Pris Heart

    Gus Heart

  • leftduetostupidmods
    leftduetostupidmods Member Posts: 346
    edited April 2016


  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    Seachain - thank you! I needed that laugh! I have a Echo Cardiogram today, which I know is no big deal, but for some reason I'm all stressed out - not about the test, but about the test getting in the way of my Saturday routine. I'm such a creature of habit! I'm a total cat at heart.

    The Chesapeake Feline Association posted this photo in tribute to Prince, and I thought it was amazing.


  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145
    edited April 2016

    Hope your ECG all good and over.