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Starting Chemo September 2015; join us!



  • CarolinaAmy
    CarolinaAmy Member Posts: 215

    Lisa, I just about peed myself laughing at that outfit!!!! 😄

    Katie, the hubby is so adorable I want to give him a hug on behalf of the rest of us. So sweet.

    Southern, how do you get your skin so velvety looking??

    As far as vision, my MO nurse warned me that vision changes are part of the deal and not to freak out. The loss of eyelashes and eyebrows changes things, so "don't panic and run to the optometrist".

    And I can't stand plain water right now. It's magically diluted grape juice for me (ice, water, and about 1/8 juice).

  • Aga
    Aga Member Posts: 77


    You look great!! 

    Hang in there ladies. Had my first chemo today. Had a reaction to the taxotere, started as a burning in my throat and it radiated down my body.  My face got red and hot. My arms became numb . So I got more steroids waited and kept on going . 

    1 down 3 to go!! 👍🏻

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    love the hubby making you smile!

    As I'm reading all these milestones (yay!) I'm wondering... Who is with me until February? My end date is 2/5/16. Radiation starts up in March. Looks like the ooph will be in June and reconstruction on lefty some time next summer.

  • LindyC
    LindyC Member Posts: 210


    Made it out for a lovely anniversary dinner with the hubby. Had an appetite for a great steak dinner..yay!

    Wore my wig out and it was good except for a last minute hot flash that made it uncomfortable for awhile. Overall, it was a great night. Hope everyone has a great night and better day tomorrow!

  • LindyC
    LindyC Member Posts: 210

    Thanks SouthernCharm..felt human again for awhile. My last chemo is scheduled for Dec. 17 then radiation starts in early January. I have 5 weeks, 5 days a week for 25 sessions.

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 319
    Lindy- you look beautiful and I'm glad you were able to enjoy a nice anniversary dinner. Hot flashes are terrible in a wig.

    Has anyone researched if you can use Latisse during chemo? I would love to keep my lashes.
  • Lila-claire66
    Lila-claire66 Member Posts: 73

    You do look lovely LindyC. Congrats on your anniversary too.

    Glad for the water advice Southerncharm as I usually like water fine but after the last chemo infusion it was hard to drink.

    cajun I end my dense dose AC Oct 21 then do 12 weekly infusions, then radiation and herceptin for a year. Oh and transfer to complete reconstruction after radiation. In this for the long haul too!

    Re the Neulasta bone pain, I too take Claritin for 5 days along with Motrin or Aleve. I had to resort to a rx pain med one night as the neck pain was aweful. I hate taking so many meds but compared to the stuff we are all getting I figured it was better not to be in pain!

    wishing you all a peaceful, restful night. Press on

  • twiggyOR
    twiggyOR Member Posts: 246

    on the water issue, last time I mixed either juice or Gatorade with water in order to get any down. It all tasted awful but I could at least drink it... I'm trying Milo this time.

    Charm, it should be the herceptin you continue and I think it will be for the remainder of the year, so about nine months more. My mo told me today it will continue on the three week schedule and does not really impact surgery or radiation other than maybe a day or two. For me, Tamoxifen will start after rads.

    Have any of you been offered the Canadian protocol for radiation? I think that's what I'm going to get. It's three weeks instead of five and studies show just as effective.

  • Skittlegirl
    Skittlegirl Member Posts: 138

    I am not a candidate for the Canadian protocol. I think due to my age and there's another factor.

    I will be on Herceptin for a year.

    Chemo until end of January. Surgery will probably be mid-March. Radiation for 5-7 weeks following surgery. Reconstruction at some point. Can't even think that fat ahead right now.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434

    Hi all: still not well, although I am feeling a bit better. Had congestion, achy feeling, a low grade fever. Not clear if it is SEs or a cold, but either way i am staying home. MO just watching for now, hope it is better soon!

    Quick comments on a few questions:

    vision issues: common with some regimens, and I have them. As a friend on another bco thread reminded me: dry eyes make it worse, and don't assume your eyes aren't dry just because they water. Try artificial tears several times a day,.you can get them OTC. If you are like me and hate putting drops in your eyes, just lie on couch, close eyes, put drop on part of upper lid closest to your nose, open lid, let gravity do its thing.

    'Canadian' protocol: I've been referred for a consult on it, but have been told most women who are large chested are not candidates.

    Take care and hugs to all!


  • sailorgirl15
    sailorgirl15 Member Posts: 72

    Everyone's hair looks great! The short cuts are adorable!

    I had round 2 today. I will say days 8-14 were great. I had tons of energy and a few mouth sores but got the mouthwash and have been using it 2-3 times per day. I forgot about the Benedryl until someone mentioned it here and voila! It helped me sleep all the way thru the night! I took Ativan last night and at noon today before my infusion. Just took promethazine which I got as an extra Rx Day 2 last time. My nurse said to take it tonight to get ahead of the nausea. I am taking more anti nausea meds this time for sure! Plan on sleeping a lot tomorrow and slowly crawling out of the fog to be ready for my daughter and 7 month old granddaughter to visit on Friday.

    Teacher - I hope you are feeling better

    Southern - days 6-9 were good but I'm on DD AC and that seems to hit hard and quickly and then receed gradually until Day 5 when I felt better for the next week and then today got slammed again!

    I am not looking forward to chemo brain which I'm sure will come as the hairs go. Several were found lying in the sink gasping for air! I then made the mistake of pulling on a few - noooooooo!

  • sailorgirl15
    sailorgirl15 Member Posts: 72

    Annie - hang in there! Take a pain pill! It will heal and the value of how easy it is to access will be worth it! I put the cream on an hour before and cover it with a piece of Saran Wrap. It's magic!

  • sailorgirl15
    sailorgirl15 Member Posts: 72

    Dee - I am using this gel for lashes and brows which they say works. Time will tell. I started it before first round and just had round 2 and head hairs are starting to fall so will let you know what happens with brows and lashes

  • sailorgirl15
    sailorgirl15 Member Posts: 72

    Octogirl - my sister had Canadian protocol for radiation and she's large breasted. She was in Chicago and it was spring 2014.

    I was told no because of lymph node involvement and the same for brachytherapy radiation.

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    could somebody explain to me why claritin before and after neulasta? Thanks!

  • sailorgirl15
    sailorgirl15 Member Posts: 72

    Grey - the first 2-3 days knocked me out but I went to work on Fri (had chemo Mon afternoon and also went to work on Mon morning) then by Sunday I was great and worked all that second week. Will keep you posted as to how round 2 goes. I hope to go in Thurs but for sure on Friday.

    I'm 62 and teach school to give you a better idea....will let you know how round 2 plays out! I went to work this morning and had chemo at 1.

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594

    Lisa love the comment about the pain in the butt. So true!

    Dee gorgeous color on your wig.

    Cajun I want those devil ears. I will be here thru it all. Last chemo 12/9, then rads 6 weeks, then reduction later in 2016. (Reexcision left me uneven in cup size)

    Southern you def are a hat gal. So cute.

    Katie your hubs is a keeper. The anticipation of the buzz is tough, plus all that hair falling out makes it worse. I never cried after, only before.

    Aggie I am gonna try the cucumber slices.

    CarolinaAmy happy I am not alone with the water aversion. And yes I was panicking about the vision.

    Aga scary about the reaction to taxotere.

    Lindy you look beautiful. Great smile. I'm jealous of the steak.

    Octo i forgot I have artificial tears I bought before chemo to use. Gonna give them a try for the eye crusties.

  • Shopgal2
    Shopgal2 Member Posts: 594

    Found this on another breast cancer site board and wanted to share.

  • LindyC
    LindyC Member Posts: 210

    I'm feeling well enough to do normal things today. My hubby and I are fortunate to have the means to build our dream house. After years of sacrifice and careful planning, we are realizing our dream. Unfortunately this nasty disease decided to drop in and try to screw with it.

    It's been hard, beginning with the diagnosis. Until I knew more, all I could think about was finishing this project for my family. It was something I was determined to do. Now, with an optimistic prognosis, this project is a godsend, keeping me quite busy and distracted. I have a designer to help. She will be doing a heck of a lot more than I originally planned but she is also a family friend and knows our lifestyle. I'm confident she can carry out my vision when there are the inevitable days when I can't participate.

    Today is a good day. We are off to stores to choose flooring. I feel victorious that I am having a regular, normal day. Small victory but a victory nevertheless.

    Here's to small victories for all of us today and tomorrow....

  • Minnesota_LisaFR
    Minnesota_LisaFR Member Posts: 316

    Lindy - Good for you! I had my first chemo Sept 22 and had a very similar experience. Normal days are awesome and much appreciated. Stories about your dream house make me smile, so please keep them coming!

    I'm off to Round 2 AC later this morning and am okay knowing I'll be out of commission through Friday or so.

  • Cinque
    Cinque Member Posts: 150

    When I found water hard to drink I added lemon and lime slices it definately made it better.  Try icypoles, melons other ways of getting fluid in.  I think it helps flush that crap out of us and helps us feel better sooner.  Love all the pics of your new wigs.  You are all rocking them remember tinsel town uses wigs all the time.  Sure we didn't get a choice but aren't we lucky at the great looking options that are available.  In my thoughts and prayers xxx

  • Cinque
    Cinque Member Posts: 150

    Hi LindyC

    Have fun choosing your flooring.  I love normal days.  Today was my first normal day after second round of chemo.  I went off to work and then the gym and very happy to be able to.  We have to cope with the physical side of this situation but keeping a normal routine and achieving tasks no matter how small on a day to day basis will help overcome the mental challenges we face.  I am amazed by the resilience of the wonderful women on this forum.

  • Cinque
    Cinque Member Posts: 150

    Best of luck today Southerncharm.  After today you are one step closer to finish.  This time you wont have to deal with hair loss, been there done that, you don't have the fear of the unknown and you have an ulcer action plan. Youve got this one in the bag.  

    Seeing you're gassy today I feel sorry for whoever is sitting next to you.

    Keeping you and whoever is sitting next to you in my prayers.


  • KatieJ523
    KatieJ523 Member Posts: 25

    Shopgal that article was beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

    Southern - good luck today with round 2.

    Jabe are we ready for round 2 tomorrow?

    To everyone feeling rough, sending you happy thoughts and hugs. Well wishes to all who are heading into their next round of chemo.

  • KatieJ523
    KatieJ523 Member Posts: 25


  • edwsmom
    edwsmom Member Posts: 270

    Good luck Southern! I'm thinking about you. I do my second round on Thursday. I feel exactly the same way. I've been feeling good/normal for the past 10 days too. It stinks knowing that we have to start the cycle all over again. :(

    Skittle - you are on the same protocol as I am too!

    I'm sooooo tired today. I stayed up way too late talking to my husband about all this stuff. I think I was just feeling really stressed out last night knowing that I'm about to start it all over again this week. Plus, my OB called me wanting to talk about contraception to make sure I don't get pregnant during chemo. Geez...seriously. I really don't feel like talking with her about this right now. I'm probably just going to avoid her call for a while.

  • Lila-claire66
    Lila-claire66 Member Posts: 73
    Sending a special hug of strength to those of you having your second infusion this week. those days of normalcy are wonderful. I face round 3 tomorrow (every two weeks) so my normal days are fewer but i maximize them. I have plotted on my calendar what each day may feel like based on first two rounds. Helps me fit in the important tasks on good days and my 'say NO' days when I need them.

    LindyC how fun to be planning your dream home! great distraction but don't overdo!

    Kaite love the quote about the storm! I saw this before bc but now it really means something.

    AnnieB you always make us laugh! Hope you are feeling better.

    Hang in there my special friends!

    Oh, by the way, I found several really cute hats for great prices on the Charming Charlie web site

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689

    okay, that begs the question - is anyone actually having sex through chemo?

  • AnnieB43
    AnnieB43 Member Posts: 724

    Really? Sex? I can't even remember the last time I had sex. It was definitely before surgery. Who even feels like it through all the people groping your boobs and tests and ultrasounds?! Add to that the puffy steroid look, baldness, scars, pain, constpation, diarrhea and on and on. If someone here is still having sex you have just been elevated to super hero in my book!