


  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437

    Amazing how some fresh air and sunshine can rejuvenate us! Glad you had such an afternoon Patty.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,834

    Happy Spring! And Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662

    ahhh fresh air and sunshine! Feels so good and is good for the soul! Sending lots of love your way! Hope the kiddos are doing well! When is their spring break?

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Member Posts: 773

    Glad to hear you are out and about again! Woot!

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    spring break is next week. I am not sure who is more excited : me or the boys. I cant wait to skeep in and NO homework. I absolutely love spending time with them even if it is just hanging around the house. I hope to get out and take them to do a few things while they are off. Haven't mentioned my ideas to them yet, hate to feel bad that day and have to cancel. To hard to see the disappointment in their eyes. I know we won't plan a trip a be super active but hoping we can find some fun around here. Maybe a few hours in the morning and then I can come home and rest a bit. In the past I've been horrible about over doing it and then being flat out a few days. Not doing that this time.

    Well my port site is healing nicely and time to take the bandages off and give it some fresh air. I took them off this morning but will probably put an oversized T-shirt on before the boys get home. I need s couple days to get used to the look before I let them see it. I am rememering My last port , over 10+ years ago , was more flush. This one looks like a tumour growing. Maybe I just don't remember correctly. I know for s fact , because of the remaining scar, that it was about 1\2 inch to the left of center. I could wear almost any shirt and it would be covered. This one is about 1\2 inch more towards center. Tried on many summer shirts today and it's gonna show at least partially. Boo. Wouldn't be comfortable like that. So I guess it's s good excuse to buy some new summer shirts. Lol I have never been a spender but now it's much worse. Can't see spending much money on me when I feel like I won't live much longer. Seems like a huge waste. I still have all my Christmas $ from others I haven't spent a dime of it yet. Been thinking I might use the money to buy the boys either a nice dress watch or gold necklace. Something they can keep forever. I could even have the watch engraved. Dh says I am being silly. He understsnds why i want to do this for the boys but says just use the Christmas money on me and just use checkbook money for that.

    Anyway. Thanks for the support friends

    Hootie hoo

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Oh Patty, "Can't see spending much money on me when I feel like I won't live much longer." Sweetie, what would you say if one of us said that about ourselves? You'd probably tell us what I'm going to tell you: please spend the money on yourself and enjoy some new clothes that make you feel good. You may surprise yourself by living much longer than you expected.

    If you still feel guilty about the money, have hubby donate the clothes after you pass, which I'm praying won't be for a loooong time!

    Let me tell you, those clothes will be very much appreciated. I had neurosurgery last March. After surgery I told my friend Liz that I couldn't wear most of my shirts since they were all pull-overs. She promptly gave me several of her mom's shirts. Her mom had recently passed (and I was honored to play flute at her funeral). I wore "Nee-nee's" clothes all through neurosurgery recovery, and later through mastectomy and reconstruction recovery. I felt her spirit with me during those recoveries.

    I will be packing those clothes up soon, still in great condition, to send them to the next person who needs them.

    You are so worth some new clothes.



  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Madelyn. I know... I know. Just being honest. Thanks for the reminder. Great idea about donation.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173


    Now get something pretty for yourself and post some pics for us to see you!


  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    I agree with Madelyn.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    I am horrible at selfies. Hope it turns out better then my drivers license pic did today. My license had expired back in oct and I was nervous I was gonna have to retake the written test. Luckily it had to be expired over 1 year.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    I discovered that I can take better selfies of myself if I use the timer on my phone. I just set the camera for facing me and timer for 10 seconds, then I prop the phone on the shelf and get myself into a nice pose while it counts down. Easy-peasy, almost as easy as having someone take the photo.

    OK, now when and where are you going shopping?

  • LindaE54
    LindaE54 Member Posts: 1,379

    Patty - go shopping for yourself. After dx I didn't want to buy anything, well I've spoiled myself since then and it feels good. We have no crystal ball to tell us how long we will live, might as well enjoy! I've already passed on a few things due to weight gain, grr....

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,834

    Hope you get to do lots of fun things with the kids on the break. But even making some popcorn & watching a movie, or watching them play video games, doing art projects, making cookies.....more low key activities are fun 'together times' too.

    When I had a port, I bought a bunch of v-neck shirts as they covered up the area better. And, Retail Therapy is very important for mental health; go shopping! Smile

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664

    I agree go shopping now that you feel better. You aren't dead yet (may that be decades away) and you have a nice family that adores you and wants to see you happy and styling! Your happiness = their happiness Bon is right.

    I totally understand the watch and engraving. I just got my DD3 a name sake ring with her birthstone. Can't wait to give it to her next week on her birthday. I wanted something she could have when I am gone. I hope you have a wonderful Spring break! Enjoy.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    Too funny coincidence, or maybe because you ladies are all so nice.

    Until my post right now, the last post on Rosevalley's thread was PattyPeppermint
    and the last post on PattyPeppermint's thread was Rosevalley.


  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318

    Patty! Absolutely pamper yourself and buy something that makes you feel pretty. It will give you a little boost and you certainly deserve it. Have a fun Spring break with your boys!



  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662

    good idea about not over doing it and being flat for several days after! I hear ya and I have not been thru anything like you! I have been lazy and not refilled my Zoloft...wondered if it was really doing anything...yes, yes it was. My tears haven't stopped today. I agree about the shopping although I understand your honesty as well. I'm not sure why spending money is therapeutic? Maybe there is a study on that...I tend to go crazy on the kids and I am soon going to be an aunt! I'm completely insane over babies!!! Maybe buy a few things for you and a few things for boy's. Spring break is sooooo nice for sleeping in! I like your idea of a few hours then rest. My kids really love board games and I get to lay in the floor if I want to :) anything that gives them your undivided attention. The hurt in their eyes when we have to say "not now. Mommy needs to rest." Tears. Just tears. You are such a good momma! I pray you will have the strength to enjoy some time together

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    kjones. Congrats on new aunt. Hoping they live close enough to spoil them.

    Yes yes yes. Y'all are are correct about shopping therapy. I deserve it and they deserve to see me looking so fine. Lol.

    Mom. Lol. That's funny. I am always amazed at the compassion shown here

    Rose. I am excited for you. I bet she will love the ring and cherish it for a lifetime.

    Ruth. Great ideas for things to do with dss. I need to remember they enjoy the one on one attention no matter what we do. Unfortunately my port is to close to middle of chest to wear most of my vnecks. A good friend will take me shopping after spring break. She had a great sense of style and is def a spender which is totally opposite o me.

    Bon, lindae , rose. Hugs

    Well today is the first day of spring break and it's cool outside. High in the low 50's.. Brr. We've just been being lazy today. Watching TV, reading and laughing. Ds2 is gonna make some brownies for us shortly. Yum yum. Glad he loves cooking. I am taking credit for instilling that in him. Def gonna make a scrapbook for him including our favorite recipes and including pics of us making them together. Being s boy, I am in t sure it will be something he treasures when egets older but I hope so. Dh is working today. Really most of spring break so it will be just me and dss. I feel guilty dh has to work so much and then do so much work at home. Trying not to let it ruin my day. I can cry at night when everyone's asleep about it. Not spoiling our day. I am thinking just some board games and movies today. Tomorrow a movie. It's super hard for me to sit that long but Ill take along a pain pill. Maybe walk and look around the mall afterwards will get rid of the stiffness.

    Hugs to each. Youre support is truly a lifesaver to me. Thanks

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Hi little Peppermint! I did that for the girls also....Made them copies of our old recipes... favorites and even some of my Mom's and Grandma's... I took "Foods" or Home Ec. in high-school, and made copies of some of those recipe's ....

    I also made them little albums when they were grown up.... Used some of their baby pictures, school years, and growing up... wrote little poems for them also....

    So happy that you are feeling slightly normaler... That's a word.... I just know it! xoxo

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Chevy. If you say it I believe it. Do it must be a word. How cool you did it for your girls. I think girls would probably appreciate it more then boys. I am doing it snyway and they can decide what to do with it when they get older.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Patty, cheapo, spend the money on some new shirts

  • Longtermsurvivor
    Longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 738

    And a new pair of pants or skirt too...whichever you wear now.

    You mentioned being skin and bones, so your old clothes must be sagging around the waist and bottom.

    You deserve to look good, Patty.

    You are such a dear, dear person. I'm glad to get to know you here.

    love, Stephanie

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    Stephanie. You are so sweet. I mostly wear shorts or sweats now. Funny if you would have told me that would be my wardrobe 5 years ago inwould have laughed in your face. But it's comfy and comfy is hard to come by. Your right nothing fits.

    Sas. Cheapo wokd describe me perfectly. Lol. You know me well

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Morning Peppermint...! So good to see you posting normaller... Ha! THAT is another good word.

    I don't think you are "cheap"... you are just thinking about others more than yourself... I know you can wear those old sweats and shirts till they fall off you in pieces... Just don't wear them around anybody...Winking I find that when I feel like the proverbial whateverthecatbroughtin, I would FEEL better if I picked myself up, and put on some fancy duds, and put that make-up on, if even only !/2 of it, and curled my hair, and then walked up to Starbucks with my cane, and DH and then SAT there in the SUN while he walked over to Sprouts!

    I got myself cleaned up, even though I didn't feel like it, because I had fallen in the garage on the cement, reaching for a basket, and stubbed my shoe on something... but since I wasn't bleeding from my knee, or my toes, I got up, thanked GOD it wasn't my BAD leg, and went back in and kept on cleaning out the cupboard! I got things done, then when DH came back from his walk, I just laid down, on the day-bed, and took a short nap.

    THEN got up, fixed dinner, and he said "Let's go for a walk to Starbucks".... I thought OMG in HEAVEN, is he NUTS? I still wasn't bleeding from anywhere, so I put my un-curled hair under a flashy ball-cap, lip-gloss and blush, and we walked that 6 blocks up to Starbucks! And I didn't have to see anybody without my hair being done! I sat there in the SUN, and thought this was a great day! I had been worn-out, dragged down, but I did it anyway.

    So find something that looks pretty on you, put it on, throw on some make-up, and spend the day taking in all the old clothes that are hanging on you. I KNOW!!! Sew a ruffle or sequins on those old shirts, after you gather them in!

    And go buy those kids something fun! AFTER you fix yourself up! xoxo

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    oh dear sweet chevy. What a nice surprise to see your post first thing when I woke up this am. Am I lucky or what ? You sure are one tough cookie... Def tougher than the normaller ( did I use the new word correctly?). I love to hear you talk about you and Mr. C. I hope I have that kind of relationship with my dh when I get ummm..err..uhhh older. I love your get er done spirit. Pull yourself up by your bi girl panties attitude. Reminds me of my dad. I need that reminder sometimes. Thanks. This big ol' mud hole I've been walloing ( ha is that a word ?) In is getting stinky. I def feel better when I look better it's just I get so exhausted getting pretty that I am exhausted and ready for a nap before I get to do anything. So today I got up with dh and made us both a yummy veggie,juice drink in my nutribullet. Letting dss sleep in. It's spring break. I got dh out the door to work with a smile on his face SillyHeart ive gotten s shower and now waitibg to do hair and makeup then relax. Time dss wake up I'll have my second wind. We are going to the matinee movies today. Haven't told dss yet cause I didn't want to get them excited then have to cancel cause I was miserable. But nope doing pretty good and it's full steam ahead today. Lol. Sewing and me do not go together. Not even a hem. I'll just get new.

    Anyone have a good recommendation for a movie showing currently ? I looked at the movies showing but haven't heard of most of them.

    Hugs all

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    oh yeah in case y'all didn't know mominator is extremely gifted for musical stuff. Very impressive indeed.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Peps! How about Magic Mike 2? Yes, you would love that! You mean with the FAMILY??? Maybe not, but go to that one with your gal-friends!

    Hah! You make ME laugh.... Us getting olderer? Or UP-THERE? Naaaaah!

    Gotta go jump in the shower, and get duded up... I mean step easily over the tub, hanging onto everything, and carefully take a shower... Hah! xoxo

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    lol. Yes not very family friendly I hear. Yep. Fixin to get out of tis recliner since my hair is mostly dry and go get started trying to fix myself up. It certainly takes more time then it used to

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173

    ((Blushing)) as I sit here working on some music stuff for tonight's Holy Week service.

    Patty, you are too kind. I try to use my gifts for God' glory.

    Don't forget to friend me on Facebook

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950

    mominator. Will do. Although I don't check Facebook very often. Hoping to see you in musical action on your fb