Stage III Cancer Survivors...15+ years and out

Let's just see what happens here...This is a "build it and they will come" experiment. It's time.
If you are not a 15 year survivor but know the story of someone who is, please join in.
Yay Weesa! Thanks for starting this to give us even more hope.
Not there yet, but will be watching intently
Love & hugs from one of your many admirers - Julie
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This is perfect!! I know they will come or at least hopefully we'll all get there and fill this thread up!!
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My grandmother was a 15 year survivor when she died of Parkinson's. She had node involvement and a tumor stuck to her chest wall. In a strongly worded letter to her family doctor who ignored the lump because she had cystic breasts, she described herself as "metastatic," which may have been the case back in 1984. She had a radical DMX, a year of chemo (flying to SKMCC for her treatments), and I believe radiation. In years after her diagnosis, she was able to meet five grandkids, including me.
When I feel down, I remind myself that I have her tough genes
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Hi Weesa....Methinks you are in need of a serious Slouchfest. I can do one virtually if you need one. Let me know.
However, did my share at the conference last week, so trying to eat right at least for a day or so. (Just poured myself a glass of good Whisky.....from Scotland.)
To answer your question, I have a friend who had tumors discovered in her lungs when she went to get her feet fixed. Something like 15 years later, she is just fine.
I send her wine every year for Christmas at this point.
I was Stage II, not III, so don't count in your poll. But I can tell you I am grateful for every single day of the wonderful life I lead.
I am expecting to be here in another 10 years. And if I'm not, it's because I landed in a ditch cycling or skiing.
Much love from Seattle. - Claire
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My friend Minh is a longtime survivor of stage 3 cancer very aggresive grade 3. I am not sure what her hormone status was but she was young and her daughter was 6 months old when diagnosed now her daughter graduated from college she is 23. So Minh has been Ned for 22 years. She had many lymph nodes positive for cancer and both breasts quote "The mammogram lit up like a Christmas tree." She had chemo and radiation.0
My friend will celebrate her 15th year this year! She had triple positive IDC, 9 positive nodes. Had BMX, chemo, rads, year of Herceptin (it was just starting to be used). She continues to take anti-hormonals. This was a local recurrence, too- she had a lumpectomy prior to this diagnosis
Editing this to change her bio markers: she was ER+/PR-, Her2 positive
She is doing great, other than lymphedema. About to see her youngest child get married.
When I feel discouraged, I think of her!
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My therapist's friend is 24 years out. All I know is she had 19 positive out of 22 nodes. She is doing well and living abroad with her husband. :-)
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So grateful for all the contributors on this new topic. I had started it with some trepidation that it would remain empty, a sign of discouragement for all of us, but the contributions have been heart warming. Thank you all, have a nice holiday today, and keep the stories rolling in. Best regards to an amazing group of men and women, Weesa
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My sister-in-law is 20 years out from stage 3B or 3C breast cancer. She had a mastectomy, chemo and rads. Of course, we joke that she is only alive because she is so evil that even death is scared of her. But family problems aside, I am delighted that she beat it.
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Love, love, love these stories!!! Keep posting ladies ! Thank you Weesa for starting the
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im new to bc, only 1 year since diagnosis. But I am following this thread, thank you for starting it., it gives encouragement when the dark side tries to take over.
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Hey, mods, this thread is starting to slip into oblivion--do you think it could become a pinned thread right under 10 years and out?
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I have a friend who is 17 or 18 years out from a Stage 3C diagnosis. She was in her early 20's at the time of diagnosis, and has gone on to have two healthy, beautiful kids.
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oaktownmom, as a Stage III survivor diagnosed in my 20s and still wanting kids, I love that story.
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Hi Weesa --
We've gone ahead and made this thread a sticky!
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I am so happy to read these stories! It's hard to be optimistic all of the time and was feeling extra fearful today. 15 radiation treatments left and looking for an adjuvant clinical trial to reduce risk. Thanks for sharing and giving me hope!
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hey melz. Totally understand your fear and go there sometimes myself. It's like trying to catch your breath. Wanted to share I'm in a clinical trial for Affinitor. It's used for stage 4 bc and other cancers but the trial is to see if it can stop stage 3 from moving to stage 4. the thread is under swog trial. Maybe you can ask your onc about it.
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thanks mods ! this is a great thread !
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Hi all!
I'm here for encouragement
I'm trying to decide on a treatment. I have nodes left side. Recurrence x3. Anyways also have a skin nodule. I finished Rads last April. Now dealing with this.
I thought surgery and Rads would help.
I have treatment fear. Everyone is pushing Imbrance at me. I just keep wondering what would be offered if this was out of the equation.
I want to have the longest remission possible.
Please keep a eye out for anyone has concurred skin mets.
Thank you.😊
Everyone is so strong. It's just hard being in limbo.
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so very happy for you
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WAnted to let you all know a friend of mine is a 20 year survivor. Her husband is about to retire and she works as a nurse at children's hospital here. Has grown children and grandchildren she enjoys.
It can be done
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thanks for caring to share that great update with all of us.
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This poor old desolate thread of mine! Rest assured, I will be reporting on it --legitimately-- a little over a year from now. And I know there are others here who are planning to post in a few years as well.
No news from me right now-- I am just as irascible and irresponsible as ever, tempting fate and setting a bad example as a treatment graduate.
My wish is that this thread will morph into a place of BIG HOPE for those coming after us. In the meantime, if you know stories of breast cancer longevity be sure to deposit them here!
Love and admiration to all of you, Weesa
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thanks weesa. I want to be like you.......making it a long time. Best wishes. Hope to see you post soon .
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Always great to hear from you, weesa - and like you, I'm also waiting with baited breath to post my success here in just a few more years....
...long may we roll!
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love you irascible Weesa
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So awesome when you all post here!
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YOU are our big hope, Weesa. sugarplum, Lkc... Thank you for caring enough to come back and post for us. Needed some tonight - means a lot.
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Just had lunch with a grade school friend whose mom was a 60 year survivor of what would be considered Stage 3 breast cancer now with a recurrence. She wanted to go to lunch to tell me her mom's story. It was 1956. Her mom was pregnant with her. They wanted to take the baby and do an immediate radical mastectomy, but she refused. She never went home from the hospital after the baby (my friend) was born. The baby went home with her aunt, and my friend's mom had a radical mastectomy. Her mom's MX was extremely deformative as tumor was HUGE and she had lots of lymph nodes involved. She was cut from under her arm down to her ELBOW!! She had surgery and was one of the first people to have cobalt treatments in her small city.
Three years later she had a BC in other breast. And six years later, had ovarian cancer. She had lymphedema her entire life post breast cancer. But every one who knew her loved her.
She lived to be 92 and just died this past year.
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You're too cool, weesa! I too am doing everything I'm not supposed to as a newly tx grad. I just can't give up what's basically my quality of life at 52. If I'm doomed to be gone much sooner as a result, so be it.