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Starting Chemo in February 2016?



  • blamoms
    blamoms Member Posts: 86

    I am finding Taxol easier then AC. When I was doing AC I was down and out for 4 days nausea,exhausted,conspitation. I also got neulasta which made me feel worse. Taxol 5 weeks in I get the bone aches, tired, nose bleeds but it is much better then AC. I find chemo day I don't sleep we'll from the steroids but my body is getting use to it. Hopefully you have an easier time with Taxol. I am finding it goes by fast. This Friday I will be 50% done chemo

  • Francesj19
    Francesj19 Member Posts: 78

    Hi Ladies, how is everyone doing? I wanted to run something by the group, could be the norm, but wanted to talk about it. I went to the Onc for my blood work prior to chemo on Monday and talked about next steps after my last one. I asked if there is petscan to check everything out and he said no. That is not what we do. I guess I am looking for reassurance that all of this chemo has knocked it out. he said "well you had a lumpectomy so we assume that you are cancer free you will have a mammogram in a year and then we go from there. they do an MRI before Radiation but that is it.


  • Deaconlady
    Deaconlady Member Posts: 86

    Hi Frances. I am currently having radiation after finishing chemo. I have a mammogram in July to check things, so I'm thinking that will be my check up then? Hope you are doing well otherwise!

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Hi all,

    I had my 1st Taxol yesterday and feel fine today, so thrilling. Of course I could dive tomorrow but we'll see. I am on weekly, so it may be easier. No steroids, no neulasta. I think I may start icing hands and feet next week, with homemade ziplock ice (I saw it on the Weekly Taxol thread)

    Frances, my chemo is neoadjuvant, so they can check my pathology after my mastectomy and axillary node dissection (I had 2 + nodes identified by fine needle biopsy...there may be more). They will see how well the chemo worked then. Following that I'll have radiation. (Guess I won the bonus ticket with those nodes) My MO said after all is done they do not do any scans or blood work unless you are symptomatic. She said it doesn't enhance outcomes and has risk (radiation). She said I'll learn to live with that uncertainty, and eventually just start living my life. Hope that's true.

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833

    FrancesJ, same here. After rads, then a scan in 3 months is what my MO said Possibly. They will not scan just to scan only if I have some kind of symptom. I have surgery 5/24.

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833

    Just to add, I have a PETSCAN, 2 days before chemo, and right after my first chemo was hospitalized and had a brain CT and lumbar puncture (they thought possible brain or spinal mets) all clear so I think they are done with scanning for now.

  • Francesj19
    Francesj19 Member Posts: 78

    Hi Ladies,

    someone had mentioned a camp for kids whose parents have cancer. can you repost that link as I am interested in it.


  • hanley50
    hanley50 Member Posts: 78

    Hi everyone! Chemo is finally over as of today!! Just need to get through Neulasta shot tomorrow and stupid SE for the next week and then on to surgery in June if my numbers look good...had to have 2 blood transfusions a few weeks ago (was given tentative dates of the 17th or 24th...should know on Monday).

    I haven't been posting much lately trying to stay sane through out this process but have read every post. I love you all and appreciate the support and personal shares as they have been very comforting knowing I am not alone.


    PS...hope to have hair soon!!


  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Frances, it's Camp Kesem, there are many different locations. Here's the link.

  • Myraknits
    Myraknits Member Posts: 191

    Maryann, congrats! You did it, Girl! Sending hugs for the next phase

  • KarenInCanada
    KarenInCanada Member Posts: 194

    I have had no scans I believe because I had no lymph node involvement. The chemo was needed due to my her2+ status otherwise I would have had radiation only. From what I see on the boards for lymph node involvement scans are routinely done. With my clear margins they said they removed the cancer and all of this is preventative.

    The only scans I get are for my heart (syma) and whatever will be done for radiation. Syma is due to haercepton for a yaer

  • Valstim52
    Valstim52 Member Posts: 833

    KarenC1744, I think it depends on the doctor and facility. I'm at an NCI center, and the only scan I had was a PET before chemo. No other scans until a year from diagnosis. Due to an emergency hospital stay I did have a CT scan through er, had nothing to due with my dx though.

    there are so many protocols and treatment plans, each individualized to the patient.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Maryann great to see you have finished, hurrah! I am on day10 after my last one and SEs are still lingering on, but I suppose we just have to tell ourselves that each day is another day towards feeling well again and the trend is good! One day we will actually wake up and not feel like cr@p and that day is getting closer.

    How is everyone else doing? Thread has gone a bit quiet recently, so I've lost track a bit of who has finished, and how many more infusions we all have to go. Updates please! Sending everyone cosmic hugs, we can do this, nearly there! XX

  • chambo
    chambo Member Posts: 88

    Hi all, just checking in. I think it is normal for the boards to go quiet...people get "cancer exhaustion" and just need a break now and then. I finished my last chemo 4/26 and met with my radiologist last Friday. I start rads on 5/31 for 6 weeks. No scans for me either -- just check ups and a new "baseline" mammo 3 months after rads are done.

    For those who did AC or TC - how is that hair coming along? I am at 4 weeks post chemo and don't really see any improvement - just the fuzzies. My eyebrows actually decided to mostly fall out this round after surviving the other three - thanks eyebrows! I have started taking B6 and Biotin because I heard it helps getting hair going. Plus I found a Biotin-B complex "scalp therapy" shampoo for thinning hair that I figure couldn't hurt to use as my bald head I am so ready to have a little hair...

    @myra? @piper? Others?

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280

    Hi all,

    Just had my first of 12 Taxol last Thursday. Glad to see the back of AC. I am achy but otherwise not bad, much easier than that Red Devil. Planning on working tomorrow! I will be finished with Taxol early August, then will have surgery (MX or BMX and axillary node dissection), followed by radiation.

    I have had shortness of breath and will have an ECHO next week to see if the adriamycin has damaged my heart. Fer Pete's sake.

    Hope you all are doing well. It's encouraging to hear some of you finishing up chemo!

  • KarenInCanada
    KarenInCanada Member Posts: 194

    all the best Monday to my regular Chemo gals! Mine will be Tuesday this time. Last one for some of us and I can't wait! MO told me I've done the worst part and after chemo will be smooth sailing. Reflect this chemo regimen has given me shortness of breath when doing easy things around the house but I was told it was normal and would go away. I sure hope so, it is hard because I don't always notice until I'm already short of breath. I hope it is nothing serious for you.

    Valstim i do realize everyone has individualized plans and each facility (country for that matter) is different, I have just noticed that clear margins and clear lymph node patients have frequently commented on no scans. I had been wondering and read through a lot as I had seen many people mentioning scans which I had not had. MO confirmed this for me when I saw him.

    Chambo I know some on Taxotere say their hair grew and I have some darker hair appearing now other than the fuzz, but still a long way to go. I often go to a thread on here where people post pics of their progress and I'm not expecting much until maybe 8 weeks post chemo. It is exciting though to know it will be coming soon to see what it is like! Just wondering if I should buzz off I have now and start fresh. Did you? I'm thinking of trying the biotin, already on b6 and will start back on my b multi after this chemo.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

  • Nolagirl1126
    Nolagirl1126 Member Posts: 178

    Evening Fab Febs!

    Hope everyone is doing well. I finished weekly Taxol/Herceptin a week ago...and graduating to Herceptin (once every three weeks). Started Tamoxifen 3 days ago. Feels strange not to be gearing up for every Thursday. The main reason I am sooo excited is NO MORE COLD CAPPING! So excited for that to be done!

    Have an ECHO this week to make sure Herceptin not damaging heart. Then will pick my "day" for Herceptin every three weeks.

    Chambro, you are so right. I do feel like I am on "Cancer Overload" sometimes. There is only so much you can read, discuss, and follow up on.

    Is anyone doing a detox from chemo? I don't know if I can do now, since I am officially still on "chemo" with the Herceptin...but may consider it in Feb. when I'm done for good!

    ((HUGS)) to all!

  • Myraknits
    Myraknits Member Posts: 191

    I think cancer overload is the perfect way to describe it. My last chemo is tomorrow and as much as I appreciate friends and family reminding me, I dread the 3 weeks of side effects that will follow. This last one never let up and I'm going in tomorrow completely nausea and constipated. I usually bounce back before the next infusion but I really want this over with so I'm not going to reschedule.

    I'm so glad we're all moving into the next phase. I'm going to wait and schedule surgery and rads once I feel better from #6. Just need a little break.

    Sending hugs all around. Xo

  • Piper33
    Piper33 Member Posts: 146

    hi chambo et al thanks for the shout out. You are right. Just quiet. Going through a gamut of emotions. I am thinking of you all, all the time sending congratulations to the chemo finishers, support to Myra and others.

    I have two more chemo treatments and then rads starting July. My oncology appt has my chemo still reduced 10% as I still have all the same symptoms that started the chemo suspension of a week. Basically, can't stop it again and all tests will be redone again while I'm away for radiation along with a long discussion about tamoxifen because I don't want it.

    Dose dense is affecting me with paclitaxil. I need a wheelchair or walker a few days and when I think I have good jaw pain is unbearable. Through this I stay strong and "look" happy.

    Again, thinking of you all. I like staying in this thread but if someone is starting a rads one let be know

    Big hugs my fellow fighters xox

  • imani76
    imani76 Member Posts: 44

    Hey Fab Feb Fighters Loopy

    I am one week post #5 TC and feeling ok. I finally have my heartburn under control and outside of muscle aches and fatigue I am doing ok. The shortness of breath makes many tasks arduous and mostly I want to lay down and chill. This diagnosis has changed me and now I feel lazy and unmotivated. My kids are done school in 4 days and I will need to be fun supermom until I return to work on July11th. Wish me luck!

    Congrats to everyone that has finshed or will be finshed this week. My last infusion is June 7th and I am counting the days to feel my "new normal" before I start rads in July.

  • KarenInCanada
    KarenInCanada Member Posts: 194

    Nola, congrats on finishing and moving to Hercepton only. I have my last tomorrow and then do the Hercepton only like you until next April sometime.

    I have also been looking at detoxing. There is a place close to me that will prepare 7 days of juices X 3 times a day and provide snack....fruit it looks like but I have not fully investigated it, for $95.00 for the week. Halfway thru the week you get your second set of juices so they are fresh. I have never done this before but it seems like it would be an effective way to clean myself out. My mouth sores are generally week 2 and brutal, I was thinking of then but not sure if it is too soon. I will ask the chemo nurse tomorrow. I can let you know what she says about detoxing. I have had 2 syma scans of my heart for Hercepton and will see my MO in 3 months for another. My first one was low and second was higher, so this part does scare me.

    Myra I hope your SE'S ease up for you this time. I absolutely dreaded the thought of 2 more of these after my first Taxotere. First one was awful. This past one has been better than I would have imagined. I asked my MO if he had lowered the dose and not told me and he said no. My brother came to visit from Alberta so I was more active than usual plus had gone to my moms for Mother's Day on the weekend I usually stay in bed. Not sure if that actually helped me by making myself do more or not. Mouth sores are a different story though and they as always were brutal. I used gaviscon at the first sign of heartburn even starting and never had the usually sit up sleeping all night. I can only hope that this last one will be as forgiving ...for both of us! I believe they will call me in 2 weeks to start prepping me for rads. Will be glad to have it over with. Although I was approved for LTD it is difficult with such reduced income and now changing to one payment a month....always something!

    Piper you really have had quite a time. I am tired of hearing "you are strong, you will be fine" etc. The tears come at times but those statements make me feel like I have to hide them and be strong. We are strong only because we have to do this, it's not a choice. I wish for you an easier final chemo's. If nothing else, we all deserve a break!

    Imani, shortness of breath is terrible for me as well. Will be so nice to have that come to an end. I was a smoker before and have never had the shortness of breath or cough that I have seemed to have had throughout this. Good luck on your return to work. I know that will be a major feat when I return. So you will be doing rads and working? My MO and LTD both told me they won't have me return until 2-3 months after rads. I have a physical job with the public so they will do a graduated return. I had actually been hoping and thinking it would be August.

    Wishing you all better days ahead and manageable SE!


  • Francesj19
    Francesj19 Member Posts: 78

    Happy Friday - Myra - Same here, while the weather was beautiful here and I took full advantage, I was not myself the day before chemo, but I know that the end is near. I could not sleep all night.

    Piper - thinking of you and prayers that things really ease up.

    Nolagirl - glad to hear that you are Herceptin only, I will be June 13th. Not sure when I start the Tamoxifen, forgot to ask about that.

    As I sit here at Northwestern Medicine and reflect on the last 6 months. I am thankful for this chapter to be over, but I have learned so much. I am a stronger person, God and I are closer as I have renewed by faith in him (though I will ask many questions when we meet someday), I have learned to ask for help and accept it from others. I am most thankful for my family and friends who have supported me through this journey. I don't know where I would be without all of you ladies to be there for support and friendship when others really don't understand. image

    I am humbled.

    xoxoxo - Here's to our life long friendships and on to Radiation!

    We got this ladies

  • Praline
    Praline Member Posts: 101

    I finished my 12th Taxol treatment May 2. I am still very tired most of the time. I am ready to start radiation now. I went for simulation last week. I have another appointment tomorrow. That was not fun! I have osteoarthritis in my joints including in my neck and putting my arm over my head at the angle they want is hard. I have been reading here but not posting. My computer has not been very

  • Myraknits
    Myraknits Member Posts: 191

    Frances, Congrats! I'm so happy for you and hope the SE's are minimal.

    Unfortunately I'm not strong enough for this round of chemo so I got sent home. I need to go back for fluids 2 more times this week and hoping to get the last one next Tuesday. All in all, I'm relieved. I was really weak going in there today.

    I did a new blog post that includes a video I did about this weird journey from some lyrics I wrote and found a wonderful woman who's mom died of cancer to do the performance.

    Here's to a week of healing for all of us!!


  • KarenInCanada
    KarenInCanada Member Posts: 194

    Frances - beautiful picture and post! Will be joining you for radiation soon! Was nice to have you in our Monday group to compare with and be on the journey at the same time. Mine will be done tomorrow since today was a holiday and I requested my Hercepton be moved back to Monday's again. Hoping you sail through this last one with little side effects!

    Praline good to see you. Will be joining you soon as well. I was told they usually arrange to see me about 2 weeks after my last chemo to go through all the set up. I hope once you start the session will be quick enough so it is not too much for your arm and neck.

    Myra, I am very happy they did not go ahead and are giving you time to get your strength back. Going to check out your link. Hope you feel better soon!

    Xo Karen

    PS....loved it Myra! So much of how I hAve felt!

  • hanley50
    hanley50 Member Posts: 78 are so talented and the song speakes to me! I know you will be strong enough for the last round of chemo next Tuesday! Hug Maryann

  • Piper33
    Piper33 Member Posts: 146

    happy Victoria Day Karen. Beautiful pic Frances. Oh Myra thank you for talented. Here's to you getting stronger. Praline haven't heard of simulation. All the best to you and hope you can handle things okay. Pre chemo bloods for me tomorrow. Thinking of those finishing up chemo and starting rads. I never want to lose touch!


  • Piper33
    Piper33 Member Posts: 146

    sorry I haven't mentioned so many in my posts. I do think of you all.

    Has anyone had jaw pain 10 days after taxol? It woke me up again and I have chemo tomorrow. I'm in tears as it's been since 2 am. I've now taken pain killers and found some freezing tooth gel to plaster my gum are. It has been both sides and now it's just the right.

    I will mention it at hospital today.


  • chambo
    chambo Member Posts: 88

    Piper - have you tried Claritin for the jaw pain? I know it sounds weird, but my Neulasta shots gave me terrible jaw and hip pain, and weirdly, Claritin 2x per 24 hours was what helped. I just started adding it to my pile of daily vitamins and figured it wouldn't hurt anything and might did!

    For those with Taxotere reactions - that was what I was on. The first one-two seemed to be the worse, SE -wise. But you do need to be proactive going into them. I started stool soften ours two days ahead of infusions to counteract all the premeds and anti nausea meds slowing things down. Took 'em daily for about a week after as well. (Add some acidophilus too - or you can get your gut all out of whack). You can't drink enough water or eat enough protein. I also found Orajel antiseptic mouth rinse which I used every time I walked into the bathroom - that really cut down on the mouth sores. Nothing helped the fatigue and I am still dragging a bit (week 4) after my final round, but the heart burn has subsided. The insomnia was by far the worst and I am still struggling with it. For rounds 3 & 4 I was having to take something almost nightly to sleep which I am sure added to constipation issues. I am sleeping a bit better now, but the hot flashes are still disruptive.

    I had my simulation for rads last week- got my schedule set up. At least they prioritized working folks and I was able to get the 8 am slot - so I will go there first then go on to work. I am supposed to be done by July 12 if everything goes according to plan.

    Now if I can just get myself motivated to begin walking...

    Cheers all!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 14

    Well done Frances. I cannot wait to be where you are right now. You look fabulous and so so happy. Radiation will be a breeze in comparison. I laughed at your remark about having a few words with God and a few questions too haha...
