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Weird that there hasn't been a thread devoted to Abraxane before this... here goes nothing!



  • DancingVeggie
    DancingVeggie Member Posts: 47

    I'm three weeks on/one week off: do you know when I will lose my hair?

  • Ohmydarlin
    Ohmydarlin Member Posts: 43

    I lost my hair fairly quick. The tingling scalp started after the second infusion. We all respond differently though! Wishing you great response to Abraxane with few side effects!!

  • amred
    amred Member Posts: 2

    I never lost hair completely - just very thin. But then I did almost completely lose my eyelashes and eyebrows very faint.

  • DancingVeggie
    DancingVeggie Member Posts: 47

    Hm. Well, shaved my hair with a 5-guard because it was really getting thin and ratty. I had short hair that was long on top and shaved all on one side anyway, but the long top was just uselessly thin. I guess I'll stop there and see what happens before I shave anything else. Thanks for the information!

    Also, anyone do any premeds? I had my first infusion and I almost puked a few hours later.

  • Ohmydarlin
    Ohmydarlin Member Posts: 43

    Yes, for premeds! One of the iv anti-nausea meds.

  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200


    My MO gives me iv Aloxi before the Abraxane. It is an anti nausea.

    and my hair fell out totally after the second treatment.

    Glad to see this thread. Thanks


  • DancingVeggie
    DancingVeggie Member Posts: 47

    Hey, Rosieo! Thanks for the reply. How frequent were your infusions? I just had my 2nd weekly infusion (3 on/1 off) and haven't noticed more than what was falling out while on Ibrance/Femara which was substantial enough to get me to clip all my hair down.

  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200


    I only started on this abraxane. I am supposed to get the same as you said 3 on and 1 off but after the first 2 I was totally exhausted and couldn't get the third one. So now last Thurs (11th) I got the first of my scheduled 3. Hope I can do better this time.

    How are your side effects.? How about the others on here. How are your side effects.? Does everyone take the pre meds for nausea. I wish I could skip them because of the constipation they cause.

    I would be glad to hear from all your ladies as to the above.


  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200

    One more thing ladies. How long does your MO say you have to take this Abraxane


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784

    I started taking Abraxane 3 weeks on one week off and my hair fell the second week, I was exhausted and depressed, I went back to my onco and told her if this is what's going to keep me alive I'll rather die, so she switch the frequency to two weeks on one week off and I've felt much better. I get Zofran in the IV as a pre-med to prevent nausea and I also take Zofran at home. Sometimes, especially at night, I get nauseaus and end up vomiting. I also take Cymbalta for the depression and pain and gabapentin for the neuropathy. I've noticed that if I take my nighttime meds and immediately go to bed then the nausea is worse and I end up vomiting. So I have an early night snack with my meds and wait for at least an hour before going to bed.

    If there's anything else I can help with let me know.


  • DancingVeggie
    DancingVeggie Member Posts: 47

    I hope you both have a better time tolerating your treatment. Everyone responds differently, but I find the first infusion of anything new is always the worst. There are other antiemetics that you can try that are less constipating or at least longer lasting so you don't have to keep taking them. Ask your MO about Emend IV with your infusion. Also, consider other options like Compazine or even Ativan. Lastly, if you can get yourself some cannabis, just a tiny bit -- one puff -- can really help with nausea, lost appetite, poor sleep, and more.

    My first week, I had TERRIBLE pain to my liver mets -- I felt like the magician's assistant being sawed in half -- and I tried a Fentanyl patch. Big mistake. Fentanyl is metabolized through the liver and, since mine looks like Edward James Olmos at this point, it took forever to get it out of my system.

    Week 2, I feel just fine. Go figure. I've also been taking four Turkey Tail Mushroom caplets like I did when I started this mess. Who knows?

    -- Paula

  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200


    I would like to try a puff. :-)

    I don't smoke, so not sure how to do it. ;-) And I wonder is Emend for nausea less constipating than other drugs.



  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200

    auroaya How long are you on Abraxane? Do you have metastic breast cancer?

    How many treatments has your MO said you will have to take.

    Thanks for any info


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784

    Rosieo, yes I'm metastatic and according to my onco I'll be on Abraxane until it stops working. Today I had a bone scan so next week at my onco office will know if it's working if not we'll switch to another chemo I don't know what that'll be but praying Abraxane is working.

  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200


    Yes God willing it will work for us. My mets are to my lung and lymph nodes How long are you taking the Abraxane? I notice on you info you are ER + I am triple negative :-(

    Do you get any anti nausea meds with your treatment



  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784

    Rosieo I will be taking Abraxane for as long as it works and then I'll switch to another chemo, I'm stage 4 so will be in treatment for life. I get Zofran IV for nausea and I take it at home in pill form as well. I had a bone scan yesterday and I'll be getting the results to see if Abraxane is working.


  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200


    Thanks for your reply. Good luck with your bone scan. Hope it shows good results. I will be thinking of you.


  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200

    Good Day to all the ladies on this thread. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

    I am scheduled for my 3rd chemo this Wednesday. I am hoping I can get this third treatment

    as last time I was not able to, because I was totally exhausted. I feel good today and I am wondering

    to myself if my trips to the accupuncturist is helping me. I am not totally exhausted. I also go to the accupuncturist tomorrow again. We shall see :-)

    Hope to hear how everyone is doing


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784

    Hi Rosieo, I am due for my chemo this Wednesday as well, I've lost track of how many infusions I've had. I had a bone scan last week to see if the Abraxane is working and will get the results Wednesday as well. I'll be thinking of you so that your reaction this time around will be smooth and no se's . I've been lucky that I don't get sick. Just a little nausea the first couple of days and some fatigue but all together not bad.

    I am here any time you want to talk.


  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200

    Hi Ladies

    Aurora Well I went for my number 3 today and then I get next week off. I feel really good today and I am not exhausted like I was going into my number 3 last time. As I said I couldn't even take the 3rd chemo. I am wondering if my accupuncture is helping. I am going to her to build my immune system. Right now, I just came home from my tx and I feel great all except for this persistant cough. It is getting worse and with a lump in my lung, I assume it is from that. I told my MO and he said to take Robitussin. :-)

    I guess when it becomes a real problem he will send me for a scan of some sort.

    I hope your treatment went well today. So will you be one week off now also. Looking for our other lady friends on here will join in for some conversation and let us know how they are doing.


  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200


    How did your 3rd infusion go. Hope it went well with little side effects. Let us know how you are



  • DancingVeggie
    DancingVeggie Member Posts: 47

    Hi, Rosieo! Had my third Abraxane with Zofran premeds. Took two Swiss Criss tablets that morning to combat constipation and everything was totally fine. Hair finally fell out on Day 17 with a vengeance, which was inconvenient as we were on a ski vacation in Colorado in a no-pets condo. I can't help but worry we'll get a call stating housekeeping found evidence of a dog shedding all over... Ha! Nope, just me! Aside from that, my body felt very strong while skiing -- some of my best skiing yet -- and the thin mountain air only troubled me while schlepping gear and two little kids around town.

    Had some major bone pain in my spine and pelvic bones Day 21; the kind that makes you think your bones are really working hard to pump out new blood cells. I hope you're all having a great week.

    -- Paula

  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784

    Hi Paola Rosieo and all the rest I actually have some good news! Yey! The result of my bone scan show improvement compared to the last scan! Doctor is going to consider stopping the Abraxane and putting me in anti hormones. I'm stage IV so this is a great step!

    Glad you guys are feeling ok after your treatments praying for no se's and healing for you!


  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200

    Aurora What wonderful news. Wishing you well on the anti hormones. I am sure you are ready for a happy dance. I know I would be. Again Good luck with the hormones and keep us posted.

    Paula Can I ask you what Swiss Criss tablets. Where are you from Paula. I am from Pennsylvania


  • DancingVeggie
    DancingVeggie Member Posts: 47

    Swiss Kriss tablets are herbal laxatives and you can get them from most drug stores. They're kind of minty!

    I live in Chicago.

  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200


    Thanks for the info on Swiss Kriss. I will look into them. Always looking for some easy remedy to the constipation problem.

    Aurora Keep us posted how you are doing with the hormone treatment.

    It is a bright sunny day here in Pa after some snow flurries. Great day to be alive and enjoy the Day. Hope everyone on here is having a wonderful day.


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784

    Rosieo of course I will come back and let you know if my doctor does indeed decide to change to a less aggressive treatment. For now, I'm still on Abraxane I will have another infusion next Wednesday and then a week off and the week after will see the doctor and that's when she will let me know what she decided.

    I hope you all have a great weekend with no pain and no se's.


  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200

    Happy Weekend Ladies.


  • auroaya
    auroaya Member Posts: 784

    Same to you Rosieo! Yesterday and today feeling the fatigue and nausea from Abraxane this week was my first of this cycle, next week I have another infusion and then a week off.


  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200
