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Starting Chemo April 2016



  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474

    I swear my ears are ringing faintly, I get aches in my hips and spine, I can feel my pulse from inside my this crap from Nadir or is this still chemo / neulasta bs after 6 days?! I have a headache that tylenol or oxy only dull so I don't bother taking much since I don't want to over tax my liver. I'm going to take my dog for a walk. This crap is really getting old...

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    7of9 - I hit Nadir on day 6/7. It felt like the flu - aches and chills and I was very weak. I also had that lovely headache, too. It started half way through day six, stay through day 7, then the fog literally lifted. Hope you get the lifting soon.

    But I will say, chemopause (I have not hit menopause quite yet) is in full force. I'm so tired of being cold and shivering one moment then feeling as if I landed on the sun the next. There is a reason they are not called warm flashes. My cat, Gus, usually sleeps curled up beside me, but side this started he sleeps a little further away - I think I tried to bake him one night.

  • njr426
    njr426 Member Posts: 53

    So I guess I have that to look forward to this weekend! I finished up my period right before my first round - was wondering if it would be my last. I have been having night sweats but have had them for some time - normal premenopause stuff I guess. Can't really call it full on hot flashes. Your poor cat! Probably wondering what the heck is going on!

  • 1Uniboob1
    1Uniboob1 Member Posts: 23

    Pdrchick the LGFB program is in Canada too. You walk away with so much swag and it's a fun couple of hours. 

    CJ the drug I'll be getting now is Neupogen which I'll have to inject myself for 7 days, 7days after treatment. Well, my Hubble will have to - I'll faint! 😱

    Thanks everyone for well wishes. I'm off to join the FB page! 🏃

  • Mizzoh
    Mizzoh Member Posts: 17

    Hi all! My first chemo just got scheduled for April 26, so I may fit better with a May group, but I've been reading aling here for a couple of weeks.

    I'll be getting weekly Taxol and Herceptin for 12 weeks (then Herceptin every three weeks the rest of the year).

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Hi Mizzoh! Welcome! I'm sorry you have to be here. Feel free to check in here or in May - we'll give you ideas of what to expect. :)

  • Mizzoh
    Mizzoh Member Posts: 17

    CJSharma: Thank you! And I love your tag line. I'm a cat person and teacher, and I have a sign in my classroom that says "Purr more, hiss less.

  • jgab
    jgab Member Posts: 24

    welcome mx was the week before yours. I am also from mn and a teacher. I was wondering if you are working thru this. I was supposed to go back may 2...but thinking I may go back next week and just take chemo times off. I hadn't planned on chemo before it was a little unexpected. My first infusion was Monday and so far so good with se...but I know it's just the beginning.

    Welcome to April chemo...we are all counting down on here

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Mizzoh - I love cats too. Right now I have three dogs and 5 cats (3 are fosters). I love the purr more, hiss less. :)

  • Mizzoh
    Mizzoh Member Posts: 17

    Hi Jgab!

    I've missed so much work...all these doctor visits, two weeks after my lumpectomy & sentinel node dissection, and I just went back Monday after a month off after my bmx.

    I hope to work through chemo (save for infusion days weekly as it's 75 miles away from work, one way) as I'm running out of FMLA days and I' subsisting on donated sick leave from colleagues. Also, it's Taxol + Herceptin, so should be more workable.

    I am worried about sick kids around, but we'll see how it goes.

    Good luck to you

  • anniekaja11
    anniekaja11 Member Posts: 116

    Hi Everyone,

    I hope so much our struggling chemosabes bounce back really quickly! Keep bringing the strength and hope everyone that is doing tolerably well :)

    I'm on for starting tomorrow, Round 1 of TC&H. I had acupuncture today after work and it really helped me relax. Been running errands tonight, time to reach for the toothbrush and Ambien. Up at 6am to take the dog for a walk and then it starts at the infusion center "aka lab" tomorrow at 7:45. If it all goes well, should be under 4 hours of drips.

    Thanks everyone for cheering for me and praying for me and sending well wishes.


  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    Hello everyone, back again and thanks for the good wishes.  I had a day from Hell yesterday, but thank God I am sorted now.  I had to go to the hospital and I was feeling dreadful, my worst day yet, but thinking about it I really feel I was very unwell after the Senokot and felt raw inside, and thanks for the tips on just using the stool softener in future.  I learnt the hard way.Devil

    I was put through a string of tests at the hospital and was up there nearly all day, I got an ECG, a Chest X-ray, bloods done, and an MRI.  I was in no humour for any of these tests and was feeling rotten but I am glad now everything was normal.  I was prescribed Diazepam to relieve muscles and maybe that was all it was, but at least I know now.  I am feeling more nauseous today than I have been so hoping to get a better anti nausea today.  I had been taking Valoid, but I think Zofran is probably better and hoping to get these today.  So day 6 and 7 must be my worst days and hoping from tomorrow on I will start to feel better. 

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    Welcome VSB and MIZZOH.

    Best of luck today to ANNIE and MATTIE on your first round.

    If I have not included anyone on the list please let me know as it can be tricky putting in the names, I deleted a few of them by mistake the other day and had a terrible job finding them again Happy

    CJSHARMA -  I thought you were getting your 2nd treatment tomorrow, but it is today, you are doing so well, best of luck.

    UNIBOOB -    Hope you feel better soon

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    7OF9  -   I can relate to those feelings you are having too and they were worse on the 6th day, which was yesterday, so my guess is that it is the chemo taking its course.   Most people here are doing very well and that's great, but we really cannot expect to feel one hundred per cent on this regime.  I am nearly feel ashamed to say that I am feeling crap today in case I upset anyone but this forum is here to help any of us who are feeling bad.   Those who are doing well don't need it Happy

  • agharta
    agharta Member Posts: 16

    Hi everyone,

    Reporting back from duty.HappyAfter some stomach burns and muscle pains for 3 days , I'm well and back on work. I started on Tuesday and apart from ongoing stomach burns and losing the ability to eat a lot in one meal (everything I eat makes me feel like I ate a lot and causes indestion in the end), I am all well. However today I have sligh headache (which I normally never have) and some fever (37.4 Celcius). I feel scared because one of my co workers has a bad flu and although I keep myself awaay from her, I feel not so good. I hope this is the Nadir everyone's speaking of and not begining of an infection or sickness. Nurses told me that if the fever spikes to 38 celcius I should go to hospital, but I hope I won't have to.

    Welcome to newcomers and I'm happy to see Numb and everyone else feels better. Best of wishes..

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Mizzoh - my friend Julie (who is an honorary member of our Facebook group) is a social worker for a hospital and ER - she worked every day and was fine. But it's a valid concern. What did your doctor say? The appointments in the beginning are insane! But now I have an appointment with my oncologist, bloodwork (and I can usually get those done at the same time), and the infusion - so basically 2 every other week.

    Annie - GOOD LUCK! Thinking of you today!

    Numb - oh goodness - maybe you'll have the worst experience for the first infusion and things will get better from there!! That would be nice. I am so happy the ECG and all of the other tests came back normal. Phew! For me days 5 and 6 are the worst. Seems that's when my immunity is at it's lowest (Nadir) I'm hoping you start to feel better later today and tomorrow, too. I also think it's important to talk about the bad as well as the good. As much as I'd like to pretend this is a bed of roses, it's not. Hugs - sorry you had to deal with that.

    Agharta - Your fever is still a little low, so likely just an affect from the chemo, but be careful. I'm supposed to report to the doctor if mine gets above 38.5 c (101.5F). Hope you feel better soon!

    Round 2 today - mid day. A friend is driving me, although I'd almost rather go alone (I can get a lot of work done. :P). I do so appreciate her wanting to help, though, and it'll be so nice to have someone to chat to.

    I made the Facebook group private, so if you want to join, you'll have to Private message me your email address and I'll send you an invite. We had a couple of people here who have not said anything to their friends, so it was better that way.

  • bagger
    bagger Member Posts: 36

    Sorry to be gone for so long, but Day 3 - 7 were not fun for me. My focus narrowed to me, food, the bathroom, and food. Nothing else. The good news is I started to feel better after that and am much happier now. In fact, I'm almost euphoric because I have many good days (8) before I start round two and each one is precious.

    My doc also tests blood before giving Neulasta. My white blood cells are barely there at all, so I'll get the cuff + automatic injection next time. The cuff is because I infuse on Fridays, and the place is closed on Saturday.

    Things I'm going to do differently for round 2: Take more anti-nausea meds (Zofran). I was concerned about big C, but am not now. I went in an arc from big C to big D over the 7 days, but it wasn't bad and while I may eat a prune or two for the C, the D wasn't bad and resolved by itself in a day. Food won't be much of an issue because my taste buds are shot. Sweets taste sweet, but everything else is either unpleasant or bland. I'm also going to try covering/protecting my eyes next time. Taxotere is light-sensitive, so I wore gloves and socks all the time for the first few days. Nails look fine and no tingling. My eyes, however, have been watering quite a bit, which makes my nose run. Yuck. So next time, I'm going to close my eyes and listen to an audiobook during infusion and wear full coverage sunglasses for the first few days. I'll let all know if it helps.

    I've been streaming way too much television, but it did get me through the bad days. I can only watch happy things, though. I found Moon Boy (Irish comedy) on Hulu and binged that. Now I'm enjoying Miranda Hart in "Miranda". I hope you all find good things to divert you.

    My best friend wanted to come here from Chicago to help somehow during chemo. I told her that I'd much prefer having her here after it's all done and when I'm feeling better for a spa-extravaganza. She likes this idea and I fantasize about it during the bad days.

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Bagger - evidently there is a limited number of PM's I can send in a day - that kind of sucks. If you could send me your email address you use for your FB account, I'll get you added. That's the only way I can sign you up. :\ (I can read PM's, I just cannot send them)

  • njr426
    njr426 Member Posts: 53

    Best wishes to those starting and those continuing treatment today!

  • cody_mx
    cody_mx Member Posts: 57

    hi everyone, checking in after a break, my daughter is doing much better, thanks for yous concern CJ.

    After what seemed almost like a nervous breakdown I decided I needed to take it easy or I would go crazy, so I've decided to ignore the cancer/chemo/side effects thing as much as I can. Good news is I've been feeling great, no major SE and whatever comes along my dr. has been very good to control, steroids have given me incredible energy! So im spring cleaning the house, today is my frist day off steroids so we'll see how that project turns out.

    My sister in law invited to the coldplay concert tomorrow and I'm thrilled that my dr. said it was ok to go! So Yeeeiiii!

    I hope all of you who were not feeling so great get out of it soon and to everyone starting this coming week good luck!

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Cody - glad to hear you are feeling better and feeling more in control. :) Have fun at the Coldplay concert. That is my CEO's favorite band.

    Well, ladies, I'm sad to report the hair loss has begun. I showered and washed my hair - and a lot more came out when I brushed it than normal. I still have a lot of hair, but alas, not for much longer... Oh well.

  • VSB2015
    VSB2015 Member Posts: 20

    I was wondering if anyone who started chemo already had any advice about driving the day of. I want to drive myself to infusion and home, daughter said no. What do you think?

  • ksusan
    ksusan Member Posts: 461

    How long a drive? How difficult if you feel crummy? If you have diarrhea? I might say "no" the first time since you don't know how you'll react.

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    I agree with kSusan,  I had my first round last Friday and when I came out I felt a bit woozy, like I had just drunk a glass of wine and while I could have driven I just think that it is a big thing to get a round of chemo, you are all keyed up and you need to be able to relax when you come out and not have to face driving in traffic. 

    Best of luck tomorrow and hope it all goes well for you.

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474

    VSB - It is safest for you to be driven (and for others on the road including pedestrians). I'm usually drowsy or have weird chemo head. I only have patchy memories of the evenings of chemo. If you caused an accident or your senses were dulled to where you couldn't avoid one you'd feel awful.

  • VSB2015
    VSB2015 Member Posts: 20

    I guess I'll wait for round two before I consider driving myself. Better to be safe. I thought Id save my daughter the extra time it will take to pick me up and drive me home but I'll wait until I see how I handle the treatment.

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474

    VSB - you may also be tougher than me and not take an attivan plus a vicodin the morning of chemo. You may be clear as a drink a lot of water that helps. I'm sure those are contributing factors to my half wittedness LOL! I would choose to be unconscious if I could chemo day...

  • VSB2015
    VSB2015 Member Posts: 20

    LOL I'm a little anxious, I guess my concern was how any Benadryl or steroids would affect me. Do they put Ativan in the IV or did you take that before you went?

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474

    For Taxotere you get IV benadryl and I got IV pepcid. The benadryl makes you sleepy. Attivan was from my personal (prescribed) stash and so was the pain killer (to help combat the cold cap initial headache). I'm not sure anything can cut that cold but I will do similar recipe next time. Day 3 - 7 kicked my butt - day 8 I'm starting to feel a wee bit better. Mind you, I have worked all week too. I am mom titanium tuff baby.

  • anniekaja11
    anniekaja11 Member Posts: 116



    Hi everyone, I am well into the regime and its going well. The steroids that I took yesterday gave me a bit of a restless night but this morning up and early out to the lake to walk the dog, I felt relieved that this is underway and I had a spiritual feeling about being solid and stable in my life, not to fear...kinda hard to describe.

    They had trouble with my port which added time this morning, they had to use a chemical to clear the clotting as my body was trying to heal the port tube!!! So I got an IV for the pre-meds. But the port cleared and its worth it. I am glad to be able to get up with the rally cart. The Benadryl knocked me out, a little dizzy and then I napped lightly for about 30 minutes and it took about an hour to really come to.

    The cold capping is going well but a nuisance.

    I had 1.5 hour drip of Perception, no SE from that so next time they will do it in .5 hours. Now I am just about finished with an hour of the Taxotere, they are watching for the dreaded allergic reaction and I'm going fine. Then .5 hour of Carboplatin and if all is well, we are off home. Its about 12:30 pm right now, so not too bad.

    I haven't really done anything - just closed eyes, relaxing, and listening to meditation music. Have a wonderful nurse today who had cancer a long time ago. She has a very healing presence, I've connected with her on the phone a few times at the beginning of this so it was nice to get her today.

    Thinking of you all, step by step, cycle of feeling bad, feeling okay, feeling good and then riding the ride again. I'm thinking of our positive side effects - more time in this beautiful earth with our families and our gorgeousness and our dear vibrant bodies.
