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Starting Chemo April 2016



  • L_in_CA
    L_in_CA Member Posts: 28

    Hi Ladies,

    I start chemo in June and I have a port placement scheduled for tomorrow. Hope it's ok to join your discussion group. I was searching for port expectations and found some here. My chemo treatment will be weekly MF and daily cyclophosphamide pills. I'm very nervous and feel a little better reading about your experiences. I live in the South Bay area so it's comforting to read posts from CJSHARMA and Zoziana who are close by.

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    L_ IN_ CA  -Welcome to join in this discussion group.  Hope you find comfort here.  If you fill in your profile and make it pubic it is easier for us to know where you are at in this journey and easier for people going through the same treatment as you to respond to you.

  • L_in_CA
    L_in_CA Member Posts: 28

    Hi Numb

    I updated my profile. Thank you.

  • njr426
    njr426 Member Posts: 53

    I have my last AC round tomorrow and then on to Taxol. I have skimmed through the Taxol thread (it's pretty large so I mostly read through the most recent pages). I did see some people saying their hair was coming back. It also seems that Taxol is much easier than AC. Here's hoping that's the case!

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    NJR - I HOPE so! I was looking at the side effects and they don't looks as bad. I guess we'll find out. I start on Thursday, so I'll keep y'all up to date on how I do. :) And I would LOVE for my hair to come back.

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474

    Well I cut the grass, ran the weedwhacker, took my son to two soccer games and went grocery shopping. Day 3 after 3rd Taxotere. I push it too hard I know...or do I? Time for an attivan and Game of Thrones. I was picking fights with my mother, husband and in laws today. Fortunately had no takers (Kudos to them....not one bit to me, I am positively too wound up). Probably some great advice for those asking how to be a helpful friend or how to be supportive...volunteer to be a punching bag. Hope everyone gets good rest tonight and my Ambien works it's best...

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    7of9 - sounds like you took your own advise (If you're going to be a bear...). I told off a woman who parked right beside me (and too close) when there was a whole row of spaces open. That is so out of character for me. So, yeah, I get that. I hate feeling weak and I hate being tempermental. I'm looking forward to Game of Thrones. Cheers *raises a glass of water* .

  • Heathet
    Heathet Member Posts: 117

    I think grumpiness is in the air! Snapping at my husband! Thank goodness he understands and just smiles. If my mom would have called today I think I would have given her an earful about not being supportive! I would have said some grumpy things! Just working on staying at peace!

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    I'm thinking I may need meditation and yoga. :P

    I did want to pop in to say that I just started using a cuticle cream from Lush called Lemony Flutter. My nails were starting to feel dry and brittle and using this a few times a day is really helping. They feel stronger and my hands are soft (and smell good). It's not cheap, but it lasts for a long time (I have a tiny container that came in a gift pack that I also love. :)

  • KQHill
    KQHill Member Posts: 28

    So far I'm breezing through this first round of AC and Neulasta which terrifies me. I'm tired, and I had some nausea and a mild headache, but nothing like what I thought it was going to be. Seriously guilt over feeling this way, combined with pure terror that it's the calm before the storm and I'm going to be beyond miserable for the rest of the rounds. I don't know whether to go ahead and make some plans for during that time or to sit back and wait to see what fresh hell drops come round 2. Ugh.

    CJ - I love Lemony Flutter! Good reminder to go get mine out. I'm using OPI Nail Envy too since I wrecked my nails with gels a few months ago.

    L - Welcome to the group! Please keep us posted on your port placement.

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    KQ - Good news is that the nausea and SE's that happen immediately after the infusion tend to remain the same. The fatigue is cumulative. But Round 3 was the worst for fatigue for me. Round 4 was actually easier. For me the fatigue hits hardest days 6 and 7. I go on Thursday, so that was Tuesday and Wednesday for me. But everyone is different.

  • L_in_CA
    L_in_CA Member Posts: 28

    Port placement in a couple of hours. Very nervous after I watched a you tube video. Thank you for your support! Have a great day everyone!


  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Good Luck Libby! Let us know how it goes! And it's a pretty simple procedure.

  • weRwarriors
    weRwarriors Member Posts: 31

    Happy Monday everyone. It's currently Victoria day in Canada but I'm at work... #nurseproblems lol

    anyways, I was wondering if anyone watched "Miss you already"? ( the movie with Drew Barrymore where her friend battles breast cancer) I wanted to watch it and probably would have if the current situation was different... seems like one of those chick flicks my mom and I would have enjoyed. I just wish the ending was different... Sad

    Really interested in how Taxol is treating those who finished their AC portion. I'll keep my eyes glued on this thread :D

  • KQHill
    KQHill Member Posts: 28

    Hang in there, Libby! We're thinking of you!

    CJ - that's good to hear. I'll be watching for Tues/Wed since I'm a Thursday infusion girl too. Today nothing tastes good and I'm hungry. Dumb tummy.

  • L_in_CA
    L_in_CA Member Posts: 28

    Port placement in a couple of hours. Very nervous after I watched a you tube video. Thank you for your support! Have a great day everyone!


  • Heathet
    Heathet Member Posts: 117

    Libby / good thoughts for your port today 🙂 I get mine on Thursday. Let us know how it goes!

  • 4Hymn
    4Hymn Member Posts: 6

    Good day all -

    CJSharma - thank you for adding me to the Facebook group. For some reason this website will only allow me to log in on my laptop, but not my phone or other mobile devices, so being on FB now keeps in the loop.

    Question #1 for all - I've read some ladies' references to "magic mouthwash", but I can't find any brand names for it while scrolling through back pages. (I'm probably skimming too fast and inadvertently overlooked it.) I've got some canker sores developing and need some relief. I'm waiting for a call back from my ON nurse, and in the meantime was hoping you ladies could give me some sage advice.

    Question #2 for all - has anyone had any heel pain? I've noticed that the sides of my heels hurt when I walk, and the skin is warm to the touch. I've been keeping the skin moisturized as best as I can, but the only true relief I get is to not put any weight on my heels at all, so yes, I've been walking on my tiptoes all weekend.

    And on a good note, for the first time in about 4 weeks, I'm in a good mood and have mental clarity. Thank God I finally feel like myself and not part of the walking dead.

    Bless you all!

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    4Hymn - Magic Mouthwash is actually homemade - Rinse your mouth regularly with a salt, baking soda, and water solution (1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon salt mixed in 1 quart water). This helps prevent infections and helps your mouth feel better. Gargle with the mixture to relieve a sore throat, but don't swallow it. Biotene is also really good. That's available at any drugstore.

    My chemo so far has not given me heel pain. That one I can't help with. Glad you feeling human again. I totally get that.

  • KarenInCanada
    KarenInCanada Member Posts: 194

    Hi All

    Just popping in from the February group to see how you are all coping!

    Magic mouthwash is a prescription you can get from your MO. Most automatically give it. It numbs you mouth and throat (you can swallow it) and also helps heal it as well. Having had huge issues with these canker sores I have used it frequently!

    I have my last chemo (Taxotere) tomorrow. Any questions you may have feel free to PM me and best of luck to all of you!

  • L_in_CA
    L_in_CA Member Posts: 28

    Port is in! Just feels like a slight tug. It was a very short 30 minute surgical procedure. I was put under since I was quite nervous. I have about a 1 inch incision above the port which was sealed with skin glue and a very small 1/4 incision near my neck. I recommend using a v neck shirt prior to surgery so can ask/show your nurse how you want it hidden. Also make sure it isn't placed along your bra strap so it doesn't rub. Good luck Heathet!

  • Houston2016
    Houston2016 Member Posts: 248

    Hello everyone, I was diagnosed on April 5, 2016, two days shy of my 52ND birthday. I started my chemo (AC- four cycles) on April 14 and my third one was April 18. I feel generally OK but on third time I feel some chest pressure. I read about adriamycin and the heart problems it may have. I'm planning to ask my OC for a switch to taxoterra on the fourth round. I would like to know if anyone has chest symptoms from AC. I also wonder if taxoterra causes permanent hair loss. I'm worried. Thanks for any inputs.

  • Twaz
    Twaz Member Posts: 27

    Welcome Houston! Sounds like you and I are on similar schedules. I have one more AC and then Taxol. Don't know about taxotere and hair regrowth. I'm more worried about being cancer free at this point. :)

    I am about a week post AC 3. This round was completely and utterly different than the other two. I kept the nausea under control with compazine! I think the first treatment I got behind it, so it didn't work. The fatigue though-- ugh. Way worse. My eyes were burning though. Gotta get eye drops for next round.

    Heel pain-- I don't remember who asked that, but I have it! I noticed it yesterday morning and thought it was odd because I hadn't done anything unusual to cause it. Never thought it could be a side effect though. I only have it on the right heel. It kind of feels bruised and really only bugs me when I walk on it.

  • wellshoot
    wellshoot Member Posts: 21

    just had my follow up after round 2 of TCH. My liver enzymes are a little high. Not too bad to postpone round 3 tomorrow. I started taking lipitor right before I started chemo and he wants me to stop taking immediately. He did comment several times on how good I looked! Everyone loves my wig. I'm hoping the lipitorr and a few Tylenol messed me up. I will now have weekly blood test and if it hasn't resolved I will probably go to the weekly taxol herceptin route which I am very comfortable with doing. I would end up doing half and half I guess. Shoot- I was really hoping I wouldn't have any issues. I even feel good!

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474

    KQHill....not having bad symptoms is a good thing...though don't let your guard down on avoiding germs (and sometimes people in general) as that happened to me and I got a nasty flu bug while on AC. You got this thing on the run, but you have to keep up your defenses.

    Libby - good news your port seems to have gone in smooth. Heard they are usually not a big deal but after hearing about a few not going well on the boards, its good to hear yours did.

    Today was day 4 post Taxotere #3 Still worked (though would have called off if we weren't short handed and it's a family business). Hot shower and bed. Can't believe it's my son's last week of first grade and we are going on vacation this weekend. I may sleep the entire 7 days!

  • anniekaja11
    anniekaja11 Member Posts: 116

    Hi everyone,

    Thinking of ya. I went without a computer for 5 days!!!! Took a trip to visit my daughter, it was very relaxing. Got to the new gym today to start a new exercise regime so I'm happy to finally be doing that. Gearing up for Round 3 Thursday afternoon.

    Numb - I hope your port process goes smoothly, you deserve it. The port for me has been a pain - just a daily nag and like CJ I will celebrate getting de-ported. I'm going to ask to have it taken out when I'm done with the chemo if the Herceptin doesn't cause vein problems. Its pretty much the standard here in the US to put a port in I think.

    CJ - So glad you are on the weekly Taxol and your fuzz will start to appear soon. YAY!

    I still have my eyebrows and eyelashes, arm and leg hair and most of my pubs. I'm 5 weeks in now since the start of TC+H. I heard about something to apply to keep your eyebrows & eyelashes I think, but I didn't write it down and forgot to get it!

  • 4Hymn
    4Hymn Member Posts: 6

    KarenC1744 - Yes! Shortly after posting, my ON nurse returned my call with just the mixture you said. Instant relief!

    Twaz - yes, the heel pain started out in one foot (can't remember which), then spread to both. I reported it to my ON nurse who seemed unfamiliar with it as well. I'll mention her to you, as this could yet another SE. (*heavy sigh*)

    CJSharma - thank you for the recipe. I'll add it to my regimine.

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    Having computer problems for the last few days so unable to keep up to date.  Got side effects of 3rd round of AC on Sunday, 2 days into the round, instead of on the 6th day so I guess this round is living up to its name, the hardest.  Feeling weak and would be unable to go out, but can cope at home resting. 

    HOUSTON2016 - I have had heart pressure and pressure down my left arm after each AC chemo infusion.  I got my heart checked out when I got this first and everything was fine, even though it is worrying when it happens.  This feeling went away after about 4 days.  I thought I was getting it from the crash after coming off the steroids, but I am still on steroids now and still getting it.  I didn't know you could change from AC to Taxoterre.  Don't know anything about Taxoterre and hair problems.  Google it though and you might find something on that.

  • suems
    suems Member Posts: 79

    I don't want to scare anyone, but check out the thread "Permanent Hair Loss Lawsuit" on here. Apparently Taxotere Is causing some nasty problems - 6 - 10% chance of permanent hair loss; they knew but didn't tell anyone.

  • KQHill
    KQHill Member Posts: 28

    7of9 - good reminder! I'll have to really focus on keeping ahead of everything, especially the germs. I don't want to get too cocky.

    Suems - Facebook has been showing me the class-action lawsuit ad for days now. Big Brother is hard at work! ;)

    The taste buds are shot all to hell now. Nothing really tastes good. It's a little thing but man, I miss the taste of *F*O*O*D*