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Starting Chemo April 2016



  • Positivepower11
    Positivepower11 Member Posts: 81

    Numb; sorry to hear you are in hospital. I am glad you are feeling better, hope you are totally fine when you get out.

    Lynn thanks for the encouragement.

    CJ : Taxanes are very drying - good advice, I have cracked heals for a while.

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    Feeling great now, it is wonderful to feel well again.  I never thought I would ever feel this good again, what a difference a day makes.  I am in a lovely hospital room, like a penthouse room with 6 big windows all around me, with the sun shining through.  I am having wonderful meals handed to me and a t.v. on the wall to watch anything I like at the press of a button.  I almost feel like I am on holidays now when yesterday I could hardly breathe. 

    CJ - good to hear that the Taxol is agreeing with you and you feel it is easier than the AC.  Love your new photo, hair looks great.

    LYNN - thanks for the comforting words, it must be great to be over all this crap and smelling of roses. 

  • Heathet
    Heathet Member Posts: 117

    Numb - I am so glad to hear you are feeling better!

    Lynn - thank you for sharing! I'm going through the process and sometimes forget to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    CJ - glad to hear you are doing well with the Taxol.

    Have a great day everyone. Sun is shining here in Michigan and it is a beautiful day! I got to enjoy sometime with family on the deck. Everyone wanted to see my port!

  • anniekaja11
    anniekaja11 Member Posts: 116

    Oh Numb, I'm so sorry and I'm glad that she is calling it done with AC for you. I've been feeling worried about you so I feel good that you are in the hospital and I know they are taking care of you :)

    CJ nice to hear you are recovering, little by little, yay.

    Loviynne Thanks for your note and lifting us up to our new lives!

    Round 3, Day 3 for me, doing okay, nothing severe. My MO decreased my steroids in half so I'm feeling the chemo a bit differently which is fine. I have less of what I was calling "weird" feeling like my body reality was totally suppressed, less heart beating too hard, less irritation (so its nice to be NOT fighting with my hubby :) ). He told me to try Lorazepam for nausea and to rest and that worked well along with the Odensatron. We went for a 1 mile walk this morning, I'm working on hydrating and eating and then took the Lorazepam and went back to bed. I like sleeping! Right now my hubby is volunteering at the community meal and its pretty quiet here but the house is like me, in disarray. I think I just want to sleep to be checked out!

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Numb - so happy you turned the corner and are feeling better! The hair is actually my wig. :) I figured I should post that photo.

    Lynn - thanks for checking in an letting us know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not a train! :)

    Heather - so happy you got some time with your family! Sounds like a great time.

    Annie - happy to hear you're doing okay without all of the meds. I like sleeping, too. :)

    So, for being so tired, I've been pretty active. I made some black bean hummus for Anna and I for lunch (we had it with carrots). I have pulled pork in the crock pot, and I made some coleslaw. (I linked to all of the recipes if anyone is interested). I took the dogs for a walk, cleaned the house... So, I'm doing really well on a lack of sleep. My hands are feeling better. So all in all I'm doing well.

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    I guess I am a bit disappointed that I couldn't finish the AC but I really would not be up to it if I was going to feel as miserable as I felt all week.  I couldn't even get out of bed.  It is not like I am hoping for a tumour to shrink and that not getting the last AC would be preventing this, as I already had it removed and my chemo is just to kill off any miniscule particles that might have escaped.  I will still be getting 12 weekly Taxol and then radiation so I feel I am still on track.  I just wish all of this was over and done with and we were getting back to this site to say how many years we were cancer free. I guess I am the oldest person on this forum so not as fit as the rest of you for getting over all of this. 

    I am having a hard time here with no veins working properly for giving blood samples etc.  I got the cannula taken out last night because it was in a baby vein and very sore.  So that means I cannot get any more fluids in.   The sooner I get the port the better, although I am getting nervous about that.  Is it very uncomfortable getting it in and afterwards having it there ?  

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Numb - the port surgery is pretty easy. For me it was sore like I slept on it wrong for a few days, then started feeling better. I rarely notice it now. You'll be fine. I hope Taxol treats you like it has treated me so far. It's so much easier!

    I slept last night and feel almost normal. We'll see how the day goes. Even my hands are happier.

  • 2ND20
    2ND20 Member Posts: 19

    After my first chemo my white blood count was so low I had to be admitted to hospital and I did get the neulasta shot 24 hours after my chemo. Any body else experience that?

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    CJSHARMA - thanks for that update on the port.  I will just grin and bear it.

    2ND20 -  I have been informed that the Neulasta shot doesn't prevent your white cells plummeting but that it brings them up again faster than if you didn't have it.  I had it after my 3rd AC treatment and last Friday my white cells were at  .4.   Am in hospital now but today my white cell count is 1.6 so will be getting out tomorrow.

  • limnogal
    limnogal Member Posts: 100

    Numb- glad to hear that you are feeling like a new woman! I think you will like the port once it is in and working. I have crummy veins, so mine is a godsend.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    First the first time since I started chemo, I'm exhausted from physical activity, not chemo, and it feels wonderful! I took the dogs for a 1.5 mile walk, did Tapout XT Cross Core Combat (well 30 minutes of it - it's 45 minutes). Then my daughter and I took a 3.5 mile hike in the woods. It was so nice. I'm beat, but man is it a good feeling. :)

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117

    numb: sorry you had to be admitted but glad you are feeling better. the port is awesome and after the first week you can barely tell it is there. makes chemo a lot easier.

    CJ: i love your wig! glad to hear taxol is better. i am right behind you.

    to all the strong women here. have a great memorial day!

  • anniekaja11
    anniekaja11 Member Posts: 116

    Well I can't claim success to breaking the Round 3 curse...but mostly I am feeling all kinds of heartburn and nausea from the steroids being lower I think. But I'm not feeling all the side effects of the steroids. Today was my traditionally bad day and I did not get the dry heaves or vomiting this morning but I'm not sure what regime I preferred. Am just trying to sleep as much as I can to get away from feeling so crummy. Barely made it home without puking from a short drive so I'm going to stay put.

    Anyway take Zantac for heartburn?

  • limnogal
    limnogal Member Posts: 100

    Annie-I am taking Zantac for heartburn. It has helped substantially. I haven't had any nausea, but I have Definitely had heartburn!!

  • Pupquilt
    Pupquilt Member Posts: 3

    Thank you, Numb. I will try to figure that out.

  • Heathet
    Heathet Member Posts: 117

    Numb - I just had my port surgery Thursday and it was very easy. I was a little sore the first day but I barely feel it now.

  • sfar
    sfar Member Posts: 22

    Has anyone had any problems with watery eyes? Mine started doing it about a week ago. I don't feel like I have pink eye, but they will just water. I am due for round 3 of TCH on Wednesday and I'm not sure if I should go to Urgent Care today or just call the chemo nurse tomorrow. I really don't want to delay any treatments.

    Thanks for all of the sharing you all do and helpful tips. I haven't posted much, but depend on you all and your posts to help me stay sane through this whole process.

  • KQHill
    KQHill Member Posts: 28

    I have bumps on the end of my tongue. What is up with this new madness? I thought it was from OD'ing on lemon drops last week but it's gone on too long.

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Kat - I seriously hope Taxol is as easy for you as it is for me, at the it has been this first round. I feel pretty much back to normal. It's amazing. We'll see how long this keeps up.

    Annie - what meds are you on for nausea? I'm glad you're doctor is working with you and doing everything she can to keep you comfy.

    SFar - I do get watery eyes - not all the time, but first thing in the morning, and I experienced it pretty badly right the day after Taxol. I had blurred vision driving to my nuelasta shot which isn't good.

    KQ - Biotin will help with that. I had that a couple of times.

    Still feeling good! I hope everyone else who goes to Taxol next has it this easy. I'm a bit sore today (from my advenures) but still feeling top notch and ready to go! Today will be a little quieter as my lovely daughter will leave this afternoon, but I had a lovely time with her here.

  • bagger
    bagger Member Posts: 36

    sfar - Yes, I get the watery eyes too. It's a normal side-effect of Taxotere, but you should still mention it to the chemo nurse. Why not. My MO has encouraged antihistamines to deal with the post-nasal drip that results from my watery eyes.

    annie - I take Prilosec for heartburn, starting on infusion day and continuing for almost a week after that. It causes my stomach to not produce as much acid and has prevented the acid reflux I had on a previous round. You really should treat heartburn and acid reflux because the chemo kills off some of the lining of the esophagus. You really don't want to throw acid on that tenderness.

    CJ - the Taxotere has been giving me seriously dry skin on my face since round 1. I may be more affected because I'm post-menopausal, so have dryer skin anyway. I ended up buying a jar of pure shea butter off Amazon, because it's the only thing that doesn't irritate my super-sensitive face and cause pimples. Yes, pimples. That was fun to discover at age 51. :)

    Hope everyone is having a nice relaxing Memorial Day.

  • Houston2016
    Houston2016 Member Posts: 248

    Hi everyone, thanks for your reply. I really hope it's the Neulastin as I'm terrified about the long term heart damage effects. My OC said the same thing. It kinda gets better as I approached the second week. My next one is the last and fourth of AC. Wonder if I should switch to Taxoterra instead of Cytoxan and Adriamycin. Then again some ladies said Taxoterr gives perm baldness. What can I do? Any help please.

  • Houston2016
    Houston2016 Member Posts: 248

    Hi ladies, I read on some posts some are doing well with Taxol (once a week for 12 weeks) but some are not doing well. I thought taxol is a lighter drug with less SE. Does your hair grow out during the taxol and what are it's major SE. I went through AC with nausea but no vomiting. I like to prepare for the taxol as I plan to go back to work soon. Thanks for any inputs, advice!!

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Bagger - Pimples! How fun! We get to relive our teenage years without the drama... :P

    Houston - any way you can have your MO recommend an echo cardiogram? I had one done half way through AC and my heart was fine. But it did give me peace of mind. Honestly I would probably stay the course - you have one more round of AC, and it's done. If you are very worried, ask your MO about skipping it - that's what Numb is doing because she has had such horrible side effects.

    Taxol for me is WAY easier. My energy level is back to normal. My cardio capacity is still lower than normal, and I don't think that will change too much until I'm through chemo. However, I WANT to do the things I love and that's a huge change. However, I have read that others do not have the same experience. I think the odds are in your favor, but if 80% of people do better, someone has to be in the 20% unfortunately.

  • Houston2016
    Houston2016 Member Posts: 248

    Thanks CJ, yes I would love to skip it but not sure if that would impact my treatment. Glad to hear you did well with Taxol. Hope it does the same for me since the majority of people did.

  • Numb
    Numb Member Posts: 307

    Out of hospital now and feeling good again, thank God.  Had a good consultation with my Oncologist this morning and asked her again all about cancelling the last AC.  She does a lot of research on breast cancer and is on a lot of committees that discuss it so she said that there is a FEC chemo that is similar to AC and that only entails doing 3 rounds so 3 rounds of AC is fine for me too.   As she said herself this is just to stop any miniscule particles of the tumour that might have broken away from developing in my body at a future date but that because I had good clear margins and no lymph node involvement that it is unlikely that there are any.   So I now feel good about it and I am, of course, delighted that I won't be doing that last round.  My Onc just said that AC x 4 is the standard dose but that it doesn't suit everyone to have 4 doses.

    My white cells were  .4 on Friday, but 5.0 this morning, so even though I got the Neulasta shot it didn't stop them plummeting but see how fast they came back.

    CJSHARMA -  It's great news that you are finding the Taxol so much better.  I am starting the Taxol on 9th June and am hanging on your every word.  I suppose we can't expect no side effects at all but so long as I can function I will just do my best with it. 

    HOUSTON2016 -  I had an ECG and a chest x-ray last Friday when I arrived at the hospital and even though I had heart pressure for a few days last week, which wasn't pleasant I might add, my ECG and chest x-ray were fine.   I am just hoping and praying that I don't get this side effect on Taxol.   I would have to be hospitalized if I was to do round 4 of the AC but I am fully confident in my Onc's decision for me not to have it.  I didn't ask her could I forego it, she was the one who suggested it. 

    HEATHET - thanks for the info on the port.   I have been having terrible trouble with my veins and had to have blood taken from a vein in my foot while in hospital.  At least the port should be a lot easier.    

  • Zoziana
    Zoziana Member Posts: 102

    Hello all again! Been following all.

    Numb: So, so sorry to hear you were very under the weather, but delighted you are better and will be able to move forward. The port is a dream for me: I have terrible vein trouble every time I have an IV for any reason, so I was in love with my port from the first time it was used, the day after placement. It hurt a bit, for about a week, but nothing I minded much (at least, not after a double BMX...:) I agree with your MO, and we would all do well to remember that every body is different. Some of us are more sensitive to certain drugs, and that is just the way it is. I understand how at first you might have felt disappointed you couldn't finish, but I am glad you powered through that negative feeling!

    Everyone re: Taxol: Just a word of caution to those expecting it to be "so much easier." It is for some--but not all. Hopefully it will be for you. I have done week #5 of 12 weeks of weekly Taxol (with Herceptin--standard for Triple positives getting chemo in the post-surgery period ), and it was a breeze in week #1. Each week has been harder. My MO said with this weekly taxol, the effects are cumulative. It's hard for me to segment out what is taxol related and what is Herceptin , but it hasn't been dreadful, but not a walk in the park either, mainly due to GI, nausea, headaches and flu like symptoms (that is probably the HErceptin).

    I don't even count things like dry skin and dry eyes (they are easily solvable problems), but I have had bad diarrhea, itchy finger, hand , wrist and arm rashes, sharp migraine-like headache pains (usually last a day), very bad GI systemic pain (like your entire intestines and stomach are knotted together an then sliced with a knife), and now am getting outrageous heel itching and some heel pain. (I have been icing hands and toes, but not whole feet; will bring frozen peas for heels this week.) Also, I have trouble doing high level thinking and analysis for more than 2 hours straight (yes, I take an hourly short stand up break)....when normally I can do that for stretches of 8 hours easily and up to 12 if I must. And of course I am physically very tired. But I am getting out for exercise 5 of 7 days, though not at all as hard or as much as I was doing before. And I am not doing as much around the house at all, nor with work. I am able to do less at home due to my husband (bless him) and at work because I took time off except for an absolutely essential project.

    What is my point? Everyone is different. Most would have expected me to "sail" through chemo , given my fitness, the amount of activity in my pre-cancer life (job, exercise, family, hobbies, travel, etc.) but I am not is more like rowing. It is hard work, and sometimes, it feels there is a strong headwind and quite a few swells, and I'm not making a lot of progress...but I still pull those oars, even on the harder days, and make my way forward. (AnnieKaja, it is that mental decision, isn't it; we sometimes just have to go through the motions but then, doing so does make us feel better!) And on the good days, I'm pretty sure I'm headed for an Olympic rowing team and I genuinely feel like a goddess or superwoman (yes, agree Jlb2016!) --terribly impressed with myself until I collapse exhausted on some sofa. While it is good to know about different experiences, it is also good to know that you must experience and live through this chemo yourself, your way. And that is okay! Along that note, thank you to Lovilylynne! Your note was so very good to read!

    That's it for now..I think! Here is to a good week for all.

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    I absolutely agree Zo - compared to AC it has been a breeze for me, but there are side effects and I do expect them to get worse. I get my infusion on Thursday - Friday my hands were so dry they really hurt. I could type, but it was not fun. My fingers are still numb in spots, and I'm icing and taking Gultimine. I've been more highly energetic (which makes me so happy) but yesterday after all of my activity on Sunday, I knew I pushed it and had some chemo fatigue. Funny how it's so obviously different from regular fatigue. I'm 5'9 and not a small woman and I'm strong. But I still have issues with heavier weights - especially above the head. I was about to do a workout and a 3.5 mile hike on Sunday - but keep in mind that I cut the workout short (30 minutes instead of 45) and a 3.5 mile hike should be easy for me - the flat was - the uphill, well I had to rest several times, and I usually don't. What I'm saying is that I have a base level of fitness that is fairly high, anyway. I also go every other week and I only have 4 infusions, so weekly and 12 weeks will be different.

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    Okay - today the fatigue has hit. No where near as bad as AC, but still exhausting.

    And I appear to have a patch of hair growing back - right behind my left ear. I'm going to look like one of those crazy old men.

  • Katjadvm
    Katjadvm Member Posts: 117

    Hi everyone. For those starting taxol, there is evidence that glutamine supplementation can help with the gi and neuro side effects. Just ordered mine to get ready. Let me know if anyone else is taking it.


  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305

    I'm taking it. 10 g 2-3 times a day.