Joining the Stage IIIC club With a Fearful Heart



  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited July 2016

    Doing the happy dance for you, Lindzanne! And like Traveltext says, many (if not most) of us had very tolerable side effects. It's not like the movies; there's a lot of meds that are used to help you through it. One day at a time. You'll get through this.

    This is my brother and me at the Huntington Gardens. As you can see, I was not swooning at home with my head in a bucket.


  • traveltext
    traveltext Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2016

    Good stuff sbelizabeth, let's get the pics out of the digital vaults. This is the second of my six treatments delivered by the talented Rochelle.


  • ash123
    ash123 Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2016

    Great news Lindszanne. I had very few side effects from chemo other than fatigue. Sending positive vibes.

  • Lindzanne
    Lindzanne Member Posts: 32
    edited July 2016

    Love the photos guys! You're so inspiring. I do feel pretty rotten this evening but hoping it won't get too bad. I've got an arsenal of meds and nausea supplies. I feel tired in a way I've never felt before. But, I'm just so grateful it hasn't spread I'll take it. Thanks for your good wishes, inspiration, and showing up for mexample during these last couple of weeks. Felt like the longest few weeks of my life. I so appreciate all of you.

  • HelenWNZ
    HelenWNZ Member Posts: 404
    edited July 2016

    That is awesome news Lindzanne the relief is an incredible feeling. My rock cried too. Hope chemo goes well for you. I have my first oncology appt on Tuesday to get my plan and just cant wait to get this part of the journey over with.

    Keep us posted. Take care

  • Maya15
    Maya15 Member Posts: 112
    edited July 2016

    Really great news, Lindzanne! Hope your weekend isn't too crappy from the chemo. It does get better quite fast. My AC infusions were on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays I was pretty sick (nausea, slept most of the day), Monday's were better and Tuesday I was back to normal activities. Appetite took a few extra days to get back to normal.

  • Lindzanne
    Lindzanne Member Posts: 32
    edited July 2016

    Thank you Maya I have been hearing that's kind of a time frame for how the AC goes and I am hoping I'm similar to you! Today is day 3 for me and I woke up feeling pretty sick but so far my meds have been helping a lot.

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474
    edited September 2016

    Hi Lindzanne, Hope you finished up chemo and are on the the next phase = living! I am a 2x bc survivor (I guess). 2nd time around went to my axilla - 10/14 nodes. I don't even know if they consider a local reccurrence officially stage 3c as my nurse practitioner said they don't re-stage. Ohhhhkay...... CT and Bone scan clear...sure glad we either caught it in time, or in time to give me more time. Radiation effects came in to play 4 months after (I was flip flopped - they did surgery, rads then chemo second time around). It's some scary sh!! but I took a wonderful vacation 2 months after chemo and finally started to have days that breast cancer didn't enter my mind but 1 or 2 times and late in the day if then. I still trust my attivan in the evenings more than I do my head to help wind down, but it's tentatively less stressful then the first few months re-diagnosed. I also had a full hysterectomy and switched to Arimidex. There is a lot of things to throw at this stuff thankfully....God bless

  • Mlg1
    Mlg1 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2016


    I just found out I have breast cancer. I am waiting for the cancer surgeon. The mass is about 3 inches, which means huge. I am scared trying to see how far it I gone or if is local. Did anybody have such a large breast tumor? This started suddenly with breast pain, breast hot to touch and swelling.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited September 2016

    MIg1, I'm sorry about your new diagnosis but I'm glad you found us.

    There are so many women and men on these boards who are kind and giving. You've found a good place to share your concerns. If you look around a bit you'll find that the variety of experiences is vast, and there will be people whose tumor characteristics are close to your own.

    My own tumor was very tiny, but it had spread to lymph nodes and an "umbrella" of skin above the lump. If you just received results of the biopsy and are waiting for an appointment with the breast surgeon, I would encourage you arrange to see the surgeon AND the oncologist as soon as possible. This is the "team" who will help you put together a battle plan.

    Hang in there. I know these are anxious days, but it will get better. Gentle hugs.

  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2016

    Mig...mine was very large at 6.5 cm!! I was very scared when I first found out.

    And, had spread to 3 nodes. Which put me as stage 3 A.

    You could VERY well be stage 2 A....edited my post because I don't remember what stage 1 is....but please do NOT worry.


  • lkc
    lkc Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2016

    just back from my Routine Onc visit; all's well and blessedly healthy , this after a really dismal stageIIIC , her 2 pos , 12 pos nodes, and no clear surg margins, ( only one of my family to suvive this beast) 11 .5 yrs ago., and all the negative statistics (back then)

    There is so much hope and great LIFE after this crap

    Wish you all a gentle road that no one wants to travel on

  • lkc
    lkc Member Posts: 183
    edited September 2016

    imagehere's a pic

  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
    edited September 2016

    Linda - I love your post and your pic! You are so beautiful...thank-you for giving us stage 3ers so much hope!!!! Smile

  • jojobird
    jojobird Member Posts: 99
    edited September 2016

    I am so glad the scans gave good news, Lindzanne! More power to you.

  • ssinuk
    ssinuk Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2016

    Reaching out to borrow some courage and hope if any of you can spare some.... Im gearing up for a PET scan next Monday, onc has them scheduled every 3 months as my risk of recurrence is so high in his opinion. I held my little girl tonight praying with all my being that her tender little heart be spared the tragedy & devastation of losing me. All of you with young kids know this torture. Help appreciated ladies.....

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited October 2016

    Oh, heart breaks for you and this worry. Among my group of peeps, we have an understanding that when one of us is in a tough place, the rest of us form a spiritual raft and she can climb on and float for a while. We will be your raft, offering courage and hope.

    Praying for you and your little one.

  • hopefour
    hopefour Member Posts: 104
    edited October 2016

    Yes, SSInUK I have some extra courage and prayers..sending it your way! He's watching you closely, but that doesn't mean it will come back. I will be going for check ups every 6 mos for the rest of my life because of this grade 1 cancer that can come back anytime..even 25 years from now!! Today you are here and well. Hold tight to that little girl and believe you will be here for many, many years!! Praying for you!!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited October 2016

    "Today you are here and well." Wonderful words, hopefour.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited October 2016

    SSinUK~ sending you some courage and peace with love. ((Hugs))

  • ssinuk
    ssinuk Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2016

    Thank you. Very tearful tonight. My daughter is a tender passionate little thing and tonight she wept for fear I would one day be old. I can't even find words for how it made me feel and the thoughts in my head. I appreciate you being out there and understanding very very much. can't believe I'm still 5 days from the scam and 12 from results

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474
    edited October 2016

    SSinUK...Strength and courage to you. I am in a similar boat, 7 yr old son and I've already had one recurrence (was diagnosed when he was 2). Vigilance on my part caught the recurrence local/regional but what a crap deal. Just when you come to terms with your own mortality your heart reminds you of what's at stake for those around you. The movie "The Fault in Our Stars" had a great quote..."I'm like a grenade, and when I go off I'm going to destroy everyone around me". I take heart with each milestone my son passes - that is one more small step I was here for him. My cousin's mom died when she was young and my piece of crap uncle is in jail. What a childhood to overcome - and she did! She is a wonderful, loving human being, mom, wife and strong, good kind friend. Your daughter already has a better start than so many with a mother who wants her, loves her, points her in the right direction. Heaven forbid we have to leave our kids too early, at least they will always know they were wanted, cherished and loved to the moon and back. My guy is spoiled! He is not a bad kid, we are working on compassion, being a good listener, building friendships for him and groups of kids, sports, activities that I hope will carry him through whatever may come. It's the best we can many lives have ended suddenly by accident or in war and conflict. At least I planned for his college, he will remember me and hopefully hang on to some of the things I've said and done with him. Oh, and no matter what, we ain't dead yet! If the worst happens and it comes back, we have many inspirational sisters who have fought long and with dignity. As mothers, we do what we must. You have it in you.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited October 2016

    My twins are now 34-years-old. Successful, happy adults, with families of their own; thank you, God. But I remember when they were 9 or 10, and the fact of my mortality struck them. Some day, their momma would be in heaven, probably leaving them behind here. They cried. And I said, TODAY, today, we are here and we share love and friendship and each other.

    One day at a time. Today we are here and well.

  • dancingelizabeth
    dancingelizabeth Member Posts: 305
    edited October 2016

    SsinUK - my thoughts and prayers are with you...please know you are not alone in this agony...I too have a young daughter....(((Hugs)))

  • HelenWNZ
    HelenWNZ Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2016

    Hoping for the very best for you. I'm in the same boat and am very fearful at the moment to. I have a pesky pain in my back and mentioned it to my oncologist in my last visit. She was very obliging and organised me a bone scan without delay. I was lucky enough to get in in 4 days. Have had to wait 10 days for results which is the killer as far as I'm concerned. My next visit with oncologist is next week. I too am high risk

  • QT314
    QT314 Member Posts: 18
    edited October 2016

    Hi Helen. My thoughts are with you. I'm on the same side of the Equator as you but across the ditch. Not all back pain is bad news-may well just be wear and tear. Stay hopeful. Pepita x

  • reflect
    reflect Member Posts: 280
    edited October 2016

    SSInUK, I'm sending a big hug, I get it.

    About all the scanning and waiting, my MO (and many here in the US) are not doing tumor markers or routine scans. They will scan if we have symptoms only. Studies show no difference in outcomes than with routine scanning, and that anxiety can be avoided. Of course every situation is different.

    My sim today (I think it's the sim. I already have 2 tattoos.) Still worried about axilla incision, taking batrim but still seems red? My shoulder has tightened up so I need to be more careful to do the exercises.

    Healing thoughts to all of you.

  • JenPam
    JenPam Member Posts: 163
    edited October 2016

    SSinUK and Helen--sending many hugs and positive healing vibes to you both.

    My MO, like reflect's MO, won't do tumor markers or routine scans. Having said that, I'm considering requesting a scan ~January/February (a year out from the end of radiation), even though I realize there's little difference in outcome based on an earlier diagnosis.

  • ssinuk
    ssinuk Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2016

    Yes Reflect and JenPam, it's the same here - they don't routinely do scans or tumour markers for all the same reasons you list. Unfortunately that tells me how suspicious my onc is that I have more disease. He started me on this regime after new findings earlier this year. So I know he thinks it's grave. My PET was yesterday - results next Monday. The very best outcome I can hope for is that I'll be facing this acute fear for my lif again in 3 months time. Trying to distract myself. And so grateful for all your kindness

  • ssinuk
    ssinuk Member Posts: 63
    edited October 2016

    Scan clear! A dozen other things listed from sore throat to inflamed thyroid - but no cancer. And Ipersuaded them to wait 4 months till the next scan - so I have till February to get on with life. Thanks so so much to all who offered kindness here.