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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Great photo, Cali. It's wonderful that you have the support of your co-workers!

    That sounds yucky, Kelly. :-( I hated sleeping...or, more accurately, attempting to sleep, on my back when I had the PICC line for IV antibiotics. When do you expect to get the drains out?


  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Cali - Awesome pic gal.

    Fantastic news, Kelly.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Love the picture Cali!!!

    My daughter turns 14 tomorrow....yikes! Luckily my cousin wrapped most of the stuff for me....hoping to get this last drain out tomorrow.

    Beautiful day in Calif today.....some wind but the sun feels great. Hope you're all doing well.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly....hope you get that last drain out tomorrow and that your daughter has a great birthday 🎉 What part of California are you in? We had a beautiful day her in Cen Cal.

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Hi Everyone!

    Thanks for the encouragement! Radiation is going pretty well, but it has me in the blues. I am not sure exactly why. Maybe because I am scared it won't work and that this cancer won't stop coming back. Or maybe because it is one more thing have to do on an already busy schedule. I am definitely over being bald!

    Love the picture, Cali! Keep kicking!!

    Barbara - I am so so sorry about surgery, your brother. So much love your way.

    Kelly - hope you are drain free tomorrow!!

    I'll post a new picture of Josie soon. I forgot my phone today. Sigh.



  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all. Sorry I was absent for a few days. We drove to San Francisco to say goodbye to my niece who is an attorney and will leave next weekend for the Hague. She will be working on the international war tribunals. Her husband is also an attorney who's firm in SF has an office in Amsterdam at which he will work. It was a very bittersweet time, so excited for both of their opportunities, but it is a very long way to Amsterdam!

    Barbara, I'm so sorry about all you're going through. First the whole mess with the post surgery issues, and then the loss of your brother! I'm thinking good thoughts for you and your whole family.

    Kelly, glad things are going well with the exception of your daughter. Being a teen is hard enough without have issues with migraines etc. I'm sure it's been hard and scary for her watching you go through all this. I hope her problems ease soon.

    Annie, the blues are perfectly normal. Radiation is hard because it's every single day. It's such a constant reminder of the treatments and what we're going through. My rads were first thing in the morning which I think helped because then I'd try to distract myself for the rest of the day in any way I could. Hang in. All of a sudden it will seem they're over.

    Cali, great picture and what a nice gesture from your colleagues. Any and all support we receive is just so special and appreciated.

    Hope everyone else is doing well.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi! Drain came out, finally a shower tomorrow. Can't wait.

    Annie- I have to say that you have more than every right to feel the blues. So I get that good news last Thursday, and that afternoon I just was teary.....I was suppose to be happy and was in the regards to the chemo response but I think we just get tired of everything, I don't know! But you're not alone!!

    Dara- welcome home!

    Cali- I'm in Orange County. Dara's not too far from me.....would be fun to do a lunch or something someday!!! Not sure where you are Annie?!! I know some of the other ladies are across the country.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Annie.... I was surprised how emotional I was during radiation. I had it during chemo then during and around surgery it went away so I figured I was over it but it hit in full force during my practice run when the young fella started drawing on my boob as I was grabbing those bars over my head...I couldn't stop the tears.

    Dara... Sounds like a fun trip. Too bad we couldn't have met for a snack or coffee off the fwy somewhere.

    Kelly...yay for drain out... I lived in O.C. many years ago in Huntington Beach and Cypress. I have lots of family there and I'm due for a visit soon...just haven't had travel energy. I would love to get together one day.

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Thanks for the encouragement. You guys are right. It is an everyday reminder and the experience can be so impersonal. But I really believe it will work. And everyone is so nice there, and really, everywhere.

    Dara - Wow. Your niece's life sounds so exciting. I have always wanted to go to Amsterdam - you will have to visit and tell us all about it!

    Kelly - Hooray for drains out!!

    And as, promised, here are some brand new pictures of my miracle baby, sweet little Josie.


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Josie!!! So fun to see you!!! Your momma is one strong woman!

    So now I'm wondering if I prefer chemo over this surgery/TE situation! I felt like I could figure out the chemo and ride most of it out. Definitely had some Sh---ty days but this is keeping me from doing things. I guess I'm expecting maybe more than I should at 2 weeks post op. I have some swelling near the lymph node and went to see the surgeon this am (you know you'd hit the weekend and then something would happen!).....she told me to basically stop using that arm - not dangerous, but the fluid "should" resolve itself back into the body. If not a needle to drain it, but then I have expanders so then that would increase the risk of infection. If I wait too long to drain then it can create scar tissue which may mean more draining times, which means more chances of infection. Geez....give me an answer lol. So we're waiting a week to see if I can lower the usage and have it go down.

    Did you follow that lol?!!

    Ok so Cali no pressure, but if you get down here and we can get Dara out- and anyone else local would be fun for a quick coffee or lunch. I saw that theres a group of women that get together in San Diego regularly which is pretty neat.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Annie... Josie is so precious ...thank you for sharing.

    Kelly....that sounds nothing ever simple?? I am so sorry but your right the weekends is when it would get crazy with no one to call. Let's pray this all clears up for you. I would love to meet somewhere that would be fun. I usually stay at my aunts in Garden Grove. We will get Dara there for sure.

  • AnnieTater
    AnnieTater Member Posts: 57

    Kelly - I am so sorry you are suffering so much. I hope today is better and it has gone down a bit.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks Ladies- I went to sleep with a pillow under the arm and it looks better this am. Thank God. I don't think I would have even noticed if I hadn't dealt with that blood clot in the same arm and that was just a nightmare. I had sent a message last night and then this am to my PCP. I feel better now, she said i can message her anytime and she'll be in the office Monday even though its a holiday. Just having someone willing to see you I've found is important when we have all these Dr's to deal with.

    Time to buckle down in Calif for this "storm of the century".....we'll see how much rain we get! I'll take advantage and just watch more TV. LOL. I need to pick up my kindle but haven't been motivated.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Hope the California peops have weathered our big storms well. Amazing what a winter of rain can do! Hope everyone is well.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    We were battened down last Friday but then only got about 1/2" I think it circled around us which is fine with me! I do love all the green hills though. We drove to SF a week ago and drove all the way up 101; it was so very lush and beautiful. Nice if you're not dealing with flooding! Take care all.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Dara- you're right- now's a great time to see green in Calif!! I usually camp out in the Anza Borrego Desert, and someone had commented the flowers should be great this year...dang it I doubt I'll get out there!

    Had another follow up with BS.....I have a seroma in my arm pit (near the sentinel node biopsy). We did the do we drain do we not drain dance. We started to go for it and as she's getting gloves on, I say- so infection risk like cellulitis? She stops- "have you had cellulitis?" Uh- they thought so lol. So we decide to wait. I don't need an infection and have to pull these crappy TE's out because of it. I'll see the PS next week and we'll see what he says and hopefully he clears me for PT as well. I never thought I'd want to actually exercise lol. I did some dishes last night and actually enjoyed being able to somewhat do them.

    Oh- hair- so i pull out some root touch up I had. Decide to color the grey....well I stained my head in spots, so now I've just got a bad hair dye job haha....luckily I'm still wearing beanies!

    Oh I asked the BS about the rest of my healing- I feel swollen on the sides of my chest. I felt like a parent at the pediatricians office....she said she thinks I'm doing great- at the 95th percentile of women at this stage. LOL....

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Ajbclan, I was glad to see that you didn't have the seroma drained. I ended up having to do daily IV antibiotics after mine was done, also at the SNB site. I know exactly what you mean about almost delighting in the ability to do minor household tasks again.


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, tell me more about the hair dye job. Is it because the hair isn't that long? I had thought of using color but figured I wait a bit since I can't wear my natural hair out anyways. I figured what's the point since I am still putting a wig over it.

    Well, my family took another hit with cancer today. My SIL just had brain surgery this morning for a small tumor and they are sure it's malignant. Damn, cancer just totally sucks and it's everywhere! Please think a good thought for her.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Oh geez Lyn- that's what I was thinking- I'd be the lucky one and end up having the TE's removed. Still on the table, I don't like the idea of just living with it for the rest of my life. I'm hoping that the PS will say "we can fix that at the exchange". LOL

    DARA- seriously- it's never friggin ending...and that's not where you want cancer (let alone anywhere I guess). Yes- will keep her in our prayers...please keep us posted. I've been reading some folks talking about PTSD with this, and I can see that. I "ran across" someone on this site who had BC 2 years ago- NED, and now back with it stage 4. Errrrrr.

    Hair- well I had salt and pepper, and it's funny- my grey patch was coming right back in at the same spot. I was almost ready to brave it with the little hair I had but didn't want that patch so did a crappy job of coloring. I kept applying it to a couple of areas so yes- maybe not enough hair- probably should have done a lighter handed job lol.

    Hope everyone else is well!! Would be so fun to hear from some of the original folks that used to post....if you lurk some times please just say hi! Would love to know how everyone is doing.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    I hope the pathology report for your SIL comes back benign, Dara. Everyone must be so worried about her.

    Ajbclan, the seroma in my breast reabsorbed with no intervention. The SNB seroma felt like a tiny porcupine nestling near my armpit, but the relief from draining it only lasted a couple of days while the infection dragged on for a month as we tried oral antibiotics before the IV. Ugh!


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Thanks Lyn- that totally helps to know you're experience! We'll see if the PS has any feedback next week as well. Have a good weekend everyone!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, are you sure your last name isn't Murphy?? It does seem like anything that could be a challenge has been one for you. Just totally unfair!!!

    I hope your PS has some good advice for you.

    Lyn, how's everything going now? No more signs of swelling?

    I too wonder about our original BC sisters on this thread. I think for many they just need to move on and put all of this behind them. I just feel like you've become friends and I like hearing how everyone is doing. And quite honestly, I still feel like there are related things still going on that I like to be able to ask about. Whenever anyone sees me and asks "So how are you doing?" I of course answer, "I am just totally great!" But it's only here I feel ok saying, well, I'm still fatigued and can't keep my eyes open past 9 pm, my bald head is still a pain in the a*& and my wig gives me a headache after 8 hrs, and my joints are all sore, etc.! I know these things are all so very very minor, but sometimes I just want to vent.

    You are all awesome and I'm glad we still come here to check in. Take care all you wonderful sisters!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Hi ladies ...went to Henderson NV to see my grandson Leo turn was fun but my poor DIL is expecting and her nose started bleeding ...with Leo it got so bad they did an embolization which was a crazy experience. It took 3 ER visits to get her any help this weekend. Kind of took over the visit but I am glad we could help a little.

    Dara...I am so sorry about your SIL ...will be praying! There goes that F**k Cancer club again!

    Kelly have had way over your share of crap with this BC. Your dye job gave me a chuckle. My little hair is coming in so dark I was thinking of dying mine. I would go blond and told my husband I'm going with pink streaks this summer after I get my survivor tattoo. He just gave me a funny look.

    I so appreciate you girls one really understands what we are going through. I have my post radiation appointment with my RO this next week and my BS set me up to see a Lymphodema person..not sure what that's about? This is my last 3 days of work week I'm 4 days and I hope I can do it.. I still get so tired after working all day.

  • sensitivehrt
    sensitivehrt Member Posts: 310


    Just wanted to pop in and say hello. How is everyone doing? Glad to see you ladies still here. I still often lurk, but just haven't posted. Feeling reflective this evening, as it was a year ago today, I had my very first mammogram and was told I was a Birads 5. Crazy year for sure, but thankful for your ladies support.

    Continued good thoughts and prayers sent to you all.

    Love the baby pics

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Wonderful pic Sensitive! Your hair looks awesome. So glad you checked in!

    Vicki, is your DIL's problem related to the pregnancy? I just hate ERs. I know we need them, but it's just so hard unless it's life threatening.

    Annie, I just love that little girl! She is so cute and love that little curl on top! Gosh she's got way longer hair than I do!

    My SIL is doing well. Her brain surgery on Friday was successful and met with an oncologist on Saturday. I haven't heard yet, but she might have even been able to go home today. It will be a very long battle but they are trying all sorts of treatments now. Keep the good thoughts coming. She has a great attitude and is determined to take care of this.

    Hi Kelly! Hope things are improving a bit.

  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    Hi everyone. I am still here been trying to keep up with all of your posts. So glad everyone seems to be doing ok. I just finished radiation abot a week ago was doing really well the first 4 weeks (i was thinking this is way to easy) and then all hell broke loose really bad burns especially underneath but now pretty much healed up. I still have to go and get herceptan infusion every 3 weeks at the hospital where i had the chemo. The smell brings it all back in my mind so its kind of hard to forget the chemo experience having to keep going in there. The nurse took my blood pressure it was 176/81 yikes. I think i was having anxiety. She said everyones bp goes up in there. It has been about 1 year since i first felt the lump in the shower. I havent had anymore scans ordered, has any one else had scans after all this treatment? Am i cured? I am not sure. Thanks to all of you for being here for me this year, i couldn't have made it without you all!!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    sensitivehr ....great picture the t-shirt.

    Dara.... Yes it only happens when she is pregnant. They tell her when expecting your blood flow increases what's unusual is they can't stop the bleeding. They cauterized today and if that doesn't work she'll have an embolization again. I hate ER too!

    Karey...glad your radiation is done. I feel like you ...I have had no scans since my rads were done. I wonder what's lurking inside there

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    I'm still lurking around. So happy everyone is doing so well.


  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Hi Ladies. Yes, I still check in on you from time to time to see how you are all doing, but haven't had anything too interesting to report. That is a good thing! I am about 18 weeks PFC and actually am feeling pretty good. I did radiation prior to chemo, so maybe a little ahead in terms of recovery of the ladies who are just finishing up radiation. The lymphedema in my shoulder and breast is mostly resolved. I think about the only things remaining are that at the end of a busy day at work, my brain shuts down. My memory fails and complex thinking is just not going to happen then. It does seem to be slowly improving. Also, my vision is still not back to where it was. Although... My prescription has changed almost every year recently anyway, so could be normal changes... I'll wait a few more months before buying a new pair of glasses though. I also still have some lovely scarring from the radiation burns. Looks like all the pigment is gone there.

    My eyelashes and eyebrows are back to normal. Well, my eyebrows have always pretty much been invisible... I cold capped, so had a little head start on hair. But... it got pretty thin, so I decided to go with a short cut while the rest grows back in. Lots of compliments on the new cut, but I don't think most people know why I cut it. I just say it was time for a change. I'm sure those who didn't know were thinking I was really letting myself go...


    We had an exchange student (from France) for 3 weeks recently. He just went home last Saturday. What a neat experience! I miss him already! We also have a vacation coming up in a couple weeks to Curacao. Very exciting! So nice to be spending my PTO on vacations instead of sick days!!!

    I'm so glad to see everyone making progress and quite a few of us finishing up. For those still in treatment, I hope that the rest is smooth sailing. For those finished, I hope your transition back to "normal" is quick and uneventful.

    I think the hardest part about being done is that the lack of effort put into giving us some piece of mind that there is nothing there. For me, there are no scheduled tests. I will see my doctor every 3 months for a year, then 2x a year for a year, then yearly. But aside from "not" feeling something, there is no reassurance. Seems like there should be more.

    Sensitive - you look amazing!!

    Annie - Your daughter is so precious. I love the curl!

    Dara - I'm so sorry that your family is experiencing this again. Best wishes to your SIL.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Everyone- so glad to see folks checking in! Love the pics! So I woke up yesterday more swollen and I had a fever. Crap- I honestly called the surgeon (who got me in quickly), but prepared to go to the hospital. I felt so crappy....and isn't it funny how now some of us are used to that stupid ER lol.

    She drained what she could on the seroma under my arm (of course I'm like "what about infection", she said it would actually help to get the gunk out). She also cut it open along the scar line too. I slept most of the afternoon into the evening, which I didn't even do much during chemo. On strong antibiotics, and I feel better so thinking they're kicking in.

    I was suppose to get my first fill today, but that won't happen. Still going to see the PS so he can check everything as well.

    I know once this kind of stuff ends (please)- I agree....we have other emotional and other side effects we will be dealing with....

    My eyebrows are coming in pretty strong. A couple of weeks ago I went to put mascara on and realized I didn't have any eyelashes lol. I think they're growing again.