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Anyone starting chemo August 2016?



  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly...well BC just keeps given to you...a pain in the butt for sure but so glad they are on top of it. It seems smooth sailing doesn't pertain to BC. BUT...we will focus on our hair growth. 😎

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Kelly -- What a PITA. You are right that it keeps giving and giving.

    I am really confused. I'm 5 weeks out of Chemo and over the weekend I lost the stubble on my head and the last of my eye brows. I am also severely short of breath, have a dry cough that is getting worse, stomach gas that is constant, an ankle that feels like it was twisted when I know it wasn't and the neuropathy in my feet is worse. I really thought things would be getting better by now.

    Radiation seems to be going well, boob is not pink and it doesn"t hurt.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Hi Ladies!

    Elizabeth- geez- is any of that a SE from hormone therapy or radiation??? I know we expect the chemo SE's to just go away so maybe a crappy combo.

    I see my PCP dr today- yesterday was the first day I felt like the clot was getting better. I honestly said 2 days ago- I'd do another round of least I knew how many days I'd feel like crap vs this pain and inability to do anything for almost 2 weeks. But I've been able to spread the pain meds out longer, and actually did some dishes and laundry. I was really hoping I'd be exercising and getting the house in order before surgery, but instead I've been practicing sitting haha.

    I do still enjoy this group of ladies....I'm periodically on other boards, but I think when you go through chemo with a group, we can relate better. Might be me haha.

    Hope you're all doing well...Cali keep checking them off!!

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    I still check in to this board also. Chemo simply sees to be the most challenging of treatments. I pop into the rads thread also, but people who are lucky enough to not need chemo just don't have the same insight.

    I'm now 13 weeks PFC and almost 2 weeks post rads, and with the exception of a little fatigue in the afternoon, feel good and more like myself. If it weren't for the bald head, I'd be able to go into denial about bc. But I've gotten used to the wig and get lots of compliments on my hair. The other night I was at a party and saw a former co-worker who didn't know about my dx. She went on and on about how much she liked my hairstyle. I finally laughed and said "Well, thanks, but I'm actually bald and this is a wig!" I thought afterwards it probably wasn't a nice thing to say, but oh well... Now it makes me think, oh crap, will my own hair look this good or will I need to wear a wig the rest of my life? lol.

    When I look back, I"m with you, Kelly. It sucked going through the treatments, but I could do another one if it was required. We're really strong women and I think attitude is key, which is where this site came into play for me.

    So nice keeping in touch with all of you!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    I think our chemo crew is one of the most important parts of my BC journey. Chemo was my lowest point and you ladies helped me through it.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Cali I agree- I think this group is a good balance of people. I've found some of the others either too negative (and not necessarily the ladies fault) or honestly too positive lol. I think the group here was real and realistic and has always had a good balance.

    Dara- hows your grandson doing with the school change?

    My arm is turning a corner for the positive- have a mastectomy bra fitting today and pre-op appt with the PS office. Should be interesting what they say with the clot and surgery timing.

    Cali are you "getting back to normal" in life now???

    Elizabeth- how are you?

    Sensitive- gaining any relief from fatigue?

    Would love to hear from any other ladies if they're still popping on once in a while.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Kelly, thanks so much for asking about Camden. The transition was a little hard, but this week he has been so happy and is excited to go to school every day. He has a one on one instructional signing aide who is also black and hearing impaired and I think it's a perfect fit. It's great for him to have that kind of model and the teacher is also doing so much more to meet his needs. I'm in the process of really trying to improve my ASL also. So many things I want to be doing now that my days aren't filled with dr appts.! Are you on blood thinners? I'll also be interested in their approach with the mastectomy and how they compensate so it doesn't happen again.

    I'm supposed to start back at my pottery studio today. I woke up during the night though with really bad lower back pain. Have no idea what I did, but hope I can still make the class.

    Cali, how is it going back to work? Do you find it's exhausting?

    Elizabeth, about 8 weeks PFC, I lost my eyebrows and lashes. Luckily, within about 2-3 weeks, the lashes started growing back, and now I'm back to wearing mascara :-)

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Dara that is so good to know.

    I am still getting my Rads, but I did go to the clinic on Monday for patient assessment. I had a long list of complaints so we went through them all. Some were just hang overs from Chemo, but the others (shortness of breath and cough) had the nurse tell me to contact my MO and RO. So yesterday I went for my first appointment with the RO's nurse since Rads started and met my MO's nurse in the hallway just before. After talking to both of them, they contacted my MO and I was sent to a chest X-Ray. Next Monday I have and Echo of my heart. So now it is just wait and see.

    Still no sign of hair. LOL!!

    Kelly I'm so glad your arm is improving so well.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Hi, Ladies,

    Since you're farther along than me, I wanted to pick your brain on something. I started my AC in mid-October and, thanks to a couple of delays, just had my 3rd Taxol yesterday. After my 3rd AC, I ended up in the ER with labored breathing, feeling faint and an elevated heart rate (100 - 120) with minor exertion. I had an echo, chest X-ray & CT scan that didn't show anything alarming. Today, I took advantage of my steroid buzz to run a few errands. The first two were easy so no problems. Then, I made a leisurely circuit at Costco and, while loading up my van, I got extremely lightheaded, nauseous and my heart was racing to a point that I had to lie down across the front seat to avoid fainting.

    Have any of you had this difficulty in terms of endurance? I wasn't in great shape when the cancer process begin because what I thought was a hip implant failure ultimately turned out to be a herniated disc / sacroiliac joint issue that made it extremely painful to walk or even stand for six months. Prior to that, I taught competition dog obedience classes 3-4 hours per week and trained / trialed my own dogs so I was fairly active. Right now, it feels like I'll never be able to return to work. :-(


  • karey59
    karey59 Member Posts: 49

    hi everyone haven't posted for awhile but I am also experiencing shortness of breath and many pains in my legs. I was thinking perhaps the herceptan but I see not everyonr is Her2 positive. I have had 7 rads still ok with that. Do you think its after effects from chemo and we are just plain OLD! ! Maybe the chemo hits us harder, i am 60. I see my MO next week i have only had one echo and i should have had another one the heart damage scares me. I will let you all know what i find out. I am only working 2 days a week but its not easy!!!!!

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Lyn it really takes time to get every thing back, but have your doctor do and echo-cardiogram to see how the Herceptin is doing. One of the main SE's for it is heart problems. This is the page for info on Herceptin:

    I have had lots of fatigue, coupled with shortness of breath and coughing.

    Karey, I am 67 and taking Herceptin. I started it with the second Taxol infusion. So far I have had 5 infusions of it. My MO sent me for a cardiogram before I started the treatment and next Monday I am scheduled for another Echo. Please read the information on Herceptin. Hereptin gives flu like aches and pains... and should dissipate the further we progress in treatment. Please contact your MO with the shortness of breath problem.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    I'm not taking Herceptin but I do think it takes a while to recover from the chemo anyways. Definitely talk to your Dr' other crap to go with our crap!

    Dara- so glad he's doing well, sounds like a great set up. Are you feeling better with the back pain?

    Just met and signed my life away at the plastic surgeons office- looks like we're moving forward with my surgery for 1/31. I'm sure I'll be back here whining before no time haha.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    So went to my pottery class today and just had a ball! I worried I wouldn't be able to sit over the wheel, but it was OK. The class was 3 hours long, and I stayed for the whole time! Drove home, which was 1 hr., walked in the door, went straight to bed and took a 2 hr nap! It's 8:15 and I think I could go in and go to sleep again right now! LOL, I guess I'm not completely back to normal!

    Lyn, I can do one or two errands, but then I still get exhausted. I'm now 13 weeks PFC and 2 weeks post rads. I've been told by others that it can be up to a year before energy completely returns.

    Kelly, any changes yet with your arm?

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly....glad things are improving. We will be here if any whining begins. :)

    Dara...that is great news about Camden. Must make your heart happy.

    Lyn...that must of been scary. I see that seems to be happening to others though so good to know its not just you.

    I had my first full day of work & then went to radiation ...I was exhausted after I told DH he could cook or get take out. I have been having this cramping which is irritating. Went to gynecologist and she ordered apelvic ultra sound and a colonoscopy ....I'm really not up to finding anything wrong.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Thanks for the responses, folks. Elizabeth, I'm sorry that we share some adverse side effects. I had an echo after AC #3 when I when I went to the ER. That report was compared to my pre-chemo echo from September and there wasn't anything alarming disclosed. They focus on the left ejection fraction (hope I recall that correctly). I'm triple negative so not taking Herceptin.

    My chemo nurse mentioned labored breathing / shortness of breath and elevated heart rate are typical symptoms of dehydration. When I got fluids, it did make me feel significantly better by the time I left the infusion center, but we can't realistically do that every few days. I drink so much water that I have occasionally had low sodium and been told to back off, but it's like my body is dehydrating despite the intake. On AC, my blood pressure fell to a point that I had to stop my usual medicine altogether some days. (No complaints about that!) It's come back up with Taxol so I don't think that was a factor yesterday. Luckily, I don't have a cough, but my triple negative friend who is a few weeks ahead of me in treatment has had that as well as the shortness of breath and racing heart. It's weird that so many of us have these symptoms, yet I don't recall them being mentioned during my chemo class. Instead, the information was about fever, mouth sores, nausea, big D, constipation, etc.

    It's discouraging to hear that regaining our endurance can be a slow process. I'll still have radiation after chemo and I know that can sap our strength as well and I've had severe Fibromyalgia since 1989 so fatigue was already an issue. As an added bonus, lying bent awkwardly sideways in the van to avoid passing out antagonized my blasted back pain, too. Grrrrr! I try not to be a Wendy Whiner, but a gal wants to be able run a few errands without fear of keeling over, darn it! Grumble, mumble, grumble!


  • kechla
    kechla Member Posts: 181

    Hello Ladies! It has been a while since I have posted, but I do check in from time to time to see how you all are doing. I am 11 weeks PFC today (and I did rads prior to chemo).

    I went for my first haircut since chemo yesterday (I did cold capping). I had lost about 35-40% of my hair, so it was pretty mousy and lots of wisps everywhere of new growth. I went for a very short cut on sides/back and longer side bangs. I don't think most people realized why I cut so much off, but anyway got lots of compliments so I will take it. :) At my hairdresser, she said that she loves working with chemo patients who are just getting their hair back. There are a lot of cute short styles that they might not try otherwise. I've never had my hair this short, so it was a bit of a shock, but I think I like it. Something to look forward to soon for those whose hair is finally deciding to make an appearance.

    I have struggled with some lymphedema in my trunk/right shoulder and a painful right shoulder. Presumably from radiation of my lymph nodes and scar tissue collecting in my shoulder. It started after trying to start working out a little after I finished chemo. I've been to the physical therapist twice and between the stretching and lymphatic massage, it seems to be resolving slowly. I still have a hard time reaching my hand toward the small of my back. It has taken about 2 months to see some improvement. Also, seems the old advise of not lifting is no longer the norm. My doctor wants me using the arm regularly. (I'm just not supposed to do any extreme lifting yet so I don't injure myself while my shoulder is weakened.)

    I have been dieting and exercising to try to take off the 40 lbs (yikes!!!) gained this year (mostly during chemo). Down 15 so far. We are doing a biggest loser challenge at work, so that is also helping to keep me motivated. The tamoxifen is not making it easy though. I think most of the 15 pounds I've lost so far was probably water weight from the steroids.

    Also, strangely, I have had big D on and off for about 4 weeks (I never had it during chemo). Dr. thinks viral, but I think may be related to Tamoxifen. I guess we'll see if it resolves... Seems better this week. Hot flashes were pretty common right after starting tamoxifen, but have tapered down to nearly nothing. Wondering if it is still working for me. When I told my nurse that yes, I was getting hot flashes, she said that was good and that she would be worried the medicine was not working on me if I wasn't. So now, a little concerned about that... I don't go in again for another

    I feel like between 8-10 weeks was really a turning point for me where I really didn't feel exhausted all the time. I can walk up a flight of stairs again without getting completely out of breath. I started taking a pilates exercise class again this week. I was out of shape for sure, but got through the whole class. My mom who is also a bc survivor went with me. It is a class given by our BC center for all survivors (regardless of where they were treated). What a great option! I think it will be a good way for me to transition back to getting in shape. I was doing Ferrell's (extreme body shaping and kickboxing) prior to my diagnosis and I am not even close to being ready for that, but baby steps...

    I am so happy to hear so many of you are finishing up on chemo/rads/surgeries. How many on here still have a ways to go? Best of luck to you all towards the ends of your treatments and into recovery.

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kechla....great to hear how well you are doing. I am still in the middle of rads and back at work so I'm very tired off and on. I get tired just walking in to ride my I sure hope to get into better shape after this over and energy finds it way back. I'm getting some hair but not enough to style.

    Dara...forgot to comment on your being ableto use mascara now ...I am just getting some of my lashes back so that is impressive.

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Really glad to have your update Kechia. I will be happy to get to where you are on the energy level.

    My rads seem to be going really well. Not sure what the difference is, but I only have to do 16 of them. Today will be 9/16.

    Still having problems with shortness of breath, but it seems to have gotten a little better. I really seem to have a big problem with it just after my Rads. I think this is because of the effect of the Rads on the lung.

    I have gotten some B-6 and B-12 to help with the neuropathy in my feet and hands. The hands are not affect very much, but the toes and balls of my feet are worse.

    AND I finally have some peach fuzz on my noggin, but no eyelashes yet.

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    So good to hear from all of you! I just verified I can't do some of the other boards lol. Staying here haha.

    I'm already confused as to what's leftover chemo, for me- related to blood clot and just lack of exercise. I can't imagine adding radiation and hormones on top- how can we keep it straight?!! It's gotta be our body reacting to the constant barrage of stuff happening to it!

    Elizabeth- if it wasn't raining this week here (ok- i COULD walk in the rain)- I'd try and get out, but even going up and down the stairs with laundry makes me tired. I'm getting more out of shape when I need to get in better shape before surgery.

    Dara- what are you making in the pottery class??

    Kechla- so glad to see your post- hate the idea of lymphedema- I got a compression sleeve for the blood clot and talked to the woman fitting it a little about that. I know it's something I will need to be aware of but good to know about the exercise encouragement. I'd like to get further educated and I think my hosp has something I can go to, need to follow up.

    Lyn- are you still going through chemo? I agree- I'd laugh at the fact I'd be so tired after doing what would be "nothing" before.

    Cali- keep us posted- on top of your stuff and healing, those are not fun exams! I feel like I'm trying to test to avoid anything else!!

    Arm is itchy and the vein was hard last night. Weirdest thing, but pain is better so I'll take that. I also went to another genetics counseling appt. My mom had colon cancer (after 2 BC's), and I read they can do counseling/testing for it- got approved for a counseling so went for it. Same genetic counselor so she had my history. Basically- not enough "history" to make it necessary for gene testing on the colon gene(s). Funny- I remember them saying that with me after my mom's breast cancer 10 years ago lol. I've only had two pre-cancerous polyps- and I'd need like 10 - no thanks. We did talk more about my BC gene testing as I've got a variance on one (PALB2)- so it means they don't know yet if it's a mutation. If it does end up being positive- my risk goes up for Ovarian and Pancreatic cancers- I'd have ovaries/tubes removed. Good times lol. It could take months to years for them to figure it out so another waiting game.

    I can't thank you all enough for staying here! I hope others pop on once in a while as well. I know sometimes it's hard to read and then try and post. If anyone is lurking say hi ;) I've come to appreciate this board the most.

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Yes, Ajbclan, I'm still doing chemo...AC done plus 4 of 22 weekly Taxol. I initially joined this group, but my chemo was delayed by an infection that developed when the surgeon drained a seroma at my sentinel node biopsy sure. I ultimately ended up having to get a PICC line and do two weeks of daily IV antibiotics so didn't get to start my chemo until October. Boy, do I wish I could take back that office visit as well as the ER visit where the nurse ignored my concerns, inserted an IV line and gave me lymphedema.

    I'm sorry to hear that your vein is hard, but am glad that your pain has diminished. Being in limbo with the genetic testing is the pits. :-(

    I've continued to read the notes here and watching this group work through the highs and lows of treatment helped prepare me for my own chemo. THANK YOU!


  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Kelly...this is my home board ..y'all are sure great. I am glad your doing better but seriously....I think you didn't need this detour of more pain and suffering. My genetic testing was blood sent to some outside company that called to discuss it. I was in the middle of chemo and really didn't even pay attention. Now I wonder what questions I should of asked??

    Lyn...I remember you had your detour also which has made your chemo experience seem to go on & on. Sorry that sometimes the choices one medical person makes can cause so much suffering.

    Elizabeth ... I am with ya there sista...fuzz noggin and no lashes ..well some little ones that cause my eyelids to swell and itch ...I guess they are all pushing out at the same time??

    I had my lovely pelvic ultra sound and for a bonus I got a vaginal one too!! Lovely lunch hour break. I can say it made me a bit sad as I waited and started thinkingbecause it was the breast ultra sound after my mammogram that began my new journey in life. I was thinking I pray this is nothing big this time. Maybe some scar tissue!!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Fingers crossed for favorable results, Cali!


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    Lyn- you're still a part of this group!! The delays just make everything drag!

    Cali- that's not a lunch that anyone wants and now to wait again, errrrrr. Please keep us posted. I now understand why my mom seemed so 'paranoid' after her cancer bouts.....we just jump in our minds and we just want to move on and live life again!

    Hair growth- fuzz like some of you- I think the brows and eyelashes are still exiting haha....I honestly forget until I go out to the store (I hadn't been out in a couple of weeks with the arm so again- forget the public reaction).....those few second lingering stares remind me- oh yah- I have no hair/brows/lashes hehe. Deal with it grocery shoppers :)

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    Kechla, I'm glad that you've moved past the point of feeling exhausted with minor errands. Do you eat yogurt? That sometimes helps me with the Big D and I think it's gentler on the system then probiotics in a bottle.


  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Morning. This thread and lumpectomy lounge are basically the only ones I stick with regularly.

    Kelly, is the vein being harder a good thing? Are you now on blood thinners? You may have mentioned it but can't remember (chemo brain, right? lol) My husband has been on Coumadin for years. With pottery, I throw on a wheel. I find it's so therapeutic and I forget about everything else when I pot. Yesterday I got to puppy sit for my son and family's new puppy, a 6 week of female basset hound. She is so young that most of the day she just wanted to be on my lap asleep. So darling! (but glad I got to come home and get a good night's sleep!)


    One other little positive note regarding my little grandson, Camden... He's now in his 3rd week at the new school and just loves it. His teacher called my daughter yesterday to request a parent conference next week. They have a BIG IEP (eval) in two weeks, but the teacher wants to meet early because she said they are all so impressed with how smart he is, how fast he is learning and meeting goals, and retaining what he has learned. (This same child who at the old school, was just allowed to wander the classroom because they said he really couldn't learn... in kindergarten!) The teacher wants to discuss his goals because he will will be attaining his goals for the year very quickly. What a difference!

    Well, I think on Tuesday I must have pulled a muscle in my lower back, at least I hope I just pulled a muscle. I woke up during the night with it aching and have been pampering it since then. I hope it's nothing else or a late reaction to my estrogen blocker. I'll see my RO next week, and my MO the beginning of Feb. Isn't it hard when you feel any ache or pain not to just to conclusions that it's related to cancer?

    Cali, sure hope all the tests come back clear.

    Lyn, Elizabeth, and all, hope you have a good weekend! Everyone stay healthy and let's enjoy the moment!

  • vlh
    vlh Member Posts: 773

    I can smell the puppy breath through the phone, Dara. What a doll!


  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396

    The puppy is adorable!! Love it Dara! GREAT news on the grandson!! Sorry your back is hurting, yes I think we're all going to be on egg shells for a while. I am on thinners right now...not sure for how long. I like what you said- enjoy the moment. I finally got out for a little walk, I can reach across and actually scrub my other arm without good day lol.

  • SweetRain52
    SweetRain52 Member Posts: 19

    Sensitivehrt, I am so excited for you! Hair!!! I ended chemo about three weeks ago and have peach fuzz. I just wish my stomach wasn't upset so often. Good luck and God bless you!

  • SweetRain52
    SweetRain52 Member Posts: 19

    Does anyone know what to do about upset stomach. Keep getting crampy stomach, makes living just awful. I finished chemo about three weeks ago, but the last Nulasta didn't work and my white blood cell count dropped considerably. I felt like a dishrag. Then I got the awful cold that is going around Cleveland. You cough and cough, especially at night. I've been coughing for three weeks, and heard that this cold lasts for 4+. Low WBC didn't help. I could deal with it so much better if I could eat normally. Any comments, help is welcome! God bless you all!

  • caligirl55
    caligirl55 Member Posts: 407

    Hope everyone had a peaceful & relaxing weekend.

    Dara...your grandpup is so cute. I'm so happy about your grandson...what a difference! Sorry about your back. I pulled something the other day lifting my granddaughter and now get to add that to my complaints 😬

    Kelly... It does get frustrating when we don't look or feel like our old makes me sad at times. Being back at work I've lots of strange looks from the kids and my caps on.

    SweetRain....I know with radiation you get the upset stomach too so not sure when that will end. I just had an ultra sound because of so much cramping they want to make sure it's nothing too bad. I am not sure how long I will have to wait to hear from them for results??